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Diplomasi Budaya Anime Sebagai Soft-Power Jepang Guna Membangun Citra Positif Negara Bahri, Matahari Adihapsari Saiful; Rochmah, Hindah Muchtamilatur
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 8, No 03 (2020)
Publisher : Program Studi Hubungan Internasional Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/global & policy.v8i03.2253


Abstrak Pada era ini, kekuatan militer dan ekonomi tidak lagi menjadi hal yang paling utama dalam sebuah negara. Kini, budaya juga telah dipandang sebagai aset penting sebuah negara dan menjadi kekuatan bagi negara tersebut untuk berkembang dan berpengaruh besar dalam dunia internasional. Jepang merupakan salah satu negara yang sangat rutin bahkan sistematis dalam melakukan diplomasi budayanya. Jepang membuka jalan bahwa budaya dapat mengembalikan citra baik pada negaranya serta menghubungkannya dengan negara-negar lain. Alat yang digunakan oleh Jepang tidak hanya sebatas budaya tradisional, namun jugua budaya modern yaitu anime. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membedah aktivitas diplomasi budaya Jepang yang menggunakan budaya popular miliknya yaitu anime. Kata Kunci: Diplomasi Budaya Jepang, Anime, Soft PowerAbstract In this era, military and economic strength are no longer the main thing in a country. Now, culture has also been seen as an important asset of a country and has become a strength for the country to develop and have a major influence in the international world. Japan is a country that is very routine and even systematic in carrying out its cultural diplomacy. Japan paved the way that culture can restore a good image to the country and connect it with other countries. The tools used by Japan are not only limited to traditional culture, but also modern culture, namely anime. This study aims to examine Japanese cultural diplomacy activities that use its popular culture, namely anime. Keywords: Japanese Cultural Diplomacy, Anime, Soft Power
EKOSIANA: Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Vol. 8 No. 2 (2021): EKOSIANA : JURNAL EKONOMI SYARIAH
Publisher : EKOSIANA: Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (304.053 KB) | DOI: 10.47077/ekosiana.v8i2.186


