Dewi, Chloryne Trie Isana
Faculty Of Law, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia

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Padjadjaran Journal of International Law Vol. 1 No. 1 (2017): Padjadjaran Journal of International Law, Volume 1, Number 1, January 2017
Publisher : International Law Department, Faculty of Law Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23920/pjil.v1i1.278


AbstrakPenyelundupan manusia merupakan salah satu kejahatan transnasional terorganisir yang semakin meningkat di Indonesia, khususnya pulau-pulau perbatasan yang letaknya dekat dengan Australia. Lemahnya pengawasan di wilayah perbatasan dan kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat setempat tentang kejahatan penyelundupan manusia memudahkan pihak-pihak tertentu untuk menyelundupkan para imigran ilegal ke Ashmore Reef (Australia). Sebagai Negara pihak United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC) dan Palermo Protocol, Indonesia dan Australia mempunyai kewajiban dalam rangka pencegahan dan pemberantasan tindak pidana penyelundupan manusia. Makalah ini adalah untuk menganalisis apakah Indonesia dan Australia telah memenuhi kewajibannya sebagai Negara Peserta UNTOC dan Palermo Protocol, serta memberikan rekomendasi kepada kedua negara dalam melaksanakan kewajibannya terkait kejahatan penyelundupan manusia sebagai bentuk tanggung jawab Negara.Kata kunci: kejahatan transnasional terorganisir, penyelundupan manusia, tanggung jawab negara.AbstractPeople smuggling is one of transnational organized crimes that has been increasing in Indonesia, especially in the outermost Indonesian’s islands which are close to Australia. Lack of surveillance in the border region and lack of knowledge on the local people in regards to the crimes of people smuggling makes it easy to smuggle illegal immigrants to Ashmore Reef (Australia). Hence, it leads to the increasing number of people smuggling in Indonesia. As state parties to the United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC) as well as its Protocol, Indonesia and Australia bound by the obligation to prevent and combat people smuggling. The purpose of this paper is to analyze whether Indonesia and Australia have fulfil their obligation as State Parties of the UNTOC and the Palermo Protocol, also to propose actions that can be taken by both Governments to fulfill their obligation as state party in regards to the state responsibility.Keywords: people smuggling, state responsibility, transnational organized crime.
The Status Of Maritime Militia In The South China Sea Under International Law Perspective Novena Clementine Manullang; Achmad Gusman Siswandi; Chloryne Trie Isana Dewi
Jurnal Hukum IUS QUIA IUSTUM Vol. 27 No. 1: JANUARI 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/iustum.vol27.iss1.art2


In order to assert its geopolitical claims in the South China Sea region, China has used an unusual method, namely the use of its fishing industry as a reserve power called maritime militias. This research aims to analyze the status of civilian fishing vessels that play a dual role as Chinese troops, as China often sends maritime militias to carry out diplomacy with low-scale violence against other countries in the South China Sea. This research also analyzes the urgency of the legal framework that inevitably regulates the use of maritime militias. This study uses a normative juridical approach by analyzing relevant international instruments, in general the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention, ILC Articles on the Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts, and ongoing negotiations between ASEAN and China in the formation of the South China Sea Code of Ethics . The analysis in this study concludes that: first, Chinese maritime militias only have the status and rights of private vessels; Second, the actions of the Chinese maritime militias can be imposed as actions of the state (China); and Third, there is an urgent need for specific regulations regarding maritime militias.
ICC and ASEAN: Weakening or Strengthening National Criminal Justice System? Chloryne Trie Isana Dewi
PADJADJARAN Jurnal Ilmu Hukum (Journal of Law) Vol 6, No 2 (2019): PADJADJARAN JURNAL ILMU HUKUM (JOURNAL OF LAW)
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Padjadjaran

