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Investigasi Efek Debit Fluida Dan Karakteristik Pembebanan Disk Valve Terhadap Performa Water Hammer Khusna, Dwi; Setyono, Gatot; Siswadi, Siswadi; Riyadi, Slamet; Kholili, Navik; Nugroho, Alfi
Journal of System Engineering and Technological Innovation Vol 1 No 02 (2022): Oktober 2022
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Wijaya Putra University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (306.137 KB) | DOI: 10.38156/jisti.v1i02.25


Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memberikan penjelasan tentang studi eksperimental pengaruh variasi beban dan variasi aliran terhadap efek water hammer. Dimana efek ini akan mempengaruhi tekanan air yang akan dihasilkan jika setelah pembebanan dan perubahan bukaan valve yang diberikan akan menghasilkan efek water hammer yang lebih baik atau cenderung lebih buruk bila tidak memiliki kedua efek tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan melakukan studi eksperimental yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui tekanan yang terjadi pada saat air mengalir dan kemudian ditutup secara tiba-tiba oleh katup pembuangan yang dihubungkan dengan aliran pipa dengan diameter 1,5 inci setelah beban dan variasi bukaan katup. Pada uji efek water hammer dengan sistem pompa water hammer hidrolik ini dimungkinkan untuk mengubah bukaan katup pemasukan air dengan perubahan beban katup yang diberikan untuk menentukan tekanan water hammer maksimum 378334,64 Pa setelah menerima katup bukaan 80 derajat dan tambahan beban 250 gr, dan efek water hammer terkecil dengan nilai 321376,44 Pa pada bukaan katup 50 derajat dan beban 150 gr. Saat menginvestigasi pompa hydraulic ram ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ukuran bukaan valve atau jumlah air yang masuk dan besarnya beban pada discharge valve yang akan mempengaruhi tekanan akan meningkat.
Design Of A Heating System In A Plastic Injection Molding Machine With A Working Temperature Of 250 C Dwi Bagas, Achmad Faizal; Muharom, Muharom; Muchid, Mochammad; Nugroho, Alfi; Kholili, Navik
Journal of System Engineering and Technological Innovation Vol 2 No 01 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Wijaya Putra University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38156/jisti.v2i01.39


The working system of the heating process on a plastic injection molding machine needs to be considered in more detail. Due to the influence of temperature and the type of material according to the quality of the product. In this study, the plastic injection machine that used a temperature variation used several different variations, and three experiments were given at each temperature variation of 200°C – 250°C using 75 grams of plastic material with a heating time of 120-141 seconds and 150 grams of plastic material with a heating time of 120-141 seconds. Warm-up 210-250 seconds. Temperature control using the REX C100 Controller. The injection machine can operate according to the design. Namely, the heating temperature can be adjusted. Implementation and control of the control system show a good response. The plastic to be melted is of the HDPE (High-Density polypropylene) type with a temperature for melting the plastic of 250°C.
Analysis Of The Design And Construction Of A Water Spinach (Ipomoea Aquatica) Vegetable Drying Chamber With A Spiral Type Heater Wahid, Okon Agustyan; Nugroho, Wahyu; Kholili, Navik; Khusna, Dwi; Nugroho, Alfi; Muchid, Mochammad
Journal of System Engineering and Technological Innovation Vol 3 No 01 (2024): April 2024
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Wijaya Putra University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38156/jisti.v3i01.69


