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The Effect of Complexity and Work Motivation on The Performance of Minor Change-Scale Product Development Projects In Automotive Manufacturing Industry Annisa Dewi Akbari; Indah Sepwina Putri
OPSI Vol 14, No 2 (2021): ISSN 1693-2102
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Industri Fakultas Teknologi Industri UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/opsi.v14i2.5332


The increasing market competition in the Indonesian automotive manufacturing industry requires automotive manufacturing companies to adapt to changes through product development activities. Unfortunately, failure in product development projects is still high. One of the possible key factors of a successful product development project is work motivation. Another factor that is suspected to affect is the complexity of the project. Therefore, this study aims to find the effect of work motivation and project complexity on product development project performance. The research was conducted on 94 members of product development project team in Indonesian automotive manufacturing industry with a minor change scale using purposive sampling. Data was collected through online questionnaire with a response rate of 65.7% and then analyzed using PLS-SEM. The results of the study showed that project complexity had a positive effect on work motivation and otherwise on project performance. On the other hand, it turns out that work motivation is not proven to affect the performance of product development projects in the automotive manufacturing industry in Indonesia.
The Influence of Knowledge Management and Organization Innovativeness on The Organizational Resilience: A Theoretical Framework Annisa Dewi Akbari; Didien Suhardini; Agung Sasongko
OPSI Vol 15, No 1 (2022): ISSN 1693-2102
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Industri Fakultas Teknologi Industri UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/opsi.v15i1.6585


Covid-19 pandemic had a real negative impact on all sectors, including startup. More than half of total start-ups in Indonesia can’t survive the crisis caused by Covid-19 pandemic. This requires the organization to be able to develop its ability to survive. The answer to this challenge is organization resilience. Organizational resilience can anticipate potential threats, respond to unexpected events, and achieve sustainable growth. Through a recent literature study related to theory and conceptualization of organizational resilience, as well as considering contextual factors adapted to organizations, especially startup, this research succeeded in developing a theoretical model related to organizational resilience. The framework is built on three variables, namely organization resilience as the dependent variable, knowledge management as independent variable, and organization innovativeness as intervening variable, with 11 sub-variables, and four hypotheses. Furthermore, this framework can be an initial picture and insight for Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of startup, to navigate organizations in dynamic environments, crisis situations, or in the midst of today's global competition
JURNAL TEKNIK INDUSTRI Vol. 3 No. 3 (2013): Volume 3 No 3 November 2013
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknologi Indusri Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (199.143 KB) | DOI: 10.25105/jti.v3i3.1565


Diagram Fishbone (tulang ikan), atau biasa pula disebut ishikawa diagram ataupun cause effectdiagram, adalah salah satu dari root cause analysis tools yang paling populer di kalangan praktisi industriuntuk melakukan quality improvement mendasarkan pada usaha mengenali akar penyebab terjadinya variasipada quality characteristics tertentu yang ingin dicapai. Meski telah banyak dipakai di dunia industri,disayangkan tool ini menderita kelemahan karena tidak memfasilitasi analisa korelasi antar potential rootcauses dari masing-masing kategori yang ada (5M1E - man machine method measurement materialenvironment), selain tentu saja penyajian datanya yang hanya kualitatif. Kelemahan ini diyakini menjadikontributor utama penyebab kegagalan fishbone diagram dalam mengenali root causes yang berupa sumbervariasi common cause dan hanya mampu mengenali yang berasal dari sumber variasi special cause. Bertolakbelakang dengan karakteristik special cause variations, common cause variations adalah variasi yang terjadipada quality characteristics tertentu yang ingin dicapai di mana kemunculannya tidak mudah teridentifikasidan jikapun berhasil dikenali akan sulit dihilangkan karena sifatnya yang seolah adalah merupakan bagiandari sistem (embedded in a system), cenderung berakar penyebab berupa soft factors serta kemunculannya yangtidak random namun tersamar dalam pola tertentu.Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan improvement pada kelemahan yang terdapat di fishbone diagramdengan mengadopsi kelebihan yang dimiliki oleh bayesian network agar mampu mengenali root causes yangmerupakan common cause variations. Kelebihan bayesian network mengatasi kekurangan fishbone diagram,demikian pula sebaliknya. Oleh karena itu, analisa dilakukan terhadap fishbone diagram dan bayesian networkuntuk mengenali characteristics dan kelebihan/kekurangannya. Hasil dari analisa tersebut mengarahkan padasifat-sifat komplementer dari keduanya yang diyakini mampu mengisi gap pada fishbone diagram.Mendasarkan padanya, dikembangkan sebuah model untuk mengintegrasikan konsep serta sifat komplementeryang dimiliki bayesian network dan fishbone diagram. Model ini merepresentasikan metodologi baru dalamroot cause analysis, bayes-fishbone. Metodologi yang dikembangkan ini kemudian diujikan ke sebuah casestudy company untuk melihat applicability-nya.Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa metodologi bayes-fishbone yang dikembangkan terbuktitelah valid mampu merepresentasikan kondisi probabilitas produk cacat sebenarnya pada case study companydengan prosentase perbedaan nilai yang ditunjukkan antara model yang dikembangkan dengan kondisi aktualyang besarnya tidak signifikan yaitu kurang dari 1 % (0,9597%). Dengan menerapkan metode contructiveresearch approach, terbukti pula bahwa metodologi bayes-fishbone berhasil lolos weak-market test yangmenunjukkan bahwa metodologi yang dikembangkan applicable pada case study company atau perusahaan lainyang sejenis characteristics dan production process-nya.
Pengembangan Model Bisnis Menggunakan Lean Canvas dengan Metode Design Thinking di Bulaf Café Raka Mahesa Pradhana; Didien Suhardini; Annisa Dewi Akbari
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknologi Indusri Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25105/jti.v12i3.15649


