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Membangun Business Model: Sebuah Telaah Konseptual dan Pengalaman Praktis Achmad Sobirin
Sinergi: Kajian Bisnis dan Manajemen Vol. 9 No. 2 (2007)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/js.v9i2.53


        Business model is relatively a new term that emerged in 1990s together with the mushroom of e-business. Conceptually business model is therefore still in infancy. Despite this fact however it does matter (Magretta, 2002). Business model which is conceived as the logic of doing business, a construct, a mental model or a business paradigm, is considered a guide on how to do every day’s business.        Based on the above mentioned understanding, this paper based on action research study, discusses the implemention of the concept of business model on change management using the case of Universitas Islam swasta. The result indicates that changing business model will inevitably change the organizational architecture and governance.Keywords: business model, organizational architecture and governance.
Budaya Organisasi serta Implikasinya terhadap Strategi dan Kinerja: Studi Kualitatif pada Amik Kartika Yani Yogyakarta Arif Himawan; Achmad Sobirin
Sinergi: Kajian Bisnis dan Manajemen 2005: Edisi Khusus (Sumber Daya Manusia)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/js.v0i0.928


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana budaya organisasi yang terbentuk dan berkembang di AMIK Kartika Yani memiliki implikasi terhadap strategi dan pada akhirnya berimplikasi pada kinerja dan untuk mengetahui bagaimana bentuk implikasi yang ditimbulkan oleh budaya organisasi AMIK Kartika Yani terhadap strategi dan kinerja organisasinya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan menggu¬nakan pendekatan etnografi dimana penulis sebagai peneliti terlibat langsung dalam dina¬mika subyek penelitian. Alat utama pengumpulan data adalah wawancara baik wawancara biasa maupun deep interview yang dimaksudkan untuk mengungkap pengalaman key informan menjadi sebuat data yang akurat. Untuk mengurangi bias dalam penelitian ini digunakan tek¬nik triangulation.Tema penelitian ini adalah budaya organisasi yang terbentuk di AMIK adalah budaya organisasi yang terpecah belah (Fragmented). Hal ini disebabkan karena ketiadaan nilai, keyakinan dan tujuan yang mampu mengikat dan memandu para pelaku organisasinya. Ketika suasana budaya organisasi AMIK penuh dengan nuansa fragmented sedangkan pada saat yang sama AMIK dituntut untuk memiliki strategi untuk meraih kinerja yang optimal, maka yang kemudian terjadi adalah strategi yang muncul adalah strategi palsu (Fake Stra¬tegy) yang tidak memiliki kesesuaian dengan kondisi lingkungan AMIK baik internal maupun eksternal. Kepalsuan sendiri adalah inti dari budaya organisasi yang fragmented di AMIK. Sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa strategi AMIK didasari dan sangat diwarnai oleh budaya organisasinya.
Implikasi Restrukturisasi Kelembagaan terhadap Perubahan Perilaku Karyawan dan Iklim Oganisasi (Studi Kasus pada Badan Kesatuan dan Perlindungan Masyarakat Propinsi DIY) Endah Mawarni Sukengsari; Achmad Sobirin
Sinergi: Kajian Bisnis dan Manajemen 2005: Edisi Khusus (Sumber Daya Manusia)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/js.v0i0.931


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa perbedaan perilaku karyawan dan iklim organisasi serta menguji pengaruh perilaku karyawan. terhadap iklim organisasi sebe¬lum dan sesudah restrukturisasi pada Badan Kesatuan dan Perlindungan Masyarakat Pro¬pinsi DlY. Penelitian ini latar belakangi dengan pemberlakuan PP NO: 84/2000 tentang pe¬doman organisasi perangkat daerah yang berakibat pada perubahan struktur kelembagaan. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer yang diperoleh melalui penye¬baran kuesioner kepada 98 orang karyawan. Dari hasil analisa uji beda rata rata dapat di¬simpulkan bahwa restrukturisasi kelembagaan menghasilkan implikasi selain penurunan iklim organisasi, juga perbedaan yang signifikan perilaku karyawan yang berbentuk ancaman rasa aman, penarikan diri antara sebelum dan sesudah restrukturisasi kelembagaan, serta adanya pe¬ngaruh ancaman rasa aman dan penarikan diri terhadap iklim organisasi yang semakin kuat.Kata Kunci: Restrukturisasi, Kelembagaan, Perilaku Karyawan dan Iklim Oganisasi
Asuransi Takaful: Prospek dan tantangannya Achmad Sobirin; Muchsin Muhtar
Economic Journal of Emerging Markets Volume 3, 1994
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/ejem.v3i0.6596


