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Determinantion of Formaldehyde in Tofu from Betung Banyuasin Market, South Sumatra yeni Indriyani
Science Midwifery Vol 10 No 1, October (2021): Science Midwifery
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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Formalin is a hazardous chemical substance to public health which is often used in tofu products. Tofu is a vegetable product usage as a source of protein derived from soybeans, a protein that is needed by humans growth. This study aims to test the presence or absence of formalin content in tofu sold in the Betung Banyuasin market, South Sumatra. A qualitative method is used in the form of a color test by adding turmeric solution. The results of the qualitative test showed that the tofu contained negative formalin. The color test was carried out using a turmeric solution. In conclude, of the color test showed that 6 negative samples contained formalin, indicated by the solution not changing, namely the orange color of the natural color of turmeric did not change
Factors Related To Patient Adherence To Anti Tuberculosis Drug Treatment At The Mekar Jaya Health Center Yeni Indriyani; Sutriyati Sutriyati; Rima Ernia; Muslimin Muslimin
Science Midwifery Vol 10 No 1, October (2021): Science Midwifery
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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Regular administration of Anti Tuberculosis Drug is one of key success of tuberculosis treatmen. Discontinuing treatment, has resulted a double immune and Multu Drug Resistant (MDR) in pulmonary tuberculosis bacterias. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Attitude, Distance and Family Support on adherence to anti Tuberculosis Treatment. Subject and Method: This study was a cross-sectional study carried out in working area Mekar Jaya Health Center. A total sample 65 patents who diagnosed TB which cunducted in April 2021. The dependent variable was adherence to Anti Tuberculosis Drug. The independent variables were Attitude,Distance and family support. Result: The findings revealed that 61.5 % of respondents did not comply with treatment, while 38.5 %. The bivariate test results attitude was possitively associated (p-value 0.009; OR; 3.946 CI (1.364-11.416), distance p-value 0.002, OR; 5.333 CI (1.801-15.797), and family support with p-value 0.003, OR 5.091 CI (1.684-15.390) To concluded, attitude, distance and family support are associated with patient’s adherence to anti tuberculosis drug treatment.
Isolation of Antibiotic Compound Producing Bacteria from the Soil Rhizosphere Against Escherichia Coli and Streptococcus Aureus Rima Ernia; Yeni Indriyani; Rina SE Sitindaon; Muslimin Muslimin; Mustika Fatimah
Science Midwifery Vol 10 No 1, October (2021): Science Midwifery
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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This research aims to isolate bacteria from the rhizosphere soil which are known to be good media for the growth of bacteria, such as Escherichia coli and Straphlococus aureus as new types of antibiotics. The method used by isolated the bacteria from rhizosphere soil of Rimpang Pacing and Guava rhizome plants and then do the cell morphology characterization, purification, propagation of antibiotic-producing bactrial isolates and continued testing the antibiotic activity of potential bacterial isolates. From the observations, it was found that the isolation of bacteria from the rhizosphere soil of the pacing rhizome had antibiotic compounds that were able to inhibit the growth of Escherichia coli and Straphlococcus aureus bacteria as indicated by the formation of a clear zone around the colony, which had an inhibitory index of 0.5 mm in Ec.2 and Bp.1 isolates is also 0.5 mm. From Both Ec.2 and Bp.1 isolates concluded that the rhizosphere soil produces an inhibitory zone that has the potential to be used as an antibiotic agent
JURNAL KESEHATAN TERAPAN Vol 8 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Kesehatan Terapan
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Kader Bangsa Palembang

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Ascaris lumbricoides is a roundworm which is a class of intestinal nematodes that are commonly found in tropical and subtropical areas where the condition of the area shows a low level of environmental hygiene. The prevalence of worm egg infection is generally transmitted through food, drinks and vegetables such as basil which is consumed raw as vegetables that are not clean in washing. This study aims to identify the eggs of Ascaris Lumbricoides worm in basil vegetables with samples obtained from the market. Experimental research method with qualitative laboratory examination with Flotation method to identify worm eggs. The population of all Basil vegetables are sold from vegetable traders in the market. Sampling is all basil vegetables from the market. Primary data generated from basil samples were observed. From the results of research conducted on basil vegetables showed negative results containing worm eggs, so basil is safe for consumption. Keywords: Ascaris lumbricoides, Basil, Worm eggs
Jurnal ADAM : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 1 No 2 (2022): Vol. 1 No. 2 Edisi Agustus 2022
Publisher : Institut Pendidikan Tapanuli Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (428.724 KB) | DOI: 10.37081/adam.v1i2.1162


