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Hallo Traveler, How Happy Are You? Psychological Well-Being Traveler Ditinjau Dari Big-Five Personality Dan Traveling Type Lusy Asa Akhrani; Muhammad Afif Alhad; Asalia Najib; Hanna Almira; Chintya Fatima Dewi; Syarifah Ayu Maulida; Candrika Yolanda
Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Terapan Vol. 8 No. 2 (2020): August
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (250.484 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/jipt.v8i2.11281


Berwisata telah menjadi kebutuhan bagi sebagian orang dimana aktivitas tersebut dapat menghilangkan kejenuhan, meningkatkan daya kreatif serta memberikan relaksasi bagi individu (Kalebos, 2016). Wakil Menteri Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif, Sapta Nirwandar, menyampaikan bahwa wisata tak hanya memberikan stimulasi untuk kesehatan tetapi juga memberikan dampak positif bagi perekonomian (Farhan, 2012). Aktivitas pariwisata di Indonesia mulai berkembang dan telah menjadi gaya hidup tersendiri dalam masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran personality dan tipe traveling yang dipilih traveler dengan psychological well-being traveler. Penelitian ini menggunakan tiga skala penelitian yaitu skala personality yang merujuk pada big five personality milik McCrae dan Costa, skala tipe traveling milik Scott dan Mowen dan skala psychological well-being milik Ryff. Penelitian dilakukan secara online disebarkan pada 1558 traveler. Analisis hasil menggunakan multiple linier regression. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa big-five personality secara simultan berperan terhadap psychological well-being. Sedangkan psychological well-being bila dikaitkan pada tipe traveling menunjukan hasil bahwa secara simultan traveling type memiliki peran terhadap psychological well-being.
Dapatkah Religiusitas Menyelamatkan Anggota Partai Politik dari Jeratan Korupsi? Kajian Religiusitas terhadap Sikap Korupsi Anggota Partai Politik Lusy Asa Akhrani
Interaktif : Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial Vol 11, No 1 (2019): INTERAKTIF: Jurnal-jurnal Ilmu Sosial
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Politik dan Ilmu Sosial, Universitas Brawijaya

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Berita perilaku korupsi anggota partai politik seringkali disajikan dalam berbagai media. Semua partai politik seolah tak dapat menghindar jeratan perilaku korupsi terlepas dari nilai dasar partai politik itu sendiri; partai nasionalis maupun agamis. Fenomena ini mendorong penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui peran religiusitas anggota partai politik pada sikap terhadap korupsi. Penelitian kuantitatif korelasional ini dilakukan pada 125 subyek sebagai anggota partai politik dengan memanfaatkan metode pengambilan sampel purposive sampling dimana subyek penelitian disyaratkan sebagai anggota partai politik yang aktif. Subyek penelitian berasal dari berbagai partai politik dan dari berbagai daerah. Pengukuran dalam penelitian ini menggunakan skala religiusitas milik Glock dan Stark, sedangkan skala sikap terhadap korupsi milik dirancang oleh peneliti. Uji peran dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis regresi linier sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukan terdapat peran religiusitas anggota partai politik pada sikap terhadap korupsi.
Political Experiment: The Effect of Conformity to Political Participaton On Beginner Voters Dhien Amalia Putri; Lusy Asa Akhrani
Interaktif : Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial Vol 11, No 2 (2019): INTERAKTIF: Jurnal-jurnal Ilmu Sosial
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Politik dan Ilmu Sosial, Universitas Brawijaya

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This research was aimed to determaine the effect of conformity to political participation on beginer voters. Political participation seen through eight componnents by Michel Bratton; interest in politics, discuss politics, belong voluntary organization, voted in last election, contacted goverment official, contacted elected official, contacted tradisional leader and protest or demonstrated (Bratton, 2009). The research method was an experimental design with two group post-test only design. The experiment was given to 42 Baghrul Maghfiroh’s beginer voters which consisting of two group, the experimental group and the control group. The instrument used political participation based on previous studies presented by Akhrani (2016). The result of independent sample t-test stating that there was diffrent conformity between experiment group and control group to political participation which significant value of 0,002 (p˂0,05).
Interaktif : Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial Vol 13, No 1 (2021): INTERAKTIF: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Sosial
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Politik dan Ilmu Sosial, Universitas Brawijaya

