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Justisi: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Vol 7 No 1 (2022): Justisi: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum
Publisher : Program Studi Hukum Fakultas Hukum Universitas Buana Perjuangan Karawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36805/jjih.v7i1.2295


Kebebasan berserikat, berkumpul, mengeluarkan pendapat merupakan hak yangdijamin oleh konstitusi, oleh karena itu maka tidak boleh ada pihak yangmelarang/menghalang-halangi siapapun yang akan mendirikan/melaksanakankegiatan organisasi serikat. Pada salah satu Perusahaan, pengusaha melakukantindakan penghalang-halangan kegiatan serikat pekerja berupa kegiatan mogokkerja, dengan cara melakukan pemutusan hubungan kerja terhadap pekerja yangmelakukan mogok kerja. Tindakan tersebut adalah merupakan tindakan balasanterhadap mogok kerja yang sah sebagai akibat dari gagalnya perundingan. Mogokkerja yang sah adalah hak dasar pekerja yang dilindungi. Tujuan dari penelitian iniadalah untuk mengetahui bentuk perlindungan hukum bagi Pekerja yangmelaksanakan hak mogok kerja dihubungkan dengan Pasal 187 Undang-UndangNomor 13 Tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan juncto Pasal 81 angka (65)Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2020 tentang Cipta Kerja dan untuk mengetahuipertanggungjawaban pidana atas tindak pidana berupa tindakan balasan terhadapPekerja yang melakukan mogok kerja. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodependekatan yuridis empiris dan spesifikasi adalah deskriptif eksplanatif. Adapunhasil penelitiannya yaitu mogok kerja yang dilakukan oleh para pekerja PT. MUGAI INDONESIA tersebut adalah mogok kerja yang tidak sah dikarenakanbukan sebagai akibat dari gagalnya perundingan. Sehingga perbuatan PT. MUGAIINDONESIA yang melakukan pemutusan hubungan kerja kepada pekerja yangmelakukan mogok kerja dapat dikategorikan sebagai tindakan balasan yangdilakukan oleh perusahaan terhadap pekerja yang melakukan mogok kerja, akantetapi perbuatan tersebut tidak dapat dikenakan pertanggungjawaban pidanadikarenakan terdapat alasan pembenar atas tindakan tersebut Kata Kunci : Mogok Kerja, Tindakan Balasan, Perlindungan Hukum Freedom of association, assembly, expression of opinion is a right guaranteed bythe constitution, therefore no party may prohibit/obstruct anyone who willestablish/carry out the activities of a union organization. In one of the companies, the entrepreneur takes action to prevent the union's activities in the form of a strike, by terminating the workers who go on strike. This action is a countermeasureagainst a legitimate strike as a result of the failure of negotiations. A legal strike isa basic protected worker right. The purpose of this study is to determine the form oflegal protection for workers exercising the right to strike in relation to Article 187of Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower in conjunction with Article 81number (65) of Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation and to find outcriminal liability for criminal acts in the form of retaliation against Workers whostrike. This study uses an empirical juridical approach and the specification isdescriptive explanatory. As for the results of the research, namely the strike carriedout by the workers of PT. MUGAI INDONESIA is an illegal strike because it is notthe result of failed negotiations. So that the actions of PT. MUGAI INDONESIAwhich terminates the employment relationship of workers who go on strike can becategorized as retaliatory actions taken by the company against workers who go onstrike, but such actions cannot be subject to criminal responsibility because thereare reasons to justify such actions Keywords: Strike, Countermeasures, Legal Protecti
OH-9 Master Trainer One Health: Jejaring Dan Peran Dalam Pencegahan Dan Pengendalian Zoonosis Dan Penyakit Infeski Baru/Berulang Secara Berkelanjutan Yunita Widayati; Pebi Suseno; Andri Jatikusumah; Arif Wicaksono; Elly Sawitri; Wahid Fakhri Husein; Fadjar Sumping Tjatur Rasa
Hemera Zoa Proceedings of the 20th FAVA & the 15th KIVNAS PDHI 2018
Publisher : Hemera Zoa

