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Particle Swarm Optimization and Genetic Algorithm for Big Vehicle Problem: Case Study in National Pure Milk Company Tegar Arifin Prasetyo
(IJCSAM) International Journal of Computing Science and Applied Mathematics Vol 7, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j24775401.v7i1.8210


The number of companies in the industry, as well as the current economic conditions, have created intense competition between companies. One of the important activities of a company is distributing goods from a warehouse to several agents so that the distribution of goods can be done easily and quickly. National Pure Milk Company is based in Salatiga. There are various flavors of pure milk stored in the form of a cup and a pack that will be distributed to each destination. Each cup and pack has data in the form of mass, volume, destination (distance between the destination location and the warehouse location), and the time when it must be dropped. All items of pure milk will be delivered by 4 truck vehicles with different types. Each vehicle has a mass capacity, volume capacity, mileage capacity, trip duration capacity, and trip number capacity. All the data of the pure milk that distributed must not run over the capacity of the vehicle. In this research, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) Algorithm can be modified into the discrete PSO Algorithm to determine the shortest distance of the route and Genetic Algorithms can be modified to determine the exact composition of goods on each vehicle. The optimization problem is limited by the condition that each item is delivered at the same time interval.
Model Matematika Efek Repellent dalam Penularan Demam Berdarah Tegar Arifin Prasetyo
NUCLEUS Vol 2 No 1 (2021): NUCLEUS
Publisher : Neolectura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37010/nuc.v2i1.157


Dengue is a disease that is a health problem in the tropics and subtropics. There are 4 serotypes of dengue virus, DEN1-DEN4 and all of these serotypes are transmitted through the bite of female Aedes Aegypty mosquitoes. The big concern of the world health experts is the possibility of spreading dengue and becoming an uncontrolled epidemic. So this research is intended to be able to suppress dengue cases. We used is SIR-SI by adding all human classes do not or use repellent. The analysis conducted basic reproductive numbers  which will be reviewed when R0<1  and R0>1 . Furthermore, to illustrate the model was carried out simulation which resulted in the fact that the higher the level of repellent use in humans would reduce the spread of dengue.
Publisher : Lambung Mangkurat University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/klik.v9i3.504


Covid-19 is an infectious disease that has plagued the world since the end of 2019 until now. In Indonesia, the Covid-19 case is quite large, so the government requires everyone to get the vaccine. However, the implementation of the vaccine has not been implemented properly. By taking advantage of the current times, a web-based application was built that can track the circulation of vaccines and contain information about the authenticity of vaccines. The development of this application uses an Agile methodology that focuses on the Extreme Programming (XP) model.  Extreme Programming (XP) is a method that can simplify several stages of software development. The results of testing conducted by Blackbox testing show that all existing system feature or functionality have run as expected.Keywords: Agile, Covid-19, Extreme Programming, Web-based Appliaction, and Vaccine. Covid-19 merupakan penyakit menular yang menyebar di seluruh dunia sejak akhir tahun 2019 hingga sekarang. Di Indonesia kasus Covid-19 cukup besar, sehingga pemerintah mewajibkan semua orang mendapatkan vaksin. Namun, implementasi vaksin tersebut belum dilaksanakan dengan baik. Dengan memanfaatkan perkembangan zaman, kami membangun sebuah aplikasi berbasis web yang dapat melacak peredaran vaksin dan memuat informasi tentang keaslian data vaksin. Pengembangan aplikasi ini menggunakan metodologi Agile yang berfokus pada model Extreme Programming (XP). Extreme Programming (XP) merupakan sebuah metode yang dapat menyederhanakan beberapa tahap pengembangan perangkat lunak. Hasil pengujian yang dilakukan dengan pengujian Blackbox menunjukkan bahwa semua fitur atau fungsionalitas sistem yang ada telah berjalan sesuai dengan yang diharapkan.Kata kunci: Agile, Covid-19, Extreme Programming, Aplikasi Berbasis Web, dan Vaksin
Corn Plant Disease Classification Based on Leaf using Residual Networks-9 Architecture Tegar Arifin Prasetyo; Victor Lambok Desrony; Henny Flora Panjaitan; Romauli Sianipar; Yohanssen Pratama
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) Vol 13, No 3: June 2023
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v13i3.pp2908-2920


