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Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah Praktikum Komunikasi Data dan Jaringan Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Fitriani, Sofy; Sofyan, Yusuf
Jurnal Pendidikan Multimedia (Edsence) Volume 3 No 2 (Desember 2021)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/edsence.v3i2.40558


Kondisi pandemi covid – 19 seperti sekarang membuat sistem pembelajaran menjadi tidak optimal. Hal ini karena kegiatan belajar tatap muka ditiadakan dan beralih ke pembelajaran dalam jaringan (daring). Karena banyaknya keterbatasan dalam pembelajaran daring, penelitian yang diusulkan berfokus pada sistem pembelajaran dengan studi kasus pada salah satu mata kuliah praktikum Komunikasi Data dan Jaringan (Komdatjar). Diharapkan, pembelajaran dapat berjalan efektif dan tetap aman meskipun belajar dirumah. Metode penelitian yang diusulkan menggunakan kuantitatif dengan survei. Pengajar memberikan skema awal pembelajaran, kemudian dilakukan survei untuk mengetahui penilaian peserta didik tentang sistem pembelajaran yang sedang berjalan. Selanjutnya, peserta didik diberikan kesempatan untuk memberikan masukan tambahan terkait metode yang sekiranya efektif dan dapat meningkatkan minat belajar mereka. Dari rancangan pembelajaran yang sudah diterapkan, salah satu metode dengan menggunakan video yang diunggah di kanal youtube memiliki respon positif tertinggi dengan nilai presentasi sangat baik 64%, baik 29%, cukup baik 7% dari skala maksimal 4. Berdasarkan dari proses pembelajaran yang berlangsung dan hasil survei yang didapatkan, nilai rata – rata keseluruhan kepuasaan peserta didik sudah tercapai dengan baik. Hal ini dapat menjadi acuan pengajar untuk melanjutkan metode pembelajaran yang sudah baik dan meningkatkan yang masih perlu diperbaiki.
Development of Online-Based Cadre Infrastructure for Pimpinan Wilayah Nasyiatul Aisyiah of West Java Akhmad Bakhrun; Iwan Awaludin; M. Rizqi Sholahuddin; Sofy Fitriani; Maisevli Harika; Setiadi Rachmat
ABDIMAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): ABDIMAS UMTAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1096.886 KB) | DOI: 10.35568/abdimas.v5i1.1562


Nasyiatul Aisyiyah is part of the Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah which is engaged in da'wah among the younger generation aged 18-40 years. This generation is a productive generation who are usually pursuing a career or family. The leadership of the Nasyiatul Aisyiyah Region (Pimpinan Wilayah Nasyiatul Aisyiah, PWNA) during this pandemic has a regeneration problem. The main reason is that there are no online regeneration facilities. In addition, PWNA has not received knowledge about online learning systems, such as how to know the level of interest of a cadre when participating in online training, attracting cadres to continue to be interested in participating in training, and so on. This causes the regeneration process of cadres in an organization to be hampered. On the other hand, the lack of motivation to complete the course after registering causes the course completion rate to be low. A possible solution to overcome this problem is to do online regeneration with MOOC. The MOOCs system is a distance learning model. The MOOC system for this regeneration will use gamification. Gamification is the application of learning to follow elements such as in a game or game. By imitating like a game, it is hoped that it can motivate cadres in the learning process. So that the regeneration system can increase the interest of cadres to the learning. The output target of this Community Service (PkM) is the availability of Moodle-based MOOCs with gamification features in West Java PWNA. In addition, partners are expected to be able to operate the system independently, such as preparing content on the system. In addition, the system is also able to regulate access to materials according to the level of cadre members. Access rights to a material will be controlled automatically and the instructor can form statistics on participant reports systematically.
Simulasi Reinforcement Learning untuk Kecerdasan Buatan pada Exergame Penurun Berat Badan Sofy Fitriani; Siti Dwi Setiarini; Eddy Bambang Soewono
JURIKOM (Jurnal Riset Komputer) Vol 9, No 1 (2022): Februari 2022
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/jurikom.v9i1.3875


