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Family empowerment and family ability to self-care for heart failure patients in the intermediate care room Alfrina Hany; Eni Yulistianingsih; Bintari Ratih Kusumaningrum
International Journal of Public Health Science (IJPHS) Vol 11, No 1: March 2022
Publisher : Intelektual Pustaka Media Utama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijphs.v11i1.20989


Heart failure is a chronic disease that has a high rehospitalization rate. The cause of rehospitalization is due to inadequate self-care behavior. For that we need the role of the family in self-care by means of family empowerment. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between family empowerment and the ability of families to do self-care in the intermediate care room in Malang. This study a cross sectional design and consecutive sampling technique with 100 subjects. The family empowerment scale (FES) and contribution caregiver self care heart failure index (CCSCHFI) are used to assess families' abilities to care for themselves. The statistical test used is the Pearson correlation test. The mean value of family empowerment is 127.00 and the ability to do self-care is 48.28. Pearson correlation test results obtained p-value 0.000<alpha 0.05. In heart failure patients, there is a high correlation between family support and their ability to self-care. Family empowerment and ability to do self-care is lacking due to a lack of family knowledge about heart failure and its treatment. It is recommended that the nurse be more maintenance in providing education related to patient self-care to the family during treatment by empowering the family.
Effect of Aerobic Exercise on Left Ventricular Connexin43 Expression and Distribution in Juvenile and Young Adult Rats Rustiana Tasya Ariningpraja; ‪Dewi Irawati Soeria Santoso; Ahmad Aulia Jusuf; Alfrina Hany
Journal of Biomedicine and Translational Research Vol 7, No 1 (2021): April 2021
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jbtr.v7i1.10690


Background: Gap Junction (GJ) plays a role in supporting the heart electricity. Connexin43 (Cx43) as the main protein constituent of GJ in left cardiac ventricle, will increase in number and slightly redistributed to the lateral sides of cardiomyocytes after aerobic exercise in adulthood. The effects of aerobic exercise that begin at childhood are not well known.Objective: This study aims to observe the effect of aerobic exercise which started from childhood on left ventricle Cx43 distribution.Methods: This study was conducted on 28 male Juvenile (4 weeks) and young adult (8 weeks) rats, divided into 7 groups: 1) Juvenile rats undergoing 4 weeks of exercise (E-J4); 2) Control E-J4 (C-J4); 3) Juvenile rats undergoing 8 weeks of exercise (E-J8); 4) Control EJ-8 (C-J8); 5) Juvenile rats undergoing 12 weeks of exercise (E-J12; 6); Young adult rats undergoing 8 weeks of exercise (E-Yo8); 7) Control E-J12 and E-Yo8 (C-JY128). Exercise group will undergo different length of duration, starting from week 4 until 12 weeks. Cx43 was identified by immunohistochemical staining and analyzed with ImageJ software. Comparison was analyzed using independent t-test.Results: Insignificant lower of total Cx43 expression in E-J4 (64200.45 + 4243.676 total area, p >0.05) compared to control. In contrast, a significant higher of total Cx43 expression was observed in EJ-8, EJ-12 and E-Yo8 (80152.95 + 3760.481, p = 0.001; 75596.775 + 3976.333, p = 0,002; 81216.85+ 2475.768, p = 0,000). Slightly higher of lateral Cx43 redistribution occurred in all aerobic exercise, with significant lateralization in E-J8 and E-Yo8.Conclusion: Aerobic exercise increases Cx43 and slightly redistributed to lateral myocytes under normal condition both in juvenile and young adult rats.
Effect of Nursing Dysphagia Screening Tool Education on Increasing Knowledge of Documentation for Screening Results in Hospital Nurses Esther Palupi; Yuyun Yueniwati; Alfrina Hany
Global Medical & Health Communication (GMHC) Vol 9, No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (251.217 KB) | DOI: 10.29313/gmhc.v9i3.8314


