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Makna Zikir Perspektif Mufassir Modern di Indonesia Zein, Achyar
ISLAMICA: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol 9, No 2 (2015): Islamica
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (409.202 KB) | DOI: 10.15642/islamica.2015.9.2.503-527


This article concerns with the interpretation of the Quranic verses on dhikr (rememberance) in their various forms and contexts. It seeks to explore a great variety of exegesis (tafsîr) literature written by Indonesian exegetes such as Mahmud Yunus, Hasby ash-Shiddieqy, Hamka and M. Quraish Shihab. Using the method of comparative exegesis (tafsîr muqârin), this article aims to reveal how these Indonesian exegetes (mufassirûn) interprete the verses of dhikr. The understanding of Indonesian exegetes towards dhikr varies greatly, causing difference in interpreting the verses. However, the exegetes share the understanding that dhikr is an activity of remembering God, spelling out the names of God orally, and actualizing God’s teachings physically. Despite the fact that those exegetes shares commonalities in interpreting the verses of dhikr, they are also different to one another especially in dealing with their perspectives such as historical contexts and language aspects.
PENDIDIKAN AKHLAK DALAM SURAH AL-HUJURAT Achyar Zein; Zulheddi Zulheddi; Efri Partahanan Harahap
Publisher : Institut Keislaman Abdullah Faqih (INKAFA) Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33754/jalie.v6i1.429


The background of this research is that there are still many Islamic educations in Indonesia that have not actualized the moral education contained in the source of Islamic teachings, namely the Koran. So this study aims to analyze the moral education contained in Surah Al-Hujurat/49 and connect it with moral education with Islamic educational institutions. The results of this study are expected to add new perspectives in order to apply them to the world of Islamic education contained in the Koran. The results of this study indicate that: 1) There is moral education in Surah Al-Hujurat, namely: First, moral education to Allah includes loving Allah more than loving anyone else by using Allah's word in the Qur'an as a guide and guidance in life, carrying out all his commands. and always leave His prohibitions and ask forgiveness from Allah swt. Second, moral education to the Apostle, namely giving birth to an attitude of gentle speech when together with the Apostle, and imitating his attitudes in doing in everyday life. Third, the moral education of fellow human beings, namely, all fellow human beings must always be kind in responding to information, resolve disputes between Muslims, and are not allowed to call with bad names and find fault with others.
Publisher : Institut Keislaman Abdullah Faqih (INKAFA) Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33754/jalie.v5i1.298


Abstract: This research aims to reveal how the imple-mentation of the integration of IPA learning with Al Quran which for several years has been imple-mented. This type of research is a qualitative study with a descriptive approach of research that seeks to describe the incident in the field as it is. In collecting data used various techniques such as interviews, observation or documentation. The primary source in this research is the teacher of science study. The results of this study concluded that the integration of IPA with Al Quran is an educational approach that combines general educa-tion with the evidence of the Koran. The align-ment emphasizes foster pattern, material alignment and sphere alignment. There is no regional dichotomy of separation between general science and religion (the evidence of the Qur'an). With this approach the learning activities are not detached from the doctrinal frame of Islamic values. As supporting the implemen-tation of the integration is supported by the concept of curriculum 2013 and using a special curriculum that is the development of the school curriculum, which its development will expand the aspect of life skill so it has the same portion as the general subjects. The concept of integration implemented in junior high school Al Amjad Medan is oriented to form the mindset, personality and character of learners who are in accordance with Islamic values.Keywords: Integration Learning, IPA, Qur’an
DINAMIKA KURIKULUM DI MADRASAH AL-QISMUL ALI AL-WASHLIYAH (1955-2018) Saiful Akhyar Lubis; Achyar Zein; Debi Mifthaul Khair Harahab
Publisher : Institut Keislaman Abdullah Faqih (INKAFA) Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33754/jalie.v5i2.360


