Alwi Alwi
Department of Public Administration, Universitas Hasanudin, Makassar, Indonesia

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Model Jaringan Kebijakan Publik (Perumusan Kebijakan Masyarakat Adat Ammatoa Kajang Di Kabupaten Bulukumba) Hidayat, Andi Rahmat; Alwi, Alwi; Susanti, Gita
JAKPP : Jurnal Analisis Kebijakan & Pelayanan Publik Volume 1 Number 2, Desember 2015
Publisher : Departemen Ilmu Administrasi FISIP UNHAS

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Perumusan kebijakan dengan pendekatan jaringan penting dalam menyelesaikan problem sosial yang bersifat kompleks dan merancang kebijakan berbasis pemberdayaan sehingga melalui tim perumus kebijakan masyarakat adat ammatoa kajang sebagai wadah jaringan, pihak yang berkepentingan dapat mengakses proses perumusan kebijakan tersebut untuk mempengaruhi keputusan yang dibuat oleh pemerintah daerah Kabupaten Bulukumba. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui dan menganalisis proses jaringan perumusan kebijakan masyarakat adat ammatoa kajang di Kabupaten Bulukumba. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif. Pengumpulan data ditempuh melalui  pengamatan, wawancara dan dokumentasi terhadap informan yang terlibat langsung dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan tersebut. Proses analisis data meliputi reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa : (1) aktor pada tim perumus kebijakan terutama pemerintah daerah dan LSM memiliki posisi yang seimbang. (2) fungsi jaringan kebijakan belum berjalan dengan semestinya. (3) struktur jaringan bersifat konsultatif, namun overlapping membership tidak membawa dampak positif pada efektifitas jaringan. (4) pelembagaan pada jaringan kebijakan berjalan dengan baik. (5) pola interaksi atau kebiasaan yang mengatur pertukaran sumber daya bersifat konsultatif. (6) distribusi kekuasaan terjadi cukup signifikan ditandai adanya kegiatan riset partisipatif yang dilakukan oleh LSM. (7) strategi riset menjadi kunci LSM mampu merubah perspektif pemerintah daerah dalam menetapkan luas wilayah dan hutan adat. Terdapat kelemahan  pada jaringan perumusan kebijakan masyarakat adat ammatoa kajang dimana pemerintah daerah mendominasi jumlah aktor pada tim perumus. Meskipun demikian, LSM nampak berhasil menjembatani kepentingan masyarakat adat namun penempatan Labbiriyah (Camat Kajang) sebagai satu-satunya pemangku adat pada tim perumus kurang tepat karena Labbiriyah cenderung merepresentasikan kepentingan pemerintah daerah dari pada kepentingan masyarakat adat pada proses perumusan kebijakan
Katalogis Vol 4, No 4 (2016)
Publisher : Katalogis

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This study aims to analyze the performance of the organization secretariat Regency of North Mamuju. This study uses the theory of performance by Agus Dwiyanto, the study is a qualitative research method, to the in formants as many as 10 (ten) informants selected by purposive. Data collection techniques in this study using the method: observation (observation), interviews and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the performance of the organization North Mamuju regency Legislative Secretariat has not run denganbaik. Of 5 (five) dimensions that were examined are four (4) dimensions that have not been going well, namely: (1) productivity shows that the implementation of the task forces employees from the aspect of performance that is seen from an understanding of the duties and office work, the accuracy in the completion of file problems and the number of dispute resolution can not be said to be good (2) Quality of service is seen from the aspect of spontaneity in dealing with issues and complaints serve legislators and the public as well as the courtesy and hospitality in providing services has not been as expected. (3) The responsiveness of services shows that the mechanism has already been made in order to identify the desired needs can thus be concluded that the ministry officials secretariat employees Regency of North Mamuju is responsive to complaints. (4) Responsibility shows that North Mamuju regency legislators are not satisfied with the services provided by employees, in addition to the appointment of personnel lack professional staff in charge of the work that these services are often delayed. (5) Accountability shows that the responsibility of employees at the Parliament Secretariat North Mamuju regency in carrying out its duties and functions are still low.
Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi: Media Pengembangan Ilmu dan Praktek Administrasi Vol 2, No 3 (2005): Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi Lembaga Administrasi Negara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31113/jia.v2i3.455


