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Analisis Kinerja Circuit Breaker 20 KV PLTA Wonorejo Bermedia SF6 (Sulphur Hexaflouride) Abizar Farzi; Denny Irawan; Rini Puji Astutik
Jurnal Syntax Admiration Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): Jurnal Syntax Admiration
Publisher : Ridwan Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46799/jsa.v2i1.166


Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari sering terjadi berbagai macam gangguan konsumsi listrik oleh karena itu untuk mencegah gangguan tersebut terjadi diperlukan alat pemutus listrik atau circuit breaker. Pemasangan circuit breaker ditujukan untuk menghindari terjadinya kerusakan pada peralatan yang nantinya akan menyebabkan terhambatnya penyaluran tenaga listrik ke konsumen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa kelayakan kinerja circuit breaker pada saat terjadi gangguan dengan metode sejumlah pengujian yang di lakukan pada circuit breaker. Adapun hasil penelitian terkait kinerja circuit breaker adalah baik. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari nilai kualitas kandungan SF6 dengan purity 98,8%, nilai keserempakkan dengan selisih waktu 0,1 ms, tahanan kontak 46µΩ, dan untuk hasil tahanan isolasi circuit breaker yaitu 37,51GΩ. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut yang mangacu pada buku pedoman PMT (pemutus tenaga) masih jauh lebih baik.
Analisa Dan Evaluasi Kinerja ATS Pada Pelanggan Premium Tegangan Menengah di PT. PLN UP3 Gresik MOHAMMAD ILHAM; Abdul Ghofar Romdhon; Rini Puji Astutik; Denny Irawan
Journal of Applied Smart Electrical Network and Systems Vol 1 No 02 (2020): Vol 1 No 02 (2020) : December 2020
Publisher : Indonesian Society of Applied Science (ISAS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52158/jasens.v1i02.109


In an effort to meet customer needs on supplying electricity in the industrial era 5.0, it needs to have good services which keep growing up and be innovative. One of them is running a premium service which guarantees better quality of service than that of the regular. This research will discuss all of the obstacles that can disrupt the continuity of electricity supply to the customer with premium services, starting from the disruptions at the supply side until at the installation owned by the customer. From the analysis result, ATS (Automatic Transfer Switch) failed several times on working so that caused a black out at the customer side which it should be avoided. Therefore, it is necessary to make some adjustments on setting and wiring to some problems which may arise so that the potential disruption of the ATS or equipment failure can be suppressed. This research aims to minimize and even eliminate ATS performance failures due to system disturbances by implementing rewiring, adding a permissive interlocking system and adding a PLC with a time delay setting.
Penanganan Lonjakan Vibrasi pada Rotor Elektrik Turbin di PLTU Gresik abdul ghofar romdhon; Mohammad Ilham; rini puji astutik; denny irawan
Journal of Applied Smart Electrical Network and Systems Vol 1 No 02 (2020): Vol 1 No 02 (2020) : December 2020
Publisher : Indonesian Society of Applied Science (ISAS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52158/jasens.v1i02.116


This analysis will discuss how to handle vibrations in the Turbine Rotor. The measuring instrument used is Vibration Analysis test with Prov. 2140 type which measured amplitude, time and frequency domain of vibration signal. The results obtained in this study, firstly, the measurement vibration of rotor at PT PJB Gresik found the highest amplitude of vibration was 59,6 μm at 3000 rpm. In this condition, the rotor is in very good condition as per standard vibration in ISO 7919-2 stated 80 μm at 3000 rpm. However in the next measurement, there is an dramatically increase of amplitude in each vibration measurement. The top amplitude of vibration reached at 115 μm at 3000 rpm and shown a symtom of damage on the rotor as a result of vibration. In solving the problem this time we use the method Root couse analysis (RCA). The results of this research found that there was a short turn to turn on the rotor windings and the closed slot liner holes that caused electric vibrations and needed to be repaired to eliminate vibration disturbances. After repairing the vibration, it decreased which initially 115 μm to 33.5 μm at 3000 Rpm, it is still on the range of the permitted safe zone of ISO standard 7919−2.
Jurnal Teknologi dan Terapan Bisnis Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019): Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Teknologi dan Terapan Bisnis
Publisher : UPPM Akademi Komunitas Semen Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.0301/jttb.v2i1.56


