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Pembuatan Aplikasi Sistem Pakar Untuk Diagnosis Kerusakan Hardware Komputer Pada Izzati Komputer ., Suryono; Purnama, Bambang Eka; Wardati, Indah Uly
Speed - Indonesian Journal on Computer Science 2014: IJCSS - Accepted Paper
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Informatika Universitas Surakarta

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Abstract - Izzati computer is one company that is engaged in computer rental that is often referred to as internet cafes. In the internet service in Izzati computer  is also inseparable from the problems encountered. A problem that often occurs on a public Internet computer, Izzati is damage due to the frequency with which the computer was used and took turns from one user to the other users. Expert system for damage detection of hardware these computers with facilities provided to users and experts, and allows both expert users to use the system according to their needs. Users are given the ease to get solutions for hardware damage that occurs based on the data that has been selected on the search process, which consists of the selection of the data range of the hardware components are damaged, then followed by the selection of the type of data the hardware components are damaged, proceed with the election of the symptoms being experienced damage data and selection of feature data damage. While experts are given the ease of process systems, either create a add, remove or update associated data. Experts sytem to diagnose computer hardware damage that is not another in order to facilitate the work in detecting kerusakaan computer hardware without having to rely on experts. Keywords: expert system, the diagnosis, of damage to computer hardware. Abstraksi - Izzati komputer adalah salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang jasa rental komputer yang sering disebut warung internet. Dalam pelayanan jasa diwarung internet Izzati juga tidak lepas dari suatu masalah yang dihadapi. Masalah yang sering terjadi pada Warung Internet Izzati adalah kerusakan komputer, dikarenakan seringnya komputer itu digunakan dan bergantian dari pengguna satu ke pengguna yang lainya. Sistem pakar pendeteksi kerusakan hardware komputer ini dengan fasilitas yang diberikan untuk pemakai dan pakar, memungkinkan baik pemakai maupun pakar untuk menggunakan sistem ini sesuai kebutuhannya masing-masing. Pemakai diberi kemudahan untuk mendapatkan solusi atas kerusakan hardware yang terjadi berdasarkan data-data yang telah dipilih pada proses penelusuran, yang terdiri dari pemilihan data macam komponen hardware yang mengalami kerusakan, diteruskan dengan pemilihan data jenis komponen hardware yang mengalami kerusakan, dilanjutkan dengan pemilihan data gejala kerusakan yang dialami dan pemilihan data ciri kerusakan yang didapat. Sedangkan pakar diberi kemudahan dalam memanajemen sistem, baik proses tambah, hapus maupun update data terkait. Sitem Pakar untuk mendiagnosis kerusakan hardware komputer yang tidak lain adalah agar dapat mempermudah pekerjaan dalam mendeteksi kerusakaan hardware komputer tanpa harus mengandalkan tenaga ahli. Kata kunci:  sistem pakar, kerusakan hardware komputer
AC-DC PFC Converter Using Combination of Flyback Converter and Full-bridge DC-DC Converter Efendi, Moh. Zaenal; Rizal, Abdul; Erzanuari, Aldi; ., Suryono; Windarko, Novie Ayub
EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology Vol 2, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS)

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This paper presents a combination of power factor correction converter using Flyback converter and Full-bridge dc-dc converter in series connection. Flyback converter is operated in discontinuous conduction mode so that it can serve as a power factor correction converter and meanwhile Full-bridge dc-dc converter is used for dc regulator. This converter system is designed to produce a 86 Volt of output voltage and 2 A of output current. Both simulation and experiment results show that the power factor of this converter achieves up to 0.99 and meets harmonic standard of IEC61000-3-2.Keywords: Flyback Converter, Full-bridge DC-DC Converter, Power Factor Correction.
AC-DC PFC Converter Using Combination of Flyback Converter and Full-bridge DC-DC Converter Efendi, Moh. Zaenal; Rizal, Abdul; Erzanuari, Aldi; ., Suryono; Windarko, Novie Ayub
EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology Vol 2, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (6864.867 KB) | DOI: 10.24003/emitter.v2i1.21