This research article aims to explain the dynamics of the curriculum at Madrasah Al-Qismul Ali Jalan Ismailiyah and its relevance to the development of Islamic education today. The research used is qualitative research with a phenomenology study approach. Collecting data using three techniques of interview, observation and documentation. The collected data was then analyzed through three stages, namely reduction, display and verification, then tested for correctness with triangulation techniques. The results of this study are: 1) the dynamics of the curriculum at Madrasah Al-Qismul Ali Medan experienced three periods of change, namely the Al Qismul Ali level curriculum in 1955-1977, the Al Qismul Ali Madrasah level curriculum in 1978-2009, and the Al Qismul Ali Madrasah curriculum. 2012-2013 and is the last curriculum used until now. The relevance of the curriculum at Madrasah Al-Qismul Ali Medan with the development of today's education is to have a vision, mission and educational goals that are in line with the goals of National Education with the hope of creating graduates who are knowledgeable and skilled in religion, science and technology.Keywords: Curriculum, Madrasah, and National Education
Fiqh Model of the Companions (Saḥābah) of the Prophet and its Influence on Abu Hanifah's Rational Fiqh and Malik's Traditional Fiqh Achmad Kholiq; Achyar Zein
AHKAM : Jurnal Ilmu Syariah Vol 21, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/ajis.v21i1.20043


This study examines the influence of the ijtihād methods of the Prophet’s companion on two major schools of thought in Islamic legal tradition. These are the rational thinking of Abu Hanifah, known as ahl al-ra’y, and Malik ibn Anas, known as ahl al-hadīth. This study is a historical enquiry by critically analyzing significant events in the past around the lives of those two figures. Various historical resources are used, tārikh tashrī’ and fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) literature, etc. This study finds out that there is a positive influence of the Prophet’s companions’ ijtihād methods with the legal thinking of Abu Hanifah and Malik ibn Anas. This implies that the method significantly influences the formulation of Islamic jurisprudence by those two figures.  Abstrak:Penelitian ini mengkaji pengaruh metode ijtihad para sahabat nabi terhadap dua mazhab besar dalam tradisi hukum Islam. Metode tersebut yakni  pemikiran rasional Abu Hanifah yang dikenal dengan ahl al-ra'y dan Malik bin Anas yang dikenal dengan ahl al-hadits. Kajian ini merupakan penyelidikan sejarah dengan menganalisis secara kritis peristiwa-peristiwa penting di masa lalu seputar kehidupan kedua tokoh tersebut. Untuk itu,  digunakan berbagai  sumber sejarah, literatur tarikh tashri’ dan kitab fikih, dll. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa ada pengaruh positif metode ijtihad para sahabat nabi dengan pemikiran hukum Abu Hanifah dan Malik ibn Anas. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa metode berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap perumusan fikih Islam oleh kedua tokoh tersebut. 
Makna Zikir Perspektif Mufassir Modern di Indonesia Achyar Zein
Islamica: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol. 9 No. 2 (2015): Maret
Publisher : Postgraduate Studies of Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (409.202 KB) | DOI: 10.15642/islamica.2015.9.2.503-527


This article concerns with the interpretation of the Quranic verses on dhikr (rememberance) in their various forms and contexts. It seeks to explore a great variety of exegesis (tafs?r) literature written by Indonesian exegetes such as Mahmud Yunus, Hasby ash-Shiddieqy, Hamka and M. Quraish Shihab. Using the method of comparative exegesis (tafs?r muq?rin), this article aims to reveal how these Indonesian exegetes (mufassir?n) interprete the verses of dhikr. The understanding of Indonesian exegetes towards dhikr varies greatly, causing difference in interpreting the verses. However, the exegetes share the understanding that dhikr is an activity of remembering God, spelling out the names of God orally, and actualizing God?s teachings physically. Despite the fact that those exegetes shares commonalities in interpreting the verses of dhikr, they are also different to one another especially in dealing with their perspectives such as historical contexts and language aspects.
Model Tahfidz Alquran di SD Plus Jabal Rahmah Mulia Medan Saiful Akhyar Lubis; Achyar Zein; Anjai Lasri Limbong
Edukasi Islami : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 11, No 01 (2022): Edukasi Islami: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al Hidayah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30868/ei.v11i01.1547