Efforts to prevent complications of dysphagia can be detected using a quick and correct screening method. Dysphagia screening tool (DST) can identify dysphagia stroke patients with eight indicators. Therefore, it makes it easier for nurses to improve their ability to document it. This study aims to analyze the effect of nursing dysphagia screening tool (NDST) education on increasing knowledge of screening documentation for hospital nurses. The research method was a quasi-experimental design with a non-equivalent control group. The research was taking place at Tk. II dr. Soepraoen Hospital Malang starting 14 July–23 July 2021. A sample of 120 nurses was selected with a total sampling of 60 controls and interventions. Bivariate data analysis applied dependent t test followed by Mann-Whitney. The results showed that the mean difference of knowledge value was −19.999 with t arithmetic of −8.373 and p=0.000 (p<0.05). The significance value of the control group is p=0.000 (p<0.05), which means that there is a difference before and after the action on the knowledge variable of the NDST education control group through the website link. Value  of p=0.000 (p<0.05) means a difference between the increase in knowledge of the intervention group through face-to-face lectures and the website link control group. In conclusion, there are knowledge differences in documenting the results of dysphagia screening on patients with stroke before and after DST learning for hospital nurses. It is necessary to disseminate NDST learning socialization to screen for dysphagia in patients with stroke to optimize the prevention of stroke complications in the first 24 hours. PENGARUH EDUKASI NURSING DYSPHAGIA SCREENING TOOL TERHADAP PENINGKATAN PENGETAHUAN DOKUMENTASI HASIL SKRINING PADA PERAWAT RUMAH SAKITUpaya pencegahan komplikasi disfagia dapat dideteksi menggunakan metode skrining yang cepat dan benar. Dysphagia screening tool (DST) dapat mengidentifikasi disfagia pasien strok dengan delapan indikator. Hal ini mempermudah perawat untuk meningkatkan kemampuannya dalam mendokumentasikannya. Tujuan penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh edukasi nursing dysphagia screening tool (NDST) terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan dokumentasi hasil skrining pada perawat rumah sakit. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasi-experimental design dengan  non-equivalent control group. Penelitian bertempat di RS Tk. II dr. Soepraoen Malang pada 14 Juli–23 Juli 2021. Sampel sebanyak 120 perawat dipilih secara total sampling, 60 kontrol dan perlakuan. Analisis data bivariat menggunakan uji t dependen dilanjutkan dengan Mann-Whitney. Hasil menunjukkan nilai mean difference pengetahuan sebesar −19,999 dengan t hitung sebesar −8,373 dan p=0,000 (p<0,05). Nilai signifikansi kelompok kontrol p=0,000 (p<0,05) yang berarti terdapat perbedaan sebelum dan sesudah tindakan pada variabel pengetahuan kelompok kontrol edukasi NDST melalui tautan website. Nilai p=0,000 (p<0,05) berarti terdapat perbedaan peningkatan pengetahuan kelompok perlakuan edukasi melalui ceramah tatap muka dengan kelompok kontrol tautan website. Simpulan, terdapat perbedaan pengetahuan dalam pendokumentasian hasil skrining disfagia pasien strok di RS sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan edukasi NDST perawat rumah sakit. Diperlukan sosialisasi edukasi NDST untuk menskrining disfagia pasien strok untuk mengoptimalkan pencegahan perburukan klinis komplikasi strok pada 24 jam pertama.
Pelatihan Pengkajian Nyeri sebagai Upaya Mengoptimalkan Manajemen Nyeri di Rumah Sakit Universitas Brawijaya Efris Kartika Sari; Alfrina Hany; Rustiana Tasya Ariningpraja
J-Dinamika : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 6 No 1 (2021): June
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25047/j-dinamika.v6i1.2356


Manajemen nyeri yang optimal merupakan salah satu upaya penting dalam lingkup layanan Rumah Sakit. Nyeri yang tidak tertangani dengan baik dapat menyebabkan masalah tambahan bahkan memperlambat perbaikan kondisi pasien. Perawat merupakan petugas kesehatan yang harus mampu dalam mendukung upaya tersebut. Pengkajian nyeri yang tepat akan menjadi dasar manajemen nyeri yang optimal pada pasien. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan perawat dalam melakukan pengkajian nyeri pada pasien komunikatif maupun dengan gangguan komunikasi, sehingga sehingga perawat dapat melakukan pengkajian nyeri secara tepat, rutin, dan terstruktur. Hal ini diwujudkan dengan melatih perawat dengan berbagai teori tentang pengkajian nyeri, terutama penggunaan skala nyeri dengan berbagai kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing dan penerapan penggunaan skala nyeri tersebut. Kegiatan dilaksanakan di Rumah Sakit Universitas Brawijaya, Kota Malang pada November-Desember Tahun 2019. Metode kegiatan yang dilakukan terdiri dari: focus group discussion, pre-test dan post-test, dan pemberian materi. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa pelatihan pengkajian nyeri ini dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan perawat tentang pengkajian nyeri. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelatihan pengkajian nyeri pada perawat perlu dilakukan secara berkesinambungan untuk mendukung upaya manajemen nyeri yang optimal.
Empowerment Community: Pembentukan Komunitas Peduli Lingkungan Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Kesadaran Bencana & Kesehatan Pada Warga Bantar Kali Di Kampung Payung Kertas, Malang Lusy Asa Akhrani; Ika Herani; Alfrina Hany
Journal of Dedicators Community Vol 5, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Jepara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34001/jdc.v5i2.1419


