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Jurnal Jarkom Vol 1, No 1 (2013): Edisi Desember 2013
Publisher : Jurnal Jarkom

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


ABSTRACT     Fish Auction ( TPI ) Gempolsewu Village in Kendal as a place to conduct the auction of fish the fishermen who sell fish to consumers by intermediaries TPI . TPI is managed by KUD " Mina Jaya " and in the supervision of the Department of Marine Government Kendal . Constraints faced by TPI is usually caused because the board came late while the tender process has been conducted , resulting in personnel handling the tender process is reduced and inhibit the auction process and the data collection process of buying and selling is done manually so it takes a long time , pricing information can not be known society at large , and frequent data recording errors . This study builds web applications and sms integration gateway for sending information to many consumers and simultaneously TPI board . Applications built using the PHP programming language , MySQL database , and for Gammu SMS Gateway application , as well as Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 , Adobe Photoshop CS3 , and supporting software Xampp 1.6.8 . With this application the consumer does not have to come directly to TPI to know the latest price of fish and as a medium for ordering fish online services . Applications built features for data processing officers, members , fish , boat , and fish purchases and auctions . Applications are built to be developed to make the SMS auto-reply , displays the name of the sender and recipient of the SMS that has been stored in the phonebook , and SMS distinguish already and unread . Keywords: Gammu, MySQL, PHP, SMS Gateway, TPI Gempolsari.
Jurnal Jarkom Vol 1, No 1 (2013): Edisi Desember 2013
Publisher : Jurnal Jarkom

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


ABSTRACT  Fish Auction ( TPI ) Gempolsewu Village in Kendal as a place to conduct the auction of fish the fishermen who sell fish to consumers by intermediaries TPI . TPI is managed by KUD " Mina Jaya " and in the supervision of the Department of Marine Government Kendal . Constraints faced by TPI is usually caused because the board came late while the tender process has been conducted , resulting in personnel handling the tender process is reduced and inhibit the auction process and the data collection process of buying and selling is done manually so it takes a long time , pricing information can not be known society at large , and frequent data recording errors . This study builds web applications and sms integration gateway for sending information to many consumers and simultaneously TPI board . Applications built using the PHP programming language , MySQL database , and for Gammu SMS Gateway application , as well as Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 , Adobe Photoshop CS3 , and supporting software Xampp 1.6.8 . With this application the consumer does not have to come directly to TPI to know the latest price of fish and as a medium for ordering fish online services . Applications built features for data processing officers, members , fish , boat , and fish purchases and auctions . Applications are built to be developed to make the SMS auto-reply , displays the name of the sender and recipient of the SMS that has been stored in the phonebook , and SMS distinguish already and unread .
Jurnal Jarkom Vol 1, No 1 (2013): Edisi Desember 2013
Publisher : Jurnal Jarkom

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


ABSTRACT  Fish Auction ( TPI ) Gempolsewu Village in Kendal as a place to conduct the auction of fish the fishermen who sell fish to consumers by intermediaries TPI . TPI is managed by KUD " Mina Jaya " and in the supervision of the Department of Marine Government Kendal . Constraints faced by TPI is usually caused because the board came late while the tender process has been conducted , resulting in personnel handling the tender process is reduced and inhibit the auction process and the data collection process of buying and selling is done manually so it takes a long time , pricing information can not be known society at large , and frequent data recording errors . This study builds web applications and sms integration gateway for sending information to many consumers and simultaneously TPI board . Applications built using the PHP programming language , MySQL database , and for Gammu SMS Gateway application , as well as Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 , Adobe Photoshop CS3 , and supporting software Xampp 1.6.8 . With this application the consumer does not have to come directly to TPI to know the latest price of fish and as a medium for ordering fish online services . Applications built features for data processing officers, members , fish , boat , and fish purchases and auctions . Applications are built to be developed to make the SMS auto-reply , displays the name of the sender and recipient of the SMS that has been stored in the phonebook , and SMS distinguish already and unread .
Jurnal Jarkom Vol 1, No 1 (2013): Edisi Desember 2013
Publisher : Jurnal Jarkom