Di awal tahun 2020, Pemerinta Indonesia melalui Keppres RI Nomor 12 Tahun 2020 tentang Penetapan Bencana Non-Alam Penyebaran Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) Sebagai Bencana Nasional, menyebabkan hadirnya tatanan kehidupan normal yang baru (new normal life), sehingga masyarakat dalam melaksanakan aktivitas sehari-hari, wajib  mematuhi  protokol  kesehatan  yang  sangat  ketat seperti 3M (Mencuci tangan, Memakai Masker dan Menjaga Jarak. Dengan  kata  lain, new  normal  life yaitu perubahan  atas  perilaku  masyarakat untuk  tetap menjalankan aktivitas tapi dengan protokol kesehatan ketat guna mencegah menularnya Covid-19. Metode kegiatan ini menggunakan pendekatan Partisipatory Action Research (PAR) melalui partisipatif masyarakat di Kelurahan Sterio, Kabupaten Banyuasin. Kegiatan ini di ikuti oleh 30 orang masyarakat. Hasil Pre-test menunjukan bahwa hanya  30% peserta menyatakan tahu tentang pengertian covid-19, 10% masyarakat memahami penyebab covid-19, hanya 40 % yang mengetahui tanda serta gejala covid-19 dan sebanyak 19% yang mengetahui  pencegahan covid-19, namun lebih dari separuhnya memahami tanda dan gejala serta pencegahanya. Hasil post-tes mengalami peningkatan pengetahuan yang cukup signifikan setelah pemberian informasi. Hasil Pre-test tentang safety culture sebagian kecil masyarakat tidak memahami pengertian safety culture (43,3%) berbanding dengan safety dirumah dan diruang publik menunjukan tingkat pengetahuan yang cukup tinggi masing-masing lebih dari separuh. The early of 2020, the Indonesian Government through Presidential Decree No. 12 of 2020 concerning the Determination of Non-Natural Disasters for the Spread of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) as a National outbreak, led to the presence of a new normal life order, so that people in carry out daily activities, must comply with very strict health protocols such as 3M (Washing hands, Wearing Masks and social distancing). In other words, new normal life is a change in people's behavior the daily activities but with strict health protocols to prevent the spread of Covid -19 virus. This programe uses a Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach through community participation in Sterio Village, Banyuasin Regency. This activity was attended by 30 people. Pre-test results showed that only 30% of participants stated that they have a good knowledge of covid-19,  10% of people understand the cause of covid-19, about  40% know signs and symptoms of covid-19 and as 19% know the prevention of covid-19, but more than half understand the signs and symptoms and prevention. The results of the post-test experienced a significant increase in knowledge after the provision of information. The results of the pre-test on safety culture, a small part of the community does not understand the meaning of safety culture (43.3%) compared to safety at home and in public spaces, showing a fairly high level of knowledge, each more than half.
Knowledge and perception of COVID-19 among medical students in Indonesia: a cross-sectional study Nyoman Yudi Antara; Yeni Indriyani; Rina SE Sitindaon; Muslimin; Rima Ernia
Science Midwifery Vol 10 No 3 (2022): August: Science Midwifery
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/midwifery.v10i3.606


The COVID-19 pandemic is still a major health problem in Indonesia. This is inseparable from the level of knowledge and public perception regarding COVID-19. For this reason, this study aims to examine the level of knowledge and perceptions among the Indonesian people (health students). This descriptive research used a questionnaire created using Google Forms and distributed using social media platforms, such as WhatsApp and Facebook. Most respondents knew the information related to COVID-19 from social media (60.5%). As regards knowledge associated with COVID-19, most respondents were well known about the transmission (99.6%), the incubation period (93.9%), and prevention (89.5%). The perception correctly answered was wearing masks to avoid infection (91.9%), whereas the wrong one was receiving packages from abroad (72.9%). This study conclude that the level of student knowledge varied according to the type of question and the information received. Meanwhile, most of them got information from social media.
Identifikasi Telur Cacing Ascaris Lumbricoides Pada Sayur Selada (lettuce) Yang Dijual Di Pasar Tradisional Muslimin Muslimin; Yeni Indriyani; Rima Ernia; Rina SE Sitindaon
JURNAL KESEHATAN TERAPAN Vol 9 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Kesehatan Terapan
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Kader Bangsa Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54816/jk.v9i2.532


