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Pengaruh Motivasi, Disiplin Kerja dan Kompensasi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan KFC Mall Metropolitan Bekasi Primaraga Sumantri Indra Wicaksana
MAMEN: Jurnal Manajemen Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : Yayasan Literasi Sains Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (315.41 KB) | DOI: 10.55123/mamen.v1i2.221


The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of motivation, work discipline and compensation on employee performance at KFC metropolitan mall Bekasi branch. This type of research is quantitative with three independent variables consisting of Motivation (X1), Work Discipline (X2) and Compensation (X3) and the dependent variable of employee performance (Y). Samples were taken using the Slovin method and a population of 49 employees and a sample of 44 employees was obtained. The collected data was then analyzed using Validity Test, Reliability Test, Classic Assumption Test, Multiple Linear Regression Analysis, Hypothesis Testing and Coefficient of Determination, with the help of SPSS Version 22 For Windows program. The results of the study can be seen that motivation, work discipline and compensation have a significant effect on employee performance, this is strengthened by the T test. T count = 6.839 with a significant 0.001 <0.05 so that the hypothesis can be accepted. The results of the study show that motivation, work discipline and compensation have been shown to affect employee performance at the KFC metropolitan mall branch in Bekasi. So leaders must be able to motivate their employees and exemplify good discipline at work and must also be able to pay attention to the welfare of employees by providing good compensation for their employees.
Jurnal Ekonomi Vol. 11 No. 01 (2022): Jurnal Ekonomi, Periode Juni 2023
Publisher : SEAN Institute

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This study aims to determine the influence of product quality, product variations and promotional activities on the purchasing decision of Viva Cosmetics. This research was conducted using a quantitative descriptive method, the variables in this study were 3 free variables (X) namely the influence of product quality, product variation and promotional activities and bound variables (Y) namely purchasing decisions measured using primary data from questionnaires. The population in this study were consumers who would buy and use Viva cosmetics by calculating samples using a nonpropablity sampling method with an accidental sampling technique consisting of 100 respondents. The data analysis techniques used are validity test, reliability test, multiple linear analysis and t test using the SmartPLS3.3.3 program. The results showed that there was a positive and significant influence of product quality on the purchasing decision of Viva Cosmetics with a value of 38% (0.380). There was a positive and significant effect of product variation on purchasing decisions at Viva Cosmetics with a value of 48.2% (0.482). The promotion has no effect on purchasing decisions Viva Cosmetics by 9.3% (-0.093).
Jurnal Ekonomi Vol. 11 No. 01 (2022): Jurnal Ekonomi, Periode Juni 2023
Publisher : SEAN Institute

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This study aims to determine the effect of product quality, brand image and price on customer loyalty of mineral water in Aqua brand packaging. This research was conducted using a quantitative descriptive method, the variables in this study were 3 free variables (X) namely the influence of product quality, brand image and price and bound variables (Y) namely customer loyalty measured using primary data from questionnaires. The population in this study were consumers who would buy and consuming Aqua brand bottled water by calculating samples using a nonpropablity sampling method with an accidental sampling technique consisting of 100 respondents. The data analysis techniques used are validity test, reliability test, multiple linear analysis and t test using the SmartPLS3.3.3 program. The results showed that the quality of AQUA brand mineral water products has a weak positive effect (42%) on customer loyalty, the brand image on AQUA brand mineral water products also has a weak positive effect (48%) on customer loyalty and the price of AQUA brand mineral water products has a negative effect (-3%) on customer loyalty.
Pengaruh Disiplin Kerja, Stres Kerja Dan Penerapan Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3) Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan PT. Kalbe Farma Cikarang Indra Permana; Primaraga Sumantri Indra Wicaksana; Tika Wulandari
J-CEKI : Jurnal Cendekia Ilmiah Vol. 1 No. 2: Februari 2022