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


ABSTRACT     Fish Auction ( TPI ) Gempolsewu Village in Kendal as a place to conduct the auction of fish the fishermen who sell fish to consumers by intermediaries TPI . TPI is managed by KUD " Mina Jaya " and in the supervision of the Department of Marine Government Kendal . Constraints faced by TPI is usually caused because the board came late while the tender process has been conducted , resulting in personnel handling the tender process is reduced and inhibit the auction process and the data collection process of buying and selling is done manually so it takes a long time , pricing information can not be known society at large , and frequent data recording errors . This study builds web applications and sms integration gateway for sending information to many consumers and simultaneously TPI board . Applications built using the PHP programming language , MySQL database , and for Gammu SMS Gateway application , as well as Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 , Adobe Photoshop CS3 , and supporting software Xampp 1.6.8 . With this application the consumer does not have to come directly to TPI to know the latest price of fish and as a medium for ordering fish online services . Applications built features for data processing officers, members , fish , boat , and fish purchases and auctions . Applications are built to be developed to make the SMS auto-reply , displays the name of the sender and recipient of the SMS that has been stored in the phonebook , and SMS distinguish already and unread . Keywords: Gammu, MySQL, PHP, SMS Gateway, TPI Gempolsari.
Laga-Laga : Jurnal Seni Pertunjukan Vol 3, No 1 (2017): Laga-Laga : Jurnal Seni Pertunjukan
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Padangpanjang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26887/lg.v1i1.245


Penelitian ini di latarbelakangi oleh keinginan penulis untuk memberikan sebuah pembelajaran arransemen musik Drum Band pada lagu Bangun Pemudi Pemuda dan Maju Tak Gentar di SD N 02 Koto Tangah Tilatang Kamang Kabupaten Agam dalam meningkatkan dan mengembangkan kreatifitas anak dalam bidang kesenian musik khususnya. Penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian deskriptif yaitu salah satu cara penelitian dengan menggambarkan serta menginterpretasi suatu objek sesuai dengan kenyataan yang ada, tanpa dilebih-lebihkan kenyataan dalam proses pembelajaran arransemen lagu Bangun pemudi Pemuda dan Maju Tak Gentar di SD N 02 Koto Tangah Tilatang Kamang Kabupaten Agam. The background of this research is author’s eagerness to give a Drum Band music arrangement learning of Bangun Pemudi Pemuda and Maju Tak Gentar songs in 02 public elementary school of Koto Tangah Tilatang Kamang, Agam District in order to improve and develop pupils’ creativity especially in the field of music. Method used in this research is descriptive method namely one of research methods that describes and interprets an object based on its reality, without exaggerating the reality of arrangement learning process of Bangun Pemudi Pemuda and Maju Tak Gentar songs in 02 public elementary school of Koto Tangah Tilatang Kamang, Agam District.
Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Tingkat Kedisiplinan Kerja Pegawai Pada Kantor Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja Kota Pontianak Adiyanto, Adiyanto; Kuswardani, Aprina
Jurnal Ilmiah Aset Vol 22 No 1 (2020): Jurnal ASET Volume 22 No 1
Publisher : STIE Widya Manggala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37470/


the human resource is a very important asset and a valuable productivity and efficiency should be improved to make it more powerful and able to optimally in achieving the desired results. Police units of teachers ‘ Praja Pontianak town in terms of the Organization’s operational strategy adequate to carry out the tasks and authorities in accordance with the principles and activities of the organization. One of the indicators of the quality of work of employees in an organization or government agency can be seen from the level of observance or discipline employees in your organization or agency. So discipline is the key to the success of a number of agencies in achieving its goals.The purpose of this research is to know the factors that affect the level of discipline of work employees on Police teachers ‘ Praja Pontianak town. The number of samples as many as 40 people. Determination of the number of samples specified with Stratified Random Sampling. This study used multiple Linear regression analysis technique. Simultaneously it can be concluded that the factor is goals and capabilities, exemplary leadership, retribution, justice, waskat, legal sanctions and humanitarian relations significantly influential/real against the level of discipline in the Police officer’s work Teachers ‘ Praja Pontianak Town. It can be concluded that a partially variable goals and capabilities, exemplary leadership, retribution, justice, waskat, legal and humanitarian relations sanctions take effect against the real level of discipline on Police officers working Teachers The Municipal City Of Pontianak.
Pemanfaatan Ragam Hias Etnik Sumatera Utara Untuk Pengembangan Motif Batik Tien Suhartini; Tri Haryanto; Adiyanto Adiyanto
Dinamika Kerajinan dan Batik: Majalah Ilmiah No 21 (2004): Dinamika Kerajinan dan Batik
Publisher : Balai Besar Kerajinan dan Batik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22322/dkb.v0i21.1108


