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Conversion 9-Methyl Octadecene to 1-Octadecanol Handoko, Donatus Setyawan Purwo
Proceeding Biology Education Conference: Biology, Science, Enviromental, and Learning Vol 12, No 1 (2015): Prosiding Seminar Nasional XII Biologi
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

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The investigations of methyl oleate (methyl 9-octadecenoate) to convert 1-octadecanol, has been done. The conversion was carried out using ZSiA catalysts and fixed bed reactor that was operated at 400, 450, and 500 oC. ZSiA catalyst was prepared by washing zeolite with aquadest, followed by dipping in HCl 2M solution, adding Na2SiO3 5% b/b, dipping in NH4Cl 2M, calcination at 500 oC under nitrogen with flow rate of 20 mL/min for 2 hours, oxydation under oxygen flow rate of 20 mL/min. Characterization of the catalyst included determination of metal content using AAS, acidity using gravimetric method, surface area using Gas Sorption Analyzer NOVA 1000, and crystallinity using XRD. The fixed bed reactor was filled by catalyst and heated up to 400 oC under hydrogen flow rate of 20 mL/min. Then the feed (methyl oleate or methyl 9-octadecenoate) in evaporator was heated up to 400 oC under hydrogen flow rate of 20 mL/min. The reaction product was collected in glass tube and analyzed using GC-MS. Catalytic hydrogenation of methyl oleate produced 87,21% of 1-octadecanol as major product. 1-octadecanol product decreased significantly by the increase of hydrogen flow rate from 20 to 60 mL/min and for 5 to 15 grams catalysts.Keywords: methyl oleate, 1-octadecanol, ZSiA catalysts
Proceeding Biology Education Conference: Biology, Science, Enviromental, and Learning Vol 11, No 1 (2014): Prosiding Seminar Nasional XI Biologi
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

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Abstract - Investigation of increasing waste cooking oil quality have been done using H-zeolite as an adsorbent and fluid fixed bed reactor which was operated in a various temperatures. H-zeolite adsorbent was prepared through physical and chemical treatments as follows : washing, acid, calcination and oxidation. The characterization of this adsorbent covered cations contain (Pb, Cu, Zn, Na, K, Ca and Fe) using AAS, Si/Al ratio using AAS, surface area spesific, pore volume and pore diameter using surface area analyzer NOVA 1000 and acidity using gravimetric method with amonia adsorption. Quality parametric of cooking oil that was investigated covered water contain, acid and peroxide value and density. Waste cooking oil as a sample was cooking oil which have been used for frying kerupuk, tempe and tahu three times. Fifty milliliter waste cooking oil was flowed throught 10 g H-zeolite adsorbent in fluid fixed bed reactor which was operated at various temperatures (50, 70, 90, 110 oC). The oil was placed in the bottle to be analyzed. The results of this research showed that the adsorpstion process for increasing quality of waste cooking oil using H-zeolite adsorbent  and fluid fixed bed reactor could reduce the water contain, acid and peroxide value and density. The optimum temperature was 70 oC. Keywords :zeolite, waste cooking oil, acid and peroxide value
PEMANFAATAN LIMBAH TEMBAKAU (NICOTIANA TABACUM) PASCA PANEN SEBAGAI BIODIESEL ALTERNATIF (Utilization of Waste Tobaca (Nicotiana Tabacum) Post-Harvest as an Alternative Biodiesel) Purwo Handoko, Donatus Setyawan; Kristianto, Nehemia Fernandes; Handayani, Wuryati
Lembaran publikasi minyak dan gas bumi Vol 51, No 3 (2017)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (101.888 KB) | DOI: 10.29017/LPMGB.51.3.30