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui, Bagaimanakah Program pembelajaran Tahfidz Alquran di SD Plus Jabal Rahmah Mulia Medan, Apa kendala yang dihadapi Tenaga Pendidik di SD Plus Jabal Rahmah Mulia Medan saat proses pembelajaran Tahfidz Alquran dilakukan, Bagaimanakah Evaluasi Pembelajaran Tahfidz Alquran di SD Plus Jabal Rahmah Mulia Medan, Bagaimanakah Mekanisme Rekruitment Tenaga Pendidik Tahfidz Alquran di SD Plus Jabal Rahmah Mulia Medan. Pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan field Research yang mana studi ini juga sering disebut dengan studi lapangan, dalam studi ini ada beberapa cara atau teknik yang peneliti lakukan untuk mendapatkan data, yaitu 1) dengan teknik wawancara, 2) observasi dan 3) studi dokumen. Dari hasil penelitian mengungkapkan temuan sebagai berikut 1) Program pembelajaran Tahfidz Alquran dilakukan pada pagi hari yakni mulai pukul 07.30 hingga 10.00 Wib. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran dilakukan dengan tiga tahapan yakni, a). Murojaah hafalan hari sebelumnya, b). Menambah hafalan baru, c). Setoran hafalan. pelaksanaan ini diawasi oleh seorang kordinator dan tanggung jawab penuh diserahkan oleh kepala sekolah kepada Kordinator Tahfidz Alquran. 2) Kendala yang di hadapi tenaga pendidik dalam menjalankan pembelajaran Tahfidz Alquran terdapat dua hal yakni kendala Internal dan kendala eskternal, adapun kendala Internal ialah, metode yang belum tepat dan kurangnya pelatihan terhadap metode pembelajaran Tahfidz Alquran, adapun kendala eksternal ialah, rendahnya dorongan orang tua terhadap siswa dan berbedanya kemampuan setiap anak dalam menerima pembelajaran dan timbulnya kejenuhan pada anak pada saat menghafal. 3) Evaluasi pembelajaran Tahfidz Alquran dilakukan dengan tiga tahapan pada setiap satu semester, yakni adanya a). evaluasi bulanan, b). evaluasi tengah semester dan c). evaluasi akhir semester, 4) Rekruitmen tenaga pendidik dilakukan dengan dua tahapan yakni tes lisan dan tulisan dan syarat utama ialah, memiliki hafalan Alquran sesuai dengan target peserta didik yakni 5 Juz Alquran
Journal Analytica Islamica Analytica Islamica | Vol. 4 | No. 2 | 2015
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana UIN Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (441.143 KB)


Para ulama sepakat menempatkan Alquran pada urutan pertama dan utama sebagai sumber hukum Islam. Pada satu sisi, ayat-ayat Alquran sangat terbatas khususnya ayat-ayat yang berkenaan dengan hukum. Pada sisi lain, perbuatan-perbuatan manusia yang berkenaan dengan hukum terus saja mengalami perkembangan. Dengan demikian, dapat dipastikan bahwa ada perbuatan manusia yang secara tegas tidak terdapat aturan hukumnya dalam Alquran. Menurut penulis artikel ini, disebabkan Alquran menyatakan bahwa kehadirannya adalah untuk petunjuk bagi manusia dalam berbagai aspek, maka diperlukan langkah-langkah pengembangan. Berupa kajian kriteria supaya perbuatan yang disebutkan oleh Alquran dapat dikembangkan. Melalui pendekatan lughawi dan mengacu kepada prinsip-prinsip al-wadh’u, al-isti’mâl dan al-âmlu, penulis artikel ini coba memaparkan dan menganalisis dimensi-dimensi kemanusiaan dalam Alquran dalam kontesnya dengan perbuatan manusia.
Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Karakter Dalam Q.S. Al-An’Am Ayat 151-153 Achyar Zein; Syamsu Nahar; Suci Ramadhona Khair
Jurnal Diversita Vol 8, No 1 (2022): JURNAL DIVERSITA JUNI
Publisher : Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/diversita.v8i1.4769


