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Journal : BELIA: Early Childhood Education Papers

Creation Dance Motion in Deaf Children to Develop Motor Balance in Anak Hebat Kindergarten Semarang Widyoseptiani, Ariska; Ambari Sumanto, Reni Pawestuti
BELIA: Early Childhood Education Papers Vol 10 No No 1 (2021): June 2021
Publisher : Jurusan PGPAUD FIP UNNES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/belia.v10iNo 1.37263


This study aims to determine the development of motor balance with deaf children's dance creation in Anak Hebat Kindergarten Semarang. This study uses a qualitative approach to the type of descriptive study. The data collected through interview techniques, observation, and data collection techniques (documents). The main informants in this study were 1 dance teacher and 2 class teachers, and the triangulation informants were 3 parents. The data analysis techniques used the theory of Milles and Huberman. The validity of the data uses the triangulation method. The results showed that dance motions for deaf children were repeated so that children could easily remember the motions. Dance motions that are taught can train children's motor balance such as jumping to the right and left with rotating arms and right and left legs raised one by one in turn, then there are circular motions by jumping with alternating legs, there are also tiptoe movements while the body bounces. These motions are motions that can train the balance of deaf children. There are two aspects, namely the creation of dance motions in deaf children and motor balance. Creation dance motion deaf children have a range of indicators of understanding of dance for deaf children, choreography forms of dance, characteristics of dance for children, the benefits of dance for deaf children. Motor balance also has a range of indicators namely understanding motor development, factors affecting motor development and elements of motor learning. The conclusion of this research is that dance learning is carried out continuously and motions that are easy and repetitive are important things that must be applied in dance learning for deaf children so that children easily understand and memorize. This study recommends that teachers should be even more varied in learning so that children do not get bored, in learning dance for deaf children, special techniques are reproduced again.
Personal Hygiene Related to Healthy Food and Number of Infectious Diseases on Toddler of Scavanger Family Maharani, Nabilla Fierdausya; Sumanto, Reni Pawestuti Ambari
BELIA: Early Childhood Education Papers Vol 9 No 2 (2020): November 2020
Publisher : Jurusan PGPAUD FIP UNNES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/belia.v9i2.39116


This study aims to describe the personal hygiene and describe the factors that influence personal hygiene related to healthy food and the incidence of infectious diseases in toddlers from scavenger families in the Pekalongan City Landfill. This study uses a qualitative approach to the type of descriptive study. Data are collected through interviews, observation, and data collection techniques (documents). The main informant in this study is 3 parents who have toddlers, and triangulation informants 1 TPA chairman, 1 health center health worker, 1 Posyandu cadre. Data analysis technique uses the theory of Milles and Huberman. The validity of the data uses the method triangulation. The results of this study are that the family of TPA scavengers already know personal hygiene and every day serves healthy food that contains nutrition for their families, especially to children, by paying attention to personal hygiene when serving food, but there are still residents in the environment around the landfill who do not keep themselves clean properly and the living environment that does not receive enough attention from the cleanliness aspect. This results in infectious diseases such as diarrhea and ARI. Several factors that can influence personal hygiene include knowledge, attitudes, expectation practices, individual habits, and the physical environment in which they live. For parents who have toddlers to pay more attention to personal hygiene and healthy food, especially the physical environment in which they live to prevent infectious diseases.
The Improvement of Cognitive Ability of Children Class B Age Through Colored Sand Media Ziana, Ulfa; Ambari Sumanto, Reni Pawestuti
BELIA: Early Childhood Education Papers Vol 10 No 2 (2021): November 2021
Publisher : Jurusan PGPAUD FIP UNNES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/belia.v10i2.36820