: The COVID-19 pandemic has presented real challenges in the economic field. Slowing commodity flows automatically stagnate various transactions, resulting in a financial recession. Therefore, the creativity of economic actors is required in responding to this matter. The agricultural sector also experienced the same slowdown, one of which was the production of melons. This article aims to explore and describe the form of melon fruit business development and its effectiveness in contributing to economic recession mitigation, especially for rural communities. The research method used in this article is qualitative. Data were collected through direct observation to the object and interviews with the farmers concerned. Furthermore, the data were analyzed with various theories about community economic empowerment. The results of research on the effectiveness of business development by increasing consumption and sales of melons through environmental conservation and increased production. While the economic contribution through the two strategies above is the economic empowerment of the surrounding community through the multiplier effect of environmental tourism or agro-tourism. Through this research, it is hoped that farmers will continue to increase the use value of agriculture and melon production. Externally, it is hoped that the regional government and the central government will establish appropriate and targeted regulations, in the form of access to capital and marketing. Keywords: Agriculture, Agrotourism, Recession Mitigation, Market Access, Community Empowerment. DAFTAR PUSTAKA Hs, Hendy Hendro, Zed Nahdi, MTh Sri Budiastuti, dan Djoko Purnomo. “PEMETAAN PARAMETER LAHAN KRITIS GUNA MENDUKUNG REHABILITASI HUTAN DAN LAHAN UNTUK KELESTARIAN LINGKUNGAN DAN KETAHANAN PANGAN DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN PENDEKATAN SPASIAL TEMPORAL DI KAWASAN MURIA.” Prosiding SNST Fakultas Teknik 1, no. 1 (2015). Kunaifi, Aang. “Empowerment Ekonomi Publik Dalam Mengatasi Resesi Dampak Pandemi.” Dalam Perspektif Multidisipliner dalam Pelaksanaan Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru, 1 ed., 1:3–12. 1 1. Tulungagung: Akademia Pustaka, 2020. ———. “Telaah Kritis Kebijakan Fiskal Perspektif Kaidah Fiqh.” Proceedings International Seminar, 1, The 3rd Annual International on Islamic International Education, no. Vol.3 No.1 (2018): Seri-1 (26 Februari 2018): 21. Kunaifi, Aang, dan Lailatul Qomariyah. “Developing Company Images Through Spiritual Public Relations Facing Covid-19 Outbreak.” Jurnal Iqtisaduna 1, no. 1 (10 September 2021): 13–22. Kunaifi, Aang, Fadali Rahman, dan Risca Dwiaryanti. “The Philosophy and Authentication of Welfare Equalization in the Islamic Economy.” Jurnal Kajian Peradaban Islam 4, no. 2 (24 Juni 2021): 54–62. Kurniawan, Frans Hengky. “INCOME COMPARISON ON INTENSIFICATION AND NON INTENSIFICATION OF RUBBER FARMERS IN MONTERADO VILLAGE, MONTERADO DISTRICT, BENGKAYANG REGENCY KOMPARASI PENDAPATAN PETANI KARET INTENSIFIKASI DAN NON INTENSIFIKASI DI DESA MONTERADO KECAMATAN MONTERADO KABUPATEN BENGKAYANG.” AGRIBUSINESS JOURNAL 14, no. 1 (2 Juni 2020). Kurniawan, Fuat Edi. “The Dilemma of Agricultural Mechanization and the Marginalization of Women Farmworkers in Rural Areas.” Sodality: Jurnal Sosiologi Pedesaan 9, no. 2 (18 Agustus 2021). Mawardi, Ahmad Ahsin Kusuma. “Strategi Pengembangan Agrowisata Rembangan Jember Melalui Pendekatan Satisfaction Wisatawan,” 9 Juni 2016. Nurhilmiah, Mia, Dadi Dadi, dan Awang Kustiawan. “IDENTIFIKASI PERSEPSI MASYARAKAT KUTA TENTANG KONSERVASI LINGKUNGAN.” Bioed : Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi 9, no. 1 (10 Mei 2021): 39–48. Putra, Adetiya Prananda`, Firda Rachma Amalia, dan Sari Wiji Utami. “STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN AGROWISATA BERBASIS COMMUNITY BASED TOURISM DI DESA SUMBER ARUM KECAMATAN SONGGON BANYUWANGI.” UNEJ E-Proceeding, 11 Desember 2018. Saputra, Sahran, dan Mujahiddin Mujahiddin. “STIMULUS AGROSOCIOPRENEUR MELALUI PENGEMBANGAN SISTEM REFUGIA DAN LEBAH MADU BERBASIS PERTANIAN JERUK DI DESA SEKOCI KABUPATEN LANGKAT.” JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) 5, no. 4 (1 Agustus 2021): 1689–1700. Saputra, Taufik Aris, Aang Kunaifi, dan Siti Azizah. “DIVERSIFIKASI PRODUK PENDEKATAN ISLAMIC ETHIC DALAM MENINGKATKAN OMSET BISNIS RETAIL.” CENDEKIA: Jurnal Studi Keislaman 7, no. 1 (9 Juli 2021): 1–16. Tinov, M. Y. Tiyas, dan Tito Handoko. “PERAN SERTA MASYARAKAT DALAM KONSERVASI LINGKUNGAN PASCA AKTIVITAS PERTAMBANGAN TANPA IZIN (PETI) DI DESA KOTO CERENTI KECAMATAN CERENTI KABUPATEN KUANTAN SINGINGI.” Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2, no. 4 (4 April 2018): 363–66. Wirakusuma, Gilang. “APA YANG MENDORONG DIVERSIFIKASI PENDAPATAN PETANI?: TINJAUAN EMPIRIS RUMAH TANGGA TANI PADI PROVINSI JAWA TIMUR.” Agrisocionomics: Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian 4, no. 1 (27 Mei 2020): 135–46. Yandri, Lara Indra, dan Immu Puteri Sari. “STRATEGI PEMBANGUNAN PEDESAAN BERBASIS PERTANIAN LAHAN BASAH DI NAGARI SUNGAI RIMBANG KECAMATAN SULIKI KABUPATEN LIMA PULUH KOTA.” Menara Ilmu 13, no. 11 (22 Oktober 2019).
Pengaruh Brand Image, Inovasi Produk Dan Kualitas Produk Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Pada Warung Makan Ayam Nyungsep Kecamatan Dau Kabupaten Malang Mat Bahri; Nur Hidayati; Pardiman Pardiman
E-JRM : Elektronik Jurnal Riset Manajemen eJrm Vol. 10 No. 01 Agustus 2021

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (962.247 KB)


AbstractPurchasing decisions will affect the sustainability of a business. This study aims to examine the extent of the influence of brand image, product innovation and product quality on purchasing decisions at Nyunsep chicken stalls, Dau district.  The sampling in this study were the customers of Ayam Nyungsep Dau Malang who had met the criteria as respondents, which were determined by the researcher, namely, having eaten or bought at least 3 times. From the results of this study, the following results were obtained: (1) Brand Image style, product innovation, and product quality simultaneously influence purchasing decisions. (2) Brand Image has partial effect on Purchase Decision. (3) product innovation has a partial effect on purchasing decisions. (4) Product quality has a partial effect on purchasing decisions..Keywords: Brand Image, Product Innovation,Product Quality, Buying Decision
Accounting of Refinancing and Take Over for Murabahah Contract Aang Kunaifi; Puji Handayati; Mat Bahri
Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Sharia Economics (IIJSE) Vol 5 No 1 (2022): Sharia Economic: January, 2022
Publisher : Sharia Economics Department Universitas KH. Abdul Chalim, Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31538/iijse.v5i1.1490


The development of community needs necessitates the dynamics of services at Islamic financial institutions, especially in contract schemes or transaction models. Besides being influenced by the financial capacity of the community, there is also a rational choice to get cheaper transaction options. So, in the practice of Islamic finance, refinancing and take over transaction schemes are also developing. This article was written with the aim of describing the accounting treatment of refinancing transactions and taking over for murabahah contracts and analyzing them based on sharia compliance (sharia compliance). The research approach used is the literature on fiqh laws as guidelines for sharia compliance which has been regulated in the DSN MUI fatwa. The findings that the author can convey in this article are that there are several rational reasons for the recognition and treatment of PSAK-based accounting which regulates refinancing and take over transactions with the obligation to recognize the existence of margins in both transactions. Meanwhile, in fiqh, there is actually a deviation from compliance with sharia.