Dewasa ini perhatian terhadap nilai-nilai syariah Islam terhadap muamalah khususnya di bidang ekonomi menjadi besar. Lembaga perekonomian yang terjalin dengan pranata keagamaan makin menggejala dimana-mana dan kini sedang tumbuh mencari bentuk untuk dapat diterima di tengah-tengah masyarakat.
Exploring Goal Commitment Predictors ff Boundary Role Persons (BRP) Nurus Sa’adah; Fathul Himam; Achmad Sobirin
Integrated Journal of Business and Economics (IJBE) Vol 2, No 2 (2018): Integrated Journal of Business and Economics
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (839.099 KB) | DOI: 10.33019/ijbe.v2i2.81


As the face of the organization, BRPs were the target of representations and influence attempts by external agents. In effect, the BRPs were both the influencer and the recipient of influence from insiders and outsiders. This basic characteristic led potentially to higher levels of role conflict and tension for the BRPs than other organization members. Because of high risk and challenges, BRPs had to have goal commitment to maintain their loyalty. This study aimed to explore goal commitment predictors of BRPs. Data collection involved 162 colleges promotion officers in Yogyakarta and it was analysed through Partial Least Square (PLS). The results indicated that R-square on the goal commitment  was 0,398. The effect of conscientiousness on goal commitment was indicated by a correlation of 0,323 and t=4,245; the effect of communication climate on goal commitment was indicated by a correlation value of 0,206 and t=2,545; the effect of equity reward on goal commitment was indicated by a correlation value of 0,092 and t=1,534; the effect of opponent cooperation on goal commitment was indicated by a correlation value of 0,203 and t=2,915. The conclusion was communication climate, opponent cooperation, and conscientiousness influenced goal commitment significantly, but equity reward did not influence goal commitment significantly.
Privatisasi: Implikasinya terhadap Perubahan Perilaku Karyawan dan Budaya Organisasi Achmad Sobirin
Jurnal Siasat Bisnis 2005: Edisi Khusus (Sumber Daya Manusia)
Publisher : Management Development Centre (MDC) Department of Management, Faculty of Business and Economics Universitas Islam Indonesia

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Two variables are usually used as a basis to make decision of privatization. While this is not necessarily wrong, there in fact other factors that should be taken for consideration but so far being neglected. These are human and cultural factors. This paper discusses these two factors and hypothesizes their implications in the short term and long term. In the short term, it is hypothesized that privatization will create fear, anxiety, stress and dissatisfaction among employees in which their company being privatized but no significance implication to the organizational culture. In the long term it is hypothesized that these fear, anxiety, stress and dissatisfaction will gradually be re¬duced. Despite this expectation, in the long term it is also expected that the success of privatization will be de¬pending on the reaction of the people on the cultural change. Key Words: Privatisasi, perubahan organisasi, perilaku karyawan, budaya organisasi.
Budaya: Sumber Kekuatan Sekaligus Kelemahan Organisasi Achmad Sobirin
Jurnal Siasat Bisnis Vol. 1 No. 7 (2002)
Publisher : Management Development Centre (MDC) Department of Management, Faculty of Business and Economics Universitas Islam Indonesia

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No longer after apprearing in Administrative Science Quarterly in 1979, the term "organizational culture" became a daily language among academicians manager, and business practioners. At that time they perceived that strong culture means good performance. Through the time however they realized that strong culture could also mean liabilties for an organization especially when the culture does not match the environment. That way in developing organizational culkture, adaptability should be taken into consideration so that culture become an asset really.Key Word: Organizational culture, stromg culture, and weak culture.
Merger dan Akuisisi: Sebuah Perkawinan Paradoksal Achmad Sobirin
Jurnal Siasat Bisnis Vol. 1 No. 6 (2001)
Publisher : Management Development Centre (MDC) Department of Management, Faculty of Business and Economics Universitas Islam Indonesia

