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IMPLEMENTASI PEMASARAN SYARI’AH BERBASIS HUMAN SPIRIT DALAM ISLAMIC FINANCE (Studi Kasus Strategi Pemasaran di BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Kabupaten Sumenep) Aang Kunaifi, Aang Kunaifi
MALIA Vol 7 No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Program Studi Ekonomi Syariah Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan

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Kegiatan bisnis sebagai bagian dari kegiatan ekonomi memiliki anatomi yang unik dan kompleks. Pengelolaan bisnis harus dilakukan secara serius dengan menerapkan strategi pemasaran yang baik, terarah dan berorientasi kepada costumer satisfaction. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis dua hal yaitu; implementasi strategi pemasaran berbasis human spirit di Bank Pembiayaan Rakyat Syari’ah (BPRS) Bhakti Sumekar Kabupaten Sumenep dan selanjutnya mengetahui tingkat keberhasilan implementasi strategi pemasaran tersebut berdasarkan perspektif pemasar dan nasabah. Hasil temuan dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Kabupaten Sumenep telah mengimplementasikan dengan baik strategi pemasaran berbasis human spirit dalam substansi aktivitas pemasarannya. Bentuk implementasi yang dimaksud berupa: Komunikasi horisontal antara sesama karyawan, penyediaan produk jasa keuangan yang terjangkau, pengaturan kegiatan ibadah, penyediaan sarana dan kegiatan ibadah yang representatif dan berbagai kegiatan nonmaterial. Berdasarkan angket yang disebar kepada 10 karyawan dan 100 nasabah BPRS Bhakti Sumekar, kedua stakeholder tersebut menyatakan dan merasakan keberadaan human spirit dalam kegiatan pelayanan BPRS Bhakti Sumekar. Secara statistik deskriptif tingkat keberhasilannya dinyatakan dengan tingkat diatas 88% versi pemasar di lingkungan perusahaan dan 93% versi nasabah.Dengan demikian strategi pemasaran syari’ah berbasis human spirit dalam sebuah Islamic Finance sangat prospektif. Sebab secara faktual didapatkan bahwa strategi ini mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan nasabah melalui penciptaan trust yang didasarkan pada nilai-nilai spiritual Islam. Di dalam kultur masyarakat yang religius, strategi ini sangat produktif untuk diterapkan demi pencapaian sustainability suatu perusahaan, khususnya islamic finance.
Corporate Spiritual Leadership: Model Kepemimpinan Bisnis Era Milenial dalam Menciptakan Great Corporate Abd. Rosyid; Aang Kunaifi; Qaiyim Asyari
Transparansi : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Administrasi Vol 4, No 1: Juni 2021
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Manajemen STIAMI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31334/transparansi.v4i1.1609


The millennial era shows an increasing spirit of religiosity, especially for the younger generation. Religious identity is one of the pride of the millennial generation to create an image and gain public trust. This article aims to find a leadership model in creating a company that is not only good but also great. To obtain this model a qualitative approach is used, with in-depth interview and observation instruments in a sharia-based accommodation business, then inductively analyzed based on the relevant theory. The research findings in this article show that there is a spiritual leadership model that meets the criteria for creating a great corporate and applicable in a millennial era that tends to be religious. Great Corporate will be created through trust built by the company through spiritual activities. This article is expected to encourage further research to determine the relevance of the company's spiritual leadership model in the goods production sector as well as quantitative research to determine the correlation between SCL on business sustainability and growth.