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memanfaatka biji limbah tembakau pasca panen menjadi biodiesel. Biodiesel akan diproduksi dengan menggunakan reaksi transesterifi kasi dengan variasi suhu. Biji tembakau diesktrak untuk mendapatkan minyak nabatinya sebagai biodiesel. Kandungan asam lemak bebas (FFA) pada minyak nabati harus diminimalisir sekecil mungkin untuk mendapatkan rendemen transesterifi kasi yang tinggi. Katalis yang dipakai dalam mengkonversi minyak nabati menjadi biodiesel adalah katalis basa homogen. Biodiesel dengan rendemen tertinggi dihasilkan dari reaksi transesterifi kasi dengan suhu 70oC. Biodiesel hasil sintesis akan dikarakterisasi gugus fungsi dan sifat fi ksiknya berupa massa jenis dan viskositasnya.The aims of this research is process into biodiesel. Biodiesel is produced using transesterification reactions with variations of tempetature. Tobacco seed oil is extracted to obtain edible oils as biodiesel. The content of free fatty acid (FFA)in edible oils should be minimized to obtain a high yield of transesterification. The catalyst used in converting edible oils into biodiesel is homogeneous alkaline catalyst. Biodiesel with the higest yield from transesterification reactions with a temperature of 70oC. Biodiesel was characterized the functional group and phsycal properties including density and viscosity.
Konversi Plastik Menjadi Senyawa Alkana Rantai C6 - C12 Menggunakan Katalis Ni/Zeolit dan Zn/Zeolit Purwo Handoko, Donatus Setyawan; Hasyim, Wahid
Lembaran publikasi minyak dan gas bumi Vol 49, No 1 (2015)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (567.97 KB) | DOI: 10.29017/LPMGB.49.1.232


Telah dilakukan penelitian konversi plastik menjadi senyawa alkana dengan panjang rantai C6-C12 menggunakan katalis Ni/zeolit dan Zn/zeolit serta reaktor sistem fixed bed. Katalis Ni/zeolit dan Zn/zeolit dipreparasi melalui teknik perendaman dalam air, kalsinasi, oksidasi, impregnasi basah logam Ni dan Zn dan reduksi. Kalsinasi, oksidasi dan reduksi dilakukan pada suhu 500oC dengan laju alir gas (nitrogen, oksigen atau hidrogen) 20 mL/menit. Hasil yang diperoleh dari perengkahan plastik menjadi senyawa alkana dengan panjang rantai C6-C12 adalah 77,02 % untuk jenis katalis Zn/zeolit dan 76,87% untuk jenis katalis Ni/zeolit. Has done research into the conversion of plastic compounds with long- chain alkanes C6 - C12 using the catalyst Ni zeolite and Zn/zeolite and the fixed bed reactor system . Catalyst Ni/zeolite and Zn/zeolite prepared through immersion technique, calcination, oxidation, wet impregnation of Ni and Zn metal and reduction. Calcination, oxidation and reduction is carried out at a temperature of 500C with a flow rate of gases (nitrogen, oxygen or hydrogen) 20 mL/min. The results obtained from the cracking of plastic into a compound alkanes with chain lengths C6 - C12 is 77.02% for the type of catalyst Zn/zeolite and 76.87% for the type of catalyst Ni/zeolite.
Konversi Katalitik Metil Oleat Secara Sekuensial Menjadi Senyawa Biogasoline Purwo Handoko, Donatus Setyawan; Triyono, Triyono; Narsito, Narsito; D.W., Tutik; Bangun, Morina
Lembaran publikasi minyak dan gas bumi Vol 47, No 3 (2013)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (780.688 KB) | DOI: 10.29017/LPMGB.47.3.246