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From human and cultural perspectives, it can be said that merger and aquisition (M&A) is a kind of paradoxal marriage. While its main objective is to create synergy, the reality shows it differently. Many companies that decided to enter into M&A fail to achieve its objective particularly due to human and cultural problems. Therefore, to prevent, or at least, to minimize these problems, the companies should prepare psichologically, understand each others, and conduct due dilligent including human and cultural audit before entering into the marriage. This is what this paper is trying to discuss. By discussing this topic it is expected that human and cultural variables being neglected so far, are to be considered into the M&A’s decision so that the implementation of the marriage can be run smoothly.Keywords :  merger & acquisition ( M & A),  paradoxal marriage, open marriage, traditional marriage, modern marriage
Rightsizing untuk Keberlangsungan Hidup Organisasi Achmad Sobirin; Fathul Himam
Jurnal Siasat Bisnis Vol. 13 No. 2 (2009)
Publisher : Management Development Centre (MDC) Department of Management, Faculty of Business and Economics Universitas Islam Indonesia

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By utilizing action research approach, this paper discusses the process of how to extent organizational life using rightsizing program. Results indicate that the program, formerly, did not work smoothly. However, after the researcher make some changes in approaching parties involved, the program finally could work well and even get positive response from those parties. Final result of rightsizing program is the shifting paradigm in managing the aged organization from production oriented to maintenance oriented with HSE as a paradigm. Keywords: rightsizing, hidup organisasi, production-oriented, maintenance-oriented
Business Model Perusahaan Keluarga: Studi Kasus Pada Industri Batik Achmad Sobirin
Jurnal Siasat Bisnis Vol. 16 No. 2 (2012)
Publisher : Management Development Centre (MDC) Department of Management, Faculty of Business and Economics Universitas Islam Indonesia

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AbstractThis paper was directed to review the existing busniness model of family firm within the contect of batik industry and propose a new one. Busniness model is conceived as the logic of doing business for value creation. Therefore business model is sometime understood as a construct, a mental model or a business paradigm, to be used as a guide on how to do every day’s business. Meanwhile, family firm, by definition is a firm in which the whole or majority of ownership is in the hand of family unit, managed by family members, and to be transferred to the next generation. Using a single case study that is Perusahaan Batik Bogavira – a family business enterprise producing and selling specifically batik Lampung, we identified that the existing business model of Perusahaan Batik Bogavira may potentially create cannibalism. Therefore we proposed a new business model configuration with the hope loyal buyers remain with the firm and at the same time firm can still maintain its growth.Keywords: business model, family firm, batik industry.Abstrak Paper ini membahas penerapan sebuah konsep yang relatif masih baru yaitu “business model” pada perusahaan keluarga yang bergerak di industry batik – Perusahaan Batik Bogavira yang memroduksi dan menjual batik khas Lampung. Tujuannya adalah untuk menelaah ulang business model berjalan sehingga bisa diketahui tingkat kecocokan business model tersebut dengan karakteristik bisnis dan lingkungannya, dan jika dianggap perlu mengusulkan business model baru yang lebih sesuai. Bahasan diawali dengan menelaah konsep business model dan perusahaan keluarga untuk mendapatkan gambaran tentang esensi kedua konsep tersebut. Secara umum business model adalah the logic of doing business for value creation sehingga business model sering disebut juga sebagai construct, mental model atau business paradigm yang menjadi panduan dalam menjalankan kegiatan bisnis. Sementara itu yang dimaksud dengan perusahaan keluarga adalah sebuah perusahaan yang seluruh atau sebagian besar kepemilikannya berada di tangan keluarga dan dikelola oleh seorang atau beberapa anggota keluarga, dan akan diwariskan kepada generasi berikutnya. Berdasarkan wawancara mendalam (indepth interview) terhadap pemilik perusahaan, hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa business model Perusahaan Batik Bogavira berpotensi terjadinya kanibalisme terhadap produk yang selama ini telah menjadi icon batik khas Lampung. Potensi ini disebabkan karena di satu sisi pemilik ingin perusahaan tumbuh cepat dan di sisi lain perusahaan cenderung mengabaikan loyal buyers yang selama ini bisa dikatakan membesarkan perusahaan. Oleh karena itu paper ini mengusulkan agar perusahaan mendesain ulang business model untuk menjaga loyal buyers dan pada saat bersamaan perusahaan bisa tumbuh seperti yang diharapkan. Kata kunci: business model, perusahaan keluarga, industry batik.