EKOSIANA: Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Vol. 8 No. 2 (2021): EKOSIANA : JURNAL EKONOMI SYARIAH
Publisher : EKOSIANA: Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (304.053 KB) | DOI: 10.47077/ekosiana.v8i2.186


: The COVID-19 pandemic has presented real challenges in the economic field. Slowing commodity flows automatically stagnate various transactions, resulting in a financial recession. Therefore, the creativity of economic actors is required in responding to this matter. The agricultural sector also experienced the same slowdown, one of which was the production of melons. This article aims to explore and describe the form of melon fruit business development and its effectiveness in contributing to economic recession mitigation, especially for rural communities. The research method used in this article is qualitative. Data were collected through direct observation to the object and interviews with the farmers concerned. Furthermore, the data were analyzed with various theories about community economic empowerment. The results of research on the effectiveness of business development by increasing consumption and sales of melons through environmental conservation and increased production. While the economic contribution through the two strategies above is the economic empowerment of the surrounding community through the multiplier effect of environmental tourism or agro-tourism. Through this research, it is hoped that farmers will continue to increase the use value of agriculture and melon production. Externally, it is hoped that the regional government and the central government will establish appropriate and targeted regulations, in the form of access to capital and marketing. Keywords: Agriculture, Agrotourism, Recession Mitigation, Market Access, Community Empowerment. DAFTAR PUSTAKA Hs, Hendy Hendro, Zed Nahdi, MTh Sri Budiastuti, dan Djoko Purnomo. “PEMETAAN PARAMETER LAHAN KRITIS GUNA MENDUKUNG REHABILITASI HUTAN DAN LAHAN UNTUK KELESTARIAN LINGKUNGAN DAN KETAHANAN PANGAN DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN PENDEKATAN SPASIAL TEMPORAL DI KAWASAN MURIA.” Prosiding SNST Fakultas Teknik 1, no. 1 (2015). Kunaifi, Aang. “Empowerment Ekonomi Publik Dalam Mengatasi Resesi Dampak Pandemi.” Dalam Perspektif Multidisipliner dalam Pelaksanaan Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru, 1 ed., 1:3–12. 1 1. Tulungagung: Akademia Pustaka, 2020. ———. “Telaah Kritis Kebijakan Fiskal Perspektif Kaidah Fiqh.” Proceedings International Seminar, 1, The 3rd Annual International on Islamic International Education, no. Vol.3 No.1 (2018): Seri-1 (26 Februari 2018): 21. Kunaifi, Aang, dan Lailatul Qomariyah. “Developing Company Images Through Spiritual Public Relations Facing Covid-19 Outbreak.” Jurnal Iqtisaduna 1, no. 1 (10 September 2021): 13–22. Kunaifi, Aang, Fadali Rahman, dan Risca Dwiaryanti. “The Philosophy and Authentication of Welfare Equalization in the Islamic Economy.” Jurnal Kajian Peradaban Islam 4, no. 2 (24 Juni 2021): 54–62. Kurniawan, Frans Hengky. “INCOME COMPARISON ON INTENSIFICATION AND NON INTENSIFICATION OF RUBBER FARMERS IN MONTERADO VILLAGE, MONTERADO DISTRICT, BENGKAYANG REGENCY KOMPARASI PENDAPATAN PETANI KARET INTENSIFIKASI DAN NON INTENSIFIKASI DI DESA MONTERADO KECAMATAN MONTERADO KABUPATEN BENGKAYANG.” AGRIBUSINESS JOURNAL 14, no. 1 (2 Juni 2020). Kurniawan, Fuat Edi. “The Dilemma of Agricultural Mechanization and the Marginalization of Women Farmworkers in Rural Areas.” Sodality: Jurnal Sosiologi Pedesaan 9, no. 2 (18 Agustus 2021). Mawardi, Ahmad Ahsin Kusuma. “Strategi Pengembangan Agrowisata Rembangan Jember Melalui Pendekatan Satisfaction Wisatawan,” 9 Juni 2016. Nurhilmiah, Mia, Dadi Dadi, dan Awang Kustiawan. “IDENTIFIKASI PERSEPSI MASYARAKAT KUTA TENTANG KONSERVASI LINGKUNGAN.” Bioed : Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi 9, no. 1 (10 Mei 2021): 39–48. Putra, Adetiya Prananda`, Firda Rachma Amalia, dan Sari Wiji Utami. “STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN AGROWISATA BERBASIS COMMUNITY BASED TOURISM DI DESA SUMBER ARUM KECAMATAN SONGGON BANYUWANGI.” UNEJ E-Proceeding, 11 Desember 2018. Saputra, Sahran, dan Mujahiddin Mujahiddin. “STIMULUS AGROSOCIOPRENEUR MELALUI PENGEMBANGAN SISTEM REFUGIA DAN LEBAH MADU BERBASIS PERTANIAN JERUK DI DESA SEKOCI KABUPATEN LANGKAT.” JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) 5, no. 4 (1 Agustus 2021): 1689–1700. Saputra, Taufik Aris, Aang Kunaifi, dan Siti Azizah. “DIVERSIFIKASI PRODUK PENDEKATAN ISLAMIC ETHIC DALAM MENINGKATKAN OMSET BISNIS RETAIL.” CENDEKIA: Jurnal Studi Keislaman 7, no. 1 (9 Juli 2021): 1–16. Tinov, M. Y. Tiyas, dan Tito Handoko. “PERAN SERTA MASYARAKAT DALAM KONSERVASI LINGKUNGAN PASCA AKTIVITAS PERTAMBANGAN TANPA IZIN (PETI) DI DESA KOTO CERENTI KECAMATAN CERENTI KABUPATEN KUANTAN SINGINGI.” Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2, no. 4 (4 April 2018): 363–66. Wirakusuma, Gilang. “APA YANG MENDORONG DIVERSIFIKASI PENDAPATAN PETANI?: TINJAUAN EMPIRIS RUMAH TANGGA TANI PADI PROVINSI JAWA TIMUR.” Agrisocionomics: Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian 4, no. 1 (27 Mei 2020): 135–46. Yandri, Lara Indra, dan Immu Puteri Sari. “STRATEGI PEMBANGUNAN PEDESAAN BERBASIS PERTANIAN LAHAN BASAH DI NAGARI SUNGAI RIMBANG KECAMATAN SULIKI KABUPATEN LIMA PULUH KOTA.” Menara Ilmu 13, no. 11 (22 Oktober 2019).
EKOSIANA: Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Vol. 9 No. 1 (2022): EKOSIANA : JURNAL EKONOMI SYARIAH
Publisher : EKOSIANA: Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (394.447 KB) | DOI: 10.47077/ekosiana.v9i1.205


Kewirausahaan merupakan kunci kemajuan dan kemakmuran suatu bangsa. Selain sebagai penggerak aktivitas perekonomian dan pendistribusian kekayaan, kewirausahaan juga sebagai indikator untuk mengukur maju tidaknya suatu negara. Negara-negara maju rata-rata memiliki komposisi 15-20% wirausaha dari seluruh penduduknya. Kenyataannya Indonesia masih memiliki sekitar 4% wirausaha. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan strategi yang komprehensif untuk mencetak wirausaha baru, salah satunya dengan mengintensifkan pembelajaran kewirausahaan di sekolah dan perguruan tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menformulasikan dan mendiskripsikan pembelajaran kewirausahaan yang efektif melalui metode experiential learning. Melalui metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan action research penetilitian disusun menjadi suatu makalah yang disajikan dalam event konferensi internasional pada ekonomi dan hukum Islam. Data dikumpulkan melalui sumber primer, dari wawancara dengan mahasiswa setelah melaksanakan formula experiential learning selama satu semester pada sebuah perguruan tinggi swasta. Dari hasil temuan tersebut disusunlah konsep dan metode pelaksanaan experiential learning dalam pembelajaran kewirausahaan.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa untuk menggerakkan mahasiswa agar berani terjun ke dalam dunia wirausaha dibutuhkan motivasi yang kuat serta pelatihan aplikatif. Motivasi dan pelatihan secara langsung di lapangan ternyata mampu membangkitkan keberanian mahasiswa dalam jumlah yang lebih banyak untuk menggeluti wirausaha. Dengan hasil penelitian ini, diharapkan pembelajaran kewirausahaan di sekolah dan di perguruan tinggi khususnya menjadi semakin sistematis dan efektif. Kata Kunci: Experiential learning, pembelajaran kewirausahaan, sistematis dan efektif, enterprise. DAFTAR PUSTAKA Abas Sunarya, PO, Sudaryono, dan Asep Saefullsh. Kewirausahaan. Yogyakarta: Penerbit Andi, 2011. Achim, Monica Violeta, Sorin Nicolae Borlea, dan Viorela Ligia Văidean. “Culture, Entrepreneurship and Economic