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Implementasi Variasi Mengajar dalam Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar Bidang Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam di SMPIT Madinah Alfatih Azmiyah, Azmiyah; Kustati, Martin; Gusmirawati, Gusmirawati
Journal on Teacher Education Vol. 5 No. 2 (2023): Journal on Teacher Education
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/jote.v5i2.23572


Penelitian ini tentang penggunaan variasi pengajaran yang diterapkan oleh guru-guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam pembelajaran PAI di SMPIT Madinah Al-Fatih, Kabupaten Padang Pariaman, Sumatera Barat sebagai antisipasi terhadap munculnya kebosanan siswa, sehingga siswa senantiasa menunjukkan ketekunan, keantusiasan, serta berperan aktif dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar. Tujuannya mengetahui implementasi variasi mengajar oleh guru PAI dalam pembelajaran PAI, mengetahui faktor pendukung dan penghambat dalam menerapkan variasi mengajar. Metode yang digunakan berupa penelitian lapangan (field research) dengan menggunakan teknik dan alat pengumpul data yang berupa observasi, wawancara, dan angket. Hasil penelitian menggambarkan gaya mengajar guru PAI yang bervariasi dengan sangat baik, menggunakan media papan tulis, infocus, gambar dan sebaginya, penggunaan variasi interaksi dengan menggunakan dua pola interaksi yang berbeda oleh setiap guru bidang studi PAI. Faktor pendukung penggunaan varias?, diantaranya, kondisi dan suasana kelas, materi, metode, dan media yang digunakan guru, sedangkan faktor penghambat diantaranya, lemahnya daya tangkap kecerdasan siswa, dan keterbatasan waktu.
Pelatihan Kegiatan Tahsin AlQuran Menggunakan Metode Ummi di Masjid Baitul Amal Kota Padang Hidayat, Ajat; Kustati, Martin; Gusmirawati, Gusmirawati
Al-DYAS Vol 2 No 3 (2023): OKTOBER
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58578/aldyas.v2i3.1947


The variety of methods in studying the Koran aims to ensure that Muslims can easily learn the Koran regardless of various obstacles. One of them is the Ummi Method, where this method is like a mother teaching her child. This training aims to encourage participants' interest in reading the Koran and their ability to read well and correctly according to the rules of reading the Koran using the Ummi Method. The method that the service uses is the Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach, where this research is oriented towards empowerment and change in society. It is clear that this service is oriented towards changing the quality of Al-Quran reading through the Ummi method. Then the implementation of the Ummi method uses two stages, namely direct and repetition where the teacher will model a reading, and then the participants will be asked to repeat the reading until they have completely perfected their reading. Then in this research there are two stages, namely 1) repeating memorization, and 2) correcting reading. writing activities Class action service. The subjects in this activity were 18 participants in the Baitul Amal Mosque Al-Quran tahsin. The results of this service explain that the Ummi method training in Al-Quran tahsin activities went well, marked by the increasing enthusiasm of the tahsin participants for reading the Al-Quran and there was some increase in the pronunciation of the makhorijul letters in reading the QS surah. al-`Alaq, QS. al-Zalzalah, and QS. al-`Adiyat.
Pendampingan Pembelajaran Membaca AlQuran Menggunakan Metode Tartil di Taman Pendidikan Quran Jamiatul Muksinin Olivia, Olivia; Kustati, Martin; Gusmirawati, Gusmirawati
Al-DYAS Vol 2 No 3 (2023): OKTOBER
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58578/aldyas.v2i3.1950


The tartil method is considered a practical and fast Alquran learning method to help students read the Alquran well. The aim of this assistance is to provide learning pedagogy for teaching staff at TPQ Jamiatul Muksisnin in accordance with the methods applied, and to provide supporting facilities for teaching staff at TPQ Jamiatul Muksisnin. The service partners are all students at TPQ Jamiatul Muksisnin. The method used in this assistance is through a Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach oriented towards community empowerment where this assistance is carried out to solve problems that exist in the community, precisely at TPQ Jamiatul Muksinin, by applying learning through the tartil method it can provide satisfaction and increasing students' ability to read the Koran. The results of this assistance show that students are very enthusiastic and enjoy this activity because it brings other benefits in training their Alquran reading skills. It can be seen that students are able to understand the tartil method so they can read the Alquran well, correctly and fluently. These results also show that the tartil method can improve students' ability to read the Alquran precisely and accurately.
Pendampingan Pembelajaran Membaca AlQuran Menggunakan Metode Al Hidayah di SMP Al-Madinah Kabupaten Solok Yafi, Salman; Kustati, Martin; Gusmirawati, Gusmirawati
Al-DYAS Vol 2 No 3 (2023): OKTOBER
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58578/aldyas.v2i3.1957