Corruption represents a misconduct in bureaucratic administration. Generally, corruption occurs at either individual, organizational, or societal level. As stated in public administration and public management literatures, inter-organizational collaboration is needed to eradicate corruption practices because they are usually out of reach of institutions in charge of corruption abolition. Legal approach has so far been unable to combat the corruption practices because it only deals with a sequence of corruption cases as crimes against the law without,comprehending the underlying causes stimulating such deeds. Having known the intricacy of corruption practices, an independent state commission for corruption abolition (KPK) develops inter-organizational networks to comprehensively exterminate corruption.In order to abolish corruption, this state commission recommends several conditions, such as: a) effective and efficient use of sources, b) raised incentives for employees, c) recovery of the reputation of judicial institutions, and d) definite legitimacy of judicial institutions.
Democratic Model of Public Policy Accountability. Case Study on Implementation of Street Vendors Empowerment Policy in Makassar City KASMAD, RULINAWATY; ALWI, ALWI
Jurnal Studi Pemerintahan Vol 6, No 2 (2015): August 2015
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (956.179 KB) | DOI: 10.18196/jgp.2015.0014


Policy accountability is a form of manifestation of public officials responsible to the people. One form of policy accountability that is discussed here is street vendors policy accountability, because they are a group of citizens who have the economic activities in public spaces. The existence of this policy how-ever, the number of street vendors from year to year increase in Makassar City. Therefore, this study seeks to uncover and explain the democratic policy ac-countability through the street vendors’ responses and expectations to the implementation of street ven-dors empowerment policy in Makassar City; and to uncover and explain the democratic policy account-ability through the stakeholders’ responses and ex-pectations to the implementation of street vendors empowerment policy in Makassar City. To achieve these objectives, the study uses democracy theory, in which this theory focuses on togetherness in dis-cussing solutions to the various problems of street vendors and in the policy implementation as well.This study used a qualitative design and case studies strat-egy. Data collection techniques used was observa-tion, interview, and documentation. Data were ana-lyzed with case description its settings. The results of this study pointed out that the interests and needs of the street vendors are not met through the empow-erment policies vendors. This is caused by the ab-sence of accountability forum as a place of togeth-erness all of street vendors empowerment stakehold-ers’. Street vendors empowerment policy in Makassar City are designed base on a top-down approach, so they are considered as objects, which must accept all government programs aimed at them
Resources Exchange Model in Implementation Network of Fishermen Community Policy in Makassar City SUSANTI, GITA; ALWI, ALWI; TAMBA, LA
Jurnal Studi Pemerintahan Vol 8, No 1 (2017): February 2017
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (656.207 KB) | DOI: 10.18196/jgp.8153


Public policy implementation network is a study that tried to accumulate all the stakeholders as potential resources to determine and implement a public policy. Fishermen community empowerment policy is the policy, which is complex be- cause it includes varied stakeholders. The main objective of this study is to develop a model of resources exchange in the implementation network of fisher- men community empowerment policy in Makassar City, which includes the avail- ability of resources and the rule of the game of resources exchange. This study uses qualitative design and case study strategy. Based on the pairing patterns technique, the availability of the resources needed by the fishermen group has not been sufficient to run his business. This is caused by a major source of fund- ing in this policy from the central government. Then, the fishermen community empowerment policy is still dominated by rule of the game of public bureau- cracy as the policy implementer in the resources exchange. Therefore, local gov- ernments need to develop the synergy with all stakeholders and establish a rule of the game based on the network-based organization.
Tinjauan yuridis upaya pengajuan kepailitan terhadap perusahaan asuransi oleh nasabah asuransi Alwi, Alwi
JPPI (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Indonesia) Vol 7, No 4 (2021): JPPI (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Indonesia)
Publisher : Indonesian Institute for Counseling, Education and Theraphy (IICET)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29210/020211225


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kepastian hukum terhadap upaya pengajuan kepailitan terhadap perushaan asuransi oleh nasabah asuransi.  Metode penelitian yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelilitian Normatif yakni mengkaji Undang-Undang dan Peraturan lainnya yang berkaitan dengan asuransi dan kepailitan. Adapun Hasil dari Penelitian ini adalah   Otoritas Jasa Keuangan menjadi satu-satunya Lembaga yang memilki legal standing untuk melakukan permohonan kepailitan terhadap perushaan asuransi.  Disamping itu  jika mengacuh pada persyaratan diajukan pailit terhadap perusahaan asuransi dapat dilakukan oleh sekurang-kurangnya dua nasabah yang terbukti klaimnya telah jatuh tempo,  maka nasabah asuransi dapat mengajukan permohonan pailit kepada Pengadilan Niaga.  Untuk penerimaan permohonan pailitnya tergantung keyakinan dan pengatahuan hakim, panitera dan pengadilan.