The food drying process is an innovative method to change the process of reducing the water content of fresh food products of plant origin to slow down the emergence and growth of unwanted microorganisms. This heating system has four heating elements, where the heating elements used have a power of 1200W because each heating element has a power of 300W. During the drying process, it is known that the average air temperature in the drying room is higher when using solar energy compared to a heating system. The average temperature measurement during the day is 38°C. The measurement results tend to be constant, with an average of 34°C for 7 hours using the heating system. The battery voltage shows an increase every hour. At 08:30 am the battery voltage was 12.3V, and until 16.00 the voltage was 13.57V. This dryer is sourced from solar energy because using solar for drying requires a longer time, namely 8 hours (08.30-16.00), compared to using a heating system for 7 hours.
Implementasi Minyak Wijen Sebagai Bahan Bakar Alternatif Untuk Kendaraan Matic Terhadap Pelaku Bengkel Di Sambi Kerep Surabaya Setyono, Gatot; Kholili, Navik; Khusna, Dwi
Pengabdian Masyarakat dan Inovasi Teknologi (DIMASTEK) Vol 1 No 02 (2022): Oktober 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik-Universitas Wijaya Putra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (333.615 KB) | DOI: 10.38156/dimastek.v1i02.30


Biofuels include energy-enriched chemicals produced directly through biological processes or derived from the chemical conversion of the biomass of previously living organisms. Biofuels can be classified into two categories: primary and secondary biofuels. The main biofuels are produced directly from burning woody plant material or cellulose and dry animal dung. Secondary biofuels can be classified into three generations, and each is produced indirectly from plant and animal materials. The first-generation biofuel is ethanol derived from starch-rich food crops or biodiesel, extracted from animal fat wastes such as cooking oil. The second generation is bioethanol derived from non-food cellulosic biomass and biodiesel derived from oil-rich plant seeds such as soybean or jatropha. The third generation is a biofuel produced from cyanobacteria, microalgae, and other microbes, which is the most promising approach to meet global energy demand. This community service aims to explain innovation and provide knowledge to technology players, namely technicians, operators, supervisors, and workshop supervisors, about the use of alternative fuels of sesame oil for small-capacity automatic gasoline engines. The counseling results show that the performance and exhaust gas results are optimal so that the technology actors know the quality and quantity of the alternative energy.
Efforts To Increase Tempe Slicing Capacity Through The Implementation Of Appropriate Technology Machines For MSMEs In West Surabaya Pratomo, Tedy; Muharom, Muharom; Kholili, Navik; Nugroho, Alfi; Muchid, Mochammad; Khusna, Dwi
Pengabdian Masyarakat dan Inovasi Teknologi (DIMASTEK) Vol 2 No 01 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik-Universitas Wijaya Putra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38156/dimastek.v2i01.43


Geographically, Indonesia is an agricultural country. It greatly supports agricultural production. So that the quality and commodity of agricultural products (soybean) remains high, it is necessary to have new ideas or ideas, one of which is by processing tempeh chips to become quality. It prompted researchers to develop innovative equipment that can speed up the tempe chopping process by creating an appropriate technology machine that can produce more optimal chopped tempeh compared to the conventional method, which is 30 kg/hour. This appropriate technology machine is implemented in UKM chips tempeh, Sukomanunggal sub-district, Surabaya City. The machine can help speed up the process of chopping tempeh so that production time can be optimally increased.
Penyuluhan Peran Butanol Sebagai Biofuel Sebagai Alternatif Bahan Bakar Kendaraan Bagi Pelaku Bengkel Di Sidoarjo Raharjo, Septian; Muharom, Muharom; Setyono, Gatot; Nugroho, Alfi; Kholili, Navik; Muchid, Mochammad
Pengabdian Masyarakat dan Inovasi Teknologi (DIMASTEK) Vol 2 No 02 (2023): Oktober 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik-Universitas Wijaya Putra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38156/dimastek.v2i02.56