Industry 4.0, in agriculture, push developing technology which combining automation system and update data exchange via internet technolgoy. The technological developments, in agriculture, in Indonesian have not developed significantly, therefore it is needed a technological development toward industri 4.0. One of the developments in industry 4.0 in agriculture is monitoring system. The goal of this research is to design a monitoring system which conected to internet and using telegram application for accessing data in smart farming. In this research, data, taken, is temperature and moisture soil since both of data are very influencing in plant growth process. Thi design is just a prototype that is used for simulating monitoring process on agriculture land then it is needed temperature and moisture soil sensor for sensing, STM 32 as microcontroller, LCD for displaying monitoring data, bluetooth as connecting to gateway, PC as gateway to connect to internet and android cell phone for installing telegram application. The simulation result show data at IoT device matched to data on telegram application. With telegram application that could access monitoring data from agriculture land will increase agriculture quality result so as implementation of this technology could be one of supporting agriculture development toward industry 4.0
Rancang Bangun Sistem Kendali Dan Monitoring Sistem Automatic Transfer Switch / Automatic Main Failure(Ats –Amf) Menggunakan Wemos D1 Berbasis Internet Of Things(Iot) Edi ariyanto; Rini Puji Astutik; Pressa Perdana
SinarFe7 Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): SinarFe7-4 2021
Publisher : FORTEI Regional VII Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (589.475 KB)


Seiring dengan kemajuan teknologi di segala bidang, maka sumber listrik utama dari PLN sangatlah penting terhadap penyaluran energi listrik bagi layanan publik, mungkin itu daya besar maupun daya kecil. Akan tetapi suplai listrik utama dari PLN tidak selamanya berkesinambungan atau terus-menerus dalam penyalurannya. Suatu saat pasti terjadi pemadaman listrik yang bisa disebabkan oleh gangguan pada sistem pembangkit, maupun gangguan sistem distribusi. Agar suplai listrik bisa dipastikan tetap terjaga, maka tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk merancang sistem ats-amf yang bisa dikontrol dari jarak jauh menggunakan gadged android sehingga memudahkan pengguna untuk memantau maupun mengontrol generator. Manfaat dari pembuatan alat dalam Tugas Akhir ini adalah memberikan kemudahan untuk pengoperasian genset secara otomatis serta memberikan kemudahan agar energi listrik tetap berkelanjutan.
SinarFe7 Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): SinarFe7-4 2021
Publisher : FORTEI Regional VII Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (586.115 KB)


Hidroponik merupakan salah satu budi daya sayuran yang tanpa menggunakan tanah melainkan dengna menggunakan air yang dicampur dengan nutrisi pada dasarnya kondisi yang dibutuhkan dalam hidroponik yaitu dengan kelembapan,nutrisi agar tanaman pada hidroponik tumbuh dengan baik. Namun dengan demikian tumbuhan masih tidak terkontrol dengan baik maka dari itu dibuatkan sistem pemberi nutrisi dan perawatan secara otomatis agar tanaman hidroponik terkontrol dengan baik. Manfaat dari pembuatan alat dalam Tugas Akhir ini adalah memberikan kemudahan untuk pengoperasian genset secara otomatis serta memberikan kemudahan agar energi listrik tetap berkelanjutan.
SinarFe7 Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): SinarFe7-4 2021
Publisher : FORTEI Regional VII Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1576.469 KB)


Dengan  adanya pertumbuhan permintaan pasar semen curah, diperlukan penambahan fasilitas pengantongan semen curah atau meningkatkan kapasitas peralatan terpasang, serta ditunjang dengan sistem kelistrikan, instrumentasi dan otomatisasi  yang handal. Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) dan otomatisasi dipilih karena mampu mengakomodasi program yang kompleks, ringkas, mudah serta dapat dilakukan pengembangan algoritma dan/atau penyesuaian melalui bahasa pemrograman. Dengan menghubungkan sensor dan menambahkan Human Machine Interface (HMI) serta Operator Station berupa Personal Computer (PC) yang diintegrasikan melalui Totally Integrated Automation (TIA) Portal, mampu meningkatkan akurasi penimbangan, pengisian, serta peningkatan kapasitas lebih tinggi 36,22% Ton Per Day (TPD) dibandingkan dengan sistem pengantongan yang telah terpasang.
Automatic Spray Pump of Hand Sanitizer Tool for Helping Aisyiah Clinic GKB Rini Puji Astutik; Darmawan Aditama; Putri Aisyiyah Rakhma Devi; Yoedo Ageng Suryo; Eko Budi Leksono
Kontribusia : Research Dissemination for Community Development Vol 4 No 1 (2021): Kontribusia (Research Dissemination for Community Development)
Publisher : OJS Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (110.996 KB) | DOI: 10.30587/kontribusia.v4i1.1563