Dalam pendidikan karakter Kementrian Pendidikan Nasional (Kemendiknas) telah menguraikan nilai untuk pendidikan budaya dan karakter bangsa. Adapun nilai-nilai yang dimaksud yaitu Religius, Jujur, Toleransi, Disiplin, Kerja Keras, Kreatif, Mandiri, Demokratis, Rasa Ingin Tahu, Semangat Kebangsaan, Cinta Tanah Air, Menghargai Prestasi, Bersahabat/Komunikatif, Cinta Damai, Gemar Membaca, Peduli Lingkungan, Peduli Sosial dan Tanggung Jawab. Delapan belas karakter tersebut sudah dijelaskan dalam Al-Quran Surah Al-An’Am ayat 151-153 akan tetapi belum diterapkan di lembaga Pendidikan Islam pada saat ini. Maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) Mengetahui nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter apa yang terkandung dalam Q.S. Al-An’Am ayat 151-153, (2) Mengetahui bagaimana konsep pendidikan karakter dalam persfektif Q.S. Al-An’Am ayat 151-153, (3) Mengetahui implikasinya dengan 18 nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter pada kurikulum Kemendikbud. Hasil yang diperoleh diharapkan dapat menjadi pedoman baru untuk lembaga pendidikan Islam. Jenis penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kepustakaan (library research) dengan pendekatan ilmu tafsir. Selanjutnya dilakukan metode analisis (content analysis). Peneliti menggunakan sumber data kitab-kitab tafsir al-Quran sebagai sumber data primer dan buku-buku pendukung lainnya yang berhubungan dengan objek penelitian sebagai sumber data sekunder. Implikasi pendidikan karakter dalam kurikulum Nasional dengan pendidikan karakter dalam al-Quran dalam hal ini, peneliti nyatakan dan perkuat bahwa sejatinya jauh sebelumnya sudah dijelaskan dan diuraikan pada al-Quran. Karena al-Quran sebagai pondasi dan pedoman hidup umat beragama Islam yang diajarkan Allah kepada manusia melalui Jibril dan diteruskan kepada Rasulullah SAW.
Qur’anic Sociopreneurship Conception Through Interpretation of Q.S. Al-Rūm/30: 33-42 Achyar Zein; Nawir Yuslem; Khoiruddin Hasibuan
AL QUDS : Jurnal Studi Alquran dan Hadis Vol 6, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/alquds.v6i2.4111


There is no novelty in the interpretation or the interrelation of Q.S. al-Rūm/30:33-42, since the time of the Salaf to the Commentators today. Their interpretation seems to be repeated. Therefore, this paper seeks to discuss the interpretation of Q.S. al-Rūm/30:33-42, using the interrelation (munāsabah) approach, which in essence, has implications for the explanation of the Qur’anic sociopreneurship conception. This paper can be classified as library research with a qualitative descriptive approach. The interpretations of previous commentators still guide this paper as to the basis for interpreting the Qur’anic sociopreneurship conception. Thus it can be said that this paper is a continuation of the previous interpretations of Q.S. al- Rūm/30:33-42. This paper will describe interrelation Q.S. al-Rūm/30:33-42, which are divided into two parts. First, the interrelation between Q.S. al-Rūm/30:39 with Q.S. al-Rūm/30:38 and Q.S. al-Rūm/30:40. Second, the interrelation between Q.S. al-Rūm/30:39 with Q.S. al-Rūm/30:33-37 and Q.S. al-Rūm/30:41-42.