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Peningkatan Kesehatan Masyarakat Melalui Pemeberdayaan Wanita dalam Pemanfaatan Tanaman Obat Keluarga (TOGA) di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Rejosari Pekanbaru Ary Oktora Sri Rahayu; Yesi Septina Wati; Meirita Herawati
Abdimas Universal Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): April
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Balikpapan (LPPM UNIBA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36277/abdimasuniversal.v4i1.167


Medicinal plants are plants that have medicinal properties and are used as drugs in healing and preventing disease, the use of natural materials is more acceptable to the human body. Knowledge about the use of medicinal plants is an important element in improving the ability of individuals and families to obtain a healthy life. It is important to continue educating the public regarding the benefits of TOGA. One of the functions of TOGA is as an effort to improve public health including preventive efforts (prevention), promotive efforts (improvement/maintaining health), and curative efforts (curing disease). The solution offered is to provide counseling in the form of education related to improving public health by using TOGA which is expected to provide input on TOGA. With the education carried out, it is able to empower the community in the use of family medicinal plants as an effort to increase body immunity in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic. PKM partners are 21 housewives. The method of implementing the activity is to begin by identifying the needs to be used, follow-up surveys and collection of tools and materials needed, then identify the mechanism for implementing community service activities as well as education and socialization. The resulting outputs are: 1) empowering the community in the use of family medicinal plants as an effort to increase body immunity, and 2) becoming a published scientific work.
Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan Vol 10 No 2 (2021): Al-Asalmiya Nursing: Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan (Journal of Nursing Sciences)
Publisher : STIKes Al-Insyirah Pekanbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (354.379 KB) | DOI: 10.35328/keperawatan.v10i2.2085


Optimal growth and development of children can be achieved by exclusive breastfeeding for newborns up to the age of six months. Parental knowledge and family support play an important role in the success of exclusive breastfeeding. The purpose of this study was to know associated Parental knowledge and family support with exclusive breastfeeding in Pangkalan Village, Pucuk Rantau District, Kuantan Singingi Regency. This type of research was quantitative with a cross-sectional approach. The study was conducted from September 2020 to February 2021. The population in this study were all mothers who had babies aged 7-12 months with a total sample of 40 people who were taken by purposive sampling. The results of this study found that the knowledge in the good category was 20 people (50.0%), the majority of family support in the good was 22 people (55.0%), and 62.5% getting exclusive breastfeeding. There is a relationship between knowledge (p-value 0.001), and family support (p-value 0.005) with exclusive breastfeeding in Pangkalan Village, Pucuk Rantau District, Kuantan Singingi Regency. It is recommended that health officers at Pangkalan Puskesmas improve and create conditions that support mothers to breastfeed exclusively by engaging in persuasive communication.
Jurnal Ilmiah Kebidanan Imelda Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Kebidanan Imelda
Publisher : Program Studi S1 & DIII-Kebidanan Universitas Imelda Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52943/jikebi.v8i1.785


Young women are more at risk of suffering from anemia due to menstruation so they need more iron than young men. The problem is teenage girls do not want to take Fe tablets, so they need alternatives to increase hemoglobin such as consuming chicken eggs. Chicken eggs contain various vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A and iron which are good enough to prevent anemia. This study aims to determine the effect of chicken egg consumption on increasing hemoglobin levels in young women at SMAN 3 Siak Hulu. Pre-experimental research design with one group pretest postest design. This research was implemented from January-August 2020. Samples were taken by simple random sampling technique of 14 respondents. The research instrument is observation sheet and Hb sahli. Data were analyzed using Dependent T test. The Hemoglobin level before consumption of chicken eggs is <12 gr / dl as much as 85.7%. After consumption of chicken eggs the hemoglobin level is ≥ 12 gr / dl as much as 57.1%. The average pretest Hb was 11,464 gr / dl (SD = 0.5444 gr / dl) and posttest Hb 12,307 gr / dl (SD = 0.6330 gr / dl). Dependent T test results showed that the influence of chicken egg consumption on increased hemoglobin levels in young women at SMAN 3 Siak Hulu (ρ = 0,000) <0.05. It is recommended for young women to consume one egg boiled eggs every day as an effort to prevent anemia in adolescents, especially teenagers who do not want to take blood-added tablets.
The Effectiveness of Green Betel Leaf Decoction on Perineal Wounds Healing in The Work Area of The Puskesmas Siak Hulu II, Kampar Regency Ary Oktora Sri Rahayu; Fera Z
Science Midwifery Vol 9 No 2 (2021): April: Science Midwifery
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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Health Center Working Area, all maternity in the work area of the puskesmas Siak Hulu Public Health Center II Working Area have never been treated with green betel leaves, so far the pharmacological treatment of perineal wounds is using iodine with a healing period of 7-14 days. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of using green betel water stew on healing perineal wounds in the working area of ​​ the puskesmas Siak Hulu II Health Center. This type of research is quantitative with a quasy experiment design and research design Pretest-Posttest one group design. The study was conducted in January-July 2019. The population in this study 122 people in the work Area of the Puskesmas Siak Hulu II Health Center in Kampar Regency with a total sample of 16 people using Purposive Sampling techniques. The results of this study are that the majority of respondents before being given green betel water decoction experienced poor perineal wounds as much as 81.2%, the majority of respondents after being given green betel water decoction experienced poor perineal wounds as much as 81.2%. Bivariate results, namely the effectiveness of green betel water stew on the healing of perineal wounds in the Work Area of ​​the Puskesmas Siak Hulu II Health Center in Kampar Regency (p = 0,000). The suggestion is that health workers can practice and teach this technique to mothers to accelerate the healing of perineal wounds and the results of this study can be an innovation and alternative treatment option naturally for the health center.
Effectiveness of Yoga Movements in Reducing the Pain of Dysmenorrhea in Adolescent Women in SMAN 1 Tambang Nia Desriva; Ary Oktora Sri Rahayu; Tukimin
Journal of Global Research in Public Health Vol. 7 No. 2 (2022): December
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat IIK Strada Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (131.035 KB) | DOI: 10.30994/jgrph.v7i2.407


