Zubaidah Alatas
Center for Technology of Radiation Safety and Metrology, Indonesia

Published : 2 Documents Claim Missing Document
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Studi Nilai AgNOR dan MIB-1 pada Kanker Payudara yang Ditangani dengan Operasi Kurnia, Iin; Soetrisno, Esti; Yulian, Erwin D.; Ramli, Irwan; Alatas, Zubaidah
Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy Vol 1, No 3 (2012)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy

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AgNOR dan MIB-1 adalah marker proliferasi sel kanker payudara yang berguna sebagai dasar pemberian radioterapi setelah operasi. Penetapan nilai AgNOR dan indeks MIB-1 dilakukan dengan teknik pewarnaan dan teknik pewarnaan imunohistokimia MIB-1 terhadap 25 sediaan mikroskopik jaringan kanker payudara dari penderita hasil operasi, dan dikelompokkan berdasarkan derajat diferensiasinya menjadi 3 kelompok sediaan berderajat diferensiasi baik (G1), 16 sediaan berderajat diferensiasi menengah (G2), dan 6 sediaan berderajat diferensiasi buruk (antara G2 dan G3). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai AgNOR dan indeks MIB-1 cenderung meningkat seiring dengan meningkatnya derajat diferensiasi. Terdapat pula kecendrungan korelasi positif antara nilai AgNOR dan indeks MIB-1 (r =0,21) pada seluruh derajat diferensiasi, terdapat korelasi negatif antara AgNOR dan MIB-1 pada G1 (r=-0,97), korelasi positif pada G2 (r=0,36) serta korelasi positif antara G2 dan G3 (r=0,33). Korelasi positif antara AgNOR dan MIB-1 terkait dengan peningkatan fase G1, S dan G2 pada sel yang berproliferasi dan peningkatan jumlah sel yang mengalami mitosis. Korelasi negatif disebabkan oleh perbedaan proporsi antara sel yang berada pada fase G1, S dan G2 dengan yang sedang bermitosisKata kunci: Kanker payudara, AgNOR, MIB-1, operasi Study of AgNOR Value and MIB-1 in Breast CancerTreated With Surgery AbstractAgNOR and MIB-1 are marker for breast cancer cell proliferation and can be use as based for radiotherapytreatment after surgery. Value of AgNOR and MIB-1 index were determined using staining and immunohistochemistry staining method respectively from 25 of microscopic slides of breast cancer tissue patients with surgery, and grouped based on degree of differentiation, 3 slides were good degree (G1), 16 slides were medium degree (G2) and 6 slides were poor degree (between G2 and G3). The result shown that the value of AgNOR and MIB-1 index were tended to increase with the increased differentiation degree. There was a positive correlation between the value of AgNOR and index of MIB-1 in all group of differentiation degree (r = 0.21), there is a negative correlation between AgNOR and MIB-1 on G1 (r =-0,97), positive correlation in G2 (r = 0.36) as well as positive correlation between G2 and G3 (r = 0.33). The positive correlation between AgNOR and MIB-1 were associated to the increased of G1, S and G2 phase in the proliferation cell and an increase of cells undergoing mitosis. The negative correlation were caused by the different cell proportion in G1, S and G2 phase, and undergoing mitotis.Key words: Breast cancer, AgNOR, MIB-1, surgery
Capability of Vitamin E as a Radioprotector in Suppressing DNA Damage Determined with Comet Assay Darlina, Darlina; A., Lusy Dahlia; Alatas, Zubaidah; Kisnanto, Teja; Syaifudin, Mukh
Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education Vol 9, No 2 (2017): August 2017
Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Semarang State University . Ro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/biosaintifika.v9i2.8333


Radiation has a potent to damage cells. Radiation may act directly or indirectly on deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) that results in the degeneration of tissues and necrotic, and thereby it needs a potent radioprotector to prevent these damages. Vitamin E is natural product known as an antioxidant which has potential as radioprotector. This research aimed to determine the capability of vitamin E with emphasized on the searching for its optimal concentration as radioprotector of DNA damage. This study used blood samples of healthy person irradiated with gamma rays at a dose of 6 Gy as the lethal dose to lymphocytes. The cocentrations of vitamin E from 0 to 0.8 mM was added into blood 15 minutes before irradiation. Isolation of lymphocytes was done using gradient centrifugation method. Evaluation on the capability of this compound in suppressing DNA damage was done by using alkaline Comet assay and data analysis was done using CaspLab program. The results show that addition of vitamin E could suppres these DNA damages and 0.8 mM of vitamin could reduce DNA damage up to 94.2%. We conclude that vitamin E effectively suppresed DNA damages induced by radiation. This information may benefit to the patient from negative impacts of radiotherapy.