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Publisher : Universitas Slamet Riyadi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (378.133 KB) | DOI: 10.33061/rsfu.v6i1.6848


Kemajuan Ideologi dan Konstitusi dalam Pancasila dan UUD 1945 ditengah kemajuan negara pasca perang Dingin dan perang Dunia II beserta keterkaitannya terhadap posisi rakyat sebagai bangsa dan WNI. Dengan pendekatan sosiolegal, ditemukan terjadinya kemajuan pancasila dan UUD 1945 dari ideologi dan kostitusi yang berwatak pascakolonial kepada ideologi dan kostitusi yang berwatak pascaotoritarian. Pergantian tersebut ditandai dengan berkurangnya tujuan rekonstruksi tradisi dan dekolonisasi dalam UUD 1945. Proklamasi kemerdekaan tahun 1945, ditinjau dari segi hukum tata negara, bahwa bangsa indonesia sudah memutuskan ikatan dengan tatanan hukum yang sebelumnya, baik dengan Hindia-Belanda maupun Jepang. Bahwa indonesia telah membangun tatanan hukum yang baru, yaitu tatanan hukum indonesia, yang isinya hukum Indonesia ditentukan dan dilaksanakan sendiri oleh bangsa Indonesia. Hal yang mendasar dari amandemen UUD NKRI th. 1945 adalah dihapuskannya Garis-Garis Besar Haluan Negara (GBHN) dalam sistem ketatanegaraan RI. Tujuan dan sasaran pembangunan nasional di indonesia saat ini belum cukup memadai, tidak terencana dan sulit diukur tingkat keberhasilannya. Hingga saat ini belum mampu dijadikan acuan pembangunan nasional. Merehabilitasi keberadaan GBHN dapat berdampak positif dalam cara menjaga dan melindungi eksistensi MPR sebagai salah satu lembaga negara. Indonesia merupakan suatu negara dalam melaksanakan organisasinya membutuhkan aturan yang sesuai dengan nilai budaya bangsanya. Nilai budaya bangsa tersebut tercantum dalam dasar negara yaitu pancasila yang merupakan jiwa dari peraturan ketatanegaraan yaitu UUD 1945. Sistem pemerintahan indonesia adalah presidensil, presiden berkedudukan sebagai kepala negara sekaligus sebagai kepala pemerintahan. Kekuasaan negara berada ditangan 3 kekuasaan, yaitu legislatif, eksekutif dan yudikatif. Ketiga kekuasaan tersebut mempunyai tugas, fungsi dan wewenang yang berbeda.
Efektivitas Latihan Peregangan Otot Terhadap Penurunan Tingkat Nyeri Punggung Bawah Pada Perawat Riski Amalia; Mursal; Irfanita Nurhidayah; Novianti
MEDIA ILMU KESEHATAN Vol 11 No 1 (2022): Media Ilmu Kesehatan
Publisher : Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30989/mik.v11i1.640


Background: Lower back pain health problems generally occur in nurses, which can limit nurses in providing patient care and absence from work. Lower back pain can cause a decrease in the quality and productivity of work in hospitals.Objective To determine the effectiveness of muscle stretching exercises in reducing lower back pain in nurses at Palang Merah Indonesia Hospital in North Aceh.Methods: This study is a Quasi Experiment with a pretest-posttest design and no control group. In this study, the researcher used 30 samples using purposive sampling techniques. The instrument used in this study was the Numerical Rating Scale (NPRS). The data analysis used was a paired t-test.Results: Based on the current findings of this study, the effectiveness of muscle stretching exercises in decreasing the level of the lower back in nurses (p< 0.05).Conclusion: The effectiveness of muscle stretching exercises in reducing low back pain in nurses. Still, nurses need stretching exercises and strengthening variations with stretching or aerobic exercises to prevent lower back pain levels
Hubungan status gizi dan morbiditas balita pada desa lokus dan non lokus di 13 kabupaten lokus stunting di Indonesia tahun 2019: Indonesia Ika Saptarini; Prisca Petty Arfines; Novianti; Yurista Permanasari
Publisher : IAKMI South Tangerang Branch

