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The comparison of the use of bread waste and milled corn as a source of energy in concentrate to the weight and percentage of external non-carcass components of female local goats Dandy, Dandy; Abdullah, Abdullah
AgriSains Vol 21, No 3 (2020)

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This study aims to determine the comparison of the use of bread waste and milled corn as a source of energy in concentrate to the weight and percentage of external non-carcass components of female local goats. This research was conducted from January 1 - April 23, 2020 at CV. Prima Breed, Tondo Village, Mantikulore District, Palu City, Central Sulawesi. The number of livestock used in this study was 12 female local goats aged ± 10 months with a weight range of      10-12 kg. The study used a two-treatment comparison test with t-test statistical analysis. The treatments in this study were: P1 = Giving concentrate with the basic ingredient of an energy source is milled corn + Panicum sarmentosum Roxburg (Roxb) ad-libitum and P2 = Provision of concentrate with the basic ingredient of energy sources is bread waste + Panicum sarmentosum Roxburg (Roxb) ad-libitum . The results of the t-test statistical analysis showed that the provision of concentrate + bread waste + milled corn gave a significant difference to the percentage of the external non-carcass components of local goats, while the provision of concentrate + bread and the provision of concentrate + ground corn did not give a significant difference to the weight of the non-carcass components external local goats.
PENERAPAN FUNGSI MANAJEMEN PADA PENGELOLAAN BUMDES AWARAPIA MAINAWA DALAM MENGEMBANGKAN EKONOMI MASYARAKAT DESA (Studi Kasus Desa Laburunci Kecamatan Pasarwajo Kabupaten Buton) Dandy, Dandy; Justawan, Justawan; Sartono, Sartono
REZ PUBLICA Vol 6, No 1 (2020): March - May
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33772/rzp.v6i1.13583


This study aims to determine wether the application of management functions in BUMDes Awarapia Mainawa can improve the economy of rural communities, especially community users of village BUMDes funds in Laburunci Village, Pasarwajo Sub-District, of Buton Regency. The informant of the study was the village BUMDes Manager and a portion of the Laburunci village community of 5 people. In analyzing research data using qualitative descriptive methods, only describes the results of interview questions while in the field. Based on research, result obtained an increase in the community’s economy only occurs in the use of BUMDes Funds in the field of veil and uniform convection business and clean water treatment Laburunci Village, but in the field of craft business brooch there has been no increase in its economy. For that the authors suggest to users of BUMDes Fnds must maintain economic improvement and develop the results of the their business and be careful in using the funds obtained. The BUMDes Manager must control and at the same time provide a better view of the BUMDes fund user.
ACTIVE: Journal of Physical Education, Sport, Health and Recreation Vol 11 No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Department of Physical Education, Sport, Health and Recreation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/active.v11i3.61740


The research is based on the importance of mental toughness in the achievement of martial arts athletes. The function of mental toughness and emotional control is to maintain performance in the face of adversity. This study aims to find (1) a description of the emotional and stress training model for pencak silat martial arts athletes (2) a description of emotional processing and its impact on the success of pencak silat martial arts athletes, and (3) a description of the operational model of emotional and stress control in pencak silat martial arts athletes. . The sample in this study were the pencak silat athletes from the city of Palopo. The method used in data collection is qualitative. The research subjects were 7 informants consisting of 2 coaches and 5 athletes. The sample criteria that must be met are as follows: (1) parents living in the same house as athletes (2) male and female (3) athletes aged 18 – 22 years. Results of this study Based on the description of the results of the study, overall the martial arts athletes in this study showed quite good attitudes and behavior, seen from their self-confidence, stress management and good emotions. The description states that the emotional aspect as central to one's life needs important attention by coaches and parents, so that a comprehensive understanding of the development of children's emotional stimulation is needed.