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Perbedaan Dampak Hospitalisasi Pada Anak Prasekolah Yang Didampingi Orang Tua Dan Selain Orang Tua Dina Zakiyyatul Fuadah; Diana Rachmania; Sulis
Journal Center of Research Publication in Midwifery and Nursing Vol 4 No 2 (2020): Journal Center of Research Publication in Midwifery and Nursing
Publisher : STIKES Bina Usada Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36474/caring.v4i2.177


Hospitalisasi seringkali menjadi krisis utama yang dihadapi anak saat menjalani rawat inap di Rumah Sakit bisa menyebabkan anak stress maupun trauma, sehingga menimbulkan respon negative pada anak diantaranya adalah tidak kooperatif pada saat proses perawatan (protes, pemisahan diri, penyangkalan). Salah satu upaya untuk meminimalisir yaitu dengan melakukan pendampingan dari orang tua. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perbedaan dampak hospitalisasi pada anak prasekolah (usia 3-6 tahun) yang didampingi orang tua dan selain orang tua di Ruang Anak Rumah Sakit Amelia Pare. Desain yang digunakan komparatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional didapat sampel 44 responden (22 responden anak yang didampingi orang tua dan 22 responden anak yang didampingi selain orang tua) yang diambil melalui teknik purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagian besar (81,8%) responden yang didampingi orang tua memiliki kriteria ringan, sedangkan yang didampingi selain orang tua menunjukan sebagian besar (72,7%) dalam kategori berat. Hasil analisis menggunakan uji mann whitney diketahui nilai p = 0,000 (α≤0,05) yang berarti ada perbedaan dampak hospitalisasi pada anak prasekolah yang didampingi orang tua dan selain orang tua di Ruang Anak Rumah sakit Amelia Pare. Pendampingan orang tua sangat berpengaruh pada hospitalisasi anak, sehingga perawat harus melakukan pendekatan terhadap pendamping maupun klien itu sendiri supaya hospitalisasi berjalan dengan baik.
Hubungan Usia Dan Paritas Dengan Kejadian Anemia Pada Ibu Hamil Di PMB Bidan Daini Zulmi, S.S.T., M.Tr. Keb Tahun 2022 Aminah; Hullyatun Nufus; Sulis
Jurnal Obstretika Scientia Vol 11 No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Prodi DIII Kebidanan La Tansa Mashiro

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Pregnancy Anemia is generally associated with physiological changes that occur in pregnancy. The expansion of plasma volume is closely related to the relative decrease in hemoglobin concentration in addition to fetal growth that requires iron and folate, making pregnant women vulnerable or at high risk of deficiency. The aim is to determine the relationship between age and Anemia in pregnant women at PMB Bidan Daini. The prevalence of Anemia in Banten Province was 37.1% based on Banten provincial data. The type of analytical obsevational research using case control design. the number of samples in this study were 62 pregnant women from 70 populations and a fixed sample of 70 pregnant women was taken. Sampling using total sampling technique according to inclusion criteria, analyzed using Univariate Analysis and Bivariate Analysis with Chi Square statistical test. The results of the study in each variable p value <0.05. The conclusion is that there is a relationship between age and the incidence of Anemia in pregnant women where pregnant women at PMB Bidan Daini. Suggestions to prospective or pregnant women should plan pregnancy at reproductive age, namely 20 years to 35 years and mothers should know the nutritional needs during pregnancy planning and pregnancy to achieve a healthy pregnancy and minimal risk of complications.
ANALISIS STRATEGI PROMOSI WISATA PULAU KELAPAN KABUPATEN BANGKA SELATAN Sulis; Fauzi, Dani; Lestari, Zakia Ayu; Pusparinni, Marissa; Marwani, Iga Safa