Payung Kertas Village located at Pandanwangi Village, on the bank of the Bango river. The preliminary research showed that the environmental care behavior of residents of the riverbank area is to be low considering. Many residents choose to throw garbage directly in the river, construction residential houses in the Kali Sari watershed, and several indicator of the lack of environmental awareness of watershed residents. Awareness-raising will be easier to do when activities are started, designed, and carried out by communities with social problems. The aims of this community service is to empower communities to solve social problems. The formation of environmentally conscious communities is carried out through a tiered process by encouraging active citizen involvement. The method used in the fomation rof environmental care communities is carried out with a social intervention approach that utilizes action research. Social change is carried out by emphasizing three stages namely the planning, implementation, and evaluation stages. As a result of this community service, a community caring for the environment was formed with the first movement in the form of sorting waste from inside the house, synergizing with waste transport officers, and periodically monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the environmental care movement.
PENINGKATAN PENGETAHUAN PERAWAT TENTANG PENGGUNAAN TERAPI OKSIGEN NON HUMIDIFIER PADA PASIEN DENGAN NASAL KANUL DI RSUD DR. SAIFUL ANWAR Alfrina Hany; Rustiana Tasya Ariningpraja; Dina Dewi Sartika Lestari Ismail; Heri Kristianto; Efris Kartika Sari; Endah Panca Lydia Fatma; Ahmad Hasyim Wibisono; Mifetika Lukitasari; Dewi Purnama Sari
Caring : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 1, No 1 (2021): CARING Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat (April 2021)
Publisher : Caring : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (992.453 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.caringjpm.2021.001.01.3


Terapi pemberian oksigen (O2) melalui nasal kanul menjadi salah satu terapi yang seringkali diberikan pada pasien di tatanan klinis. Humidifier merupakan alat yang membantu melembabkan oksigen yang diberikan dengan harapan agar oksigen murni yang kering tidak mengiritasi saluran pernafasan pasien. Permasalahan timbul ketika penggunaan alat, terutama cairan humidifier tidak digunakan dengan benar dan menimbulkan resiko kontaminasi. Kontaminasi tersebut malah berisiko menimbulkan infeksi nosocomial yang tentunya dapat memperberat masalah pasien. Terapi oksigen non-humdifikasi dapat menjadi pilihan. Perawat harus memahami dengan baik penggunaan terapi oksigen dengan humidifier maupun tanpa humidifier. Kegiatan ini terdiri dari 3 tahap kegiatan: persiapan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan perawat tentang terapi O2 non-humidifier. Hasil evaluasi kegiatan ini pengetahuan perawat yang meningkat adalah sebesar 100% dari sebelum pelatihan yaitu sebesar 75%.  Seluruh peserta aktif berpartisipasi dalam diskusi. Kesimpulan dari kegiatan bahwa edukasi dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan perawat tentang pemberian terapi oksigen non humidifikasi. Terapi oksigen non-humidifier juga dapat di pertimbangkan untuk digunakan di ruang perawatan khusus yang mempunyai tingkat kelembaban dan kebersihan ruangan yang baik.
Journal of Nursing Science Update (JNSU) Vol. 6 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciencce, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2900.009 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jik.2018.006.01.3


The higher dependence rate of elderly people in Ponorogo can make their quality of life lower.Unfortunately, how the quality of life can influence the mental emotional health is still unknown. The purpose of this research was to identify the influence of the quality of life to mental emotional disorders of older adults. The design of this research was Observational correlational  with cross sectional approach. This research was held at 4 working areas of health facilities in Ponorogo district in East Java from March to May in 2015.This study included 200 elder people as participants and 50  sampling quota in  each health facilities. The data collection in this study was assessed with 2 instruments. First instrument was used in this study developed by World Health Organization in Quality of life (WHO QOL-BREF) and second instrument was Self Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ).  The Pearson Correlation test was performed in this study (SPSS version 20) . The researchers found out that there was an influence of quality of life (physical health, psychologic, social relationship, and environment) on mental emotional disorders in elder people (p-Value < 0.05).  This result revealed that quality of life in older adults influenced the mental emotional disorders. The improvement actions that can be proposed to decrease the mental emotional disorders of the elderly are the elderly are able to have an easy and quick access to health and general service facilities to support the mental well being of older people.
Journal of Nursing Science Update (JNSU) Vol. 7 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciencce, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (9007.921 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jik.2019.007.01.9