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PENDAHULUANIndonesia merupakan salah satu hot spot didunia untuk kasus penyakit infeksi baru/berulang (PIB)-Emerging Infectious Disease (EID).  Adanya ancaman yang nyata dari PIB dan Zoonosis tertarget membutuhkan pendekatan One Health (OH).  Penanggulangan dan pengendalian penyakit zoonosis dan PIB secara global bergerak ke arah OH.  Konsep One Health dikembangkan dengan maksud untuk menjawab tantangan ini.  Konsep ini menitikberatkan pada pendekatan multi sektoral serta kerjasama dan kolaborasi lintas sektor .Untuk melaksanakan kegiatan tersebut diperlukan peningkatan kapasitas bagi petugas lapangan.  Petugas lapangan merupakan petugas terdepan dalam melakukan pencegahan dan pengendalian zoonosis dan PIB.  Peran petugas lapangan menjadi sangat krusial terutama dalam upaya mencegah penakit atau wabah menyebar lebih besar dan pencegahan awal.Peningkatan kapasitas petugas lapangan merupakan upaya yang terus berlanjut.  Peningkatan kompetensi petugas lapangan merupakan investasi jangka panjang.  Untuk itu dalam memastikan upaya keberlanjutan diperlukan suatu program peningkatan kapasitas yang disalurkan melalui Master Trainer.  Master trainer dianggap suatu pendekatan efisien dan berkelanjutan selain juga merupakan bentuk knowledge transfer dari suatu program.Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah:Membentuk MT OH lintas sector yang handal dan menjadi fasilitator dalam membentuk kompentesi para petugas lapanganMembentuk kerangka kerja pembentukan MT OH lintas setor yang dapat diadopsi oleh Pemerintah RIMembentuk MT untuk keberlanjutan kegiatan peningkatan kapasitas One Health lintas sector
Journal of Law ( Jurnal Ilmu Hukum ) Vol 5, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Samarinda

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ABSTRACTBasic Law of Control of UKL and UPL License under Law No. 32 of 2009 on Environmental Protection and Management. Previously many changes. However, nowadays, the existing law is Law Number 32 Year 2009 is very detailed as follows: (a) Aspects of planning carried out through the inventory of the environment, the determination of ecoregion areas and the preparation of RPPLH (Environmental Management Plan for Protection). (B) Aspects of Natural Resources Utilization made under the RPPLH. But in this Law it is regulated that if an area has not yet developed RPPLH then the utilization of Natural Resources shall be implemented based on the carrying capacity and environmental capacity. (C) Controlling aspects of pollution and damage  to environmental functions including prevention, mitigation and recovery. (D) The incorporation of new control instruments, including: KLHS, Spatial Planning, Criteria for Environmental Damage, AMDAL, UKL-UPL, Licensing, Other Instruments in accordance with the needs and / or development of Science. (E) Conservation of the environment through conservation of Natural Resources, Natural Resources Reserve, and / or the preservation of atmospheric functions. (F) Monitoring and enforcement aspects. There is a strict regulation mandated in Law Number 32 Year 2009, namely the imposition of criminal and civil sanctions related to violations of AMDAL. The articles governing the sanctions are: (a) Sanctions against persons conducting business / activities without environmental permits; (B) Sanctions against persons preparing EIA documents without having a competency certificate; (C) Sanctions against officials granting environmental permits without the EIA or UKL-UPL document.Keywords : License Control, Amdal, UKL-UPL
PENGARUH INTERNATIONAL BRAND IMAGE DAN LIFESTYLE TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN (Survei Pada Pengguna Iphone Di Indocell Malang) Arif Wicaksono; Suharyono Suharyono; Edriana Pangestuti
Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis Vol 57, No 2 (2018): APRIL
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Brawijaya

