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Comparison the Application of PBL (Project Based Learning) and PBL (Problem Based Learning) Learning Model on Online Marketing Subjects Agnes Dini Mardani; Titis Shinta Dhewi; Ludiwishnu Wardana
JPBM (Jurnal Pendidikan Bisnis dan Manajemen) VOL 3, NO.2, SEPTEMBER 2017
Publisher : JPBM (Jurnal Pendidikan Bisnis dan Manajemen)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (144.828 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/um003v3i22017p097


Purpose of this study are (1) the application of learning PjBL with PBL to improve study results students, (2) assessing the domain affective, cognitive, and psychomotor, (3) the difference study results use the PjBL with PBL to improve study results students. The research is research quantitative and including research apparent experiment (quasi eksperiment ) by taking sample class two classes X PM 1 as a class experiment and class X PM 2 as a class control. Research instruments used for data collection namely: (1) tests to pretes and postest used to determine the cognitive assessment, (2) sheets observation affective, (3) sheets of the process for the psychomotor. The trial research instruments use the validity and reabilitas. Analysis techniques data using: (1) test a prerequisite analysis consisting of normality test and the homogeneity (2) T test unpaired which ended with the help of computer programs spss. Based on the result of this research can be concluded that: (1) the application of PjBL (Project Based Learning) and PBL (Problem Based Learning) should be conducted well in accordance syntax learning, (2) assessing the cognitive students have a difference and class experiment having an average higher than class control, (3) assessing the results affective students have a difference and on the application of PjBL is better than PBL.
Comparison the Application of PBL (Project Based Learning) and PBL (Problem Based Learning) Learning Model on Online Marketing Subjects Agnes Dini Mardani; Titis Shinta Dhewi; Ludiwishnu Wardana
JPBM (Jurnal Pendidikan Bisnis dan Manajemen) VOL 3, NO.2, SEPTEMBER 2017
Publisher : JPBM (Jurnal Pendidikan Bisnis dan Manajemen)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (144.828 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/um003v3i22017p097


Purpose of this study are (1) the application of learning PjBL with PBL to improve study results students, (2) assessing the domain affective, cognitive, and psychomotor, (3) the difference study results use the PjBL with PBL to improve study results students. The research is research quantitative and including research apparent experiment (quasi eksperiment ) by taking sample class two classes X PM 1 as a class experiment and class X PM 2 as a class control. Research instruments used for data collection namely: (1) tests to pretes and postest used to determine the cognitive assessment, (2) sheets observation affective, (3) sheets of the process for the psychomotor. The trial research instruments use the validity and reabilitas. Analysis techniques data using: (1) test a prerequisite analysis consisting of normality test and the homogeneity (2) T test unpaired which ended with the help of computer programs spss. Based on the result of this research can be concluded that: (1) the application of PjBL (Project Based Learning) and PBL (Problem Based Learning) should be conducted well in accordance syntax learning, (2) assessing the cognitive students have a difference and class experiment having an average higher than class control, (3) assessing the results affective students have a difference and on the application of PjBL is better than PBL.
Pengaruh Citra Toko Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan (Studi pada Smesco Mart Al Hikam Malang) M. Nizar Rojabi; Titis Shinta Dhewi
Ekonomi Bisnis Tahun 20, No. 1, Maret 2015
Publisher : Jurusan Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (329.686 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/um042v20i1p1-7


Abstract: This study aims to determine how the effect of store image on customer loyalty partially, simultaneously, the coefficient of determination and effective contribution. This research used a quantitative approach, technique of random sampling, and a sample of 150 customers who've bought in Smesco Mart Al Hikam Malang at least twice. The conclusion is that the image of the store (X) has positive effect on customer loyalty (Y). Atmospheric store (X1), Merchandise (X2), clerk (X3), services (X4), and promotion (X5) positive effect on customer loyalty Smesco Mart Al Hikam Malang. Image stores accounted for 43.7%. Merchandise is effective as the biggest contributor to 12.30%. Keywords: Image Store, Atmospheric Store, Merchandise, Clerk, Service Promotion Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh citra toko terhadap loyalitas pelanggan secara parsial, simultan, koefisien determinasi dan sumbangan efektif. Menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, teknik random sampling, dan sampel 150 pelanggan yang pernah membeli di Smesco Mart Al Hikam Malang minimal dua kali. Kesimpulannya bahwa citra toko (X) berpengaruh positif terhadap loyalitas pelanggan (Y). Atmosfer toko (X1), Merchandise (X2), pramuniaga (X3), pelayanan (X4), dan promosi (X5) berpengaruh positif terhadap loyalitas pelanggan Smesco Mart Al Hikam Malang. Citra toko menyumbang 43,7%. Merchandise sebagai penyumbang efektif terbesar 12,30%. Kata Kunci: Citra Toko, Atmosfer Toko, Merchandise, Pramuniaga, Pelayanan Promosi
Ekonomi Bisnis Volume 22, No. 2, Oktober 2017
Publisher : Jurusan Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (382.099 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/um042v22i2p103-111


