Ulya, Imroatul
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Perbedaan Kadar Hb Pra dan Post Hemodialisa pada Penderita Gagal Ginjal Kronis di RS PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Ulya, Imroatul; Suryanto, -
Mutiara Medika: Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Vol 7, No 1 (s) (2007)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/mmjkk.v7i1 (s).1681


Chronic Renal Failure is progressive and late development of renal failure which renal lost the function to maintain volume and competitions body fluid with GFR levels 10%-25% from normal number. Hemodialysis used as therapy to substitute the decrease of renal function. Anemia almost founded in Chronic Renal Failure patients (80%-95%). Objectives of this research is to find out the differences between hemoglobin level in pre and post hem dialysis of chronic renal failure patients at PKU Muhammadiyah hospital in Yogyakarta. This study is a descriptive retrospective with cross sectional approach research aiming at finding out the differences ofHb levels pre and post hemodialysis. Kind of data that we use in this research is secondary data that we get from medical record from Medical Record Unit in PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital of Yogyakarta. The data was taken from medical record about Hb levels in Chronic Renal Failure in pre and post hemodialysis. The obtained data were then statistic analyzed by t-test pairs. The numbers of sample which include in inclusion and exclusion criteria is 40 patients. The result from t-test pairs was get p value =0,001. p value which less than a= 0,05 show that there are differences Hb levels between pre and post hemodialysis in Chronic Renal Failure. From this research also shows that the highest frequency for hemodialysis patient is male (75%) and based on the age is range on 15-55 years old (65%).Gagal ginjal kronik adalah merupakan perkembangan gagal ginjal yang progresif dan lambat, dimana ginjal kehilangan kemampuan untuk mempertahankan volume dan komposisi cairan tubuh dengan nilai GFR 10%-25% dari nilai normal. Hemodialisis (HD) digunakan sebagai terapi pengganti untuk menggantikan fungsi ginjal yang memburuk. Anemia hampir selalu ditemukan pada penderita Gagal Ginjal Kronis (80-95%). Dilaporkan dari 86 penderita yang menjalani HD rutin di RS Hasan Sadikin Bandung 100% menderita anemia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan kadar Hb pra dan post hemodialisa pada penderita Gagal Ginjal Kronik di RS PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta periode 1 Januari 2005 - 31 Desember 2005. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif retrospektif dengan pendekatan “cross sectional” untuk mengetahui perbedaan kadar Hb pra dan post hemodialisa pada penderita Gagal Ginjal Kronik. Data diperoleh dari bagian Rekam medik RSU PKU Muhammadiayah Yogyakarta. Data diambil dan dicatat dari formulir rekam medis mengenai kadar Hb pada pasien Gagal Ginjal Kronis sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan hemodialisis. Data diuji statistik dengan t-test berpasangan. Sampel yang didapatkan berdasarkan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi pada penelitian ini berjumlah 40 pasien. Hasil uji statistik dengan t-test berpasangan didapatkan nilai p=0,001 (p 0,05) menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan kadar Hb pra dan post hemodialisa pada pasien Gagal Ginjal Kronis, juga ditunjukkan bahwa frekuensi tertinggi pasien Gagal Ginjal Kronis adalah laki- laki (75%) dan frekuensi terbesar berdasarkan umur adalah 15-55 th atau sebesar 65%.
Herpes Zoster Lumbalis Sinistra pada Pasien Terinfeksi HIV Hastuti, Rini; Ulya, Imroatul; Mustifah, Etty Farida; Risman, Muhammad; Dharmawan, Nugrohoaji
Cermin Dunia Kedokteran Vol 45, No 4 (2018): Cidera Kepala
Publisher : PT. Kalbe Farma Tbk.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (221.005 KB) | DOI: 10.55175/cdk.v45i4.667


Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) merupakan virus yang menyebabkan menurunnya sistem kekebalan tubuh. Diketahui ada hubungan antara infeksi HIV dengan berbagai manifestasi penyakit kulit. Herpes zoster merupakan penyakit kulit yang disebabkan reaktivasi dan multiplikasi virus varicella zoster yang menetap pada ganglia sensoris setelah varicella. Kasus Laki-laki usia 32 tahun dengan gelembung bergerombol berisi air dengan dasar kulit eritem disertai nyeri pada betis sampai punggung kaki kiri sejak 3 hari. Pasien terinfeksi HIV sejak 7 bulan. Didapatkan lesi vesikel herpetiformis di atas dasar eritem sesuai dermatom Lumbal 5 (L5) sinistra. Tes Tzank menunjukkan adanya sel raksasa berinti banyak. Jumlah sel CD4 212/μL.Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) may suppress the immune system. There is a relationship between HIV infection with various skin manifestations. Herpes zoster is caused by reactivation and multiplication of varicella zoster virus in sensory ganglia after varicella. Case : A 32 year-old male with painful, clustered vesicle on erythematous base along left calf to foot since 3 days. He was diagnosed HIV positive 7 months ago. Physical examination showed herpetiform vesicles on erythematous base in left Lumbal 5 (L5) dermatome. Tzank test showed the presence of multinucleated giant cells. CD4 cell count is 212/μL.
The effect of face washing frequency on acne vulgaris patients Hastuti, Rini; Mustifah, Etty Farida; Ulya, Imroatul; Risman, Muhammad; Mawardi, Prasetyadi
Journal of General - Procedural Dermatology & Venereology Indonesia
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Background: Patients with acne often wash their faces twice a day, but there are not many studies supporting this practice. Methods: A single-blind randomized clinical trial was conducted in 38 subjects, divided into three groups based on face washing frequency (once, twice, and thrice a day). All groups used the same cleanser. The acne vulgaris severity and the number of lesions were assessed prior to study. After eight weeks, we re-assessed the acne severity, the number of lesions, the adverse event and patient’s self-evaluation. SPSS 17 was used to analyze the face washing frequency and the number of acne lesions. Results: Reduction in the average number of acne lesions was found in once and twice face washing groups, while the thrice group had increased number of acne lesions. The frequency of face washing with the number of lesions provided significant result in group 1, but it only reduced the number of comedones (p value = 0.041). Conclusion: Acne patients with only comedones lesions can be advised to wash their faces once a day.