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The objective of the establishment of the International Criminal Court by the Rome Statute 1998 is to achieve global justice. The spirit to end impunity established the ICC to respond to four previous criminal tribunals that have been criticized as victor’s justice and selective justice. The ICC has material jurisdiction on the four most serious crimes: crimes against humanity, genocide, war crimes, and crimes of aggression. These crimes can be committed in any part of the world, including Southeast Asia. The latest case was crimes against humanity that lead to genocide of the Rohingya people in Myanmar, not to mention extra judicial killings as a policy of drugs war and towards journalist in the Philippines. However, none of the case has been brought to justice. In view of that, this study examined challenges and opportunities toward the implementation of Rome Statute 1998 in Southeast Asia.  Furthermore, it also observed possible impacts in implementing Rome Statute 1998 in Southeast Asia. The existing national legal instruments related to ICC can support the implementation of Rome Statute 1998 in Southeast Asia and achieve the objective of ICC to end impunity and to reach global justice. Nevertheless, challenges come from the governments of Southeast Asian states. They are reluctant to bring justice and fear that ICC can violate national sovereignty. Interestingly, the Philippines just withdrew itself as a state party to ICC since 2018.  Based on the basic principle of complementarity, the ICC is proposed to strengthening national criminal justice of a state. Therefore, the ICC should not be considered as a threat to national sovereignty of a state.Mahkamah Pidana Internasional dan Asean: Melemahkan atau Menguatkan Sistem Peradilan Pidana Nasional? AbstrakTujuan pembentukan Mahkamah Pidana Internasional (International Criminal Court/ICC) melalui Statuta Roma 1998 adalah untuk mencapai keadilan global dengan semangat memerangi dan bahkan menghapuskan impunitas. Mahkamah Pidana Internasional merupakan respon masyarakat internasional terhadap empat pengadilan pidana internasional sebelumnya yang dianggap tidak adil karena lebih memihak pada pemenang perang (victor’s justice) dan hanya mengadili orang-orang tertentu (selective justice). Jurisdiksi materil dari ICC terdiri dari empat kejahatan paling serius di dunia yaitu kejahatan terhadap kemanussiaan, genosida, kejahatan perang dan kejahatan agresi. Keempat kejahatan tersebut dapat terjadi di belahan dunia manapun, termasuk Asia Tenggara. Kasus terakhir yang menyita perhatian dunia yaitu tindakan pemerintah Myanmar terhadap kelompok Rohingya yang dapat dikategorikan sebagai kejahatan terhadap kemanusiaan yang juga mengarah pada genosida. Selain itu beberapa kasus pembunuhan sewenang-wenang (extra judicial killings) sebagai perang terhadap narkoba termasuk kepada para jurnalis juga masih terjadi di Filipina. Namun hingga saat ini kasus-kasus tersebut belum dapat diselesaikan secara hukum. Oleh karenanya, tulisan ini akan membahas tantangan dan peluang implementasi Statuta Roma 1998 di negara-negara ASEAN. Selain itu, tulisan ini juga mencoba menganalisa dampak yang dapat terjadi bilamana Statuta Roma 1998 diimplementasikan di ASEAN. Riset menunjukan bahwa peraturan perundangan nasional yang telah ada dapat mendukung implementasi Statuta Roma untuk mencapai tujuannya. Namun, sikap pemerintah negara-negara ASEAN diantaranya ketidakmauan untuk menegakkan hukum dalam rangka perlindungan HAM dan kegelisahan ICC akan merongrong kedaulatan negara menjadi tantangan terbesar. Bahkan, Filipina yang telah menjadi negara pihak menarik diri sejak tahun 2018. Prinsip dasar komplementaritas yang dimiliki ICC berupaya untuk menguatkan sistem hukum pidana suatu negara. Sehingga, Statuta Roma tidak perlu dianggap sebagai ancaman kedaulatan negara. Kata Kunci: ASEAN, Mahkamah Pidana Internasional, Statuta Roma 1998DOI:
Book Review: Islam and Human Rights Chloryne Trie Isana Dewi
PADJADJARAN Jurnal Ilmu Hukum (Journal of Law) Vol 4, No 3 (2017): PADJADJARAN Jurnal Ilmu Hukum (Journal of Law)
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Padjadjaran

