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Analisis Penerapan Karakter Jujur Perspektif Thomas Lickona Melalui Program PIN Kejujuran Siswa SDN Purwoyoso 03 Rokhim, An Najmun Nuri; Abidah, Wulan Nur; Az Zahra, Hayya Fathimah; Zainiyah, Yiyin Syifa; Kiptiyah, Siti Maryatul
Madani: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Vol 2, No 5 (2024): Madani, Vol. 2, No. 5 2024
Publisher : Penerbit Yayasan Daarul Huda Kruengmane

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11480480


The urgency of honest character education is increasingly pressing amidst the decline in moral values, so there is a need for innovation in the implementation of character education. This article analyzes the application of honest character to students at SDN Purwoyoso 03 through the application of the Honesty Pin from Thomas Lickona's perspective as a form of innovation in overcoming the urgency of character education. Thomas Lickona emphasized that honesty is the main pillar in character education which must be instilled from an early age. The Honesty Pin Program at SDN Purwoyoso 03 aims to internalize the value of honesty in students' daily lives. This research applies qualitative methods through interviews, observation, data reduction, and triangulation of point recording data. The results of the analysis show that the application of the Honesty Pin is effective and has a positive influence in implementing students' honest character, creating a school environment with integrity, and inspiring consistent honest behavior. However, besides this, the implementation of the Honesty Pin has obstacles, namely teacher and student factors. This article is expected to provide in-depth insight into the implementation of honest character education and suggest the development of similar programs for other schools to improve the overall quality of character education.The urgency of honest character education is increasingly pressing amidst the decline in moral values, so there is a need for innovation in the implementation of character education. This article analyzes the application of honest character to students at SDN Purwoyoso 03 through the application of the Honesty Pin from Thomas Lickona's perspective as a form of innovation in overcoming the urgency of character education. Thomas Lickona emphasized that honesty is the main pillar in character education which must be instilled from an early age. The Honesty Pin Program at SDN Purwoyoso 03 aims to internalize the value of honesty in students' daily lives. This research applies qualitative methods through interviews, observation, data reduction, and triangulation of point recording data. The results of the analysis show that the application of the Honesty Pin is effective and has a positive influence in implementing students' honest character, creating a school environment with integrity, and inspiring consistent honest behavior. However, besides this, the implementation of the Honesty Pin has obstacles, namely teacher and student factors. This article is expected to provide in-depth insight into the implementation of honest character education and suggest the development of similar programs for other schools to improve the overall quality of character education.Keywords: Honesty, Character, Thomas Lickona, Honesty Pin Article Info              
Analisis Peran Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam Pembentukan Karakter Religius Siswa Kelas V MI Darul Ulum Ngaliyan Novita, Catrin Erma; Ardani, Alvina Verda; Andriyani, Rossa; Nugraheni, Shyabila Ivenne Liselya; Kiptiyah, Siti Maryatul
Madani: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Vol 2, No 6 (2024): Madani, Vol 2, No. 6 2024
Publisher : Penerbit Yayasan Daarul Huda Kruengmane

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11519081


Character education is a process of instilling positive values in students to build good character. The aim of this research is to analyze the role of Islamic Religious Education in forming students' religious character. Teachers and 32 class V students of MI Darul Ulum Ngaliyan were used as research subjects. Observation, interviews, questionnaires and documentation are the instruments and methods used in this research. Based on the results of research conducted at MI Darul Ulum Ngaliyan, the role of Islamic religious education in forming students' religious character is very important. The process of learning Islamic principles as the basis of religious character is the key to forming a strong moral foundation in students. Methods of getting used to routine religious activities such as midday prayers, noon prayers, Juz 'Amma activities, reading the Asmaul Husna, and PHBI activities also have a positive impact on the formation of students' religious character. Through familiarization with religious activities, it is hoped that students will become accustomed to commendable, disciplined and responsible behavior. Thus, the formation of students' religious character at MI Darul Ulum Ngaliyan can be carried out well through the role of Islamic religious education and methods of getting used to routine religious activities
Analisis Nilai Karakter Disiplin Siswa Kelas V SDN Purwoyoso 01 Kota Semarang Triginawati, Nurul Hidayah; Shabhira, Helmita Hana; Kavina, Hufadz Nadiyya; Noor Azizah, Wafiyatul ‘Ahdi; Kiptiyah, Siti Maryatul
Madani: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Vol 2, No 5 (2024): Madani, Vol. 2, No. 5 2024
Publisher : Penerbit Yayasan Daarul Huda Kruengmane

