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Pola Perilaku ASN Pasca Pembentukan Daerah Otonom Provinsi Kalimantan Utara Akadun
JIAPI: Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Dan Pemerintahan Indonesia Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): June
Publisher : Universitas Terbuka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33830/jiapi.v2i1.48


The formation of the newly autonomous region of North Kalimantan has a strategic meaning as the Indonesia-Malaysia border area. There are many problems in the border areas which if left unchecked will cause financial losses and erosion of nationalism. This qualitative-descriptive research with constructivism paradigm uses data collection techniques: interviews, observation, and documentation. Triangulation as a data analysis technique and procedure includes data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. The formation of the Province of North Kalimantan has brought changes to the behavior patterns of ASN both in consumption patterns, patterns of ASN relations with society, patterns of relations between ASN and political elites, and patterns of ASN work.
Local Economic Institutional Capacity Development (Comparative Study in Value Perspective) Akadun Akadun
JIAPI: Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Dan Pemerintahan Indonesia Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): December
Publisher : Universitas Terbuka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33830/jiapi.v3i2.110


The performance of local economic institutions in a country is very strategic to improve the welfare of citizens. Therefore, research on strategies for developing local economic institutions to improve their performance is very significant. This study aims to compare several strategies for developing economic institutions in several countries. More specifically, this study compares the value systems that support local economic institutional performance. The effectiveness of local economic institutional capacity development is not only determined by the professionalism of managers, determination of the type of business, community involvement, and innovative management systems but is also influenced by the integration of the local economic institutional development program with development planning, visionary local leadership, and a supportive value system. Therefore, the makers and implementers of the local economic institutional capacity development program not only pay attention to the professionalism of managers, determining the type of business, community involvement, and innovative management systems but are also required to integrate the local economic institutional capacity development program with development planning, requiring visionary local leadership, adequate management default, and have a value system that supports performance.
The Effect of Competence, Motivation, Work Environment and Work Facilities on The Expenditure Treasurer Performance Mohamad Fajar Budiman; Akadun Akadun; Milwan Milwan
Jurnal Organisasi dan Manajemen Vol. 18 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Terbuka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33830/jom.v18i2.3135.2022


Purpose – This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of competence, motivation, as well as work environment and facilities on the performance of the expenditure treasurer at the APBN management unit in North Kalimantan Province. Methodology – The participants were 213 expenditure treasurers which were selected by the simple random sampling technique. Furthermore, the number of samples was determined by using the Yamane formula and a total of 139 respondents were obtained. The data collection technique used questionnaires, namely the Guttman, Likert, and Rating Scales. In addition, the data were analyzed using multiple linear regression with the aid of SPSS For Windows. Findings – The results showed competence, motivation, as well as work environment and facilities had a positive and significant effect on the performance of the expenditure treasurer. Therefore, each of the work units managing the State Budget in North Kalimantan Province needs to pay more attention to the factors that affect performance. Originality – This study provides a new perspective on the effect of competence, motivation, as well as work environment and facilities on expenditure treasurer performance, which has never been carried out in previous literature.
Pengawasan Penggunaan Air Tanah di Wilayah Perkotaan Kabupaten Sumedang Gumbira Panji Wibawa; Akadun Akadun; Arip Rahman Sudrajat
Jurnal Administrasi Publik (Public Administration Journal) Vol. 8 No. 2 (2018): Jurnal Administrasi Publik (Public Administration Journal), December
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/jap.v8i2.1693


In accordance with Regional Regulation Sumedang District No. 14 of 2011 on the Management of Ground Water, among which stated that every groundwater management must have a permit. However, in the implementation of violations of the rules and the weak enforcement of sanctions. Lack of public understanding of the importance of how good groundwater utilization is based on established rules is a constraint that leads to efforts to maintain the stability of groundwater availability. This can lead to more uncontrolled use of ground water. The objective of this research is to identify and study the monitoring of ground water usage in Sumedang District Urban Area. This research focuses on how the concept of monitoring the use of ground water. Through the method of description analysis, by recording interview data, observation and documentation obtained.
JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration Vol. 2 No. 2 (2017): JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration

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Kebijakan desentralisasi di Indonesia melahirkan otonomi daerah. Sejak bergulir UU Nomor 22 Tahun 1999 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah yang dilaksanakan mulai tahun 2001 telah banyak menelorkan berbagai kemajuan di beberapa daerah. Namun demikian, kinerja otonomi daerah secara nasional belum memenuhi harapan beberapa pihak. Rendahnya kinerja otonomi daerah di Indonesia dipicu oleh: (1) masih banyaknya masalah strategis yang menelikung pelaksanaan otonomi daerah mulai dari banyaknya tuntutan pemekaran daerah, banyaknya perundang-undangan yang mereduksi kewenangan daerah, sampai kriminalisasi kebijakan; (2) belum proporsionalnya peran pemerintah pusat, provinsi, dan kabupaten/ kota dalam pelaksanaan otonomi daerah. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut ada beberapa implikasi kebijakan dan program yang wajib dikembangkan oleh pemerintah pusat mulai dari desentralisasi fiskal yang proporsional; memfasilitasi dan memberdayakan Daerah (kepala daerah dan aparatur pemerintah daerah) untuk mengelola anggaran (uang) secara akuntabel dan prudent; membuat sistem monitoring, evaluasi, dan pengawasan serta mengimplementasikannya secara akuntabel dalam pengelolaan keuangan daerah dan kinerja Daerah sehingga manajemen pemerintahan daerah terbebas dari KKN.
JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration Vol. 4 No. 1 (2019): JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration

