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Preparation and Evaluation Of Lip Balm Containing Apricot Seed Oil As Moisturizer Fajar, In Rahmi Fatria; Fitri, Dewi Rahma; Napitupulu, Fitra
SANITAS: Jurnal Teknologi dan Seni Kesehatan Vol 15 No 1 (2024): SANITAS Volume 15 Nomor 1 Tahun 2024
Publisher : Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Jakarta II

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36525/sanitas.2024.422


Lip balm is a preparation used or applied on the lips to protect the lips from adverse environmental effects and prevent dry lips. Apricot seed oil is one of the oils that contain essential fatty acids, namely linoleic acid and oleic acid, thus it can be used as an excellent skin moisturizer. Objective this study aims to make a lip balm preparation formula containing apricot seed oil as a lip moisturizer. The research method used was an experimental design which included testing the quality of the oil, making lip balm preparations with optimization of apricot oil concentration, evaluated the quality, safety, and efficacy. The results active ingredients of apricot oil contained linoleic acid, oleic acid, palmitic acid, α-linolenic acid, and stearic acid. All preparations met the quality requirements as a homogeneous lip balm preparation with a melting point of 58oC - 60oC, pH 5.80 - 6.06. Safe to use and non-irritating. Optimization concentrations of 2.5%, 5%, 7.5%, and 10% have the effectiveness of moisturizing lips with an average percentage of increase in lip moisture after 4 weeks of use, namely 18.6%, 28.8%, 45.4%, and 65.6%. Conclusion apricot seed oil can be formulated as lip balm preparations that met quality requirements and have been tested to be safe for use. Lip balm preparations containing 10% apricot seed oil have been able to increase moisture on the lips.
Preservative Efectiveness Test of Dry Water Extract of Gambier (Uncaria Gambir Roxb.) In Cream Type of Cosmetics fitri, Dewi Rahma; Prophet, Santy; Komarudin, Dede; Fatria Fajar, In Rahmi; Riyanto, Arief
SANITAS: Jurnal Teknologi dan Seni Kesehatan Vol 14 No 2 (2023): SANITAS Volume 14 Nomor 2 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Jakarta II

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36525/sanitas.2023.423


Gambier is an endemic plant that can grow properly such as in Indonesia it has been empirically used for natural coloring, antiinfection and burns wound healing. Gambier used as antimicrobials because its catechins compound. Catechins mechanism as antimicrobial are break the cell wall or cell membrane of bacteria, other mechanism is to precipitate of protein because the catechins properties is same with phenolic compound. This research aims to know the preservative effectivity of dry water extract of gambier (Uncaria gambir Roxb.) in cream type of cosmetics. Research methods are total plate count, yeast and mold count, logs and percentage of preservative effectivity test. The data of the result there are: gambier extract in Pseudomonas aeruginosa cream shows the preservative requirement at 2%, 2,5% and 3% concentrations with 100% of reduction and 3 logs reductions on 14th days testing; gambier extract in Staphylococcus aureus cream shows the preservative requirement at 3% concentrations with 100% of reduction and 3 logs reductions on 7th days of the test; gambier extract in Enterobacter aerogenes cream shows the preservative requirement at 2%, 2,5%, 3% and 3,5% concentrations with 100% of reduction and 3 logs reductions on 28th days of the test; gambier extract in Candida albicans cream shows the preservative requirement at 2%, 2,5% and 3% concentrations with 100% of reduction and 3 logs reductions on 7th days of the test; gambier extract in Aspergillus niger cream shows the preservative requirement at 2,5% and 3% concentrations with 100% of reduction and 3 logs reductions on 7th days of the test. Dry water extract of gambier has the potential that can be used as a microbial preservative in cream type of cosmetics
Sabun Pembersih Kewanitaan dari Ekstrak Alga Merah (Kappaphycus Alvarezii) Sebagai Antijamur Candida albicans Fajar, In Rahmi Fatria; Fitri, Dewi Rahma; Hardiyati, Iin; Idawati, Idawati
JURNAL KESEHATAN PERINTIS Vol 10 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Kesehatan Perintis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33653/jkp.v10i2.1014