The pandemic of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) is still sweeping the globe. This is alarming, and it has a negative impact on physical activity outside the home. Weight gain is one of the issues that has arisen. Artificial intelligence simulation research is proposed for physical activity to help lose weight for it to be something fun with all its limitations. This simulation is going to be included in the game. This study focused on the physical activity carried out based on the results of artificial intelligence calculations to lose weight before being applied to the game. The approach is quantitative. To begin, conduct a literature review to determine the topic, machine learning methods, and calorie calculations for weight loss. Additionally, using reinforcement learning, a model for calculating the need is created for a caloric deficit. The waterfall method is used to model the calculation, which is then simulated in the system. The final stage is model validation, which involves utilizing the functionality correctness in accordance with system requirements. It produces 100 percent correct output based on the list of requirements, according to the tests that have been conducted.
Rancang Bangun REST API Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Gardu Distribusi berbasis Android dan Web Sofy Fitriani; Muhammad Rizqi Sholahuddin; Siti Dwi Setiarini
Journal of Information System Research (JOSH) Vol 4 No 1 (2022): October 2022
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (543.4 KB) | DOI: 10.47065/josh.v4i1.2362


Today, the use of information systems is important, especially in archiving important data. Advances in technology have made conventional recordings begin to switch to digital. The case study in this research is to make an information system on one of the electric power systems, namely the distribution system. In this distribution system there is a substation that contains important components in the distribution of electricity from transmission to consumers. Generally, data collection at distribution substations uses manual recording on paper. This becomes less effective when it finds conditions of archiving data that have been in the past. Therefore, an application is designed that can help the authorities to record android-based data and websites. This information system is made using Rest API which facilitates communication via the internet. From the research that has been done, the performance between the mobile application and the website is good. Website performance produces applications on the web that have good results, namely 99, while Android is 93 from a maximum value of 100.
Implementasi Sistem Identifikasi Senjata Real Time Menggunakan YOLOv7 dan Notifikasi Chat Telegram Muhammad Rizqi Sholahuddin; Firas Atqiya; Sri Ratna Wulan; Maisevli Harika; Sofy Fitriani; Yusuf Sofyan
Journal of Information System Research (JOSH) Vol 4 No 2 (2023): January 2023
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47065/josh.v4i2.2774


This research produces an application that can send automatic notifications in the form of a chat on the Telegram platform when a weapon object is detected on CCTV. This application was created utilizing computer vision technology and artificial intelligence, in particular YOLOv7. As demonstrated by the mAP@0.5 value of 0.837 after 50 epochs of training, this application can detect weapon objects such as people, pistols, and knives with a reasonable degree of accuracy. This application is also linked to the telepot library, which enables it to send chats on the Telegram platform. These applications can aid in enhancing security and safety in a variety of environments and have numerous practical applications in fields such as public safety, law enforcement, and others. However, there are still deficiencies in this study that can be addressed in future research, such as the small number of training epochs and the size of the dataset.
Desain dan Implementasi Website di Pondok Pesantren Darul Fithrah Sofy Fitriani; Yusuf Sofyan; Eddy Bambang Soewono; Siti Dwi Setiarini; Beri Noviansyah
Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara Vol 8 No 1 (2024): Volume 8 Nomor 1 Tahun 2024
Publisher : Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29407/ja.v8i1.22022


Darul Fithrah Islamic Boarding School is an Islamic educational institution that aims to provide its students with religious education, formal education, and character development. A community service theme related to the school website is proposed to increase communication efficiency, information transparency, and interaction between Islamic boarding schools, students, parents, and the community. This website design uses structured stages. The first stage is planning, training, evaluating, and making activity reports. At the planning stage, the features that will be displayed on the website are adjusted to the Islamic boarding school's needs. After the website is completed, information system training is carried out on the website. The evaluation stage is carried out to monitor if problems occur. Based on the results of monitoring and evaluation, the website created makes it easy for various parties to obtain and share information related to Islamic boarding schools, and the website has been well optimized so that it has entered the first page on the Google search engine in fourth place.
Rancang Bangun Konverter Modbus RTU RS485 ke Modbus TCP/IP Berbasis ATMEGA2560 Yusuf Sofyan; Sofy Fitriani
Journal of Computer System and Informatics (JoSYC) Vol 4 No 3 (2023): May 2023
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47065/josyc.v4i3.3522