Classification on corn plants is used to classify leaf of corn plants that are healthy and have diseases consisting of Northern Leaf Blight, Common Rust and Gray Leaf Spot. Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is one of algorithms from the branch of deep learning that utilizes artificial neural networks to produce accurate results in classifying an image. In this study, ResNet-9 architecture implemented to build the best model CNN for classification corn plant diseases. After that we doing comparisons of epochs have been carried out to obtain the best model, including comparisons of epochs of 5, 25, 55, 75 and 100. After the epoch comparison, the highest accuracy value was obtained in the 100 epoch experiment so that in this study 100 epochs were used in model formation. The number of datasets used is 9145 data which is divided into two, there are training data (80%) and testing data (20%). In this study, three hyperparameter tuning experiments were carried out and the results of hyperparameter tuning experiments where num_workers is 4 and batch_size is 32. This classification obtained an accuracy rate of 99% and the model is implemented into a web interface.
Publisher : Lambung Mangkurat University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/klik.v10i1.456


In general, a robot is defined as a mechanical device used by humans to ease human work. Robots are usually used for difficult and dangerous tasks. One example of its use is a firefighting robot that replaces human tasks in extinguishing fires. The firefighting robot is on duty to find fire spots in a city then extinguishing them. To be able to put out a fire, the robot must implement an efficient program in finding and determining the shortest path to the location of the fire and then put it out. For this reason, the robot is equipped with proximity and fire sensors to detect the presence of fire. The design is made with a three-step program that is designing needs of robot control, robot control mechanism scheme preparation and implementing an algorithm for making program syntax. The Brute-Force Algorithm can be implemented to indicate the presence of a hotspot signal and the backtracking Algorithm is implemented to find the shortest path to the hotspot location. This paper discusses the use of a brute-force algorithm and a backtracking algorithm in a firefighting robot program to make the fire search process more efficient. The results show that from 8 input fire points, the firefighting robot is able to find all the points within 3.12 seconds with 13 times trial. In its application, the writer used Visual Basic 6.0 in the firefighting robot program.Keywords: Firefighting Robot, Brute-Force Algorithm, and Backtracking Algorithm.Secara umum robot didefinisikan sebagai suatu alat mekanik yang digunakan oleh manusia untuk mempermudah pekerjaan manusia. Robot biasanya digunakan untuk tugas-tugas yang sulit dan berbahaya. Salah satu contoh penggunaannya adalah robot pemadam kebakaran yang menggantikan tugas manusia dalam memadamkan api. Robot pemadam kebakaran bertugas untuk menemukan titik api di suatu kota kemudian memadamkannya. Untuk dapat memadamkan api, robot harus menerapkan program yang efisien dalam mencari dan menentukan jalur terpendek menuju lokasi kebakaran kemudian memadamkannya. Untuk itu, robot dilengkapi dengan proximity dan fire sensor untuk mendeteksi adanya api. Perancangan dibuat dengan tiga langkah program yaitu perancangan kebutuhan pengendalian robot, penyusunan skema mekanisme kendali robot dan implementasi algoritma untuk pembuatan sintaks program. Algoritma Brute-Force dapat diimplementasikan untuk menunjukkan adanya sinyal hotspot dan Algoritma backtracking diimplementasikan untuk mencari jalur terpendek ke lokasi hotspot. Penelitian ini membahas tentang penggunaan algoritma brute force dan algoritma backtracking pada simulasi program robot pemadam kebakaran agar proses pencarian kebakaran menjadi lebih efisien. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 8 input titik api, robot pemadam kebakaran mampu menemukan semua titik dalam waktu 3,12 detik dengan 13 percobaan. Dalam penerapannya penulis menggunakan Visual Basic 6.0 pada program robot pemadam kebakaran. Kata kunci: Robot Pemadam Kebakaran, Algoritma Brute-Force, dan Backtracking.
Genetic algorithm to optimization mobility-based dengue mathematical model Tegar Arifin Prasetyo; Roberd Saragih; Dewi Handayani
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) Vol 13, No 4: August 2023
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v13i4.pp4535-4546