Learning to read the Qur'an often experiences obstacles due to the methods used that are not in accordance with the needs. The use of methods in learning to read the Qur'an should be tailored to the student's condition, both based on age and ability level. And also the use of the method depends on how the method is taught and the criteria of the teacher who teaches the method. The purpose of the activity of Learning to Read the Qur'an Using the Al Hidayah Method at Al-Madinah Junior High School is to facilitate students in learning to read the Qur'an. The methods used are mentoring and direct practice. In practice, the Al-Hidayah method uses emphasis by presenting color variations to make it easier for students to remember and practice directly the material taught. In addition, the Al-Hidayah Method also emphasizes the teacher's ability to recite the material taught. The method used in this assistance is the Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach which empowers students to make it easier to learn to read the Quran. The results obtained after these activities are that students find it easier to learn to read the Qur'an. Students are easier to read hijaiyah letters according to their makhraj. Students also easily understand other materials presented in the Al-Hidayah book as well as how to read the Qur'an properly and correctly.
Pendampingan Baca Tulis AlQuran Anak melalui Metode Qiroati di Masjid Al-Barkah Kota Padang Putra, Elfi; Kustati, Martin; Gusmirawati, Gusmirawati
Al-DYAS Vol 2 No 3 (2023): OKTOBER
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58578/aldyas.v2i3.1971


The lack of public awareness of Alquran reading and writing education is marked by an imbalance between teachers and students in learning to read and write the Alquran at the Al-Barkah Mosque in Padang City so that learning outcomes do not go as desired, assistance in reading and writing Alquran -Qur'an aims to measure the extent to which Ustadz and Ustadzah provide understanding to Alquran educational park students in reading the Alquran and writing correct Alquranic verses according to the rules, from the way of reading, rhythm, and know the tajwid contained in the reading. The methods used in this assistance are interviews and documentation, the methods used in reading the Alquran are repetition, question and answer, deepening the material and writing verses. students who are taught at the Alquran educational park at primary school level, the aim of this assistance is to measure the extent of the ability of Alquran educational park children in reading the Alquran at the Al-Barkah Mosque in Padang City by applying the qiroati method, children know and understand how to read the Alquran correctly with tartil rhythm. The application of the Qiroati method has a significant role in learning to read and write the Alquran at the Al-Barkah Mosque in Padang City.
Pelatihan Peningkatan Kompetensi Guru TPQ di Kampung Padang Lawe Nagari Amping Parak Kecamatan Surantih Anjeli, Mardawila Adha; Kustati, Martin; Gusmirawati, Gusmirawati
Al-DYAS Vol 2 No 3 (2023): OKTOBER
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58578/aldyas.v2i3.1972


This activity was held with the aim of providing training to increase the competency of TPQ teachers in teaching good and correct reading and writing of the Alquran. Alquran teachers or what are usually called AlquranEducation Park (TPQ) teachers, TPQ teachers essentially carry out a noble mission in maintaining the existence of the Al-Quran. For this reason, it is important for us to follow up and commit to teaching the Alquran properly and correctly to the next generation, which must be implemented as early as possible, so that the AlquranEducation Place (TPQ) becomes the focus of research and service. This activity was carried out using the Participatory Action Research (PAR) method which consists of planning, implementing, discovering facts about the results of actions, and discovering new meanings from social experiences. The targets for this training activity are TPQ teachers at the Amping Parak Surantih mosque and prayer room. The target for success of this training is that the teacher is able to pronounce the letters according to their makhraj, the teacher understands basic tajwid material, the teacher can write Arabic letters correctly. The implementation of this training received a positive response from the teachers. This research was conducted to develop an effective training program in improving the competency of TPQ teachers using the lecture method.
Pendampingan Membaca AlQuran Menggunakan Metode Iqra’ di SDIT Nurul Ikhlas Kota Padang Nazwan, Afif Putra; Kustati, Martin; Gusmirawati, Gusmirawati
Al-DYAS Vol 2 No 3 (2023): OKTOBER
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58578/aldyas.v2i3.1975


