Maman Abdurrahman
Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

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Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Vol 14, No 1 (2014): Volume 14, Nomor 1, April 2014
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/bs_jpbsp.v14i1.699


This study aims to reveal the Arabic polysemy in the Koran and its variation of lexico-grammatical meaning. Ten forms of polysemy were obtained, namely, (فَعيل), (فِعال), (فَعْلان فُعْلان - فِعْلان), (فُعُل),(فَعَلَة), (فُعُوْل), (تفعَّل), (تفَعّلُوا), (أفْعَل), and (فَعَل). Each contains four morphological meanings, three morphological meanings, four morphological meanings, three morphological meanings, five morphological meanings, three morphological meanings, two morphological meanings, four morphological meanings, four morphological meanings, and five morphological meanings, respectively. The appearance of the Arabic polysemy in the Koran is attributed to (i) the process associated with the application of morphophonemic hadzf, ta mudhara'ah, (ii) the morphological process which includes morf, morfem, tauzi’ sharfy, and tahlil dakhili lil kalimah, and (iii) the morphosyntactic process which includes tauzi' sharfy-tarkiby, tarkib idhafi, and tarkib 'adadi. In general (61.38%), the Arabic polysemic forms in the Koran have lexico-grammatical variations including repetitive (33.83%), synonyms (11.11%), polisemic (6.80%), and grammatical (9,50). In addition, there are two polysemic forms, namely: (فعْلان) and (فعَلة) which have a lexical-grammatical variety in the high category (77.78%) and (72.00%), the other four (4) polisemic Arabic forms, namely:  (أفعلَ) (فعِيل), (فعَل), and (فعُول) have high levels of lexico-grammatical variation in the medium category: (63.81%), (66.04 %), (68.52%) and (69.87%), respectively.
Analysis of Nahwu Learning Progress in Indonesian Universities Based on the Character of Value Concerns Rahmat, Agus Salam; Abdurrahman, Maman
TAWARIKH Vol 8, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : ASPENSI in Bandung, Indonesia

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ABSTRACT: Historically, Arabic learning in Indonesia made a significant progress at the end of 1990s to the beginning of 2000s. This study was according to the importance of “Nahwu” and presence of the subject which exclusively taught about “Nahwu” after educational institutions effectively taught their students about Arabic subject itself. This situation happened in several universities in Indonesia with an Arabic language program, whether it is an educational program or Arabic literature program. The main purposes of this study were: knowing about “Nahwu” learning contents in several universities; finding out “Nahwu” learning implementations in several universities; and knowing “Nahwu” learning character of value progress in several universities. This study has been implemented in several universities in Indonesia which had subject curriculum of “Nahwu” learning. The sample of this study was taken by using the purposive sampling method. Based on any considerations from the time, academic, and curriculum concerns, the sample was taken from several universities which stand on Java, they were: UPI (Indonesia University of Education) in Bandung, UI (University of Indonesia) in Jakarta, UIN (State Islamic University) Syarif Hidayatullah in Jakarta, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati in Bandung, UGM (Gadjah Mada University) in Yogyakarta, UNPAD (Padjadjaran University) in Bandung, and UNINUS (Archipelago Islamic University) in Bandung. The result of this study was about basic concept of “Nahwu” learning contents, which were taught in university and “Nahwu” learning in university included the character of value based learning.KEY WORDS: Nahwu; University; Character; Value; Arabic Learning.   About the Authors: Dr. H. Agus Salam Rahmat is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Arabic Language Education, Faculty of Language and Literature Education UPI (Indonesia University of Education), Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi No.229 Bandung 40154, West Java, Indonesia. Prof. Dr. H. Maman Abdurrahman is Head of Study Program of Arabic Language Education SPs UPI (School of Postgraduate, Indonesia University of Education) in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. For academic interests, the authors are able to be contacted via their e-mails at: and mamanabdurrahman@upi.eduHow to cite this article? Rahmat, Agus Salam & Maman Abdurrahman. (2017). “Analysis of Nahwu Learning Progress in Indonesian Universities Based on the Character of Value Concerns” in TAWARIKH: International Journal for Historical Studies, Vol.8(2) April, pp.189-202. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press and UIN SGD Bandung, ISSN 2085-0980. Chronicle of the article: Accepted (January 28, 2017); Revised (March 2, 2017); and Published (April 28, 2017).
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Vol 16, No 1 (2016): PENGEMBANGAN DAN STRATEGI PEMBELAJARAN
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