Development. An Empirical Approach.” Entrepreneurship Research Journal 0, no. 0 (26 September 2019). Adomako, Samuel, dan Kevin F. Mole. “Small Business Growth and Performance.” Dalam The SAGE Handbook of Small Business and Entrepreneur, 220–41. London: SAGE Publications, 2018. Badan Pusat Statistik. Analisis Statistik Sosial Bonus Demografi dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi. Jakarta: Badan Pusat Statistik, 2012. ———. “Berita Resmi Statistik Keadaan Ketenagakerjaan Indonesia Agustus 2020.” Badan Pusat Statistik, 5 November 2020. Kementerian Keuangan. “Bonus Demografi, Peluang Indonesia Percepat Pembangunan Ekonomi.” Diakses 5 Juli 2021. Chitsike, Colletah. “Culture as a Barrier to Rural Women’s Entrepreneurship: Experience from Zimbabwe.” Gender & Development 8, no. 1 (Maret 2000): 71–77. C.y.s, Kasuma, Indrawati R, dan Iswanto A.h. “Marketing Strategy For Start-Up: A Study Of Home Care Business.” Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences 91, no. 7 (1 Juli 2019): 297–301. Dash, Manjusmita, dan Kulveen Kaur. “Youth Entrepreneurship as a Way of Boosting Indian Economic Competitiveness: A Study of Orissa.” International Review of Management and Marketing 2, no. 1 (17 Januari 2012): 10–21. Direktorat Statistik Kependudukan dan Ketenagakerjaan. Indikator Pasar Tenaga Kerja Indonesia Februari 2021. Jakarta: Badan Pusat Statistik, 2021. Frederick, Howard, Allan O’Connor, dan Donald F. Kuratko. Entrepreneurship: Theory/Process/Practice. 4 ed. Australia: Cengage Learning, 2016. Freel, Mark. “Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Small Business.” Dalam The SAGE Handbook of Small Business and Entrepreneur, 279–96. London: SAGE Publications, 2018. Hisrich, Robert D., Michael P. Peters, dan Dean A. Shepherd. Entrepreneurship. 10th ed. New York, United State of America: Mc Graw Hill-Education, 2017. J.Skripak, Stephen. “Entrepreneurship: Starting a Business.” Dalam Fundamentals of Business, 131–62. Virginia: Pamplin College od Business and Virginia Tech Libraries, 2016. “Kemenperin: Indonesia Butuh 4 Juta Wirausaha Baru untuk Menjadi Negara Maju.” Diakses 13 Juni 2021. Ketut Sutrisna Dewi, Sayu. Konsep dan Pengembangan Kewirausahaan di Indonesia. Yogyakarta: DeePublish, 2017. Klaasa, Phattaramon, Natcha Thawesaengskulthai, dan Ronnakorn Vaiyavuth. “Factors to Support a New Tech Start-up for Business Incubation.” Asian Journal of Applied Sciences 7, no. 3 (17 Juni 2019). Kunaifi, Aang, Khusnul Fikriyah, dan Dewi Aliyah. “How Do Santri, Local Wisdom, and Digital Transformation Affect Community Empowerment?” Ilomata International Journal of Social Science 2, no. 4 (31 Oktober 2021): 246–57. Kunaifi, Aang, Juhaiyinatul Jannah, dan Anang Wahyu Eko Setianto. “Literasi Civitas Akademika Di Pamekasan Terhadap Produk Industri Keuangan Syariah.” Al-Iqtishady : Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah 1, no. 2 (14 Juni 2020): 1–21. Kunaifi, Aang, dan Lailatul Qomariyah. “Developing Company Images Through Spiritual Public Relations Facing Covid-19 Outbreak.” Jurnal Iqtisaduna 1, no. 1 (10 September 2021): 13–22. Kunaifi, Aang, Fadali Rahman, dan Risca Dwiaryanti. “The Philosophy and Authentication of Welfare Equalization in the Islamic Economy.” Jurnal Kajian Peradaban Islam 4, no. 2 (24 Juni 2021): 54–62. Kunaifi, Aang, dan Nur Syam. “Business Communication In Developing The Halal Tourism Industry.” Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Sharia Economics (IIJSE) 4, no. 1 (31 Agustus 2021): 1–17. Marsana. Entrepreneur dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Islam. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Diniyah, 2020. Philipus, Ngorang. “Business Communication Ethics: A Moral Guideline and Critical Reflection.” Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research 38, no. 0 (2017): 10. Sitepu, Sri Nathasya Br. “Pengaruh Faktor Keuangan dan Non-keuangan Mencapai Keberhasilan Start-up Bisnis [Factors Influencing Financial and Non-Financial Start-up Business Success].” DeReMa (Development Research of Management): Jurnal Manajemen 10, no. 2 (1 September 2015): 285–302. Vidyanata, Deandra, Teofilus Teofilus, Timotius F. C. W. Sutrisno, dan Ruth Violina Gelombang. “Value Co-Destruction: Analisa Faktor Pada Start-Up Business Mahasiswa [Value Co-Destruction: An Analysis Of Factors For Business Start-Up Students].” DeReMa (Development Research of Management): Jurnal Manajemen 15, no. 1 (4 Mei 2020): 1–14. “World Bank : Bonus Demografi RI Tak Selaras Produktivitas Angkatan Kerja | Ekonomi,” 30 Juni 2021. Zahra, Shaker A., Harry J. 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Cryptocurrency and the Future of the World Currency Aang Kunaifi; Muhamad Wildan Fawa'id; Ani Faujiah
Islamic Research Vol 5 No 1 (2022): Islamic Research
Publisher : Perhimpunan Intelektual Muslim Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47076/jkpis.v5i1.136


Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology are increasingly loved, especially the COVID-19 pandemic sweeping the world. Some people choose to trade, invest, or mine using cryptocurrency because it is considered practical and able to generate fantastic profits. This article was written to analyze the prospects and implications of using cryptocurrency as a currency. To explore and describe the prospects and implications of cryptocurrency as a currency, a study was conducted with a literature review approach from secondary sources regarding the reasons for the prohibition of cryptocurrencies, the instability of crypto values, and without a clear underlaying of assets. Furthermore, the study in this article is expected to be able to explain the advantages and disadvantages of cryptocurrencies as well as alternative efforts in creating a stable and fair world currency
The Philosophy and Authentication of Welfare Equalization in the Islamic Economy Aang Kunaifi; Fadali Rahman; Risca Dwiaryanti
Islamic Research Vol 4 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Kajian Peradaban Islam
Publisher : Perhimpunan Intelektual Muslim Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47076/jkpis.v4i2.67


The promise of the welfare of the capitalist economic system initiated three centuries ago is only realized for the owners of capital. Even in 2017 in The Great Devide, Joseph E. Stigliz reported increasingly alarming data that the wealth of 1% of the world's population is equivalent to 99% of the world's population. This article aims to describe: (1) The concept and philosophical value of welfare in Islam, and (2) historical authentic evidence of the creation of welfare in Islam. To obtain representative and comprehensive data, this article is compiled based on primary and secondary data. The Central Bureau of Statistics reports economic developments regarding the development of people's welfare in Indonesia and reports from world institutions such as the IMF, World Bank, as a comparison of global economic conditions. The data is then discussed under ideal conditions recorded in the golden history of Islam to find that prosperity in an Islamic economy is capable of being realized. The contribution of articles among scientific studies that discuss welfare is about concrete explanations or clear standards of welfare attainment. Namely, the nominal wealth to be called prosperous, an applicative and systematic method of achievement, and the affirmation that the Islamic economic system has proven to be effective in creating prosperity. Through the presentation of this article, it is hoped that efforts to create prosperity as well as equalize welfare will always be pursued through the application and contextualization of a proven and tested economic system.