Bahan bakar yang berasal dari fossil sebagai sumber energi saat ini cadangannya sudah semakin menipis, sementara permintaan bahan bakar semakin meningkat. Untuk itu perlu dicari suatu sumber energi terbarukan yang dapat menjadi energi alternatif untuk menggantikan atau mensubtitusi bahan bakar fossil, seperti dari minyak nabati. Penelitian mengenai konversi minyak sawit menjadi bahan bakar biogasoline belum banyak dilakukan sehingga peneliti melakukan penelitian terhadap peluang diperolehnya bahan bakar biogasoline dari metil oleat secara sekuensial. Konversi minyak nabati, metil oleat (metil 9-oktadekenoat) menjadi biogasoline secara sekuensial telah dilakukan melalui beberapa tahap yaitu: metil 9-oktadekenoat menjadi 1-oktadekanol, 1-oktadekanol menjadi 1-oktadekena dan 1-oktadekena menjadi senyawa alkana serta alkena rantai pendek dengan panjang C12. Proses konversi menggunakan katalis ZSiA dan Ni/ZSiA yang ditempatkan dalam kolom reaktor sistem fixed bed dan dioperasikan pada temperatur 400, 450 dan 500oC. Katalis ditempatkan dalam kolom reaktor fixed bed pada temperatur 400oC (atau 450 dan 500oC), sambil dialiri gas hidrogen dengan laju alir 0, 20, 30 dan 40 mL/menit. Umpan metil 9-oktadekenoat, 1-oktadekanol atau 1-oktadekena dipanaskan dalam evaporator, temperatur 400-500oC. Produk-produk dari proses hidrogenasi katalitik secara sequential terhadap metil 9-oktadekenoat, 1-oktadekanol dengan katalis ZSiA, berturut-turut menghasilkan produk 1-oktadekanol sebesar 87,21%, 1-oktadekena sebesar 20,21%; dan menghasilkan produk alkana dan alkena C12 sebesar 15,29% menggunakan umpan 1-oktadekena, dengan katalis Ni/ZSiA.
Lembaran publikasi minyak dan gas bumi Vol 53, No 1 (2019)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (564.475 KB) | DOI: 10.29017/LPMGB.53.1.367


Telah dilakukan proses perengkahan secara katalitik senyawa 1-oktadekanol dengan katalis clay termodifikasi Cu. Hasil perengkahan dianalisis dengan menggunakan X-ray Flouresence (XRF), XRD, adsorpsi piridin dan BET. Katalis dimasukkan dan dipanaskan dalam tabung reaktor, umpan dimasukkan dan dipanaskan pada tabung terpisah sampai berubah menjadi uap sambil dialiri gas H2. Cairan hasil perengkahan selanjutnya dianalisis dengan menggunakan GC-MS. Hasil karakterisasi menunjukkan penurunan rasio Si/Al dari katalis clay menjadi clay termodifikasi Cu, sedangkan % kandungan Cu dalam katalis meningkat sebesar 7.39%. Struktur kristal kedua katalis hampir sama, namun muncul beberapa puncak baru yang menunjukkan bahwa logam Cu berhasil dimodifikasikan. Keasaman katalis muncul pada daerah 1638,6 dan 1627,03 cm-1 yang menunjukkan jenis asam bronsted. Luas permukaan dan volume pori katalis mengalami kenaikan walau sangat kecil yaitu berturut-turut 45.719 dan 0.009. Aktivitas katalis baik katalis clay dan clay termodifikasi Cu kurang baik, dimana produk yang dihasilkan C12 lebih banyak daripada C6-C12.
PENGARUH TEMPERATUR TERHADAP KINERJA KATALIS Ni/ZEOLIT PADA REAKSI HIDROGENASI KATALITIK Donatus Setyawan Purwo Handoko; Triyono Triyono; Narsito Narsito; Tutik Dwi Wahyuningsih
Reaktor Volume 12, Nomor 4, Desember 2009
Publisher : Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (338.127 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/reaktor.12.4.218 – 225


Kinetika hidrogenasi katalitik 1-oktadekena telah dipelajari pada pengaruh temperatur reaksi. Katalis Ni/Zeolit dipreparasi melalui tahapan perlakuan asam (HF, HCl, NH4Cl), kalsinasi dengan N2, oksidasi dengan O2 dan reduksi dengan H2 serta impregnasi logam Ni (Ni(NO3)2.6H2O) melalui teknik impregnasi basah dan pertukaran ion. Uji aktivitas katalis dilakukan pada reaksi hidrogenasi katalitik 1-oktadekena pada variasi temperatur yaitu 400°C, 450°C dan 550°C dengan laju alir gas H2 yang tetap, 15 mL/menit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa reaksi hidrogenasi katalitik senyawa 1-oktadekena pada temperatur 400°C memilki  konstanta laju reaksi (k) dan energi aktivasi berturut-turut 0,0900 menit-1 dan -46,14 kJ/mol. Laju reaksi hidrogenasi katalitik senyawa 1-oktadekena dengan katalis Ni/zeolit semakin menurun dengan meningkatnya temperatur reaksi pada rentang temperatur 400 hingga 550oC.
Jurnal Kimia Riset Vol. 3 No. 1 (2018): Juni
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (964.029 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jkr.v3i1.8902