Ascaris lumbricoides- cacing gelang, masuk dalam kelas nematoda usus yang menyebabkan infeksi cacing pada manusia. Hidup di daerah tropis dan sub-trofik dengan sanitasi yang rendah dan lingkungan yang kumuh. Prevalensi cacingan sering menginfeksi melalui sayuran mentah seperti selada sebagai lalapan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi Ascaris Lumbricoides pada sayuran selada yang dijual di Pasar Kayu Agung, Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia. Metode Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah pemeriksaan laboratorium dengan menggunakan metode Flotasi. Sampel penelitian ini adalah sayur selada yang dijual di Pasar Kayu Agung, Sumatera Selatan. Data primer dikumpulkan langsung dari objek. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan pada sayuran selada negatif telur cacing. Hal ini karena selada yang diperiksa tidak mengandung telur cacing dan media sayuran untuk vegetasi selada bebas dari telur cacing. Dengan demikian, sayur selada aman untuk dikonsumsi. aspek kebersihan dan kesehatan, sayuran harus dicuci terlebih dahulu sebelum diproses untuk menghilangkan telur cacing dan mengurangi residu pestisida yang ada pada permukaan sayuran yang menyebabkan gangguan kesehatan Kata kunci: Telur Cacing, Ascaris lumbricoides, Selada, Pasar
Pemerikasaan Basil Tahan Asam (BTA) Pada Pasien Suspek Tuberkulosis Paru Di Puskesmas Muara Kelingi Pada Tahun 2021 Rima Ernia; Evan Mardiansyah; Rina SE Sitindaon; Muslimin Muslimin; Yeni Indriyani
JURNAL KESEHATAN TERAPAN Vol 9 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Kesehatan Terapan
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Kader Bangsa Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54816/jk.v9i2.533


Penyakit tuberculosis paru merupakan penyakit menular yang sebagain besar di sebabkan oleh bakteri Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Mycobacterium tuberculosis memiliki komponen lemak/lipid sehingga tahan terhadap asam, zat kimia dan faktor fisik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui ada atau tidaknya basil tahan asam pada pasien suspek tuberkulosis paru. Metode yang dilakukan adalah dengan pewarnaan Ziehl Nelseen dan pembacaan hasil dengan skala IUALTD (International Union Association Lung Tuberculosis Disiease). Jenis penelitian ini dilakukan dengan bersifat eksperimen. Populasi penelitian adalah semua pasien suspek tuberkulosis paru yang datang ke Puskesmas Muara Kelingi untuk melakukan pemeriksaan basil tahan asam. Sampel yang di ambil merupakan pasien yang melakukan pemeriksaan tuberkulosis di Laboratorium Puskesmas Muara Kelingi pada tahun 2021 yaitu berjumlah 30 sampel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 11 sampel dengan hasil BTA positif. Kata kunci : Bakteri tahan asam, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, sputum
Hubungan Usia dan Lama Kerja dengan keluhan Nyeri Punggung Bawah (NPB) pada Pengemudi ojek online (X) di Palembang Lisa Ariani; Yeni Indriyani; Salsabila Purnamasari; Rima Ernia; Muslimin Muslimin
Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia Vol 18, No 2 (2023): Volume 18. No. 2 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26714/jkmi.18.2.2023.9-13


Latar Belakang: Nyeri Punggung Bawah (NPB) merupakan gangguan pada bagian otot rangka yang diakibatkan karena otot menerima beban statis secara berulang yang menyebabkan keluhan pada sendi, ligament serta tendon yang paling sering terjadi dalam aktivitas kerja.Tujuan:penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan usia dan lama kerja dengan keluhan nyeri punggung bawah pada pengemudi gojek di Palembang.Metode:Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif yang bersifat observasional analitik dengan rancangan pendekatan cross sectional, berlokasi di Kota Palembang dengan besar sampel 150 orang (purposive sampling). Data yang dikumpulkan berasal dari kuisioner. Hasil: Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara usia dan lama kerja dengan nyeri punggung bawah pada pengemudi gojek di Palembang. Variabel yang berhubungan dengan NPB yaitu usia p=0,000 (p<0,05), lama kerja p=0,023 (p<0,05), dan pendidikan p=0,003 (p<0,05). Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara usia dan lama kerja dengan nyeri punggung bawah pada pengemudi gojek di Palembang. Hasil penelitian didapatkan pengemudi gojek paling banyak berusia 36-45 tahun dengan lama kerja paling banyak ≥ 8 jam dan mengalami nyeri punggung paling banyak pada 1 minggu terakhir.
Publisher : Biro Riset, Inovasi dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Universitas Anak Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52120/jsa.v7i1.106


Kepuasan peserta merupakan cerminan kualitas pelayanan kesehatan. Dengan adanya KESSAN dapat dilihat tingkat kepuasan peserta JKN-KIS yang telah melakukan pelayanan Kesehatan di Puskesmas yang dapat menjadi acuan untuk evaluasi kualitas pelayanan pada Puskesmas tersebut, dimana capaian KESSAN pada bulan Mei 2022 sebesar 85 (88 yang artinya tidak puas). Metode: Menggunakan survei analitik dengan menggunakan pendekatan Cross Sectional yang menggunakan kuesioner terhadap 100 responden yaitu pasien JKN-KIS di salah satu Puskesmas di Prabumulih. Berdasarkan hasil analisis diketahui ada hubungan yang bermakna (signifikan) antara kualitas pelayanan kesehatan dengan kepuasan pasien JKN-KIS dengan p-value 0.000 lebih kecil dari nilai a (0,05), OR 5.800. Dengan demikian peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa kualitas pelayanan kesehatan yang buruk 5.8 kali berisiko untuk membuat pasien merasa tidak puas.