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan prosedural kognitif anak usia TK B melalui media pasir berwarna. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Bustanul Athfal ‘Aisyiyah Darussalam Kabupaten Magelang dengan menggunakan metode pre eksperiment design melalui One Group Pretest-Posttest. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa TK B di Bustanul Athfal ‘Aisyiyah Darussalam Kabupaten Magelang yang berjumlah 60 anak. Teknik pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini adalah sampling purposive, dimana kriteria penentuan sampelnya adalah siswa yang belum menggunakan pasir sebagai media pembelajaran, siswa dengan kemampuan kognitif rendah, dan kurangnya pengembangan kemampuan prosedural kognitif. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 30 anak. Hasil pretest dan posttest memiliki nilai rata-rata (mean) kemampuan prosedural kognitif pada hasil pretest sebesar 200,23 sedangkan pada hasil posttest sebesar 234,23 sehingga terjadi peningkatan sebesar 34 poin. Adapun hasil signifikansi uji hipotesis menggunakan Uji Paired Sample t-Test menunjukkan nilai signifikansi 0,00 (p<0,05). Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan signifikan dari kemampuan prosedural kognitif anak usia TK B melalui media pasir berwarna yaitu peningkatan kemampuan prosedural kognitif anak sebelum dan setelah perlakuan rata-rata sebesar 34 dengan presentase 53,3%.
Creation Dance Motion in Deaf Children to Develop Motor Balance in Anak Hebat Kindergarten Semarang Widyoseptiani, Ariska; Ambari Sumanto, Reni Pawestuti
BELIA: Early Childhood Education Papers Vol 10 No No 1 (2021): June 2021
Publisher : Jurusan PGPAUD FIP UNNES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/belia.v10iNo 1.37263


This study aims to determine the development of motor balance with deaf children's dance creation in Anak Hebat Kindergarten Semarang. This study uses a qualitative approach to the type of descriptive study. The data collected through interview techniques, observation, and data collection techniques (documents). The main informants in this study were 1 dance teacher and 2 class teachers, and the triangulation informants were 3 parents. The data analysis techniques used the theory of Milles and Huberman. The validity of the data uses the triangulation method. The results showed that dance motions for deaf children were repeated so that children could easily remember the motions. Dance motions that are taught can train children's motor balance such as jumping to the right and left with rotating arms and right and left legs raised one by one in turn, then there are circular motions by jumping with alternating legs, there are also tiptoe movements while the body bounces. These motions are motions that can train the balance of deaf children. There are two aspects, namely the creation of dance motions in deaf children and motor balance. Creation dance motion deaf children have a range of indicators of understanding of dance for deaf children, choreography forms of dance, characteristics of dance for children, the benefits of dance for deaf children. Motor balance also has a range of indicators namely understanding motor development, factors affecting motor development and elements of motor learning. The conclusion of this research is that dance learning is carried out continuously and motions that are easy and repetitive are important things that must be applied in dance learning for deaf children so that children easily understand and memorize. This study recommends that teachers should be even more varied in learning so that children do not get bored, in learning dance for deaf children, special techniques are reproduced again.
Personal Hygiene Related to Healthy Food and Number of Infectious Diseases on Toddler of Scavanger Family Maharani, Nabilla Fierdausya; Sumanto, Reni Pawestuti Ambari
BELIA: Early Childhood Education Papers Vol 9 No 2 (2020): November 2020
Publisher : Jurusan PGPAUD FIP UNNES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/belia.v9i2.39116


This study aims to describe the personal hygiene and describe the factors that influence personal hygiene related to healthy food and the incidence of infectious diseases in toddlers from scavenger families in the Pekalongan City Landfill. This study uses a qualitative approach to the type of descriptive study. Data are collected through interviews, observation, and data collection techniques (documents). The main informant in this study is 3 parents who have toddlers, and triangulation informants 1 TPA chairman, 1 health center health worker, 1 Posyandu cadre. Data analysis technique uses the theory of Milles and Huberman. The validity of the data uses the method triangulation. The results of this study are that the family of TPA scavengers already know personal hygiene and every day serves healthy food that contains nutrition for their families, especially to children, by paying attention to personal hygiene when serving food, but there are still residents in the environment around the landfill who do not keep themselves clean properly and the living environment that does not receive enough attention from the cleanliness aspect. This results in infectious diseases such as diarrhea and ARI. Several factors that can influence personal hygiene include knowledge, attitudes, expectation practices, individual habits, and the physical environment in which they live. For parents who have toddlers to pay more attention to personal hygiene and healthy food, especially the physical environment in which they live to prevent infectious diseases.