Mustifah, Etty Farida
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Herpes Zoster Lumbalis Sinistra pada Pasien Terinfeksi HIV Hastuti, Rini; Ulya, Imroatul; Mustifah, Etty Farida; Risman, Muhammad; Dharmawan, Nugrohoaji
Cermin Dunia Kedokteran Vol 45, No 4 (2018): Cidera Kepala
Publisher : PT. Kalbe Farma Tbk.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (221.005 KB) | DOI: 10.55175/cdk.v45i4.667


Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) merupakan virus yang menyebabkan menurunnya sistem kekebalan tubuh. Diketahui ada hubungan antara infeksi HIV dengan berbagai manifestasi penyakit kulit. Herpes zoster merupakan penyakit kulit yang disebabkan reaktivasi dan multiplikasi virus varicella zoster yang menetap pada ganglia sensoris setelah varicella. Kasus Laki-laki usia 32 tahun dengan gelembung bergerombol berisi air dengan dasar kulit eritem disertai nyeri pada betis sampai punggung kaki kiri sejak 3 hari. Pasien terinfeksi HIV sejak 7 bulan. Didapatkan lesi vesikel herpetiformis di atas dasar eritem sesuai dermatom Lumbal 5 (L5) sinistra. Tes Tzank menunjukkan adanya sel raksasa berinti banyak. Jumlah sel CD4 212/μL.Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) may suppress the immune system. There is a relationship between HIV infection with various skin manifestations. Herpes zoster is caused by reactivation and multiplication of varicella zoster virus in sensory ganglia after varicella. Case : A 32 year-old male with painful, clustered vesicle on erythematous base along left calf to foot since 3 days. He was diagnosed HIV positive 7 months ago. Physical examination showed herpetiform vesicles on erythematous base in left Lumbal 5 (L5) dermatome. Tzank test showed the presence of multinucleated giant cells. CD4 cell count is 212/μL.
Perbandingan Fungsi Barier Kulit Pasien Dermatitis Atopik oleh Krim Aloe Vera dan Krim Seramid: Penelitian Awal Mustifah, Etty Farida; Dewi, Susanti Rosmala; Hastuti, Rini; Kariosentono, Harijono
Cermin Dunia Kedokteran Vol 45, No 8 (2018): Alopesia
Publisher : PT. Kalbe Farma Tbk.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (879.926 KB) | DOI: 10.55175/cdk.v45i8.621


Latar Belakang: Dermatitis atopik (DA) adalah penyakit peradangan kulit kronik, residif, ditandai rasa gatal dan berhubungan dengan riwayat atopi. Penggunaan pelembap teratur merupakan kunci utama tatalaksana DA. Tujuan: Membandingkan efektivitas krim seramid dan aloe vera sebagai barrier pada pasien DA dengan mengukur nilai TEWL baseline dan setelah 2 minggu pemberian. Hasil: Rerata TEWL terendah pada krim A (aloe vera) dan B (seramid) terjadi pada minggu ke-2 (7,39 + 3,17 vs 6,55 + 3,25). Skor TEWL turun dari sebelum diolesi krim (baseline), pada minggu ke-0, ke-1, ke-2, dan pada minggu ke-3 meningkat kembali setelah tidak menggunakan krim (p=0,005). Secara umum skor TEWL pada pengolesan krim B lebih rendah dari krim A, namun perbedaan tersebut tidak bermakna (p=0,512). Simpulan: Pada penelitian ini tidak didapatkan perbedaan bermakna nilai TEWL setelah penggunaan krim aloe vera dan krim seramid, sehingga disimpulkan efektivitasnya sama.Background: Atopic dermatitis (DA) is a chronic skin inflammatory disease, residif, characterized by itching and associated with atopy history. Regular use of moisturizers is the key of DA management. Objective: Compare the effectiveness of seramid and aloe vera creams as a barrier in DA patients by measuring baseline TEWL values and after 2 weeks of using. Results: The lowest mean TEWL in cream A (aloe vera) and B (seramid) occurred at week 2 (7.39 + 3.17 vs 6.55 + 3.25). TEWL scores decrease from before smearing the cream (baseline), at week 0, 1, 2, and at week 3 increase again after no cream (p = 0.005). In general, the TEWL score on cream B treatment was lower than cream A, but the difference was not significant (p = 0,512). Conclusion: There is no significant difference in TEWL value after the use of aloe vera cream and ceramic cream, so it is concluded that the effectiveness is the same. 
Metotreksat Intramuskular untuk Terapi Psoriasis Vulgaris: Serial Kasus Rafika Paramitasari, Anggana; Hartati, Agung Triana; Mustifah, Etty Farida; Yustin Ellista Sari, Endra; Kusumawardani, Arie
Cermin Dunia Kedokteran Vol 45, No 8 (2018): Alopesia
Publisher : PT. Kalbe Farma Tbk.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (821.515 KB) | DOI: 10.55175/cdk.v45i8.627


Metotreksat merupakan pilihan terapi psoriasis yang efektif. Laporan pemberian MTX parenteral pada psoriasis vulgaris masih jarang. Kami melaporkan 8 kasus psoriasis vulgaris dengan terapi injeksi MTX dosis inisial 10mg/minggu dan dinaikkan menjadi 15mg/minggu. Dalam evaluasi 8-12 minggu, terdapat perbaikan klinis yang dievaluasi menggunakan Psoriasis Activity and Severity Index (PASI), luas Body Surface Area (BSA) dan Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI). Bioavailabilitas MTX parenteral lebih baik dibandingkan peroral. Tidak ditemukan efek samping selama pemberian injeksi MTX.Methotrexate (MTX) is the commonly prescribed for psoriasis. Reports on parenteral MTX for psoriasis in Indonesia are still scarce. We reported eight psoriasis patients treated with intramuscular MTX 10mg/week increased to 15mg/week. The clinical improvement was remarkable demonstrated with Body Surface Area (BSA), Psoriasis Activity and Severity Index (PASI) and Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) scores. Bioavailability of parenteral MTX is better than oral MTX. No adverse effect was found and the clinical improvement was good.
The effect of face washing frequency on acne vulgaris patients Hastuti, Rini; Mustifah, Etty Farida; Ulya, Imroatul; Risman, Muhammad; Mawardi, Prasetyadi
Journal of General - Procedural Dermatology & Venereology Indonesia
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Background: Patients with acne often wash their faces twice a day, but there are not many studies supporting this practice. Methods: A single-blind randomized clinical trial was conducted in 38 subjects, divided into three groups based on face washing frequency (once, twice, and thrice a day). All groups used the same cleanser. The acne vulgaris severity and the number of lesions were assessed prior to study. After eight weeks, we re-assessed the acne severity, the number of lesions, the adverse event and patient’s self-evaluation. SPSS 17 was used to analyze the face washing frequency and the number of acne lesions. Results: Reduction in the average number of acne lesions was found in once and twice face washing groups, while the thrice group had increased number of acne lesions. The frequency of face washing with the number of lesions provided significant result in group 1, but it only reduced the number of comedones (p value = 0.041). Conclusion: Acne patients with only comedones lesions can be advised to wash their faces once a day.