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11504914


The instillation of character education in schools is carried out through the Pancasila Education learning process which aims to develop character values, one of which is the value of discipline. The objectives of this research are (1) Knowing the value of student discipline activities in the classroom, 2) Factors that influence student discipline, 3) Challenges in building student discipline character in the classroom, 4) Strategies for developing student discipline character. The results of this research show that (1) The value of disciplinary activities is assessed from attendance recaps, praying before studying, being orderly when lessons start, collecting assignments on time, not making noise, and carrying out pickets according to schedule. (2) Factors that influence student discipline are the influence of peers who are less supportive. (3) The challenge in building students' disciplined character is that the level of student discipline certainly differs from one student to another. (4) The strategy used to develop disciplined character is by instilling positive habits, character development through extra-curricular activities, and through the implementation of portfolio assignments. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods.
Analisis Penerapan Karakter Kepemimpinan Siswa Kelas V SDN Ngaliyan 03 Dalam Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler Pramuka Janah, Dyah Nur Hidayatun; Maharani, Putri; Fitammami, Vrida; Tsania, Jihan Zahra; Kiptiyah, Siti Maryatul
Madani: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Vol 2, No 5 (2024): Madani, Vol. 2, No. 5 2024
Publisher : Penerbit Yayasan Daarul Huda Kruengmane

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11498061


Scouting education can be used as a strategic step in efforts to implement the leadership character that exists within students. Scout activities at SD 03 Ngaliyan are carried out outdoors so as to provide an element of creativity and exploration for students. Through scout activities, students are trained and guided in developing skills and character values, good leadership attitudes. The aim of this research is to analyze the application of leadership characteri of fifth grade students at SDN Ngaliyan 03 through scout extracurricular activities. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative, namely looking at phenomena that occur in the field to obtain data and describe it systematically so that it is easy to understand. And the techniques used are observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this research show that the application of leadership character through Scout extracurricular activities can be declared effective in its implementation, with 90% of the results in the "Good" category.
Analisis Karakter Kerja Sama pada Kegiatan Piket Kelas IV SD Kanisius Berdasarkan Konsep Thomas Lickona Oktavia, Adella Dewi; Wardani, Irsya Naufa Ramadhina; Nurmala, Amalia; Fitrianti, Novia; Kiptiyah, Siti Maryatul
Madani: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Vol 2, No 5 (2024): Madani, Vol. 2, No. 5 2024
Publisher : Penerbit Yayasan Daarul Huda Kruengmane

