Suryati, Yuliana
Universitas Katolik St Paulus Ruteng

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Analysis of Working Postures on the Low Back Pain Incidence in Traditional Songket Weaving Craftsmen in Ketang Manggarai Village, NTT Suryati, Yuliana; Nggarang, Bonavantura Nursi
Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health Vol 5, No 4 (2020)
Publisher : Masters Program in Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia

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Background: Low back pain (LBP) is pain that is experienced in between the corners of the lower ribs to the fold of the lower buttocks, namely the lumbar-sacral area and is often accompanied by pain radiations to the legs and feet. LBP is caused by sitting for a long time in a monotonous position, causing tension on back muscles and can lead to the surrounding soft tissue damage. Traditional cloth weavers are at risk of LBP due to their activities that requiring sitting and bending positions, in a same certain position and for a long time. Analysis of appro-priate working posture can be a reference to reduce the risk of LBP. This study aims to determine working posture and its effect on the incidence of LBP and the risk level of each work attitude element of the woven fabric manufacturing activity.Subjects and Method: This was a quantitative study using a retrospective study. The subjects of this study were 40 weavers of traditional fabrics. The dependent variable was working posture. The independent variable was low back pain (LBP). LBP pain measured using the numeric rating scale (NRS) and the Quick Exposure Check (QEC) questionnaire to determine working posture. Results: There was a significant relationship between LBP and working posture (QEC level) (OR= 0.15; 95% CI= 0.03 to 0.71; p= 0.017), age (OR= 5.64; 95% CI= 1.07 to 2.96; p= 0.001), and tenure OR= 0.44; 95% CI= 0.16 to 0.85; p= 0.014). Age and tenure (hours) also influence the incidence of LBP.Conclusion: Age, working experience (length of work), and working posture have a high contribution to the incidence of Low back pain. The results of this study expected to be a reference of comfortable working posture for workers and efforts to prevent and manage low back pain.Keywords: working posture, low back painCorrespondence: Yuliana Suryati. Faculty of Health Science, Uni-versitas Katolik Indonesia Santu Paulus Ru-teng. Jl. Ahmad Yani 10 Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara. Email: Mobile: 081328430358.Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health (2020), 05(04): 469-476
The Utilization Of Counseling Flipchart At Integrated Health Post Putriatri Krimasusini Senudin; Eufrasia Prinata Padeng; Eugenius Rada Masri; Yuliana Suryati
Jurnal Kesehatan Prima Vol 14, No 2 (2020): AUGUST
Publisher : poltekkes kemenkes mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32807/jkp.v14i2.404


Integrated health post  is one form of community-based health efforts, which empowers and facilitates the community in obtaining basic health services, to accelerate the reduction in maternal and infant mortality. The Integrated health post  is ideally carried out with a five table system and five basic activities. Integrated health post  in local government clinic kota Ruteng has conducted registration, weighing and filling the Health Towards Card  (KMS) well, but the extension activity was never carried out by kader. Kader often find it difficult, because there is a lack of confidence and are not sure they are able to do counseling, especially for kader who have not attended extension training. In addition, the unavailability of standardized aids to be used when counseling at the Integrated health post . This research was conducted with an observational method with a cross sectional approach followed by 54 kader. Sampling using purposive sampling. The research instruments used were questionnaire and observation sheet. The results showed that the characteristics of respondents based on age were mostly more than 35 years old (51.9%), most had high school education background (70.4%), most of them had been kader  for 1-5 years (53.7% ) and most of them have never attended counseling training (63%).The use of flipcharts by the kader at the time of counseling in  Integrated health post   at the table four was good (51.8%). There is no relationship of age (0.022) and counseling training that has ever been followed (0.285) with the use of Integrated health post  training flipcharts. There is an educational relationship (0,000) and a long time as a kader  (0.001) with the use of counseling flipchart at Integrated health post . It can be concluded that flipchart can help kader  in conducting extension activities at table four  Integrated health post  balita in accordance with the problems and needs of participants. 
Wawasan Kesehatan Vol 6 No 1 (2021): JURNAL WAWASAN KESEHATAN
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan dan Pertanian Unika Santu Paulus Ruteng