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This research type is explanatory research with quantitative approach. Samples taken as many as 120 respondents who are use iPhone in Indocell city of Malang. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. Method of data by using questionnaire data instrument. Descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. The result of the research shows that the variable of International Brand Image (X1) has significant influence on Purchase Decision (Y) with the beta of 0.543 or 54.3%, International Brand Image (X1) variable has significant influence on purchasing decision (Y) beta condition equal to 0,239 or 23,9% share, Lifestyle variable (X2) has significant influence to purchasing decision (Y) with beta amount of 0,507 or 50,7%. Significant to purchasing decisions. Suggestions for Apple Inc. Apple companies are expected to provide a better image to customers, and minimize product failures, such as fail in showID faceID. Apple is expected to pay attention to the trends that occur in society to maintain existence of the iPhone. Keywords: International Brand Image, Lifestyle, Purchase Decision. АBSTRАK Jenis penelitian ini adalah explanatory research dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Sampel yang diambil sebanyak 120 orang responden yang merupakan pengguna iPhone di Indocell  kota Malang. Teknik pengambilan sample             yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Metode pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan Instrumen kuesioner. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dan analisis regresi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel International Brand Image (X1) dan Lifestyle (X2) memiliki pengaruh signifikan secara berganda terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Y) dengan koefisien beta sebesar 0,543 atau sebesar 54,3%. Variabel International Brand Image (X1) memiliki pengaruh signifikan secara parsial terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Y) dengan koefisien beta sebesar 0,239 atau sebesar 23,9. Variabel Lifestyle (X2) memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan secara parsial terhadap keputusan Pembelian (Y) dengan koefisien beta sebesar 0,507 atau sebesar 50,7%. Kesimpulan bahwa International Brand Image dan Lifestyle berpengaruh signifikan baik secara berganda maupun secara parsial terhadap Keputusan Pembelian. Saran untuk Apple Inc diharapkan perusahaan Apple dapat memberikan citra yang lebih baik lagi kepada pelanggan, dan meminimalisir kegagalan produk, misalnya kegagalan dalam memamerkan faceID. Diharapkan pihak Apple memperhatikan tentang trend yang terjadi di mayarakat untuk mempertahankan eksistensi iPhone. Kata Kunci: International Brand Image, Lifestyle, Keputusan Pembelian.
Majalah Kedokteran Andalas Vol 37 (2014): Supplement 1 | Published in March 2014
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Andalas

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Majalah Kedokteran Andalas Vol 37 (2014): Supplement 1 | Published in March 2014
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Andalas

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AbstractHealth care decisions are based not only on clinical and technical grounds, but also onethical grounds. Although we carefully weigh the clinical and technical aspects, ethical issuesinvolved may be overlooked. A legal framework or code of conduct governing doctor's decisionsand behaviour may help overcome this problem but they often provide rigid guidelines for alimited number of situations. Earlier education in ethics might have some advantages to build agood medical character. The perception of the importance of medical ethics could also had aneffect to the expectation of a good medical doctor should be. This research was a cross sectionalstudy in first grade medical students of medical faculty Universitas Tanjungpura Pontianak,conducted in the last week of April, 2014. All of first grade medical students participated in thisstudy. This subjects given questionaire contained several questions : did they ever get a lessonof ethics in their Senior high schcol, how important the medical ethics and after studied medicalethics, what were their expectation ?. 86 subjects participated, 3'1 (36,05%) subjects are maleand 55(63,95%) subjects are female. The Age range from 16-20 years old, median 1B years oldand mode 1B years old. The subject came from 39 senior high school, was spread from papua,java dan kalimantan. Only 10(25,64%) senior high school had been given ethics in theircurriculum and this'1C school all located in Kalinrantan. One subject (1,16%)stated that ethicsjust a common lesson while 35 (40,7A %)subjects stated ihat ethics was inrportani and most ofthe subjects, 50(58,14%) subjects stated that ethics was very important lesson. The expectationafter studying medical ethics are : 39(45,35 o/o) subjects: respect and emphatize the other people,17 (19.77%) subjeets : be a betier person, 14(16,28o/c) subjeets: hospitable docior, 11 (12,79o/o)sub;ects :Apply the basic principle of bioethics and 5 (5,81%) sublects :treat the other like we'dlike to be treated. Twenty five point sixtyfour percent of the prirhary school of first year medicalstudent gave ethics lesson. Most of Subject stated that medical ethics is a very important lesson.The expectation after studying medical ethics varies: respect and emphatize the other people, bea better person, hospitable doctor, Apply the basic principle of bioethics and treat the other likewe'd like to be treated.Affiliasi Penulis: l.Departement of Pharmacology, Medical Faculty Universitas Tanjungpura,2.Depa(ement oftr4icrobiology Medical Faculty Universitas Tanjungpura, 3. Departement of Anatomy Medical Faculty UniversitasTanjungpura, Korespcndensi :Arif Wicaksono, email :drarii,*@TEilSupplen-ren Majalah Kedokteran Andalas' Vol' 37' No Supl'1' Maret 2014ETIKoLEGAL,SEcoNDoPINIONDENGANSENGKETAMEDISNoorman HerryadiKorespondensi : Noorman Herryadi' email : noormanherryadi@yahoo'com'oortr"lu,,.anini mencoba mengetengahkan hubungan antara second opinion dengan sengketamedis dari aspek Etikolegal Kedokteran, kaitannya dengan perlindungan bagi dokter dan bagipasien. Second Opinion Jdatan hak pasien dan kewajiban dokter untuk melaksanakannya dalammenjalankan profesi r"oort","nnya. Dalam kenyataan banyak sengketa medis, dimana pasienatau keluarga/ahli warisnya melakukan fenuntutan hukum kepada dokter atau Rumah Sakityang merawatnya, v*g olr"nabkan oten-reterangan atau opini dokter lain atau pihak lain yangdianggap berkompeten-untuf memberi keterangan atau opini'r{nkrar - nerlindunoarKata kunci: second opinion - sengketa medis - perlindungan dokter perlindungan paslen
Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Nilai Ujian Keterampilan Klinik Dasar Modul Gastrointestinal Pada Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Dokter Angkatan 2008 Arif Wicaksono
Jurnal Visi Ilmu Pendidikan Vol 9, No 3 (2012): Volume 9 Nomor 3 Edisi Agustus 2012
Publisher : Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (164.969 KB) | DOI: 10.26418/jvip.v9i3.426