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11498343


Cooperation is something that needs to be instilled in students even though there are still many who have not yet realized the character of cooperation in their daily lives. This research focuses on the character of cooperation in picket activities for fourth-grade students at Kanisius Elementary School. The aim of the research is to determine the application of students' cooperative character based on the concept of character education according to Thomas Lickona. The approach used in the research is a qualitative approach to understand how students interact and work together in picket activities. Data was collected through observation, interviews and documentation. The results of the research conducted show that the character of cooperation is inherent in Kanisius Elementary School students which can be seen in class picket activities. The average percentage of cooperation indicators is 89.5% in the very good category. This indicates that the cooperative character of the fourth-grade students at Kanisius Elementary School has been strongly instilled and is at the moral action stage based on the character development stage according to Thomas Lickona.
Analisis Kemampuan Literasi Numerasi ditinjau dari Engagement Mahasiswa: Model Team Based Project Berbasis Virtual Ethnomathematic Kiptiyah, Siti Maryatul; Nugraheni, Nursiwi; Agry, Feylosofia Putri
Publisher : Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Numeracy is the ability to use mathematical numbers to solve problems. Problem solving abilities can master students if they are fully involved in learning physically and emotionally. Student involvement in learning is meant to be engagement. So far, student engagement in learning during the pandemic and post-pandemic has decreased. This has impact on the low achievement of learning objectives. The aim of this article is to improve numeracy literacy skills in terms of student involvement as a form of implementation of the virtual Ethnomathematic-based Team Based Project. The research used Quasy Experiment method with data collection techniques through observation, questionnaires, numeracy literacy tests, and documentation. The population of this research is students of the geometry and measurement learning course class of 2022. The sampling technique used purposive sampling, 2 groups were selected. Determination of control and experimental classes was carried out randomly. Data analysis of learning outcomes uses t-test. The results of the research show that the learning method applied in the experimental group was more effective in improving students' skills of literacy and numeracy. There was an increase in student learning outcomes with more than 75% of students getting a score above 70. The increase in the completeness of student learning outcomes, increasingly the higher the student engagement, the higher the numeracy literacy ability. Keywords: ethnomathematics; numeracy literacy; student engagement; team based project AbstrakNumerasi merupakan kemampuan menggunakan berbagai macam angka matematik untuk menyelesaikan berbagai masalah. Kemampuan pemecahan masalah dapat dikuasai, apabila siswa dapat terlibat secara penuh dalam pembelajaran, baik secara fisik maupun emosional. Keterlibatan siswa dalam pembelajaran yang dimaksud adalah engagement. Selama ini engagement mahasiswa dalam mengikuti pembelajaran selama pandemi dan pascapandemi mengalami penurunan. Hal ini berdampak pada rendahnya ketercapaian tujuan pembelajaran. Dengan demikian tujuan artikel ini adalah meningkatkan kemampuan literasi numerasi mahasiswa ditinjau dari engagement mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran sebagai bentuk implementasi model Team Based Project berbasis virtual Ethnomathematic. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode Quasy Experiment dengan teknik pengumpulan data melaui observasi, angket, tes literasi numerasi, dan dokumentasi. Populasi penelitian ini yaitu mahasiswa mata kuliah pembelajaran geometri dan pengukuran angkatan 2022. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling, dipilih 2 rombel. Penentuan kelas kontrol dan eksperimen dilakukan secara acak. Analisis data dari hasil belajar menggunakan t-test. Adapun hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode pembelajaran yang diterapkan pada kelompok eksperimen lebih efektif dalam meningkatkan keterampilan mahasiswa dalam hal literasi dan numerasi, terjadi peningkatan ketercapaian hasil belajar mahasiswa yang menunjukkan lebih dari 75% mahasiswa mendapatkan nilai di atas 70. Peningkatan ketuntasan hasil belajar mahasiswa, semakin tinggi student engagement maka semakin tinggi pula kemampuan literasi numerasinya. Kata Kunci: engagement mahasiswa; ethnomathematics; literasi numerasi; team based project  DOI:
Peningkatan Literasi Digital Pada Kompetensi Sosial Emosional melalui Pembuatan Media Pembelajaran Interatif Berbasis Nearpod Bagi Guru Sekolah Dasar Andriani, Aldina Eka; Sulistyorini, Sri; Kiptiyah, Siti Maryatul
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (SENDAMAS) Vol 3, No 1 (2023): Desember 2023
Publisher : UniversitasAl Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/psn.v3i1.2468


Guru perlu memanfaatkan teknologi dalam mengkomunikasikan materi pelajaran kepada siswa melalui media pembelajaran berbasis Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) di ruang kelas agar dapat mendukung berbagai preferensi belajar siswa. Meskipun demikian, guru seringkali mengalami tantangan atau kendala dalam menggunakan media pembelajaran berbasis TIK. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian yang dilakukan untuk memberikan wawasan pengetahuan dan meningkatkan literasi digital bagi guru melalui pelatihan dan pendampingan penggunaan. Pendekatan yang diadopsi mencakup penyampaian materi melalui ceramah dan sesi diskusi aktif. Dari pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian, capaian yang pertama adalah tercapainya tujuan dari workshop berupa pemberian wawasan pengetahuan dan peningkatan literasi digital. Kedua, pencapaian yang memuaskan terhadap materi yang telah direncanakan secara umum. Ketiga, peningkatan signifikan dalam pemahaman literasi digital terkait pembuatan media pembelajaran interaktif berbasis Nearpod, khususnya dalam implementasi kompetensi sosial emosional pada kurikulum merdeka. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari nilai rata-rata pretest dan posttest, yang meningkat dari 53,42% menjadi 83,14% pada Guru Sekolah Dasar yang terlibat dalam Komunitas Kegiatan Guru (KKG) Gugus Wijaya Kusuma.Kata kunci: Literasi Digital; Kompetensi Sosial Emosional; Nearpod; Intelligence Tutoring System