In the electricity’s world, there are panels that are used to display electrical measurements or what is known as a Digital Panel Meter (DPM). This DPM measures physical quantities such as current, voltage, power, frequency and so on. In addition, this panel serves as a monitor for the quality of the electricity supply. In medium voltage systems, DPM is integrated with Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) which functions as a data collection tool for energy consumption of electricity consumers. So this DPM is a very important tool. Problems arise when connecting from one DPM to another, because this DPM usually uses RS-485 for its communication system. Such communication can only be carried out with equipment of the same standard. Therefore, it is proposed to design a Modbus RTU RS-485 converter to Modbus TCP/IP. This is done so that DPM communication can be directly connected to computers or to network devices such as routers, hubs and switches. Stages of research that begins with the analysis of problems and system requirements. Next do the design and realization. From the research conducted, the tool runs well. The test uses the modbus poll software as a comparison of the measurement results from the tool. The results show that the device data and those that appear on the modbus poll have high accuracy, for example, the device shows a voltage of 227.2 V; when using the software the result is 227.25 V
Strategi Maximum Profit Algoritma Greedy dalam Kecerdasan Buatan Penentu Aktivitas Fisik pada Mobile Exergame Siti Dwi Setiarini; Sofy Fitriani; Hashri Hayati
Journal of Computer System and Informatics (JoSYC) Vol 4 No 3 (2023): May 2023
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47065/josyc.v4i3.3524


The Covid-19 pandemic has started to subside. However, after the pandemic subsided the obesity rate in Indonesia continued to increase. The new habits formed after the pandemic are activities that can be done at home. This is an opportunity to be able to reduce obesity by doing physical activity at home. Physical activity undertaken specifically to lose weight. However, various problems arise when doing physical activity. Such as requiring expensive fees, monotony, and others. Mobile exergame is one solution to this problem. In previous research, exergames that use the brute force algorithm in determining physical activity take a long time. This problem will be solved using a greedy algorithm which also uses a maximum profit strategy. Descriptive statistics are used to compare the average time needed by the two algorithms to select the physical activity to be performed in an exergame. The results of this study indicate that in terms of time the greedy algorithm that uses the maximum profit strategy is proven to be faster than the brute force algorithm.
Pengontrolan Robot Bulu Tangkis menggunakan Mikrokontroller ATmega128 berbasis Android Mobile Yusuf Sofyan; Muhammad Ihsan; Sofy Fitriani
Journal of Computer System and Informatics (JoSYC) Vol 4 No 3 (2023): May 2023
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47065/josyc.v4i3.3527


In Indonesia, badminton was one of the most popular sport in various circles. Along with the times, robots can be designed as a device that can be used to play badminton. Robominton was badminton robot which is operated manually by human using a remote control or fully automatic. For a robot that controlled by manual-based, bluetooth or cable connection using joystick was used. This refers to the rules that have been set by DIKTI in “Robot Abu Indonesia (KRAI) 2015” Contest. As for the robot control system that we develop, are robotic system with manual control using android as a transmitter and bluetooth module HC-05 as a receiver. There is a robotic navigation control systems, transmission control systems shuttlecock, shuttlecock and servicing of control systems. ATmega 128 processor, four DC motors, with the EMS driver 30A H-Bridges was used as a hardware on shuttlecock transmission syste,. For shuttlecock services, self-designed pneumatic driver with solenoid valve was used. From the test results, the robot was able to navigate premises 11 formation movement, five pieces of shuttlecock transmission, and can serve up and down with a pneumatic