It has conducted on the activity and selectivity of Ni/H5NZA catalyst toward the hydrocracking of oleat methyl catalytic becomes short fraction hydrocarbon compounds with the variation of Ni concentration such as 1%, 2% and 3% (% w/w) for oleat methyl catalytic hydrocracking becomes short fraction hydrocarbon compounds (C5-C11 hydrocarbon). The catalyst is prepared by wet impregnation method, then followed by calcinations at 500oC, oxidation at 400oC and reduction at 500oC, each of them are followed by a stream of nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen with ± 5mL/second in stream velocity. The characterization of catalyst includes the determination of Si/Al ratio, Ni metal that were impregnated by using AAS instrument, and the acid determination by using gravimetric method. The hydrocracking process is done in flow-fixed bed reactor at 500oC; the catalyst are heated at first and followed by the reactants which are heated in pyrolysis reactor up to it change into vapor, then they are moved into the hydrocracking reactor. The liquid from hydrocracking process is collected and analyzed by using Gas of Chromatography (GC) and Gas of Chromatography-Mass spectrometer (GC-MS). The characterization results showed in general that Si/Al ratio decreases after being impregnated by Ni metal. The amount of Ni metal almost reach a half of early Ni concentration which is impregnated. On the other hands, the acid amount of catalyst after being impregnated by Ni metal rise higher than those before being impregnated by Ni metal. The research showed that the activity and selectivity of Ni-2%/H5NZA catalyst is better in hydrocracking hydrocarbon compounds which are shorter. The activity of Ni-2%/H5NZA catalyst reaches 91.3041%. Meanwhile the selectivity is more selective in creating the hydrocarbon compounds with C5-C11 chain and more lead to the formation of alkane and alkene. Keywords: methyloleate, catalyst, Ni/H5NZ,hydrocracking
The Improvement of Waste Cooking Oil Quality using H5-NZA Adsorbent in Fluid Fixed Bed Reactor Donatus Setyawan P Handoko
Jurnal ILMU DASAR Vol 10 No 2 (2009)
Publisher : Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Jember

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Investigation of waste cooking oil quality improvement have been done using H-zeolite as an adsorbent and fluid fixed bed reactor which was operated in a various temperatures. H-zeolite adsorbent was prepared through physical and chemical treatments as follows: washing, acid, calcination and oxidation. The characterization of this adsorbent covered cations contain (Pb, Cu, Zn, Na, K, Ca and Fe) using AAS, Si/Al ratio using AAS, surface area spesific, pore volume as well as pore diameter using surface area analyzer NOVA 1000, and acidity using gravimetric method with amonia adsorption. Quality parametric of cooking oil that were investigated covered water contain, acid as well as peroxide value and density. Sample of waste cooking oil was taken from cooking oil which have been previously used three times for frying kerupuk, tempe and tahu. Fifty milliliter waste cooking oil was flowed throught 10 g H-zeolite adsorbent in fluid fixed bed reactor which was operated at various temperatures (50, 70, 90, 110oC). The oil was placed in the bottle to be analyzed. The results showed that the adsorpstion process using H-zeolite adsorbent and fluid fixed bed reactor could reduce the water contain, acid and peroxide value and density, thus it improved quality of waste cooking oil. The optimum temperature was 70oC.
Utilization of Waste Tobacco (Nicotiana Tabacum) Post-Harvest as an Alternative Biodiesel Donatus Setyawan Purwo Handoko
Jurnal Multidisiplin Madani Vol. 2 No. 12 (2022): December 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/mudima.v2i12.1780


The aims of this research is process into biodiesel. Biodiesel is produced using transesterification reactions with variations of tempetature. Tobacco seed oil is extracted to obtain edible oils as biodiesel. The content of free fatty acid (FFA) in edible oils should be minimized to obtain a high yield of transesterification. The catalyst used in converting edible oils into biodiesel is homogeneous alkaline catalyst. Biodiesel with the higest yield from transesterification reactions with a temperature of 70 oC. Biodiesel was characterized the functional group  and  phsycal properties including density and viscosity