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Studi ini dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya fenomena kejenuhan siswa dan rendahnya prestasi kaidah nahwiyah siswa, lebih khusus berkaitan dengan strategi pembelajaran yang digunakan. Atas dasar ini penggunaan buku Lughati peneliti jadikan sebagai strategi dalam upaya mencari solusi alternatif untuk dapat meningkatkan minat dan semangat mahasiswa dalam mempelajari kaidah nahwiyah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari alternatif strategi pembelajaran yang lebih tepat untuk diterapkan khususnya dalam pembelajaran kaidah nahwiyah melalui penggunaan buku Lughati. Penelitian ini menggunakan PTK melalui 3 siklus, objek studi ini adalah siswa kelas XI SMA YAPI Al-Husaeni Ciparay Bandung sebanyak 25 orang pada tahun ajaran 2015-2016. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, angket dan tes. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tarakib sya’iah yang ada pada buku Lughati adalah: murakab idhafi, washfi, athfi dan isnadi. Setelah dilakukan tes setiap siklus melalui teknik tadribat diperoleh rata-rata ada peningkatan signifikan, yaitu 54,20 – 56,00 – 65.20. Artinya, buku Lughati dapat meningkatan penguasaan terhadap kaidah nahwiyah para siswa di SMA YAPI Al Husaeni Ciparay Bandung.Kata Kunci: Lughati, tarakib sya’iah, kaidah nahwiyah
Analisis Pembelajaran Komunikasi Arab dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab di SMA Aisyiyah Boarding School Bandung Oktaviani, Selpi; Abdurrahman, Maman
TSAQOFIYA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab
Publisher : Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/tsaqofiya.v3i2.60


Abstract ­­ This research is motivated by the difficulties experienced by students when learning Arabic communication takes place. Therefore, this study aims to describe Arabic communication learning, starting from planning, processing, evaluation and the obstacles that students feel when learning Arabic communication activities. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. The sample in this study were students of class x Social and teachers who taught Arabic communication. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, documentation and student questionnaires. To analyze the data, researchers used qualitative data analysis with data verification steps, data presentation and data reduction. The results showed that 1) Arabic communication learning planning by the teacher was well prepared, the teacher used the 2013 curriculum and Arabic communication modules that were compiled by themselves 2) The Arabic communication learning process went well and according to the procedure but there were some students who were slow to understand the material provided by the teacher 3) Evaluation of Arabic Communication learning including daily exams, midterm and final semester exams including oral tests, written tests and group assignments. 4) The obstacles experienced by students in learning Arabic communication, namely; the lack of student interest in learning Arabic, the lack of self-confidence when communicating using Arabic, the difference in the student's school background that makes students' Arabic language skills diverse. Keywords: Learning, Speaking, Communication Abstrak Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh adanya kesulitan yang dirasakan siswa ketika pembelajaran komunikasi Arab berlangsung. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pembelajaraan komunikasi Arab, mulai dari perencanaan, proses, evaluasi serta kendala yang dirasakan siswa ketika kegiatan pembelajaran komunikasi Arab. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas x IPS dan Guru yang mengajar komunikasi Arab. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan kuisioner siswa. Untuk menganalisis data peneliti menggunakan analisis data kualitatif dengan langkah-langkah verifikasi data, penyajian data dan reduksi data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) Perencanaan pembelajaran komunikasi Arab oleh pengajar dipersiapkan dengan baik, guru memakai kurikulum 2013 dan modul komunikasi Arab yang disusun sendiri 2) Proses pembelajaran komunikasi Arab berjalan dengan baik dan sesuai prosedur namun ada bebrapa siswa yang lamban memahami materi yang diberikan guru 3) Evaluasi pembelajaran Komunikasi Arab diantaranya tadalah ujian harian, ujian tengah semester dan ujian akhir semester meliputi test lisan, test tulis dan tugas berkelompok. 4) Kendala yang dialami siswa dalam pembelajaran komunikasi Arab yaitu; kurangya minat siswa dalam mempelajari bahasa Arab, kurangnya rasa percaya diri siswa ketika berkomunikasi menggunakan bahasa Arab, perbedaan latar belakang sekolah siswa yang menjadikan kemampuan berbahasa Arab siswa beragam. Kata Kunci: Pembelajaran, Maharah Kalam, Komunikasi
Wikalah iBT: How Is An Internet-Based Arabic Language Proficiency Test Instrument Developed? Syihabuddin, Syihabuddin; Abdurrahman, Maman; Akmalia, Frida; Abdussalam, Aam
Ijaz Arabi Journal of Arabic Learning Vol 4, No 3 (2021): Ijaz Arabi: Journal Of Arabic Learning
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/ijazarabi.v4i3.12198