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Pada prinsipnya, sumber daya manusia adalah figur inti organisasi dan perusahaan. Agar kegiatan manajemen dapat berjalan dengan lancar, perusahaan harus memiliki karyawan yang berpengetahuan dan berkinerja tinggi serta bekerja keras untuk mengelola perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas atau kinerja karyawan dilihat dari beberapa faktor atau variabel yang diduga dapat mempengaruhi tingkat kinerja karyawan yaitu disiplin kerja, stress kerja dan penerapan kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja (K3). Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif. Penelitian ini mengambil populasi dari karyawan PT. Kalbe Farma dan pengambilan sampel denganteknik Non-probability Sampling dengan jumlah sampel 96 responden. Pengumpulan data meliputi observasi dan penyebaran kuesioner. Metode analisis yang digunakan yaitu uji validitas, uji reabilitas, uji asumsi klasik, analisis linear berganda dan uji hipotesa dengan menggunakan Software SPSS 25. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa disiplin kerja berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan dengan t hitung sebesar 4,971 > t tabel 1,986 tetapi stress kerja tidak berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan dengan t hitung sebesar 1,730 < t tabel 1,986 sedangkan penerapan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (K3) berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan dengan t hitung sebesar 6,853 > t tabel 1,986. Uji F menunjukan F hitung sebesar 72,713 > F tabel 3,09 maka disiplin kerja, stress kerja dan penerapan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (K3) secara bersama-sama berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan pada PT. Kalbe Farma.
Pengaruh Kepercayaan, Lokasi, Dan Promosi Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Rumah Bersubsidi di PT. Mitra Indah Properti Primaraga Sumantri Indra Wicaksana; Nasrun Baldah
JURNAL PELITA ILMU Vol 15 No 01 (2021): Jurnal Pelita Ilmu - April 2021
Publisher : Direktorat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (DPPM) Universitas Pelita Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (156.319 KB) | DOI: 10.37366/jpi.v15i01.794


Program Rumah Rakyat Setapak atau Rumah Subsidi adalah program pemerintah untuk masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah. Dengan persyaratan yang mudah dan angsuran yang terjangkau, sehingga kesempatan para Pengembang Perumahan, salah satu Perumahan Bersubsidi yang banyak diminati masyarakat yaitu Perumahan Arafah Residence dari Pengembang PT. Mitra Indah Properti. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif. Dengan populasi konsumen di perumahan Arafah Residence. Pengambilan sampel dengan teknik purposive sampling dengan jumlah sampel 80 responden. Untuk pengumpulan data meliputi penyebaran kuesioner dan studi kepustakaan. Metode analisis yang digunakan yaitu uji validitas, uji reabilitas, uji asumsi klasik, analisis linear berganda dan uji hipotesa. Hasil penelitian adalah: 1) Hasil pertama menunjukkan nilai koefisien regresi sebesar b1=-0.130 dan nilai probabilitas t hitung 0.441, jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa Kepercayaan tidak mempengaruhi Keputusan Pembelian rumah bersubsidi di PT. Mitra Indah Properti. 2) Hasil kedua menunjukkan nilai koefisien regresi sebesar b1=0.466 dan nilai probabilitas t hitung sebesar 0.000, jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa Lokasi mempengaruhi Keputusan Pembelian rumah bersubsidi di PT. Mitra Indah Properti. 3) Hasil ketiga menunjukkan nilai koefisien regresi sebesar 0.380 dan nilai probabilitas t hitung sebesar 0.004, jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa Promosi mempengaruhi Keputusan Pembelian rumah bersubsidi di PT. Mitra Indah Properti.
Analysis of Consumers' Buying Interest Cifest Walk Tea Tradition Shop Cikarang Selatan Through Promotion, Product Prices and Quality Product Nur' Aeni; Dadang Heri Kusumah; Primaraga Sumantri Indra Wicaksana
Enrichment : Journal of Management Vol. 12 No. 4 (2022): October: Management Science and Field
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (231.769 KB) | DOI: 10.35335/enrichment.v12i4.782


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of promotion, product price and product quality on consumer buying interest in traditional tea shops in Cifest Walk, South Cikarang. The sample in this study were traditional tea shop consumers, as many as 100 respondents. Data collection includes observation, distributing questionnaires and literature study. The type of research used is quantitative. The analytical method used is validity test, reliability test, classical assumption test, multiple linear analysis and hypothesis testing. The results of the t-test research show the t-count value of 2.492 with a significance of 0.014, which means the first hypothesis is accepted and partially shows a positive and significant influence between promotions on consumer buying interest. The product price variable obtained the results of the t-test with a t-count value of 3.050 and a significance value of 0.003 which means that the second hypothesis is accepted and shows a positive and significant influence between product prices on consumer buying interest. The product quality variable obtained t test results with a tcount value of 3.036 and a significant value of 0.003 which means the third hypothesis is accepted and shows a positive and significant influence between product quality on consumer buying interest. And it can be concluded that 32.1% consumer buying interest is influenced by promotion variables, product prices, product quality, while the remaining 67.9% consumer buying interest is influenced by other variables not examined in this study.
Analysis Consumer Purchasing Decisions in the App Tokopedia Through E-Wom, Experiental Marketing and Brand Ambassador Agustini Tanjung; Hermiyetti; Usmar; Primaraga Sumantri Indra Wicaksana
Enrichment : Journal of Management Vol. 12 No. 5 (2022): December: Management Science And Field
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (239.964 KB) | DOI: 10.35335/enrichment.v12i5.908