Covid-19 Pandemic is a severe problem for all countries in the entire world, including Indonesia. The government has made much effort by giving raw food to all of society who have lower income or got impact from Pandemic. The other government's actions are Large Scale Social Restriction (PSBB), using masker, washing Hands with soap. To cut the contagion chain that it has not run well this moment. This activity needs more personal protective equipment such as masker and Hand Sanitizer; both tools are essential for tackling patients in the medical sector. In the Pandemic era, these tools are minimal, and also, the price is very high, so their stock tent to the shortage. The Muhammadiyah University of Gresik, as part of the Muhammadiyah Organization, has contributed to the society around the campus. We have done one activity making an automatic spray pump of Hand Sanitizer for helping Aisyiah Clinic as Muhammadiyah Health Facility. A mechanical spray pump of Hand Sanitizer is a tool used to avoid touching the tools; just put the Hand close to the device, and then spray a little bit of Hand sanitizer. Besides, we give an Automatic Spray Pump of Hand Sanitizer; we also offer two jerry cans refilling of hand sanitizer and masker. As per the interview with the doctor who works there, they are very appreciative of this giving, and it is beneficial for this clinic.
Design and Programming Atmega Microcontroller Denny Irawan; Rini Puji Astutik
Kontribusia : Research Dissemination for Community Development Vol 4 No 1 (2021): Kontribusia (Research Dissemination for Community Development)
Publisher : OJS Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (165.38 KB) | DOI: 10.30587/kontribusia.v4i1.1554


Along with the demands for improving the quality of education, teacher competencies must be able to face the challenges of changes that occur in society. Professional competence in Law No. 14 of 2005 requires that teachers be competent in the learning process. More specifically, technical skills teachers are required to be able to transfer knowledge, attitudes, and skills in vocational expertise to students. Therefore, improving the quality of learning coupled with an increase in mastery of the substance of learning becomes an important and fundamental thing that must be mastered by the teacher in order to strengthen the mastery of expertise competencies.With regard to competency certification in dealing with the Asean economic framework (AEC) that has been launched in 2016, students who graduate from Vocational High Schools must have certification about certain skills. In this case, the University of Muhammadiyah Gresik University as a university which also has an obligation to conduct community education plans to conduct training on making Atmega microcontroller modules for SMK Manbaul Ulum Gresik students.
E-Link: Jurnal Teknik Elektro dan Informatika Vol 15 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30587/e-link.v15i1.1606


Jaringan sensor nirkabel yang diimplementasikan pada bidang kesehatan manusia merupakan teknologi yang krusial untuk melakukan monitoring kondisi dari seorang pasien khususnya orang tua. Banyak keadaan dari badan seorang pasien yang perlu untuk diawasi antara lain denyut nadi, suhu badan dan detak jantung. Selama ini keadaan tersebut dicatat secara berkala oleh seorang perawat yang bertugas sehingga memungkinkan data tidak dapat diketahui setiap saat. Dalam proposal ini dilakukan penelitian untuk membuat prototype perangkat sistem monitoring kesehatan pasien dengan menggunakan jaringan sensor nirkabel berbasis teknologi LoRa. Kesehatan dalam penelitian ini difokuskan pada monitoring detak jatung pasien sehingga jika terjadi kejanggalan pada detak jantung dapat diketahui secara otomatis waktu sebenarnya. Jaringan sensor nirkabel terdiri dari node-node yang mengumpulkan informasi detak jantung dari pasien dimana selanjutnya informasi tersebut dikirimkan ke node pusat. Node pusat dalam penelitian ini digunakan komputer (personal computer) untuk menampilkan sinyal detak jantung sebagai sistem monitoring. Pengiriman sinyal yang tertampil pada komputer dari node pasient menggunakan module radio frequency (RF), dalam hal ini digunakan teknologi LoRa. Hasil pengukuran yang diperoleh kurang maksimal dikarenakan sensor yang digunakan kurang sensitive