Kappaphycus alvarezii merupakan alga merah yang banyak tumbuh dan berkembang di pesisir Indonesia. Kappaphycus alvarezii mengandung beberapa senyawa, antara lain senyawa alkaloid, fenolik (flavonoid), tannin, saponin yang berperan penting untuk menghambat pertumbuhan jamur (antijamur) salah satunya Candida albicans. Manfaat penelitian sebagai inovasi sediaan kosmetik alga merah yang dapat dijadikan komoditi pada bidang kesehatan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh formulasi sabun pembersih kewanitaan dari ekstrak alga merah (Kappaphycus alvarezi) dan mendapatkan nilai daya hambat dalam formulasi sabun pembersih kewanitaan dengan menggunakan nystatin sebagai control positif dan F0 sebagai kontrol negatif. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian eksperimental, ekstraksi alga merah menggunakan etanol 70%, dilakukan uji evaluasi alga merah meliputi uji kadar air, uji kadar abu, uji logam berat, skrining fitokimia dan pengujian daya hambat jamur ekstrak terhadap Candida albicans dengan menggunakan metode sumuran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ekstrak alga merah (Kappaphycus alvarezi) memiliki kadar air 14,79%, kadar abu 67,53%, tidak mengandung cemaran logam berat pada ekstrak alga merah dan memenuhi persyaratan mutu sesuai SNI 2690:2016. Pada pengujian fitokimia ekstrak alga merah (Kappaphycus alvarezi) mengandung alkaloid, tannin, polifenol, saponin dan flavonoid. Hasil uji daya hambat antijamur ekstrak alga merah (Kappaphycus alvarezi) terhadap Candida albicans secara berturut-turut yaitu 2,5% sebesar 2,84 mm; 5% sebesar 5,93 mm; 10% sebesar 9,51 mm; 25% sebesar 11,19 mm; 50% sebesar 14,17 mm; dan 75% sebesar 23,68 mm. Kesimpulan ekstrak alga merah Kappaphycus alvarezii dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sabun pembersih kewanitaan.
Pelatihan Pemanfaatan Tanaman Obat Keluarga Sebagai Jamu Peningkat Imunitas di Desa Situterate Fitri, Dewi Rahma; Fajar, In Rahmi Fatria; Hardiyati, Iin; Adiana, Budi; Sihombing, Kartini
Jurnal Abdimas Jatibara Vol 1, No 2 (2023): Jatibara Vol.1 No.2 Februari 2023
Publisher : STIKES Yayasan RS.Dr.Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29241/jaj.v2i1.1409


The family medicinal plant is a home-cultivated plant that has medicinal properties. One of the uses of TOGA is as a healthy drink and increases immunity. Plants used in immunity-boosting herbs include ginger, turmeric, lemongrass, lemon, cinnamon, fennel, cardamom, and second. The purpose of counseling and training is to increase public knowledge about medicinal plants and using medicinal plants correctly for indications of proper self-medication and how to process herbal medicine. The outreach activity was started by providing material about the benefits of family medicinal plants and continued with training on making immunity-boosting herbs. The results of community service activities in Situterate Village obtained an increase in public understanding of the use of family medicinal plants which was realized by making immunity-enhancing herbs. This knowledge about TOGA becomes the basis for performing self-medication treatment and making various kinds of TOGA-based products appropriately.
Pelatihan Pembuatan Insektisida Herbal Minyak Sereh Bentuk Spray di RPTRA Jeruk Manis Fitri, Dewi Rahma; Fajar, In Rahmi Fatria; Ekadipta, Ekadipta; Hardiyati, Iin
Jurnal Abdimas Jatibara Vol 2, No 1 (2023): Jatibara Vol.2 No.1 Agustus 2023
Publisher : STIKES Yayasan RS.Dr.Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29241/jaj.v2i1.1475


The Real Work Lecture is one of the implementations of the Tridarma activities of higher education which includes community service activities. The theme of the activity is chosen based on the needs of the community. Cases of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in Jakarta are still high, so prevention is carried out, one of which is by using simple and environmentally friendly herbal insecticides. This training activity was carried out to increase the knowledge and skills of the community about herbal insecticides. The activity begins with a pretest, delivery of material, training and ends with a posttest. The activity was attended by 20 representatives elected by the Kelurahan. Based on the results of the service, it was found that there was an increase in participants' knowledge about herbal insecticides as indicated by an increase in pretest to posttest scores, from 40% to 95%. The product after the training is in the form of herbal insecticide spray preparations that can be used by participants, and can be remade for use as home products.