Implementation of vaccines, mosquito repellents and several Wolbachia schemes have been proposed recently as strategies against dengue. Research showed that the use of vaccine and repellent is highly effective when implemented to individuals who are in area with high transmission rates, while the use of Wolbachia bacteria is strongly effective when implemented in area with low transmission rates. This research is to show a three-strategy combination to cope with the dengue using mathematical model. In dengue mathematical model construction, several parameters are not yet known, therefore a genetic algorithm method was used to estimate dengue model parameters. Numerical simulation results showed that the combination of three strategies were able to reduce the number of infected humans. The dynamic of the human population with the combination of three strategies on average was able to reduce the infected human population by 45.2% in immobility aspect. Furthermore, the mobility aspect in dengue model was presented by reviewing two areas; Yogyakarta and Semarang in Indonesia. The numerical solutions showed that the trend graph was almost similar between the two areas. With the maximum effort given, the combination control values decreased slowly until the 100th day.
Sales forecasting of marketing using adaptive response rate single exponential smoothing algorithm Tegar Arifin Prasetyo; Evan Richardo Sianipar; Poibe Leny Naomi; Ester Saulina Hutabarat; Rudy Chandra; Wesly Mailander Siagian; Goklas Henry Agus Panjaitan
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Vol 31, No 1: July 2023
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijeecs.v31.i1.pp423-432


Micro, small and medium enterprises (UMKM) is one of the important aspects to support the improvement of the economy in Indonesia. Zee Mart’s business is one of the UMKM shop in Pematang Siantar City with sales and purchase transaction activities for supplies. The purpose of this study is to predict the sales of Zee Mart store goods in the coming month using the adaptive response rate single exponential smoothing (ARRSES) method. ARRSES is a method with the advantage of having two parameters, alpha and beta, where alpha will change every period when the data pattern changes. The dataset obtained will be pre-processed through data selection, cleaning, and transformation. The best beta is determined based on the level of accuracy calculated using the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE). Model development using the ARRSES method will produce forecasting percentages and errors for each product using MAPE. The number of sales data is 23,092 before preprocessing and 23,021 after pre-processing, with the total quantity of goods sold being 149,764 of 1,492 products. The results obtained using sales data 23,021 show the lowest MAPE value of 9.85 at the best beta of 0.6 with the highest accuracy of 90.15% and the model is implemented into a web interface.
Publisher : Lambung Mangkurat University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/klik.v10i2.635


The payroll system is very influential on a company's workers' welfare in achieving company goals. Appropriate payroll will build morale for the workforce so that they can advance the company through the work ethic and professionalism of the crew. The salary calculation system for employees must be adjusted to several criteria, such as their city and job role. Long experience can also be used as a calculation criterion in providing salary. For this reason, an approach is needed to provide a decent and good salary prediction for the company's consideration. One of the models commonly used in making predictions is linear regression. Linear regression is a model that calculates the relationship between two variables with independent values and bound data. This research develops a system by implementing a Linear Regression algorithm to predict the salaries of IT employees in Java. The model that has been created is then built using the Python language and implemented into a website-based visualization form that is easy to understand with Streamlit. The modeling results were tested and gave an MSE value of 8240258.48. This research is expected to be a reference in research related to this topic in the future and can be used by companies that have difficulties in determining employee salaries
RADIO LABELING OF BANANA GRAPHS Sarbaini Sarbaini; Nazaruddin Nazaruddin; Muhammad Rizki; Muhammad Isnaini Hadiyul Umam; Muhammad Luthfi Hamzah; Tegar Arifin Prasetyo
BAREKENG: Jurnal Ilmu Matematika dan Terapan Vol 17 No 1 (2023): BAREKENG: Journal of Mathematics and Its Applications

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (341.268 KB) | DOI: 10.30598/barekengvol17iss1pp0165-0170


Let G=(V, E) be a graph. An L(3,2,1) labeling of G is a function such that for every , , and if . Let , a labeling is a labeling where all labels are not greater than . An ) number of , denoted by , is the smallest non-negative integer such that has a labeling. In this paper, we determine of banana graphs.
Pathfinding Solving in Maze Game Using Backtracking Algorithm Tegar Arifin Prasetyo
Jurnal CoreIT: Jurnal Hasil Penelitian Ilmu Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi Vol 9, No 1 (2023): June 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1063.073 KB) | DOI: 10.24014/coreit.v9i1.17109


Games are a means of entertainment that great demand by the community. Besides games as entertainment, games can also practice thinking skills to find solutions. A game that contains elements of artificial intelligence requires algorithms in its implementation. One type of the game is Maze Game, where players are required to find a way out of the maze. Backtracking algorithm was chosen to solve this game. This algorithm works recursively to solve problems by finding possible solutions. If the path being traced is not the right solution, it will be backtracked and traced to other paths. This solution will not be ignored or deleted. But if the path taken is right, it will continue to check the next path until the player reaches the final solution.