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Human rights and Islam are two very interesting issues to be discussed since there has been tension for decades. One agrees that Islamic law violates many aspects of human rights, yet other argues that human rights are against Islamic law. Nonetheless, there are also groups who accept that human rights and Islam are not contrary. This book written by Ann Elizabeth Mayer tries to give such objective perspective on the relation between human rights and Islam. With conspicuous title “Human Rights and Islam”, potential readers can assume that this book will discuss all matters in regards to the problematic of Islam and human rights in a whole. Beyond the expectation, this book focuses on the politics and tradition of Islamic countries in several ’attractive‘ areas such as Iran, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Sudan in interacting with human rights. However, Mayer declares from the very first sentence of the preface that this title is purposed for practical function for those who search for references on Islam and Human Rights and emphasizes that this book is written based on her research in the area of Middle East as her area of interest. Mayer argues that there is no Islamic consensus on a single Islamic human rights philosophy as her main thesis in this book. This claim is based on her research, that even other religions with long and complex traditions, they prone to create conflict in the interpretation between religious doctrine and human rights. Furthermore, she elaborates her research in 10 chapters of the book particularly on how Muslims from North Africa to Pakistan are responding human rights, from total rejection to wholehearted embrace.
Balancing the Interests of Justice: The Case of Afghanistan in The International Criminal Court (ICC) Siti Rochmah Aga Desyana; Diajeng Wulan Christianti; Chloryne Trie Isana Dewi
PADJADJARAN Jurnal Ilmu Hukum (Journal of Law) Vol 8, No 1 (2021): PADJADJARAN JURNAL ILMU HUKUM (JOURNAL OF LAW)
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Padjadjaran

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The interests of justice are criteria of the requirements under Article 53 of the Rome Statute to open a formal investigation of a case. However, it can be misinterpreted due to its lack of clear scopes and standards. The Afghanistan case highlighted this obscurity when The Pre-Trial Chamber (PTC) decided that the case should not proceed due to the interests of justice despite lacking negative determination from the Prosecutor, and the Appeals Chamber (AC) overturned this decision by excluding the interests of justice from proprio motu cases. This article verifies the limitations of the criteria in international criminal law (ICL) through the interpretation of the Rome Statute. In addition, it includes the other ICC’s supporting documents and the application to previous cases. This study is of the position that, in the Afghanistan decision, the PTC had overstepped their authority and made an arbitrary decision. The AC had misinterpreted the conjunction between Article 53(3) and Article 15(4) by excluding requirements under Article 53 from proprio motu cases. Based on the opinion, the interpretation on the interests of justice to ensure the criteria still valid as a balancing mechanism under the Rome Statute is very urgent. Menyeimbangkan Kepentingan Keadilan: Studi Putusan Pra-Peradilan dan Banding Mahkamah Pidana Internasional untuk Kasus Afghanistan AbstrakKepentingan keadilan adalah salah satu kriteria dalam Pasal 53 Statuta Roma tentang pembukaan penyidikan kasus. Akan tetapi, kriteria ini sangat mungkin untuk disalahgunakan karena kurangnya kejelasan akan cakupan dan standarnya. Kasus Afghanistan adalah contoh hasil produk dari ketidakjelasan ini. Kamar pra-Peradilan (KPP) memutuskan untuk tidak melanjutkan kasus ini karena melawan kepentingan keadilan meskipun Jaksa menyatakan bahwa kepentingan keadilan telah terpenuhi. Kemudian, Kamar Banding (KB) membatalkan putusan tersebut dengan menyatakan bahwa kepentingan keadilan dalam Pasal 53 tidak seharusnya dipertimbangkan dalam kasus proprio motu. Tulisan ini menganalisis batasan dari kepentingan keadilan dalam hukum pidana internasional dengan mengkaji keberadaannya di hukum domestik dan perspektif Mahkamah Pidana Internasional dalam memaknainya. Melalui kajian ini, ditemukan bahwa KPP telah melangkahi kewenangan mereka dan membuat keputusan tak berdasar pada kasus Afghanistan, dan KB salah memaknai hubungan antara Pasal 53(1) dan Pasal 15(4) Statuta Roma dalam putusannya. Karena pentingnya kriteria kepentingan keadilan, penting untuk segera memberikan penafsiran yang baku agar kriteria tersebut dapat digunakan tanpa melanggar Statuta Roma.Kata kunci: Afghanistan, kepentingan keadilan, Statuta Roma.DOI:
Tanggung Jawab Perdata Terhadap Perbudakan Modern yang Dialami Pekerja Migran Indonesia di Kapal Long Xing 629 Milik Cina Ditinjau dari Prinsip Bisnis dan HAM Gabby Agnesya Agnesya; Holyness N Singadimedja; Chloryne Trie Isana Dewi
Jurist-Diction Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022): Volume 5 No. 2, Maret 2022
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jd.v5i2.34891