This study discusses the development of 140 items of Arabic language proficiency test which covers listening, reading, and grammar mastery. These items were empirically analyzed, tried out, and revised. Results of this development would then be made a basis to design an application that can evaluate internet-based Arabic language proficiency (Internet-based Taqwim Kafa`ah Maharah Lughah Arabiyah) abbreviated as Wikalah iBT. To achieve this goal, a developmental research method was employed, namely the development of instruments starting from the needs analysis for tests, the making of instruments, validity and reliability testing, the design of iBT program, and the trial of the Wikalah iBT application. Results of the study show that (a) several test items still had morphological, morphosyntactic, and technical errors, (b) 81 test items were valid, (c) average reliability level was 0.67, (d) this test was in the medium and easy categories (63.57), and (e) the iBT application design was used successfully and ran smoothly. Based on the conclusions, it is recommended to add the test item package, improve the quality of the questions, and evaluate the iBT application. We believe that these findings provide initial support for  making an overview to those preparing for the  iBT test or other similar tests of  language proficiency. Study outcomes also inform the extent to which the use of technology can evaluate language proficiency
Lingua Vol 18, No 1 (2022): January 2022
Publisher : Lingua

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Teaching foreign languages, such as Arabic in Indonesia, requires a very large effort from a teacher or lecturer and requires a variety of methods and media. Through this activity, teachers will be provided with various findings of innovative learning methodologies and guided by national Arabic language experts. The purpose of this service is that Arabic language teachers can be proficient in utilizing user-friendly digital modes in learning. The study used seminar and discussion methods, with the number of participants being 30 Arabic/PAI teachers in Bandung Regency. Each teacher will be trained and assisted to apply various theories presented by experts related to various digital modes of learning. The research findings show a high value in the assessment of teacher enthusiasm for training, as well as an assessment that the use of digital mode is a solution and an alternative method in teaching Arabic, especially during the pandemic. This service is expected to be the first step to continue developing user-friendly digital mode development workshops for teachers.
Partisipasi Masyarakat Dalam Pembangunan Fisik Desa Rachaju, Kantirina; Hikmat, Asep; Abdurrahman, Maman
Jurnal Soshum Insentif Vol 5 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Soshum Insentif
Publisher : Lembaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi Wilayah IV

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36787/jsi.v5i2.867


The background of this research is the lack of awareness in the development of the surrounding environment, the lack of opportunities to express ideas, the lack of self-help in the form of funds, labor and materials. The purpose of this study is to obtain an overview of several factors that cause low participation, referring to Theresia's theory. et. al (2014) in Hajar (2018:32-34) namely community participation in development activities. The main premise: Physical participation will be successful if it is supported by the right decision making, optimal implementation, proper monitoring and evaluation, and adequate utilization of the results. Minor premise : Based on the research results, physical participation: decision making is not right, implementation is not optimal, monitoring and evaluation is not good, and utilization of results is not optimal. This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive study, conducted in the village of Curughurur Sagaranten, Sukabumi Regency. There were 5 informants using purposive sampling and snowball sampling. The objects in this study are: the Head of the BPD, the Village Head, the Head of the Activity Implementation Team (TPK), the Community. Collecting data through participatory observation; semi-structured interviews; documentation study using observation guides, interview guides, field notes; data validation using triangulation (technique, source, and time); and analyzed using reduction. Presentation of data and drawing conclusions.