Butanol merupakan biofuel dengan karakteristik kimia yang mirip dengan bensin, diimplementasikan pada mesin Spark Ignition (SI) kapasitas kecil dan bertransmisi Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT). Pada penyuluhan ini bahwa butanol yang digunakan dicampur dengan bahan bakar murni untuk mengevaluasi karakteristik pembakaran dan kinerja mesin. penyuluhan ini dilaksanakan terhadap pelaku bengkel dengan jumlah tujuh orang mekanik di sidoarjo untuk memberikan pengetahuan tentang peluang butanol sebagai biofuel sebagai pengganti bahan bakar standard dan layak digunakan sehari-hari pada kendaraan bermotor. Selain itu butanol merupakan bahan bakar yang ramah lingkungan serta optimal terhadap kendaraan bermotor.
Appropriate Technology Machine Innovation Training for High School-Vocational School Students as an Important Role in Increasing the Productivity of MSMEs in Benowo District Muharom, Muharom; Kholili, Navik; Nugroho, Alfi; Muchid, Muhammad
Pengabdian Masyarakat dan Inovasi Teknologi (DIMASTEK) Vol 3 No 01 (2024): April 2024
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik-Universitas Wijaya Putra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38156/dimastek.v3i01.68


Empowering appropriate technology is very important to support the sustainability of small businesses in the region. This activity is essential to introduce appropriate technology to high school/vocational school students as young technology drivers. This community service program aims to teach students how to use relevant technology in everyday life. Guiding in completing appropriate technology according to the needs the small business desires properly and correctly. The method for implementing community service activities is carried out by directing the Implementation and completion of the tools used at the regional level. The first stage is developing and applying TTG machines in natural resource management. The second stage is implementing the TTG machine for community empowerment (strategic opportunities and challenges). The third stage is implementing TTG machines to manage abundant natural resource potential. The fourth stage is the promotion of TTG machines for community empowerment in the Implementation of Law No. 6 of 2014. The fifth stage is the design and method of making the TTG machine.
Analisa Perbandingan Tegangan Pengelasan SMAW dan GTAW dengan Menggunakan Baja Ringan ST 37 Siswadi, Siswadi; Kholili, Navik; Miftach, Royan; Ritonga, Alven; Hariyanto, Krisnadhi
VOCATECH: Vocational Education and Technology Journal Vol 5, No 2 (2024): April
Publisher : Akademi Komunitas Negeri Aceh Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38038/vocatech.v5i2.172


AbstractWelding involves the process of heating and melting two parts of the object as well as the addition of additional material/electrodes to create a strong and durable connection. The method of welding, the type of material, the electrodes, and the model of the connection have an impact on the strength of the weld result. The purpose of the research is to determine the results of the traction strength of samples welded using the SMAW and GTAW welding methods, as well as to test the strength of the welding results and compare the strengths of welding SMAW, GTAW. The research method used for the test of traction is a universal test machine using the ASTM E8/E 8M-13a standard sample, a workpiece with a diameter of 0.6 cm, a length of 3 cm, fingers of 0,6 cm. The welding wire used is 0.26 cm and 0.2 cm in diameter, and a strong welding current of 90 ampere. GTAW welding was tested with pull and the result was a pull strength of 0.86 Kgf/mm2, a stretch strength of 19.24 Kgf/mm2, an extension rate of 100 percent with a strength of 2750 Kgf. The pull test on SMAW welding obtained the result of a pull force of 0,86 Kgf/mm2, the pull strength is 2.34 Kgf/mm2 and the length of extension reached 100 percent when tested at 2750 Kgf. Keywords :Traction, Welding Connections, Electric Welding, SMAW and GTAW Welding. ABSTRAKPengelasan melibatkan proses pemanasan dan peleburan dua bagian benda serta penambahan bahan / elektroda tambahan untuk menciptakan sambungan yang kuat dan tahan lama. Metode pengelasan, jenis material, elektroda, dan model sambungan memiliki dampak terhadap kekuatan hasil las. Riset ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hasil kekuatan tarik sampel yang dilas dengan metode pengelasan SMAW dan GTAW, disamping itu juga untuk menguji kekuatan hasil pengelasan dan membandingkan kekuatan las SMAW dan GTAW. Metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk pengujian tarik adalah mesin uji universal dengan menggunakan sampel standar ASTM E8/E 8M-13a, benda kerja dengan diameter 0,6 cm, panjang 3 cm, jari-jari 0,6 cm. Kawat las yang digunakan berdiameter 0,26 cm dan 0,2 cm, serta kuat arus pengelasan 90 ampere. Pengelasan GTAW di uji tarik dan hasil yang diperoleh adalah kekuatan tarik 0,86 Kgf/mm2, kekuatan regangan 19,24 Kgf/mm2, tingkat pemanjangan mencapai 100 persen dengan kekuatan 2750 Kgf. Pengujian tarik pada pengelasan SMAW didapatkan hasil kekuatan tarik 0,86 Kgf/mm2, kekuatan regangan adalah 2,34 Kgf/mm2 dan tingkat pemanjangan mencapai 100 persen saat diuji tarik dengan kekuatan 2750 Kgf. Kesimpulan yang didapatkan dari pengujian ini adalah jenis sambungan yang digunakan dalam proses pengelasan memiliki kekuatan tarik 0,86 Kgf/mm2 dengan nilai tertinggi mencapai 53,43 Kgf/mm2 pada metode SMAW dan kekuatan tarik terendah 32,32 Kgf/mm2 dengan beban seberat 2750 Kgf. Kata Kunci :Kekuatan tarik, Sambungan las, Las listrik, Pengelasan SMAW dan GTAW
Investigation of Exhaust Emissions Combustion Characteristics in Single Spark Ignition-Engine Matic with Butanol-Gasoline Mixture Setyono, Gatot; Khusna, Dwi; Kholili, Navik; Putra Sanjaya, Lingga; Argil Putra, Fajar Galang
Infotekmesin Vol 14 No 2 (2023): Infotekmesin: Juli, 2023
Publisher : P3M Politeknik Negeri Cilacap