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This study examines the marine tourism potential of Kelapan Island, located in South Bangka Regency, and the promotional strategies needed to increase tourist arrivals. Based on data from Dinas Pariwisata, Kepemudaan, dan Olahraga, South Bangka (2019-2023), it can be seen that domestic tourist arrivals have continued to increase post-COVID-19 pandemic, while foreign tourist arrivals have dropped dramatically. The main obstacles faced are lack of promotion, limited infrastructure, and difficult accessibility. This research aims to formulate an effective promotional strategy to increase public awareness of Kelapan Island's tourism potential. The method used was descriptive qualitative, with data collection through observation and interviews with the Tourism Office, community leaders, and tourists. SWOT analysis was conducted to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in tourism development. The results showed that Kelapan Island has great tourism potential, especially in marine and culinary tourism. However, inadequate infrastructure and lack of promotion hinder tourism development. Promotion strategies through digital marketing, creative infrastructure development such as eco-glamping, and collaboration with travel agents are proposed as solutions. This study concludes that collaboration between the government, local communities and businesses is essential in the development of sustainable tourism on Kelapan Island. Future research can focus on the implementation of regenerative promotional strategies and their impact on increasing the number of visits, as well as the development of sustainable community-based ecotourism.
Transformasi Bentuk dan Ruang pada Rumah Pecinan di Kawasan Jamblang: Kawasan Jamblang sulis; Iwan Purnama
Jurnal Arsitektur Vol. 15 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Arsitektur
Publisher : Program Studi Arsitektur Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Cirebon

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Kawasan Jamblang merupakan Kawasan yang memiliki nilai sejarah, karena pada abad ke-14 kaum etnis Tionghoa secara besar-besaran datang ke Pulau Jawa untuk berdagang. Pada saat itu banyak etnis Tionghoa yang datang dan menetap pada Kawasan tersebut, terutama di sekitaran sungai Jamblang. Disana mereka membentuk pemukiman dan membuat rumah kemudian terbentuklah Kawasan Pecinan. Bangunan yang menjadi ciri khas pada rumah pecinan adalah gabungan antara budaya Eropa dan lokal. Pada awalnya mereka membangun rumah sesuai dengan kebutuhan mereka pada saat itu, namun untuk saat ini banyak terjadi perubahan bentuk dan fungsi pada bangunan. Untuk mengetahui tentang hal itu, maka dilakukan penelitian mengenai transformasi bentuk dan ruang pada rumah Pecinan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perubahan pada bentuk dan ruang serta mengetahui faktor dari penyebab perubahan tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan cara mengumpulkan data, memilih bangunan, membuat ilustrasi, wawancara, pendokumentasian hingga teknik pengumpulan data dari hasil yang telah diperoleh. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa banyak terjadi perubahan fungsi dan penambahan bentuk dan ruang pada rumah tersebut dikarenakan faktor sosial.
Pembiasaan Sholat Berjamaah Sebagai Penguatan Karakter Religius Luluk Nur Indah Sari; Anisa Dian Andini; Aulia Sari; Sulis; Mochammad Haris; Eko Nursalim
An-Nafis: Jurnal Ilmiah Keislaman dan Kemasyarakatan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Published in Oktober of 2022
Publisher : STIT Syekh Muhammad Nafis Tabalong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62196/nfs.v1i2.30


This examination inspects the congregational petitioning heaven propensities for understudies at the incorporated Al-Misbah Musholah at SMP IT Bina Insan Muara Wahau. This is brought about by the disposition of understudies who don't share well and are not used to rehearsing congregational supplications at the Al-Misbah Petitioning heaven Room. The fundamental target of this example is to acquaint understudies with the viability of congregational supplication at the Al-Misbah Petitioning God Room. The principal subject of this examination is Luluk Nur Indah Sari who assumes an immediate part as a specialist and instructor at SMP IT Bina Insan. Head of SMP IT Bina Insan and the ustadz/ustadzah who are likewise overseers of Musolah Al-Misbah. In the mean time, the subject of this investigation is the congregational petitioning heaven propensities for Musolah Al-Misbah understudies and ustadzah. Information assortment techniques in this examination are meetings, consistence, and notes. The discoveries in this study show that mindfulness among strict ministers and pastors about the significance of congregational petitioning heaven has expanded. In spite of the fact that at first the propensity for imploring in the request room felt constrained, over the long run it truly turned into his propensity. One more condition as a type of creating congregational petitioning heaven propensities is to deliver great petitioning heaven room tasks, for example, supplication imam plans, adhan and iqomah plans, strict exercises in the request room, and data and correspondence administrations for understudies.