Peran Strategis Pedidikan Islam Dalam Mewujudkan Islamic Good Governance AANG KUNAIFI
FIKROTUNA: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Manajemen Islam Vol. 5 No. 02 (2016): 2016
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Institut Agama Islam Al-Khairat Pamekasan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (225.941 KB) | DOI: 10.32806/jf.v4i2.2749


It’s a certainly thing to applied good governance in a public interaction wholea state. Good governance is a major factor to satisfy all public needs as well aspossible. But, the fact nowdays is very far from our wish. So, we need to looking fora ideal good governance model, and the alternative is Islamic Good Governancewhich is has a clearence as an ideology and historical efectiveness. We just need aneffort to explore how to apply it contextually in a public service whole astate.Becouse Islam is perfectly an completely religion arround the world. It’s veryinterested to known how each of public components to contribute in it, specially forto islamic educational institution. It has a vitality contibution an strategic inexploring IGG.As we know that it is medium to creat as much as possible humanresources tha able to applied IGG.AbstrakPenerapan good governance merupakan keniscayaan bagi interaksimasyarakat berbangsa dan bernegara. Eksistensi good governance akanmenjadi faktor utama terpenuhinya hajat publik secara baik, merata, dansempurna. Namun faktanya seperti pungguk merindukan bulan, jauhdari harapan. Oleh karena itu merumuskan model good governance yangideal adalah langkah yang harus dilakukan. Salah satu alternatifnyaadalah Islamic good governance (IGG) yang memiliki landasan ideologiyang jelas dan memiliki fakta historis akan efektivitasnya. Sehinggadibutuhkan usaha keras untuk mengeksplorasi metode menerapkan IGGdalam konteks kekinian, sehingga kesempurnaan Islam sebagai agamadan ideologi mampu teraplikasi secara baik dalam kehidupan berbangsadan bernegara. Untuk itu menjadi menarik untuk memberikan peranyang proporsional terhadap elemen dan komponen masyarakat, salahsatunya adalah institusi pendidikan Islam. Ditinjau dari tujuan danfungsinya, institusi pendidikan Islam memiliki peran yang vital dalammengeksplorasi IGG (reinventing Islamic good governance). Karena institusipendidikan Islam merupakan wadah yang memiliki peran strategis bagiterciptanya SDM yang mumpuni bagi terwujudnya IGG.