The purpose of mentoring reading the Quran using the Iqra' method for students of SDIT Nurul Ikhlas Padang City is because the potential of students at SDIT Nurul Ikhlas Padang City in reading the Quran is quite good, it's just that in practicing it there are still weaknesses and there are still mistakes in reading the Quran according to tajwed. So the researcher decided to carry out the purpose of mentoring reading the Quran using the Iqra' method for students of SDIT Nurul Ikhlas Padang City. The method used in this service is ABCD (Asset Based Community Development). It is an approach used in community empowerment by focusing on asset potential as a strength that is explored in community development. At this stage the pengabdi saw that the use of the iqra' method was very helpful for students in learning the Quran. Because this iqra' method is easier to understand and is familiar to students so it is easier to accept. After doing this service, it proves that the assistance in reading the Quran using the iqra' method has a good impact, students more easily know the hijaiyah letters and there is also an increase in the pronunciation of Makhorijul Letters.
Pelatihan Tahfizh Menggunakan Metode Qiroati di Pondok Tahfizh Insan Cendikia Taratak Kec. Pesisir Selatan Rahmah, Hafizhatur; Kustati, Martin; Gusmirawati, Gusmirawati
Al-DYAS Vol 2 No 3 (2023): OKTOBER
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58578/aldyas.v2i3.1996


This training for the community is a general service, and the focus of this service is the students of Pondok tahfizh insan cendikia Taratak subdistrict. South Coast. This training takes the form of reading the Koran well and correctly using the qiroati method and Tajwid Science Rules. In the implementation of popularizing the Koran, various methods have emerged which are quite helpful in making the process of learning to read the Koran well and correctly easier. The method used in this community service uses Participatory Action Research (PAR), this (PAR) approach is because the actions are carried out not only to obtain the truth, but also to create the desired conditions. The implementation of the qiroati method is carried out by direct practice using the Alquran as media. In the activities carried out using the qiroati method for the students of pondok tahfizh insan cendikia Taratak sub-district. In Pesisir Selatan there are several social impacts obtained, including: 1) Islamic boarding school students can receive learning to read the Koran using the qiroati method. 2) Some of the Islamic boarding school students can improve their reading of the Koran. However, there are also some students who have not been able to improve the quality of their reading. 3) Teachers receive counseling to teach reading the Koran using the qiroati method to Islamic boarding school students, and increase their insight on how to teach the Koran using the qiroati method. 4) As the activity progresses, the number of students taking part in the activity increases.
Pendampingan Praktek Ibadah Sholat Dhuha di SD IT Bakti 2 Nairatul Jannah Kota Padang Pohan, Abdul Hakim; Kustati, Martin; Gusmirawati, Gusmirawati
Al-DYAS Vol 2 No 3 (2023): OKTOBER
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58578/aldyas.v2i3.1998


Students are guided to perform Duha prayers in accordance with Islamic law. In this way, students do not make mistakes in pe5rforming the Duha prayer and can perform the Duha prayer well and correctly in accordance with the guidance in Islam. The aim in this case of accompanying the Dhuha prayer is to familiarize yourself with performing the Sunnah Dhuha prayer. By getting used to Sunnah Dhuha prayers, you can improve your attitude of discipline, responsibility and independence. Meanwhile, the method for implementing this service uses the PAR method which is carried out in stages. What is expected from mentoring through the practice of sunnah prayers in addition to obligatory worship. By getting used to performing Duha prayers according to the predetermined time, students can get used to performing Duha prayers at the time determined by the school in accordance with Islamic teachings, besides that it will also make students more disciplined both in carrying out Duha prayers and in other activities. Furthermore, students are accustomed to queuing in an orderly manner when taking ablution water. By getting used to queuing students can be more orderly and regular in taking ablution water and in other activities. By queuing students are also taught about patience when waiting for their turn to take ablution water.
Pendampingan Baca Tulis Al-Qur’an Menggunakan Metode Fatullah di Pondok Tahfizh Tazkiyah Nurhapipah, Nurhapipah; Kustati, Martin; Gusmirawati, Gusmirawati
Al-DYAS Vol 2 No 3 (2023): OKTOBER
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58578/aldyas.v2i3.2012


The high interest of parents in directing children to study the Qur'an means that there needs to be important attention for a tahfizh teacher to teach the Qur'an comprehensively and continuously. with the applicable tajwid rules, special attention is needed from the tahfzih teacher to always upgrade learning so that learning in class is more active and innovative. So that a new method of learning is formed so that the students become more proficient in learning the Alquran. Because of the reality that occurs in the field, students find it difficult to understand the meaning and nature of letters correctly. There is also boredom among students in studying due to the long practice of reciting recitation material in the Alquran. The method that the author uses is the Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach, where this research is oriented towards empowerment and change in society. It is clear that this writing is oriented towards quality change. Based on the results and assistance above, it can be concluded that assistance in reading and writing the Alquran through the Fatullah Method at Pondok Tahfizh Tazkiyah has been carried out well and can indirectly improve the reading and writing skills of the Alquran for the students of Pondok Tahfizh Tazkiyah.