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Saat ini, dunia masih berada pada masa pandemi COVID-19 dimana kasusnya masih meningkat tiap hari. Perawat sebagai garda terdepan dalam perawatan pasien COVID-19 memiliki peranan besar dalam memberikan pelayanan langsung pada pasien. Oleh karena itu, perawat beresiko tinggi menghadapi kondisi psikis seperti kecemasan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat kecemasan perawat selama pandemi COVID-19 di kabupaten manggarai. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif deksriptif dengan desain penelitian cross sectional. Penentuan sampel dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampel dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 70 responden. Uji bivariat dengan menggunakan uji korelasi kendall’s tau-b. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa adanya hubungan dari jenis kelamin (p =0,00), tingkat pengetahuan (p=0,00), status keluarga (p=0,00) dan ketersediaan APD (0,00) terhadap kecemasan perawat selama masa pandemi COVID-19. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar responden mengalami kecemasan akibat pandemi COVID-19 di Kabupaten Manggarai yang juga disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor, diantaranya adalah meningkatnya kecemasan pada perawat perempuan, ketersediaan APD yang kurang memadai, ketakutan penularan pada anggota keluarga lainnya, pengetahuan perawat
Optimalisasi Kemitraan Dukun dengan Bidan di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Mamba Kabupaten Manggarai Timur Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur Maria Sriana Banul; Silfia A.N. Halu; Yuliana Suryati; Maria Fridolin Kawu
Jurnal Kreativitas Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) Volume 4 Nomor 6 Desember 2021
Publisher : Universitas Malahayati Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/jkpm.v4i6.4533


ABSTRAK Kepercayaan masyarakat Manggarai Timur terhadap dukun sebagai penolong persalinan masih cukup tinggi. Program kemitraan dukun dengan bidan merupakan salah satu cara untuk mencegah terjadinya pertolongan persalinan oleh dukun. Program ini sebagai salah satu strategi untuk meningkatkan cakupan pertolongan persalinan oleh tenaga kesehatan. Kegiatan ini dilakukan untuk meningkatkan program kemitraan dukun dengan bidan di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Mamba Kabupaten Manggarai Timur, sehingga cakupan pertolongan persalinan oleh dukun tidak terjadi lagi. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh kepala puskesmas, dukun, dan bidan setempat. Motode yang digunakan adalah melalui edukasi dengan penyajian materi menggunakan metode ceramah, diskusi, tanya jawab serta pembagian leaflet dan lembar balik kepada peserta. Semua peserta yang ikut dalam kegiatan ini sangat antusias dan aktif dan mampu memahami materi yang disampaikan. Peserta bersama bidan dan pemerintah setempat berkomitmen untuk bekerja sama dalam meningkatkan program kemitraan dukun dan bidan ini. Diharapkan, dengan kegiatan ini cakupan pertolongan persalinan oleh dukun tidak terjadi lagi. Kata Kunci: Kemitraan, Dukun, Bidan, Persalinan  ABSTRACT The trust of the East Manggarai community towards traditional healers as birth attendants is still quite high. The shaman's partnership program with the midwife is one way to prevent birth assistance by shamans. This program is one of the strategies to increase the coverage of delivery assistance by health workers. This activity was carried out to improve the traditional healer's partnership program with midwives in the Mamba Health Center Work Area, East Manggarai Regency so that the coverage of delivery assistance by traditional birth attendants would no longer occur. This activity was attended by the head of the health center, traditional healers, local midwives, and pregnant women. The method used is through education by presenting the material using lecture, discussion, question and answer methods, and distributing leaflets and flipcharts to participants. All participants who took part in this activity were very enthusiastic and active and were able to understand the material presented. Participants together with midwives and the local government are committed to working together in improving this partnership program between traditional healers and midwives. It is hoped that with this activity the coverage of delivery assistance by traditional birth attendants will not occur again.  Keywords: Partnership, traditional healers, midwives, childbirth