AbstractThe purpose of this journal is to provide the knowledge and analysis of whether the Indonesian seafarer migrant worker placement company (Dahlian Ocean Fishing Co. Ltd.) for the Long Xing 629 ship can be held civilly responsible and be asked for compensation to fulfill the rights of the families of victims of Indonesian migrant workers for failing to prevent modern slavery practices on the ship. This research is a socio-legal research that examines the gap between objects of legal science originating from various legal norms contained in legislation as well as conventions and legal norms accepted by the international community as a legal material, with objects of social science in the form of legal problems that exist in society that are guided by legal norms as the main problem. Dahlian Ocean Fishing Co. Ltd. as a Chinese company under the auspices of the United Nations which recognizes business principles and human rights as a soft law recommended by the state to every limited liability company has made a seafarer agreement with the Indonesian seafarer migrant workers on the basis that there will be no arbitrariness and this is written clear in the rights and obligations of the agreement. This is also based on the International Convention which stated that migrant workers are not allowed to be enslaved, however, there has been a violation of the seafarer agreement and indications of modern slavery on the crewship. Due to regulatory gaps and the existing situation, seeing that slavery violations occur outside the jurisdiction of the state, making human rights law enforcement and victims' compensation procession very difficult. Therefore, the Indonesian government has not been able to ask for civil liability to Dahlian Ocean Fishing Co. Ltd. for the death of immigrant workers on the Long Xing 629.Keywords: Law and Human Rights; Modern Slavery; Civil Liability; Long Xing 629; Dahlian Ocean Fishing Co. AbstrakTujuan penulisan dalam jurnal ini adalah memberikan pengetahuan dan analisa apakah perusahaan penempatan (Dahlian Ocean Fishing Co. Ltd.) pekerja migran laut untuk Kapal Long Xing 629 dapat bertanggungjawab secara perdata dan dimintakan kompensasi ganti rugi untuk memenuhi hak-hak keluarga korban pekerja migran Indonesia karena gagal melakukan pencegahan praktik perbudakan modern (modern slavery) pada kapal tersebut. Penelitian ini merupakan socio-legal research yang mengkaji kesenjangan antara objek ilmu hukum yang berasal dari berbagai norma hukum yang terdapat dalam peraturan perundang-undangan maupun konvensi-konvensi dan norma-norma hukum yang diterima oleh masyarakat internasional sebagai bahan hukum, dengan objek ilmu sosial yang berupa kenyataan atau permasalahan hukum yang ada di masyarakat yang berpedoman pada norma hukum sebagai masalah utama. Dahlian Ocean Fishing Co. Ltd sebagai perusahaan cina berada di bawah naungan United Nations yang mengenal prinsip bisnis dan ham sebagai soft law yang dianjurkan negara ke setiap limited liablity company telah membuat perjanjian kerja laut antara pekerja migran laut dengan perusahaan penempatan dengan landasan bahwa tidak akan ada kesewenangan dan hal ini tertulis jelas dalam hak dan kewajiban perjanjian tersebut. Hal ini juga didasari oleh Konvensi Internasional yang menyatakan bahwa pekerja migran tidak diperbolehkan untuk diperbudak dan diperhambakan, Namun pada faktanya telah terjadi pelanggaran perjanjian kerja laut dan indikasi modern slavery pada awak kapal tersebut. Adanya kesenjangan regulasi dan situasi yang ada melihat pelanggaran perbudakan terjadi diluar yurisdiksi negara membuat penegakan hukum ham dan prosesi kompensasi korban sangat alot. Sehingga sampai dengan saat ini pemerintah Indonesia belum dapat meminta pertanggungjawaban perdata kepada Dahlian Ocean Fishing Co. Ltd. atas meninggalnya pekerja imigran dalam Kapal Long Xing 629. Kata Kunci: Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia; Modern Slavery; Pertanggungjawaban Perdata; Long Xing 629; Dahlian Ocean Fishing Co.