Intisari— Bulaf Café merupakan kafe yang sudah berdiri sejak tahun 2014, dimana Bulaf Café merupakan pengembangan dari outlet sosis Bulaf yang dimiliki oleh PT. Sumber Pangan Jaya. Berdasarkan hasil observasi dan wawancara kepada pemilik Bulaf Café, ditemukan permasalahan berupa penurunan penjualan pada Bulaf Café, maka dari itu Bulaf Café perlu suatu model bisnis baru yang diharapkan dapat meningkatkan penjualan dan memberikan inovasi baru yang adaptif terhadap kondisi pandemi. Metode perancangan model bisnis antara lain Business Model Canvas, 5 Why’s Analysis, Design Thinking, Empathy Map, Lean Canvas, Value Proposition Canvas, Blue Ocean Strategy, dan Marketing Mix 4P. Penelitian diawali dengan menggunakan BMC untuk mengetahui kondisi model bisnis sekarang milik Bulaf Cafe. Setelah itu menggunakan 5 Why’s Analysis untuk mengidentifikasi akar permasalahan, serta menggunakan Empathy Map untuk melihat pandangan konsumen terhadap Bulaf Café. Dari Value Proposition Canvas hasilnya menyediakan sistem online self-order serta merubah konsep Bulaf Café dan memberikan pilihan varian menu baru. Pada tahap Protototype menggunakan Lean Canvas untuk melihat jelas permasalahan dan solusi pada Bulaf Cafe. Berdasarkan analisis Blue Ocean Strategy didapatkan faktor pembeda antara Bulaf Cafe dengan pesaing kafe lainnya. Hasil uji validasi menyatakan bahwa 79% responden setuju dengan produk dan layanan baru Bulaf Café. Abstract—Bulaf Café is a cafe that has been established since 2014, where Bulaf Café is a development of the Bulaf sausage outlet owned by PT. Jaya Food Source. Based on the results of observations and interviews with the owners of Bulaf Café, problems were found in the form of a decrease in sales at Bulaf Café, therefore Bulaf Café needs a new business model that is expected to increase sales and provide new innovations that are adaptive to pandemic conditions. Business model design methods include Business Model Canvas, 5 Why's Analysis, Design Thinking, Empathy Map, Lean Canvas, Value Proposition Canvas, Blue Ocean Strategy, and Marketing Mix 4P. The research begins by using BMC to determine the condition of Bulaf Cafe's current business model. After that, use 5 Why's Analysis to identify the root of the problem, and use Empathy Map to see consumer views on Bulaf Café. From the Value Proposition Canvas, the result provides an online self-order system and changes the concept of Bulaf Café and provides a choice of new menu variants. At the Protototype stage using Lean Canvas to clearly see the problems and solutions at Bulaf Cafe. Based on the analysis of Blue Ocean Strategy, it was found that the differentiating factor between Bulaf Cafe and other cafe competitors. The results of the validation test stated that 79% of respondents agreed with Bulaf Café's new products and services.
Production Process Improvement Design to Eliminate Waste in 428H Chain Products Using Lean Manufacturing at PT ABC Sekar Aulia Putri; Amal Witonohadi; Annisa Dewi Akbari
OPSI Vol 15, No 2 (2022): ISSN 1693-2102
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Industri Fakultas Teknologi Industri UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/opsi.v15i2.7714


PT ABC is a manufacturing company that produces several types of chains in large quantities, and one type of chain that is the main focus of this research is the 428H chain. The obstacle faced in producing the 428H Chain is not achieving the production target from June to July, and September to November 2021. The research focuses on minimizing manufacturing lead time using lean manufacturing by eliminating waste in the 428H Chain production process. Waste elimination is done by providing suggestions for improvements based on the identified waste types. The study begins with the calculation of the time sample, then MLT, PCE, the use of the Waste Assessment Model, and mapping current value stream mapping. The initial MLT was 832.95 minutes and PCE was 63.37%. WAM produces the highest percentage of waste in the type of defect, then motion, inventory, waiting, overproduction, motion, and process. The proposed improvements are in the form of designing SOP Operators on Pressing machines, adding Small Incline Belt Conveyor tools, designing SOPs for Activities in the WIP Area, and adding Manual Hand Stacker tools. The provision of improvement proposals resulted in MLT decreasing 12% to 733.2174 minutes and PCE increasing 8.6% to 71.98%, and the production target was achieved with total production per month increasing by 12%, from 21,783 to 24,746 units per month.