Abstract: This study aims to determine the following points: 1) description of the retail services quality and customer loyalty; 2) the effect of retail service quality partially and simultaneously on customer loyalty; and 3) the dominant effect between retail services quality and customer loyalty. The population in this study is the consumers who make purchases at least 3x within one year. In this research, the sampling technique used is purposive sampling and obtained 215 respondents. This study uses multiple regression analysis. The result showed that: (1) retail service quality can be classified good; (2) the dimensions of personal interaction, and policy dimension respectively has no significant effect on customer loyalty, while the dimensions of physical aspects, reliability, and problem solving has each positively significant impact on customer loyalty. Retail service quality has a significant positive effect on customer loyalty; (3) reliability is the dominant variable affecting customer satisfaction.Keywords: physical aspect, personal interaction, policy, reliability, problem solving, customer loyaltyAbstrak:. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) deskripsi kualitas pelayanan ritel dan loyalitas pelanggan; (2) pengaruh kualitas pelayanan ritel secara parsial dan simultan terhadap loyalitas pelanggan; (3) pengaruh dominan antara kualitas pelayanan ritel terhadap loyalitas pelanggan. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah konsumen yang melakukan pembelian minimal 3x dalam waktu satu tahun. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling dan diperoleh sampel sebanyak 215 responden. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil analisis penelitian ini adalah: (1) kualitas pelayanan ritel diklasifikasikan baik; (2) dimensi interaksi personal, dan dimensi kebijakan masing-masing tidak signifikan pengaruhnya terhadap loyalitas pelanggan, sedangkan dimensi aspek fisik, reliabilitas, dan pemecahan masalah masing-masing berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap loyalitas pelanggan. Kualitas pelayanan ritel berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap loyalitas pelanggan; (3) Dimensi yang berpengaruh dominan adalah dimensi reliabilitas.Kata Kunci: Aspek fisik, interaksi personal, kebijakan, reliabilitas, pemecahan masalah, loyalitas pelanggan
PENGARUH CITRA TOKO TERHADAP MINAT BELI MELALUI PERSEPSI KUALITAS PADA PRODUK PRIVATE LABEL (Studi Pada Konsumen Salon Rudy Hadisuwarno Jalan Simpang Gajayana) Muchamad Zaini Achsan; Titis Shinta Dhewi
Ekonomi Bisnis Volume 23, No. 2, Oktober 2018
Publisher : Jurusan Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (225.306 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/um042v23i2p75-80


Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif dan eksplanatori. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah konsumen yang belum pernah melakukan pembelian dan berminat untuk melakukan pembelian produk private label milik salon Rudy Hadisuwarno. Sampel yang didapatkan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 152 responden. Teknik sampling dalam penelitian menggunakan purposive sampling. Sementara teknik analisis data yang digunakan menggunakan analisis jalur. Hasil uji analisis jalur menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Terdapat pengaruh langsung positif dan signifikan citra toko terhadap persepsi kualitas; (2) Terdapat pengaruh langsung positif dan signifikan persepsi kualitas terhadap minat beli ; (3) Terdapat pengaruh langsung positif dan signifikan citra toko terhadap minat beli (4) Terdapat pengaruh tidak langsung positif dan signifikan citra toko terhadap minat beli melalui persepsi kualitas. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang didapatkan maka peneliti memberikan saran yaitu: (1) Mencari lokasi yang lebih strategis; (2) Menonjolkan karakteristik dari produknya dengan penjelasan lebih lengkap dan menarik pada bagian kegunaan produk; (3) Diperlukan strategi persuasif dalam menyebarkan informasi termasuk media sosial; (4) Peneliti menyarankan menggunakan variabel trust sebagai intervening karena faktor kepercayaan juga bisa sebagai salah satu alasan konsumen untuk menyukai suatu produk atau jasa.
Ekonomi Bisnis Tahun 21, No. 1, Mei 2016
Publisher : Jurusan Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (466.986 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/um042v21i1p28-35


Abstract:This researcher to determine how substantial ofproduct attribute (brand, price, quality, anddesign) in making Buying Decision Process of Smartphone Asus. The research population includes the consumers who were going to and purchased Asus smartphone at Meteor Cell Malang. Sample selection method use purposive sampling method and obtained 169 respondents. Data collection utilized questionnaire method. Data analysis techniques used in this research is multiple linear regression analysis technique. The results showed that product attributes that include brand, price, quality, and design; partially and simultaneously gives significant effect on customers’ purchasing decision process and then brand variable dominantly gives significant effect on customers’ purchase decision process..The researcher would like to give advice to the company to provide Asus smartphone products that suit customers’ individual needs, provide good quality and affordable price, improve product quality by making the battery does not heat up quickly, as well as the color, design or interesting shapes.  Keywords: product attribute, costumers’ purchase decision Abstrak:Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar variabelatribut produk (merek, harga, kualitas, dan desain) dalam melakukan proses keputusan pembelian Smartphone Asus.Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah konsumen Meteor Cell Malang.Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 169 responden.Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan Purposive Sampling.Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner.Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa atribut produk (merek, harga, kualitas, dan desain) secara parsial dan simultan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap proses keputusan pembelian konsumendengan variabelmerek yang paling dominan.Saran untuk perusahaan hendaknya menyediakan menyediakan Smartphone Asus yang disesuaikan dengan pribadi masing konsumen, memberikan harga yang disesuaikan kualitas, memperbaiki kualitas dengan membuat baterai tidak cepat panas, serta warna, desain maupun dan bentuk  menarik yang berbeda.Kata Kunci: Kata Kunci: Atribut Produk, Proses Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen.
Pengaruh Fasilitas dan Lokasi Terhadap Keputusan Menginap Indra Muttaqin; Titis Shinta Dhewi
Ekonomi Bisnis Tahun 20, No. 2, Juli 2015
Publisher : Jurusan Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (201.295 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/um042v20i1p88-91


Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui(1) kondisi fasilitas, lokasi, dan keputusanmenginap pengguna jasa Hotel Pelangi Dua Malang, (2) pengaruh fasilitas terhadap keputusanmenginap pengguna jasa Hotel Pelangi Dua Malang, (3) pengaruh lokasi terhadap keputusanmenginap pengguna jasa Hotel Pelangi Dua Malang. Hasil penelitian adalah: (1)fasilitasberpengaruh terhadap keputusan menginap pengguna jasa Hotel Pelangi Dua Malang, (2)lokasi berpengaruh terhadap keputusan menginap pengguna jasa Hotel Pelangi Dua Malang.
Social Media Marketing On Brand Equity Of L’sima Tourism, Intermediating Role : Electronic Word Of Mouth Mickhael Kurnianto; Titis Shinta Dhewi
Journal of Business and Management Review Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): (Issue-January)
Publisher : Profesional Muda Cendekia Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47153/jbmr31.2712022


Business promotions are directly affected by current technological advancements. Company operators, particularly those in the tourism industry, may conveniently promote their businesses over the internet nowadays. Therefore, the goal of this research is to figure out the direct and indirect effects of Social Media Marketing on Brand Equity through Electronic Word of Mouth. This study employs a quantitative method with a descriptive explanatory approach. The instrument used is a closed questionnaire distributed to L'Sima's line of business, namely Jagongan Jail. The findings of the study reveal that social media marketing has a significant impact on brand equity through electronic word of mouth at L'Sima assimilation and educational facilities. Based on the empirical findings, the author suggests promotion through Youtube, Instagram, and Facebook. While using the platform, L'Sima's may become more well-known as a tourist destination. Promotions will spread rapidly after the advertising program has been running for a while. The value obtained for the social media marketing variable on brand equity through electronic word of mouth is 0.393, implying that social media promotion has an effect on enhancing the brand equity of L'Sima
Studying Distribution Channel Patterns in the Poultry Farming Industry Fina Ratna Sari; Sudarmiatin Sudarmiatin; Titis Shinta Dhewi
Journal of Business and Management Review Vol. 3 No. 4 (2022): (Issue-April)
Publisher : Profesional Muda Cendekia Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47153/jbmr34.3622022


This study aims to explore, understand, and determine the role of distribution channels for Day Old Chicken and Day Old Duck hatchery industry players in Tulungagung Regency in managing their distribution channels. This research is important to do because this research will examine more deeply how to get distribution channels, how to manage distribution channels in marketing activities, and how to determine the right distribution channel strategy through SWOT analysis. This study aims to explore, understand, and determine the role of distribution channels for the Day Old Chicken and Day Old Duck hatchery industry players in Tulungagung Regency in managing their distribution channels. This research uses a qualitative approach and this type of research is a multi-case study. In this study, to obtain the validity of the data, triangulation was carried out. This research is qualitative research that uses SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) in analyzing and identifying data. The results show that the strategy adopted by the Poultry Hatchery Industry is a direct-distribution strategy, the direct distribution channel carried out by DOC and DOD has the main advantage in terms of cost, but there are also obstacles to further decline in sales targets. The results of the analysis found the cause of the decline in sales targets because the company did not fully implement direct distribution channels, one way to achieve this is by utilizing online marketing.
International Journal of Economy, Education and Entrepreneurship Vol. 1 No. 3 (2021): International Journal of Economy, Education and Entrepreneurship
Publisher : Yayasan Education and Social Center

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53067/ije3.v1i3.29


The halal industry in 2019 became a priority sector developed by the government in Indonesia. The increase in this industry is also expected to encourage the growth of national Islamic finance. The government issued Government Regulation (PP) Number 31 of 2019 concerning the Implementation of Law Number 33 of 2014 concerning the obligation for every business sector engaged in food and beverage products to have a halal certificate. This rule should provide a sense of security to consumers in Indonesia, most of whom are Muslims. This study aims to determine the effect of subjective norms and religiosity on attitude and purchase intention on halal food. The population in this study were Muslim students at 4 State Universities in Malang City. The number of samples in this study was 200. The model and data collection used a questionnaire. The analytical method used is Path analysis. The study results found that both subjective norms and religiosity had a positive and significant effect on Attitude. Then, subjective norms, religiosity, and attitude positively and significantly affect purchase intention. Furthermore, both subjective norms and religiosity positively and significantly affect purchase intention through Attitude. Based on the study results, subjective norms or religiosity directly or indirectly affect intention through Attitude