This paper presents a combination of power factor correction converter using Flyback converter and Full-bridge dc-dc converter in series connection. Flyback converter is operated in discontinuous conduction mode so that it can serve as a power factor correction converter and meanwhile Full-bridge dc-dc converter is used for dc regulator. This converter system is designed to produce a 86 Volt of output voltage and 2 A of output current. Both simulation and experiment results show that the power factor of this converter achieves up to 0.99 and meets harmonic standard of IEC61000-3-2.Keywords: Flyback Converter, Full-bridge DC-DC Converter, Power Factor Correction.
SISTEM INFORMASI REKAM MEDIS PUSKESMAS JAYENGAN SURAKARTA ., Supriyanto; Anwariningsih, Sri Huning; ., suryono
JURNAL GAUNG INFORMATIKA Vol 5 No 2 (2012): Jurnal gaung informatika vol.5 no.2 Juli 2012

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Service health in Puskesmas need the existence of support from various related/ relevant factor, one of them is well-held of medical record matching withstandard going into effect. Medical record represent legal document which contain stuffing which enough about patient identity, diagnosa, therapy and all that happened atpatient. And bind medical record also represent documentation network activity of medical service given by health institution to patient. Because medical record representthe part of the health system improved and either through medical and also judicially In this research of writer chosen Puskesmas Jayengan Surakarta as reseaarch place. Medical record information system take care of road street in this PuskesmasJayengan good for process medical record data of patient covering registration of patient, doctor data, officer data, medical record data This research aim to make efficient medical record information system and make its implementation in visual pemrograman language of basic 6.0. this formulawriting internal issue is how to make medical record information system in Puskesmas Jayengan ? Used by Methodologies writing is data method and method approach. Data writer method use like : bibliography, observation. Method approach of writer use like :analysis, scheme, test drive, implementation. From submitted/ sent writing can be taken by conclusion that existing implementation have earned to be used for the information system of medical record,but admit of to be developed for the data processing of other related to medical record information system.  
JURNAL GAUNG INFORMATIKA Vol 6 No 1 (2013): Jurnal gaung informatika vol.6 no.1 tahun 2013

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Products resulting from this study is an assessment sistem based index of faculty performance objects, which built the sistem adjusts needs assessment of facultyperformance. Features presented in information sistems, among others, provide ease of student teacher performance appraisal, assessment feedback from faculty, studentsinput data, and the ease of report generation. After testing by the method of McCall, this sistem scored 74.14% of total quality. Thus the results of such testing, the sistem isexpected to facilitate the processing of data and presenting information so that it can be applied to the University of Sahid Surakarta.
Sistem Pengendali Inventori Supply Chain Dengan Pendekatan Probabilitas Pada Industri Pakaian ., Mustafid; Sabila, Alzena Dona; ., Suryono
JSINBIS (Jurnal Sistem Informasi Bisnis) Vol 8, No 1 (2018): Volume 8 Nomor 1 Tahun 2018
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (432.827 KB) | DOI: 10.21456/vol8iss1pp17-24


Inventory control systems have an important role in supply chain management to control process of production, inventory and distribution of products in accordance with rapidly changing consumer demand. The research aims to develop inventory control system on supply chain that can manage the number of production and supply of products based on variables of consumer demand and lead time. Supply chain inventory control systems are designed using model of supply chain inventory control within the information system framework. Model of inventory control using variable of demand lead time is designed by  probability approach. Input to the system are data of demand and lead time sent by retail. The results of research provide theory of supply chain inventory control system with probability approach, especially on developing the theory of probability distribution for combined variables from  two random variables of normal distributed.  Inventory control system used to determine safety stock and reorder point as the basis for determining  the replenishment stock. Furthermore by the system, supply chain management can manage the estimation of production number, and manage inventory and stock number of products in warehouse, supplier and retail in accordance with the consumer demand.
MITIGASI RISIKO BENCANA BANJIR DI KOTA MANADO Hengkelare, Sularso H. S.; Rogi, Octavianus H. A.; ., Suryono
MEDIA MATRASAIN Vol 18, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Department of Architecture, Engineering Faculty - Sam Ratulangi University