CENDEKIA: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol. 2 No. 2 (2016): DESEMBER 2016
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Hasan Jufri Bawean

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37348/cendekia.v2i2.27


The development of the Muslim community needs to the products of Shariah finance industry is a positive indication of the existence of shari'ah financial institutions. The phenomenon is not too surprising considering that the majority of the population in Indonesia is Muslim. Along with the increased understanding of the Shari'ah, the positive impact is people's desire to do business and take advantage of the products and services of financial institutions Shari'ah. But in fact there are still opinions in society, including in academic circles, about Shari'ah financial transaction system which is felt not much different from the conventional transaction system. The phenomenon indicates that literacy levels of society (including academics) are still not good. This study aimed to find the level of understanding and literacy of academicians of the IKNB Shari'ah products, and to know the expectations of society to the presence of IKNB Shari'ah. Based on the expectations of the community, shari'ah financial institutions can create its professionality by optimizing its the role itself. This research was conducted using qualitative methods to explore the opinions and expectations of society, especially the academicians. The strategy of the research is a phenomenal approach, involving all elements of academicians from the community with a heterogeneous geography and culture. The results showed that the level of literacy level academicians against IKNB shari’ah products stood at 62 on a scale of 100. It means that is enabled that the society have literacy levels below that figure. Of course this requires the efforts and support of the educational institutions to provide support to optimize all available resources. Based on the opinions and expectations of the community to discover, at least there are 10 steps to optimize the syari'ah financial laboratory to improve literacy of academicians of the IKNB Shari'ah products
Pengaruh Pendayagunaan Zakat, Infaq dan Shadaqah Produktif Terhadap Pengurangan Angka Kemiskinan (Studi Pada LAZIS Muhammadiyah Pamekasan): Studi Pada LAZIS Muhammadiyah Pamekasan Nurul Komariyah; Aang Kunaifi
CENDEKIA: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol. 6 No. 2 (2020): DESEMBER 2020
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Hasan Jufri Bawean

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Abstrak Angka kemiskinan di Indonesia terbilang cukup tinggi, dan jumlahnya terus meningkat setiap tahunnya akibat rendahnya serapan angkatan kerja lulusan sekolah, khususnya tingkat perguruan tinggi. Salah satu penyebab rendahnya serapan angkatan kerja tersebut adalah minimnya keinginan lulusan dalam berwirausaha. Berbagai kendala dan alasan menjadi factor rendahnya pertumbuhan wirausahawan. Faktor yang sering disebut sebagai penghambat adalah ketidaktersediaan modal. Potensi zakat, infaq, dan shodaqah umat Islam di Indonesia sangat potensial untuk dijadikan sebagai alternative mengatasi kendala permodalan. Berbagai lembaga amil zakat, infaq dan shadaqah (ZIS) berusaha melakukan terobosan dan inovasi program dalam mendayagunakan dana tersebut sebagai modal, atau pendanaan sector produktif. Pendayagunaan dana ZIS secara produktif akan mempercepat pertumbuhan pengembangan wirausaha dan memunculkan wirausahawan-wirausahan baru. Salah satu amil ZIS di Pamekasan juga melakukan program tersebut. Hal ini tentu layak didukung dan diapresiasi. Namun untuk membuktikan hasil dan efektifitasnya perlu dibuktikan, apakah program tersbut benar-benar memberikan pengaruh signifikan terhadap harapan peningkatan lahirnya wirausahawan. Penelitian pengaruh pendayagunaan ZIS produktif ini dilakukan terhadap donator LAZIS Muhammadiyah Pamekasan. Dengan pendekatan metode kuantitaif, peneliti mendapatkan nilai guna secara simultan ZIS produktif terhadap pengentasan kemiskinan, namun tidak secara parsial. Hasil ini tentu membutuhkan penelitian lanjutan yang lebih akurat dan komprehensif untuk mengetahui factor-faktor penyebabnya. Kata kunci: zakat, infak, shadaqah, produktif, kemiskinan
CENDEKIA: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol. 7 No. 1 (2021): JUNI 2021
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Hasan Jufri Bawean

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This article aims to determine the motivating based on Islamic business ethics in anticipation of external changes, then obtaining empirical data regarding forms of product diversification that are relevant and effective in an effort to maintain and increase turnover in the retail business. In order to obtain accurate information and data, apart from reviewing the literature on Islamic law sources, related research articles, as well as information from primary sources from retail business actors. Thus, comprehensive data will be obtained to be analyzed as material to obtain accurate conclusions. Based on the data and the results of qualitative data analysis in this study, it was found that the motivation of Islamic business ethics is very strong to be the basis for making changes or in the form of diversification. Economically and managerial, concentric diversification is considered the most applicable to be done, although to measure the level of effectiveness it takes a relatively long time. Through the discussion and conclusions in this article, it is hoped that readers and retail business people in particular can find the right solution in facing intense competition and changes in external conditions such as pandemics and economic crises. For the next researcher, a quantitative test can be carried out regarding the influence of motivation and concentration diversification in increasing retail business turnover.