Menstrual pain or dysmenorrhea is defined as pain that occurs before or during a menstrual period, this pain may last from one to several days. Dysmenorrhea is menstrual pain that is often complained of by women, which is characterized by brief pain before or during menstruation (Lowdermilk et al., 2011). There are many ways to reduce dysmenorrhea pain, one of which is yoga. Yoga helps the body's endocrine glands function better, and when done for at least 30 seconds during your period, it can help relieve dysmenorrhea and facilitate menstruation.  The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of yoga movements in reducing dysmenorrhea pain.The research design was pre-experimental designs, using one group pre-test and post-test. Samples are taken by technique purposive samplings many as 24 respondents. Data were analyzed univariately and bivariately using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank test. Univariate results before doing yoga results obtained most of the students experienced pain on average on a scale of 4, namely 11 respondents (45%) and on a pain scale of 3, namely 7 female students (29%). female students (62%). The bivariate results obtained that there was an effect of yoga movement on dysmenorrhea pain in young women at SMAN 1 Tambang with a p value of 0.000. It was concluded that there is effectiveness of yoga movements in relieving dysmenorrhea pain and there are significant differences between before and after doing yoga movements. It is recommended that young women do yoga regularly to relieve dysmenorrhea pain.
The Effectiveness Of The Combination Neck And Pectoralis Major Muscle Massage To Fluency Of Breast Milk Production On Post Partum Mothers Ary Oktora Sri Rahayu; Ika Permanasari; Rodiah
Journal of Global Research in Public Health Vol. 8 No. 1 (2023): June
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat IIK Strada Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30994/jgrph.v8i1.417


Breastfeeding is the optimal way to meet nutritional needs for infant growth, and is an ideal source of nutrition containing antibody substances to protect babies from various infections, viruses and fungi. Many failures in breastfeeding are caused by several factors, one of which is lack of breast milk production, maternal psychology and nutritional factors. Thus, it requires a method of knowledge about supporting techniques to facilitate breastfeeding in postpartum mothers. One of alternatives to facilitate breastfeeding is to do breast care using a method of combining neck massage and pectoralis major muscle massage. This study to determine the effect of combination of neck and pectoralis major muscle massage on the production of breast milk in postpartum mothers 1-3 days conducted at the Mandah Community Health Center. This Quasy experimental study used pre test and post design with control group. The population was all postpartum mothers at Mandah Community Health Center with a sample size of 20 taken by purposive sampling technique. The instrument was an observation on breast milk production. Data analysis using Mann Whitney testwith ap value of 0.003 <α 0.05, meaning that there was the effect of neck massage and pectoralis major muscle massage on the production of breast milk. There was the effect of the combination of neck massage and pectoralis major muscle massage on the production of breast milk in postpartum mothers 1-3 days. Midwives are expected to be able to disseminate and apply the combination method of neck massage and pectoralis major muscle massage as an alternative option to facilitate breastfeeding for postpartum mothers 1-3 days.