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Agricultural Households And Farmer Welfare In North Kolaka Regency Salahuddin; La Ode Muh Munadi; Muhammad Amrullah Pagala; Rina Astarika
International Journal of Science, Technology & Management Vol. 2 No. 4 (2021): July 2021
Publisher : International Journal of Science, Technology & Management

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46729/ijstm.v2i4.261


The research aims to describe the household loss of food crops, farms, and plantations as well as the welfare of farmers' households in North Kolaka Regency in January-March 2021 referring to national indicators or provisions in the processing of agricultural survey results (ST) that have been conducted by national official institutions, namely the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Southeast Sulawesi in 2013 (ST2013) and the results of the Inter-Census middle Survey 2018. The results of the analysis of household income and welfare of agricultural households in North Kolaka Regency showed that food crops in the form of rice 39.36, crops 226.71, farms 12.99, plantations -0.31, and farmers welfare level 6.22. Keywords: Household Violence, Farmer Welfare, North Kolaka
THE MEANING OF MAHABBAH ACCORDING TO IBN 'ARABI'S PERSPECTIVE Dalilul Falihin; Moch. Qasim Mathar; Barsihannor; Salahuddin
Jurnal Diskursus Islam Vol 10 No 1 (2022): April
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana, UIN Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/jdi.v10i1.29103


This paper reveals in-depth the concept of mahabbah based on Ibn 'Arabi's perspective. The type of research used in this paper was library research. This research revolved on studying the concept of Mahabbah according to Ibn 'Arabi by adjusting the qualitative research. The research method used by the author was descriptive with a philosophical approach. The Philosophical approach could also examine the structure of the basic ideas (fundamental ideas) formulated by the thinkers. Primary data sources were the works of Ibn 'Arabi, both in the form of books and papers. Secondary data sources were data in the form of books, papers, and articles relevant to the concept of Ibn 'Arabi, from various writings with the knowledge and concern about Ibn 'Arabi's thoughts, especially in the field of Sufism. The technique used by the author in collecting the data was the citation technique, which refers to quoting part or all of the data from various readings that relate to the problem studied. The writer carried out the data analysis. After collecting the data, the writer analyzed it based on the type, then connected one data to another. Next, interpreted the data based on the research principles, and described it using deductive and inductive thinking techniques. Based on Ibn 'Arabi's perspective, the results showed that mahabbah (love) could not be defined; love is difficult to understand. Love can only be found and lived in the deepest depths of the heart. However, it is undeniable that everyone can feel the beauty of love even if they cannot make an analogy of its ultimate. God loves His creatures as a form of manifestation of His al-wadud, al-rahman, al-rahim attributes. Love is the reason and motive for the universe's creation; It cannot separate Ibn' Arabi's theory about love from the doctrine of wahdat al-Wujud as the center of his Sufistic doctrine. It asserted that there are no lovers and beloved except Allah because all entities in nature are the manifestations (Tajalliyat) of the magnificence of Allah. Ibn 'Arabi said that the basis and cause of all love is magnificence. God loves his creatures because the creatures are magnificent. Meanwhile, humans love God because they see God’s magnificence. God is the great and the source of all fineness.
Journal of Scientech Research and Development Vol 2 No 2 (2020): JSRD, December 2020
Publisher : Ikatan Dosen Menulis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1175.022 KB) | DOI: 10.56670/jsrd.v2i2.15


Kesulitan belajar merupakan hal yang lumrah dialami pesera didik, sering ditemukan adanya siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam menerima pelajaran di sekolah. Kondisi ini akan berdampak kurang bagus terhadap kemajuan belajar anak, oleh sebab itu perlu diupayakan pemecahan masalahnya. Gejala anak yang mengalami kesulitan belajar dapat diketahui dari sulit mengalami ketuntasan belajar, akibatnya siswa menunjukan prestasi belajar kurang memuaskan. Kesulitan belajar dapat disebabkan faktor internal yaitu rendahnya konsestrasi belajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan produk bahan ajar berupa komik digital dalam membatu menerapkan cara belajar yang asik. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian dan pengembangan. Dalam pembuatan komik digital dikembangkan dari buku ajar mata pelajaran IPS kelas III SD karangan Sunarso dan Anis Kusuma yang dibuat ke dalam bentuk Komik Digital. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas III SDN 2 Kabupaten Sambas. Pembuatan media komik mengacu pada tahapan pengembangan Borg dan Gell terdiri dari tahapan studi pendahuluan, pengembangan, uji lapangan. Bentuk hasil akhir dari produk yang dibuat adalah komik digital. Kelayakan media komik digital untuk pembelajaran ditinjau berdasarkan validasi dari ahli ahli materi 1 dan ahli materi 2 adalah 4,20 dan 4,10 (kesesuaian kurikulum, kebenaran isi dan cara penyajian materi termasuk kriteria baik), Ahli media 1 dan ahli media 2 adalah 4,05 dan 4,45 (pertimbangan produksi, desain visual, dan kualitas teknis termasuk kriteria baik) dan penilaian siswa pada tahap uji lapangan 3,98 (termasuk kriteria baik),uji lapangan lebih luas 3,96 (termasuk kriteria sangat baik), dan uji operasional 3,87 (termasuk kriteria baik). Dengan demikian produk komik Digital layak digunakan karena berdasarkan ketetapan bahwa produk media dikatakan layak apabila hasil penilaian minimal pada kriteria baik.