Batik hasil teknik pendekorasian kain adalah produk seni rupa Indonesia dengan teknik pewarnaan rintang, menggunakan Ii/in batik sebagai bahan perintangnya. Dengan demikian Batiksebagai salah satu produk kerajinan merupakan aset budaya yang perlu dilestarikan keberadaannya. Untuk itu perlu adanya pengembangan-pengembangan eksistensi batik baik dibidang teknologi maupun disain dan pemasaran melalui penanganan UKM-nya.Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut dilakukan perancangan disain batik dengan unsur-unsur ragam hias Sumatera Utara sebagai aspek disainnya. Ragam hias Suma/era Utara sangat variatif karena berasal dari berbagai suku bangsa. Dengan kondisi pluralis tersebut perlu dikembangkan desain yang memenuhi tuntutan konsumen melalui stilir motif sebagai berikut: Penciptaan motif baru dengan cara mengambil bentuk dari alam langsung seperti manusia, flora fauna; penciptaan motif baru dengan cara mengembangkan motif-motif yang sudah ada menjadi motif baru, dan Menggabungkan keduanya seperti motif dari alam dan motif-motif yang sudah adaHasil rancangan diaplikasikan sebagai prototipe produk dan diseminasikan dalam bentuk peragaan prototipe produk, pengenalan teknologi batik dan penilaian terhadap aplikasi rancangan prototype produk. Hasil penilaian menunjukkan pemanfaatan ragam hias etnik Sumatera Utara layak untuk diproduksi menjadi produk batik yang menarik sehingga menambahkhasanah batik Indonesia. Yang apabila diaplikasikan sebagai produk selain untuk pelestarian  juga memantapkan identitas daerah yang akan mewujudkan serta merupakan lahan peningkatan SDM dan terbentuknya wirausaha baru bidang batik.Batik hasil teknik pendekorasian kain adalah produk seni rupa Indonesia dengan teknik pewarnaan rintang, menggunakan Ii/in batik sebagai bahan perintangnya. Dengan demikian Batiksebagai salah satu produk kerajinan merupakan aset budaya yang perlu dilestarikan keberadaannya. Untuk itu perlu adanya pengembangan-pengembangan eksistensi batik baik dibidang teknologi maupun disain dan pemasaran melalui penanganan UKM-nya.Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut dilakukan perancangan disain batik dengan unsur-unsur ragam hias Sumatera Utara sebagai aspek disainnya. Ragam hias Suma/era Utara sangat variatif karena berasal dari berbagai suku bangsa. Dengan kondisi pluralis tersebut perlu dikembangkan desain yang memenuhi tuntutan konsumen melalui stilir motif sebagai berikut: Penciptaan motif baru dengan cara mengambil bentuk dari alam langsung seperti manusia, flora fauna; penciptaan motif baru dengan cara mengembangkan motif-motif yang sudah ada menjadi motif baru, dan Menggabungkan keduanya seperti motif dari alam dan motif-motif yang sudah adaHasil rancangan diaplikasikan sebagai prototipe produk dan diseminasikan dalam bentuk peragaan prototipe produk, pengenalan teknologi batik dan penilaian terhadap aplikasi rancangan prototype produk. Hasil penilaian menunjukkan pemanfaatan ragam hias etnik Sumatera Utara layak untuk diproduksi menjadi produk batik yang menarik sehingga menambahkhasanah batik Indonesia. Yang apabila diaplikasikan sebagai produk selain untuk pelestarian  juga memantapkan identitas daerah yang akan mewujudkan serta merupakan lahan peningkatan SDM dan terbentuknya wirausaha baru bidang batik.
Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Tingkat Kedisiplinan Kerja Pegawai Pada Kantor Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja Kota Pontianak Adiyanto Adiyanto; Aprina Kuswardani
Jurnal Ilmiah Aset Vol 22 No 1 (2020): Jurnal ASET Volume 22 No 1
Publisher : STIE Widya Manggala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37470/


the human resource is a very important asset and a valuable productivity and efficiency should be improved to make it more powerful and able to optimally in achieving the desired results. Police units of teachers ‘ Praja Pontianak town in terms of the Organization’s operational strategy adequate to carry out the tasks and authorities in accordance with the principles and activities of the organization. One of the indicators of the quality of work of employees in an organization or government agency can be seen from the level of observance or discipline employees in your organization or agency. So discipline is the key to the success of a number of agencies in achieving its goals.The purpose of this research is to know the factors that affect the level of discipline of work employees on Police teachers ‘ Praja Pontianak town. The number of samples as many as 40 people. Determination of the number of samples specified with Stratified Random Sampling. This study used multiple Linear regression analysis technique. Simultaneously it can be concluded that the factor is goals and capabilities, exemplary leadership, retribution, justice, waskat, legal sanctions and humanitarian relations significantly influential/real against the level of discipline in the Police officer’s work Teachers ‘ Praja Pontianak Town. It can be concluded that a partially variable goals and capabilities, exemplary leadership, retribution, justice, waskat, legal and humanitarian relations sanctions take effect against the real level of discipline on Police officers working Teachers The Municipal City Of Pontianak.