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35970/infotekmesin.v14i2.1903


Butanol as a fuel has a high oxygen content, so the combustion process will be more friendly to the environment. In this study, butanol will be mixed with RON-90 gasoline with a capacity of 5% (B5); 7%(B7); 10%(B10); 12%(B12); 15%(B15) and 18%(B18). The engine used is an automatic transmission with a capacity of 109.5cc with a compression ratio of 9.5:1. The test equipment for engine performance and exhaust emissions is the 50L BRT Super-Dyno and EPSG4 Gas Analyzer. The results showed that using B18 fuel for CO exhaust emissions decreased by 44% at an engine speed of 6000rpm. CO2 exhaust emissions have decreased by 47% at 8000rpm engine speed. HC exhaust emissions have decreased by 28% at 9000rpm engine speed. In contrast to NOx emissions, which increased by 22% at 9000rpm engine speed, this was due to the increasing temperature in the combustion chamber.
Investigation on Exhaust Emission and Performance of SI-Matic Engine Applied Acetone-Butanol-Ethanol (ABE) Fuel Mixtures Setyono, Gatot; Kholili, Navik; Kurniawan, Galih Ageng; Pratama, Deny Surya
Infotekmesin Vol 15 No 1 (2024): Infotekmesin: Januari, 2024
Publisher : P3M Politeknik Negeri Cilacap

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35970/infotekmesin.v15i1.2128


Acetone-butanol-ethanol (ABE) is a preferred alternative energy for SI engines. This research uses an experimental method with an automatic SI engine, RON-90 fuel mixed with ABE1 (12:8:1)v/v, ABE2 (15:10:1)v/v and ABE3 (1i8:12:1) v/v. Engine speed is 4000-10000rpm, and compression ratio is 11.6:1. Emission and engine performance testing used EPSG4-Gas analyzer and Dynotest-chassis type 50L-BRT. This research aims to explore the mixture of RON-90 and ABE to optimize performance and exhaust emissions. This research shows that torque increases by an average of 14.7% at an engine speed of 6000rpm. Power increased significantly with an average value of 9.5% at an engine speed of 8000rpm, MEP increased by 0.5%, and thermal efficiency increased by 7%. SFC experienced a fairly optimal decrease of 15.6% on average. The exhaust gas emissions produced are CO and HC. The reduction in CO and HC occurred in the ABE3 variant with values of 8.2% and 1.6%, respectively.