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Mitigation is an effort with the aim of minimizing the impact of a disaster by carrying out proper planning. Geological and hydrometeorological disasters are disasters that are often experienced by Indonesia. In Indonesia, hydrometeorological disasters such as floods are influenced by strong westerly winds and global climate change. Inappropriate land conversion also supports the occurrence of this disaster. Based on a map of flood-prone areas from the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning, Manado City has a flood-prone area with a fairly high class of vulnerability, especially the central government area and the center of trade and services. This is relevant to the geographical condition of the city of Manado which is in a position surrounded by mountains and 5 major rivers that pass through the city of Manado, namely the Tikala river and the Tondano river which merge in the Paal 2 area, the Malalayang river, the Sario river and the Bailang river. The Tondano and Tikala rivers have several meanders and have several 'bottle necks' downstream which can cause obstruction to the flow of river water so that it can cause flooding. In addition, the silting of rivers and drainage as well as the lack of water catchment areas have an important role in the occurrence of floods. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a flood risk analysis in Manado City to determine the appropriate form of mitigation. The purpose of this study is to determine the level of flood risk in Manado City and recommend forms of flood disaster mitigation in Manado City. This research uses analysis with quantitative descriptive research method. The analysis was carried out with reference to PERKA BNPB No. 02 of 2012 concerning general guidelines for disaster risk assessment. The results of this study are that there are 3 classes of flood risk levels in Manado City. In the high class, there are 53 urban villages, the middle class is 2 villages and the low class is 32 villages.
JURNAL GAUNG INFORMATIKA Vol 6 No 1 (2013): Jurnal gaung informatika vol.6 no.1 tahun 2013
Publisher : Universitas Sahid Surakarta

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Products resulting from this study is an assessment sistem based index of faculty performance objects, which built the sistem adjusts needs assessment of facultyperformance. Features presented in information sistems, among others, provide ease of student teacher performance appraisal, assessment feedback from faculty, studentsinput data, and the ease of report generation. After testing by the method of McCall, this sistem scored 74.14% of total quality. Thus the results of such testing, the sistem isexpected to facilitate the processing of data and presenting information so that it can be applied to the University of Sahid Surakarta.
JURNAL GAUNG INFORMATIKA Vol 5 No 2 (2012): Jurnal gaung informatika vol.5 no.2 Juli 2012
Publisher : Universitas Sahid Surakarta

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Service health in Puskesmas need the existence of support from various related/ relevant factor, one of them is well-held of medical record matching withstandard going into effect. Medical record represent legal document which contain stuffing which enough about patient identity, diagnosa, therapy and all that happened atpatient. And bind medical record also represent documentation network activity of medical service given by health institution to patient. Because medical record representthe part of the health system improved and either through medical and also judicially In this research of writer chosen Puskesmas Jayengan Surakarta as reseaarch place. Medical record information system take care of road street in this PuskesmasJayengan good for process medical record data of patient covering registration of patient, doctor data, officer data, medical record data This research aim to make efficient medical record information system and make its implementation in visual pemrograman language of basic 6.0. this formulawriting internal issue is how to make medical record information system in Puskesmas Jayengan ? Used by Methodologies writing is data method and method approach. Data writer method use like : bibliography, observation. Method approach of writer use like :analysis, scheme, test drive, implementation. From submitted/ sent writing can be taken by conclusion that existing implementation have earned to be used for the information system of medical record,but admit of to be developed for the data processing of other related to medical record information system.
Study on the Effect of the Use of Bifidobacteria on Flavor of Yoghurt Suryono .; Adi Sudono; Mirnawati Sudarwanto; Anton Apriyantono
Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan Vol. 16 No. 1 (2005): Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan
Publisher : Departemen Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan, IPB Indonesia bekerjasama dengan PATPI

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This experiment was carried out to study the effect of bifidobacteria on flavor of yoghurt. Parameters measured in the experiment were acidity, pH, viscosity, volatile composition, sensory acceptance and intensity of yoghurt sensory attributes. Results of the experiment indicated that the use of bifidobacteria in mixture of yoghurt culture was able to increase the levels of acidity and viscosity of yoghurt. The highest acidity and viscosity was found in yoghurt prepared by Lactobacillus bulgaricus and bifidobacteria mixture, and also by Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Streptococcus thermophilus and bifidobacteria mixture cultures. The major classes of volatile component identified were acids, alcohols, ketones and aldehydes. The major component identified were octanoic acid, acetoin and octadecanal. It was found that there was no significant difference in sensory acceptance of the panelist for colour, aroma and taste of yoghurt prepared by the various combination of cultures. However, consistency of yoghurt prepared by S. thermophilus with or without addition of bifidobacteria, was less compared to that of others. Yoghurt prepared by single culture of S. thermophilus showed higher intensity of bitter and syneresis. The use of bifidobacteria in the cultures mixture decrease the intensity of bitter and syneresis of the yoghurt. Keywords : Bifidobacteria, L. bulgaricus, S. thermophilus, flavor of yoghurt