The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of electronic word of mouth, experiential marketing, and brand ambassador variables on purchasing decisions on the Tokopedia application in the West Cikarang region. This sampling technique uses the Lemeshow formula and obtained as many as 300 respondents. The data obtained were analyzed quantitatively by using measuring instruments in the form of validity tests, reliability tests, classical assumption tests, simple and multiple linear regression analysis tests, and hypothesis testing. The test was conducted to determine the effective and relative contribution by using the SPSS version 21 application program for windows. The results of partial statistical analysis show that electronic word of mouth, experiential marketing, and brand ambassadors have a positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions on the Tokopedia application. The results of statistical analysis simultaneously show that electronic word of mouth, experiential marketing, and brand ambassadors have a significant effect on purchasing decisions on the Tokopedia application simultaneously. The results of the R Square value of electronic word of mouth showed a value of 48.4%, experiential marketing showed a value of 67.0%, and brand ambassadors showed a value of 66.0% which means that there is an influence on purchasing decisions on the Tokopedia application in the West Cikarang region.
The Effect of Price, Location and Innovation on the Purchasing Decision of Aglonema Ornamental Plants at CV Gantina Flora Cikarang Primaraga Sumantri Indra Wicaksana; Surya Bintarti
Junal Ilmu Manajemen Vol 5 No 4 (2022): October: Management Science and Field
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of price, location and innovation on the purchasing decision of aglonema ornamental plants at CV Gantina Flora Cikarang. The sampling technique in this study used probability sampling technique and obtained 100 respondents. Data collection techniques include observation, dissemination of questionnaires and literature studies. The data were analyzed using SPSS program. Analytical methods to be used are validity test, reliability test, classical assumption test, multiple linear analysis and hypothesis test. From the results of the t test states that the price partially affects positive and significant to the purchase decision, location partially affects positive and significant to purchasing decisions and innovation partially affects positive and significant towards crop purchasing decisions Ornamental Aglonema CV Gantina Flora Cikarang.
Pemberdayaan Kelompok Sadar Wisata (Pokdarwis) Bagi Pengembangan Potensi Situ Rawa Binong Di Desa Wisata Hegarmukti Wachid Hasyim; Primaraga Sumantri Indra W; Susi Ari Widiastuti
IKRA-ITH ABDIMAS Vol 5 No 3 (2022): IKRAITH-ABDIMAS Vol 5 No 3 November 2022
Publisher : Universitas Persada Indonesia YAI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37817/ikra-ithabdimas.v5i3.2175


Desa Hegarmukti memiliki potensi wisata air yaitu Situ Rawa Binong namun potensi wisata ini tidak dimanfaat kan dengan maksimal yang dimana Pokdarwis belum terlalu aktif. Metodologi yang digunakan untuk penelitian ini yaitu penelitian descriptive menjelaskan karakteristik berbagai variable penelitian dalam situasi tertentu. Penelitian ini dapat pula disebut sebagai penelitian yang menjelaskan fenomena apa adanya, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menyajikan suatu profil atau menjelaskan aspek-aspek yang relevan dengan suatu fenomena yang diteliti dari perspektif individu, organisasi, industry dan perspektif lainnya.Kami membuat tim promosi serta memberitahu kan apa saja tugas dari Pokdarwis, wisata Situ Rawa Binong sudah mulai menunjuk kan peningkatan kunjungan wisatawan walaupun peningkatan ini tidak lah signifikan dan hanya pada hari-hari tertentu saja seperti weekend tapi itu sudah bagus tinggal meningkat kan serta mengembangkan potensi Situ Rawa Binong yang sudah bagus ini.
JURNAL PELITA ILMU Vol. 16 No. 02 (2022): JURNAL PELITA ILMU - Oktober 2022
Publisher : Direktorat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (DPPM) Universitas Pelita Bangsa

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh persediaan bahan baku, tenaga kerja dan proses produksi terhadap hasil produksi, penelitian dilakukan di salahsatu perusahaan manufaktur di Cikarang-Jawa Barat. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis kuantitatif, pengumpulan data primer melalui kuesioner terhadap 97 responden dengan teknik purposive sampling. Metode analisis yang digunakan yaitu uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, uji asumsi klasik, analisis linier berganda dan uji hipotesa, Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persediaan bahan baku, tenaga kerja dan proses produksi secara parsial berpengaruh sebesar, 18%, 35%, dan 25% terhadap hasil produksi. Kesimpulannya, untuk variabel tenaga kerja memiliki pengaruh terbesar terhadap hasil produksi.