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58185/jkr.v13i2.44


Abstrak Latar Belakang: Infeksi saluran pernapasan akut (ISPA) dan diare masih menjadi penyebab morbiditas dan mortalitas balita yang signifikan di seluruh dunia. Selain itu, permasalahan gizi juga masih menjadi permasalahan kesehatan di tingkat global meskipun telah prevalensi permasalahn gizi telah cukup mengalami penurunan selama beberapa tahun terakhir. Adanya malnutrisi akan meningkatkan peluang terjadinya morbiditas pada anak termasuk diare dan ISPA. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat hubungan status gizi dengan kesakitan pada balita di 13 kabupaten lokus stunting di Indonesia. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain potong-lintang dan dilakukan melalui pendekatan kuantitatif dan dilaksanakan di 13 kabupaten lokus stunting. Outcome penelitian ini adalah morbiditas balita yang dinilai menggunakan ISPA dan diare. Status gizi yang dipakai adalah stunting, wasting dan underweight. Selain itu penelitian ini juga memasukkan variabel konfounding berupa faktor keluarga, ibu dan anak. Hasil: Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa stunting, wasting dan underweight tidak memiliki hubungan bermakna dengan kejadian ISPA dan diare. Hal ini dapat disebabkan metode pengukuran morbiditas melalui metode mengingat. Sedangkan sumber air minum yang tidak layak akan meningkatkan peluang terjadinya ISPA dan diare. Kesimpulan: Stunting, wasting dan underweight secara statistik tidak memiliki hubungan yang bermakna dengan morbiditas diare dan ISPA pada balita. Oleh karena itu, perlu ada penelitian lebih lanjut terkait hubungan status gizi dan morbiditas balita menggunakan metode pengukuran morbiditas yang lebih baik. Kata Kunci: status gizi, stunting, wasting, underweight, morbiditas Abstract Background: Acute respiratory infections (ARI) and diarrhea are still significant causes of worldwide morbidity and mortality in children under five. In addition, nutritional problems are still a health problem at the global level, even though the prevalence of nutritional problems has decreased considerably over the last few years. The presence of malnutrition will increase the chance of morbidity in children, including diarrhea and ARI. Objective: This study examines the relationship between nutritional status and morbidity in children under five in 13 stunting locus districts in Indonesia. Methods: This study used a cross-sectional design and was carried out through a quantitative approach in 13 stunting locus districts. The outcome of this study was children under five morbidities, assessed using ARI and diarrhea. The nutritional status used is stunting, wasting and underweight. In addition, this study also includes confounding variables including household, maternal and child factors. Results: This study found that stunting, wasting and being underweight did not have a significant relationship with the incidence of ARI and diarrhea. This can be due to the method of measuring morbidity through remembering. Meanwhile, drinking water sources that are not proper will increase the chances of ARI and diarrhea. Conclusion: Stunting, wasting and being underweight statistically do not significantly associate with diarrhea and ARI in children under five. Therefore, further research on the relationship between nutritional status and morbidity of children under five needs to be conducted using a better method of measuring morbidity. Keyword: nutrition status, stunting, wasting, underweight, morbidity
Jurnal Pariwisata Bunda Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): Vol. 3 No. 2 2023
Publisher : Akademi Pariwisata Bunda Padang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The background of this research was that some patients consumed liquid food after the waiting time and some others didn’t consume liquid food immediately after being received by the patient's family. The results were that the liquid food had changed in taste and color. Liquid food also showed a change in taste after 3 hours of the infusion process. Even though there was no change in the taste of liquid food in the first hour and the second hour of  the cooking process,  there was a change in temperature. The purpose of this study was to look at the quality of liquid food during storage at the nutrition installation at RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang. The research method used was the experimental method. Data collection techniques used were documentation studies, questionnaires and literature studies. This study was assessed by a panel of experts on liquid food. The results of this study indicate that the quality of liquid food at 1 hour of storage is very milky, yellowish in color, quite thick in texture and has a very milky and sweet taste. After 2 hours of storage, it has a very milky smell, yellowish in color, quite thick in texture, and has a very milky and sweet taste. Storage for 3 hours, liquid food quality with a milky smell, yellowish color, quite thick texture, milky taste and sweet. Storage for 4 hours, liquid food quality with a milky smell, yellowish color, thick texture, milky taste and sweet taste.
OCULAR INVOLVEMENT IN SNAKEBITE PATIENT: A CASE TO REMEMBER: Poster Presentation - Case Report - General practitioner Novianti; Elisa Yopitasari
Majalah Oftalmologi Indonesia Vol 49 No S2 (2023): Supplement Edition
Publisher : The Indonesian Ophthalmologists Association (IOA, Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Mata Indonesia (Perdami))

