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Jurnal Ilmiah Abdi Mas TPB Unram Vol 3, No 1 (2021): Edisi Januari 2021
Publisher : Teknik Pertanian Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/amtpb.v3i1.69


Wilayah pesisir merupakan interface antara kawasan laut dan darat yang saling  mempengaruhi dan dipengaruhi satu sama lainnya, baik secara biogeofisik maupun sosial ekonomi. Masyarakat pesisir adalah masyarakat yang tinggal dan melakukan berbagai aktifitas ekonomi dan sosialnya berhubungan dengan wilayah pesisir dan lautan. Secara Ekonomi, masyarakat pesisir termasuk dalam golongan masyarakat dengan penghasilan rendah. Hal ini berdampak pada rendahnya daya beli masyarakat terhadap produk-produk pangan untuk pemenuhan gizi keluarga. Pemanfaatan lahan pekarangan menjadi solusi terbaik dalam membangun ketahanan pangan keluarga masyarakat pesisir. Namun, pemanfaatan lahan pekarangan di wilayah pesisir diperhadapkan pada kompleksitas masalah lingkungan utamanya tanah dan atmosfer (klimatologis) yang kurang mendukung bagi pertumbuhan tanaman. Program Kemitraan Masyarakat (PKM) ini di fokuskan pada pemberdayaan masyarakat khususnya kelompok ibu-ibu rumah tangga pesisir untuk mengadopsi teknologi pengolahan limbah organic menjadi limbah organic terfermentasi yang berfungsi sebagai bahan ameliorant tanah, yang selanjutnya dapat memperbaiki kondisi lingkungan tumbuh tanaman di lahan pekarangan. Kegiatan PKM dilaksanakan di kelurahan Talia berlangsung dari Bulan Juni hingga Oktober 2020. Pendekatan PRA (Paticipatory Rural Appraisal) yang meliputi metode sosialisasi, bimbingan teknis, penyuluhan dan pendampingan serta analisis laboratorium diterapkan untuk meningkatkan minat, motivasi, semangat, pemahaman dan pengetahuan masyarakat/kelompok Ibu-Ibu Rumah Tangga. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan minat dan antusias Mitra cukup tinggi yang ditunjukkan dengan mitra telah mampu mengolah limbah organic menjadi limbah organic terfermentasi sebagai bahan ameliorant tanah secara mandiri, yang selanjutnya diaplikasikan untuk budidaya tanaman sayuran di lahan pekarangan dan hasilnya telah dimanfaatkan atau dikonsumsi.
Analysis of Factors Affecting Vannamei Shrimp Production During the Pandemic (Covid-19) in Mawasangka District Central Buton Regency Yuliana, Yuyun; Limi, Muhammad Aswar; Slamet, Agustono
Jurnal Ilmiah Membangun Desa dan Pertanian Vol 6, No 4 (2021)
Publisher : Department of Agribusiness Halu Oleo University Kendari Southeast Sulawesi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37149/jimdp.v6i4.20235


This research was conducted in Mawasangka District, Central Buton Regency. This research determines how much vannamei shrimp production is and analyzes what factors influence vannamei shrimp production. The population in this study was 45 vannamei shrimp farmers. Sampling in this study was using the census method, where researchers took the entire population of vannamei shrimp pond farmers in Mawasangka District. The analysis was used to determine the number of products produced by vannamei shrimp farmers using quantitative analysis with rumours of productivity and production function of Cobb Douglass to examine the factors that influence production. The results showed that the total production of vannamei shrimp was 14,319 tons, with an average output of 318 kg / 2HA. Factors that significantly affect the production island area (X1 ), Shrimp (X2 ), and Feed (X4 ) where the results uj i in getting the Sig and n use-values the coefficient of determination is 0 .563, which means production factors size fries, lime. Feed collectively together has an influence on the production amounted to 56.7%.
Analisis Produksi dan Pendapatan Usahatani Padi Sawah (Suatu Studi pada Penerapan Sistim Tabela Super dan Sistem Tapin di Kabupaten Bombana) Rahmadani, Riska; Limi, Muhammad Aswar; Slamet, Agustono
Jurnal Ilmiah Membangun Desa dan Pertanian Vol 6, No 5 (2021)
Publisher : Department of Agribusiness Halu Oleo University Kendari Southeast Sulawesi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37149/jimdp.v6i5.21207


This research aims to assess the labor use, production, and revenue of lowland rice farming using the Tabela Super and Tapin systems, as well as the differences in productivity and income between the two. This study took place from July to December 2021, and the research venue was chosen on purpose. The farmers of the Tabela super system and the farmers of the Tapin system were divided into two groups to determine responders (random cluster sampling). There were 122 lowland rice farmers, 111 super table farmers, and 11 Tapin farmers among the respondents. The Table Super system employed a simple random sample approach from that group, taking 10% of the total population of Tabela Super farmers, 11 respondents were paddy field farmers, and 11 respondents from the Tapin system used the census method. According to the findings, respondents' average production for rice farmers utilizing the Tabela Super System is 4,712 kg, while farmers using the Tapin system produce 3,300 kilograms. Rice farmers using the super table method earn an average of IDR10.177.656, while those using the Tapin system earn an average of IDR5.011.994. The t-test value shows that the difference in lowland rice farmers' production with the Tabela Super System and the Tapin system has a significance value of t of 0.040 < 0.05. The statistical test results of the t-test show that the difference in lowland rice farmers' income with the Tabela Super System and the Tapin system has a significance value of t of 0.000 < 0.05.