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This research aims to find out the Effectiveness of Employee Work in the Community Empowerment Office and Sumedang Regency Village, what inhibitory factors are found in the implementation of the effectiveness of employee work in the Community Empowerment Office and Sumedang Regency Village and what efforts are made to overcome inhibiting factors in the implementation of Employee Work Effectiveness in the Community Empowerment Office and Sumedang Regency Village. The method used in this study is a qualitative method, using the purposive sampling method. With research informants as many as 4 people, namely Kasubag General Assets and Staffing, Head of Institutional Affairs, Head of Community Economic Empowerment, and Head of Village Government. The data collection techniques used are literature studies, field studies (observations, interviews, and documentation). While the processing procedures in this study, namely data reduction, data display, data conclusion drawing / verification and triangulation. The final results of this study concluded that on the aspect of quality of work is quite good because it already has responsibility. And in the quantity aspect as a whole has reached the target and target and in the aspect of timeliness the employees are quite disciplined. Inhibiting factors found in the effectiveness of employee work in the Community and Village Empowerment office are aspects of adaptability, aspects of work performance, and aspects of job satisfaction. Efforts are made to overcome inhibiting factors in the effectiveness of employee work, namely by evaluating, including employees in education and training, providing motivation and holding family gatherings.
JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration Vol. 5 No. 1 (2020): JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration

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This study aims to determine the sustainability of clean water services and the factors that affect the sustainability of clean water services. This research is a descriptive type of research using a qualitative approach or often called the naturalistic method, because the assessment is carried out in natural conditions (Natural Setting). This research was conducted at the Regional Public Company Tirta Medal Drinking Water in Sumedang Regency in November 2020. The samples in this study were 12 people. Data collection is obtained from interviews, documentation and observation. After the data is obtained, it is analyzed using data reduction, data presentation and verification. The results showed (1) the factors that determine the sustainability of PERUMDA services regarding the availability of clean water raw materials, namely: the role of the Regional Government, the number of employees, the number of customers, clean water sources, and the availability of pipelines in PERUMDA so as to optimize the services provided to customers. (2) Actors or actors who determine the sustainability of clean water services at PERUMDA include the Regional Government, the Director, the Head of Division, and the District Office / Head. Then the employee who is one of the determinants is expected to be able to determine the sustainability of clean water services, and customers. (3) Sustainability of clean water services in Sumedang Utara Branch with 4096 subscribers. Plans to optimize the manufacture of deep wells to be implemented in the head office with a capacity according to geologists of 4-5 liters / second to optimize services in Sumedang Kota area. The sustainability of clean water services at the Cisitu branch consists of 2 work units, namely the Darmaraja service unit and the Cisitu branch. The Cisitu branch is supplied more than 20 liters / second and to meet the service needs of the Cisitu and Karangpakuan Units, it has been able to provide clean water services for 24 hours. The continuity of clean water services at Darmaraja Service Unit currently lacks clean water discharge. because the water discharge has started to decrease. In the long-term plan, there will be additional water debit through deep bore wells, so that consumers will not feel water shortages due to the rotating system, and can accept new customers. (4) Sustainability strategy PERUMDA has a strategy of adding new water sources, providing electricity networks to anticipate the dry season, and making mineral water products to explore potential income outside of new service connections. The program or policy of the Tirta Medal Regional Public Company for drinking water in the covid-19 pandemic situation provides relief to customers, namely in the form of eliminating fines.
EFEKTIVITAS PELATIHAN BERBASIS KOMPETENSI DI DINAS TENAGA KERJA DAN TRANSMIGRASI KABUPATEN SUMEDANG Akadun; Fadhli Firdani Taufik; Gahana Febri Syahrulloh; Imas Rinanda; Imey Meliawati; Lingga Chandra Pratama
JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration Vol. 6 No. 1 (2021): JRPA - Journal of Regional Public Administration

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The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not the implementation of Competency-based training at the Department of Manpower and Transmigration in Sumedang Regency was effective, to find out what obstacles were faced, and to find out what efforts should be made to overcome the obstacles faced in the effectiveness of competency-based training.In this study, the method used is qualitative research methods with an inductive descriptive approach. The technique of determining research informants is purposive sampling. With research informants, namely the head of the field of training institutional development, section of training institute coaching, section of certification, competence and apprenticeship. Data collection techniques used are literature study and field study consisting of observation, interviews, and documentation. Meanwhile, the data processing techniques used are data reduction, data presentation, conclusion drawing verification, and triangulation.The results showed that the effectiveness of Competency-Based Training at the Manpower and Transmigration Office of Sumedang Regency was not yet effective because the training system had not been implemented properly. There are several obstacles faced in effectiveness, namely the number of employees who do not know competency-based training. The large number of employees who do not have special skills and still lack of provision of employee training and lack of awareness of employees of the importance of providing training to improve skills.