Latar belakang. Visi menghasilkan sarjana dan profesional kedokteran yang berkualitas tinggi dan kompetitif di tingkat regional, nasional dan internasional untuk mewujudkan Kalimantan Barat sehat pada tahun 2020 merupakan hal yang cukup menantang bagi PSPD FK Untan. Salah satu kompetensi yang harus dimiliki adalah keterampilan klinik dasar yang dapat menjadi bekal penting pada para mahasiswa. Tujuan. Penelitian ini mencari hubungan antara faktor-faktor yang dicurigai berpengaruh terhadap nilai ujian keterampilan klinik dasar nodul gastrointestinal pada mahasiswa PSPD angkatan 2008. Metode. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik cross sectional dengan instrumen kuesioner. Uji yang digunakan adalah uji korelasi dan regresi berganda. Hasil. Sebanyak 69 mahasiswa mengikuti penelitian ini. Tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna antara faktor materi dan nilai ujian KKD(p=0,136), tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna antara faktor penunjang dan nilai ujian KKD(p=0,465), tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna antara faktor mahasiswa dan nilai ujian KKD(p=0,087) serta tidak ada hubungan bermakna diantara faktor materi, penunjang dan mahasiswa terhadap nilai ujian KKD(p>0,05).
Edukasi Pengendalian dan Pencegahan Infeksi COVID-19 dan Pembagian Masker Mahyarudin Mahyarudin; Arif Wicaksono; Virhan Novianry
Kapuas Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Kapuas : Jurnal Publikasi Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31573/jk.v1i1.216


Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a new strain of virus from the coronavirus that can cause mild disorders of the respiratory system, severe lung infections and death. This virus can attack all ages. The disease is called Coronavirus Disease (20) 19 or COVID-19. The transmission of this virus is via droplets spread by coughing or sneezing on an infected person. We cannot know someone has COVID-19 or not, so we have to adopt a clean and healthy lifestyle, and try to protect ourselves using personal protective equipment, one of which is the use of masks. The use of masks can prevent transmission of COVID-19. The purpose of this activity is to educate the public on the importance of using masks. The target of this activity is the people in Pontianak City. The expected output is that the community understands more about the disease and how it is transmitted, so that they will be more disciplined in using masks. Keywords: SARS-CoV-2, Infection Disease Prevention, Mask
Interpretasi Perceraian dan Pernikahan Kembali dalam Matius 5:32 Rick Gamelia; Arif Wicaksono; Marthin Steven Lumingkewas
SANCTUM DOMINE: JURNAL TEOLOGI Vol 13 No 1 (2023): Desember
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Theologia Nazarene Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46495/sdjt.v13i1.214


Divorce and remarriage are common things in today's post-modern society. Both of these practices are also commonly found in the lives of Christians. This is due to a lack of proper understanding of the Christian view of divorce and remarriage to those who have been divorced. In order to understand this, the author tries to build an understanding of Christian teachings through the text of Matthew 5:32. The method used to reveal the essence of true teaching is a grammatical-contextual exegesis approach. The grammatical-contextual method pays attention to the original grammatical rules and the context of the text to be studied. The results show that Jesus taught that both divorce and marriage to a divorced person are serious matters. Divorce as a result of adultery or marriage to someone who has been divorced is mentioned as sexual immorality in Matthew 5:32. This behavior causes a person to place the burden of sin on divorced husbands, divorced wives and even husbands who take divorced wives to bear the same sin of adultery and live in adultery.