Hemodialysis adequacy describes a measure of the hemodialysis doses. Automatic measurement of adequacy through a hemodialysis machine has a more efficient advantage and can be accessed at any time. The purpose of this study was to determine the association between adequacy hemodialysis and the quality of life among chronic renal failure patientsundergoing hemodialysis. This study used a correlational analytic observational study with a cross sectional design. Data analysedwith the Spearman Rank correlation test. The subjects were 31 chronic renal failure patients undergoing hemodialysis, determined by consecutive sampling method. Data were collected retrospectively through hemodialysis record and the KDQOL SF-36 questionnaire. The result was there was no significant relationship between the adequacy of hemodialysis and quality of life in all dimensions of quality of life except for the dimensions of the physical composite (p=0,013, α=0,05) r=-0,449. There was a relationship between length of time undergoing hemodialysis and physical composite (p= 0,046, α=0,05), r = -0,367. The conclusion is confirmation of adequacy with blood urea examination is necessary.Monitoring machine monitor curves for smooth access, Qb, duration of hemodialysis and recirculation during hemodialysis is important to support the achievement of the expected adequacy. Evaluating the quality of life of patients needs to be done regularly.
The Influence of AIMOHit to Medication Adherence of Hypertension Patients in Malang Alfrina Hany; Klara Yunita Inuq Thomas; Ahmad Hasyim Wibisono
Journal of Nursing Science Update (JNSU) Vol. 9 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciencce, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (270.129 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jik.2021.009.01.1


The long-term treatment that a hypertensive patient has to undergo has resulted in the patient becoming non-adherent. Patients accidentally not taking medication is one of the causes of non-adherence. A method for preventing non-compliance due to forgetting to take medication is important. The AIMOHit application which means "Let's Remember to Take Hypertension Medication" is designed to support hypertensive patients to be compliant in taking medication. This study aims to identify the effect of AIMOHit application on adherence to taking medication for hypertensive patients in the Janti Health Center, Malang City. A total of 52 hypertensive patients were willing to be the sample in this study. The instrument used was the AIMOHit application on the Android smartphone for the treatment group and the checklist for the control group. It is known that the adherence statistical test showed that the average adherence to taking medication in the treatment group was higher (32.17) than the control group (20.83). Meanwhile, the Mann Whitney test results obtained p value = 0.000 (<0.05). The conclusion is that there is a significant effect of AIMOHit application on compliance with taking medication for hypertension sufferers in the Janti Health Center, Malang City.
The Relationship of Self-Efficacy with Learning Discipline of Teenagers during COVID-19 Pandemic at East Kalimantan, Indonesia Indah Kumala Sari; Yati Sri Hayati; Nurona Azizah; Alfrina Hany
Journal of Nursing Science Update (JNSU) Vol. 9 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciencce, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (288.428 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jik.2021.009.02.7


As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, learning activities are now conducted at various levels using online methods, giving students more freedom to organize their learning activities. For this reason, students must be disciplined to complete their learning activities. One of the factors that play an important role in student learning discipline is seIf-efficacy. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between self-efficacy and teenagers' learning discipline during the COVlD-19 pandemic. This research design used correlational descriptive with the cross-sectional approach. The research sample amounted to 254 respondents who were taken with stratified random sampling technique. Data were collected through questionnaires to measure teenagers’ self-efficacy and learning discipline during the COVID-19 pandemic. Data were analyzed using the Spearman rank test. The results showed that self-efficacy of teenagers was in the high category as much as 81.5%, and learning discipline during the COVID-19 pandemic was in a good category as much as 42.9%. The findings showed that the significance value was 0.000 (α = 0.05) and the correlation coefficient was 0.309. So we can conclude that there is a significant relationship between teenagers' seIf-efficacy and Learning discipline during the COVlD-19 pandemic. It is expected that nurses and teachers will counsel students and supervise learning activities to ensure that students maintain their learning discipline.