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35749/mbzzn864


Introduction : Snake bite cases in Indonesia are not rare with mild to catastrophic consequences on the bitten subject due to its hemolytic and neurotoxic effects. This case represents a rare ocular neurotoxic effect of snake’s venom that cause binocular diplopia and ptosis in a child. Case Illustration : A 9 year-old boy was consulted to ophthalmologist with chief complaint of binocular diplopia. He was hospitalized after being bitten by a snake on his right hand and had an episode of delirious state. Ophthalmologic examination revealed ptosis and exotropia of his left eye in primary position. Further examination of anterior and posterior segments showed good results. His visual acuity was unaffected. Intravenous antivenom was administered and the bite wound was taken care. The boy was discharged from the hospital with a good general condition but still an opthalmoplegia. After a week of follow up the diplopia diminished and his ocular motility was recovered. Discussion : Ocular manifestations in snake bite case might be missed because of delirious state of the patients. Snake venom can cause ptosis and ophthalmoplegia (neurotoxic) along with uveitis, optic neuritis, central retinal artery occlusion or vitreous and retina hemorrhage due to its hemolytic effect. Time interval between the bite and treatment is one of crucial factor that indicate the patient’s prognosis. Conclusion : Thorough examination of anterior to posterior ocular segments is needed in every snake bitten patients to rule out any further ocular complication. An early administration of intravenous antivenom is still a mandatory.
OCULAR INVOLVEMENT IN SNAKEBITE PATIENT: A CASE TO REMEMBER: Poster Presentation - Case Report - General practitioner Novianti; Elisa Yopitasari
Majalah Oftalmologi Indonesia Vol 49 No S2 (2023): Supplement Edition
Publisher : The Indonesian Ophthalmologists Association (IOA, Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Mata Indonesia (Perdami))

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35749/4ed84r81


Introduction : Snake bite cases in Indonesia are not rare with mild to catastrophic consequences on the bitten subject due to its hemolytic and neurotoxic effects. This case represents a rare ocular neurotoxic effect of snake’s venom that cause binocular diplopia and ptosis in a child. Case Illustration : A 9 year-old boy was consulted to ophthalmologist with chief complaint of binocular diplopia. He was hospitalized after being bitten by a snake on his right hand and had an episode of delirious state. Ophthalmologic examination revealed ptosis and exotropia of his left eye in primary position. Further examination of anterior and posterior segments showed good results. His visual acuity was unaffected. Intravenous antivenom was administered and the bite wound was taken care. The boy was discharged from the hospital with a good general condition but still an opthalmoplegia. After a week of follow up the diplopia diminished and his ocular motility was recovered. Discussion : Ocular manifestations in snake bite case might be missed because of delirious state of the patients. Snake venom can cause ptosis and ophthalmoplegia (neurotoxic) along with uveitis, optic neuritis, central retinal artery occlusion or vitreous and retina hemorrhage due to its hemolytic effect. Time interval between the bite and treatment is one of crucial factor that indicate the patient’s prognosis. Conclusion : Thorough examination of anterior to posterior ocular segments is needed in every snake bitten patients to rule out any further ocular complication. An early administration of intravenous antivenom is still a mandatory.