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This research aims to know the corelation between big five personality (extraversion, neuroticism, conscinetiousness, agreeableness, & openness) and KPU trust. There was 548 respondens who participate in this research. Respondens are Indonesian citizens who have the right to vote and will participate in the next election in 2024. Respondens were collected by accidental sampling. Big five personality measured by Big Five Inventory 44-item Scale which has modificated by Ramdani (2012). KPU trust measured by KPU trust scale (Akhrani, 2019) which refers to Lewicki, McAllister, & Bies research in 1998. This research use stepwise method to analyse the data. Conscientiousness is the only trait which showed the correlation with KPU trust as the result of the stepwise method. Correlation coefficient shows at 0,107 (p<0,05) which means there is a weak correlation between conscientiousness and KPU trust.
The Effect of Cultural Value and Religiosity as a Moderator Variable on Anxiety about Aging of Toraja Community Lusy Asa Akhrani; Grace Eka
Journal of Educational, Health and Community Psychology Vol 8 No 4 December 2019
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/jehcp.v8i4.11491


Abstract This research aims to determine the relationship between the cultural value of AAS (Anxiety about Aging) and religiosity as a moderator variable. The subjects of this research were Toraja community in the middle age group (40-60 years old) and late adults (60 years old and over) who were still performing the ritual of Ma 'Nene' or Ma 'Ta' Da' amounted to 174 research subjects. The instrument used in this research was INDVALS scale (Sihombing, 2014) to measure cultural value (α = 0.866), AAS scale (Lasher and Faulkender, 1993) to measure anxiety about aging (α = 0.82), and the Religiosity Scale that has been modified and rearranged based on the dimensions of religiosity by Stark & Glock (1968). The method of analysis used was PROCESS method by Andrew F. Hayes, which was used through the SPSS 21.0 for Windows statistical program. The analysis results showed that the significance value (ρ) was 0.5687>α = 0.05, so the research resulted that religiosity has no effect on the relationship of the variable of cultural value and anxiety about the aging of Toraja community. In addition, the cultural value of the Toraja community was confirmed to play a role in anxiety about aging by 33.7%. Keywords: Cultural Value, Anxiety about Aging, Religiosity, Toraja Culture.
Travelling during pandemic?: Mengkaji peran risk perception terhadap fear of travel pada masa pandemi Covid-19 di Indonesia Desi Rendrasari; Lusy Asa Akhrani
Jurnal Ecopsy Vol 9, No 1 (2022): JURNAL ECOPSY
Publisher : Psychology Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/ecopsy.2022.03.002


COVID-19 membuat masyarakat cemas untuk keluar rumah ataupun melakukan bepergian karena virus COVID-19 yang bersifat menular. Individu dalam memutuskan untuk melakukan kegiatan bepergian memiliki pertimbangan akan risiko-risiko yang terjadi. Terkait situasi yang terjadi bahwa ketika pandemi COVID-19 seseorang dapat merasa takut untuk melakukan perjalanan bepergian karena persepsi risiko yang diperhatikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran risk perception terhadap fear of travel pada masa pandemi COVID-19 di Indonesia secara simultan dan parsial. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan teknik analisis data multiple regression. Pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dan didapatkan sejumlah 610 responden dengan kriteria Warga Negara Indonesia (WNI) berusia minimal 17 tahun dan pernah atau sedang memiliki keinginan untuk bepergian. Skala yang digunakan untuk mengukur variabel risk perception adalah skala Persepsi Risiko dan untuk mengukur variabel fear of travel adalah skala PATS (Pandemic Anxiety Travel Scale). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan risk perception secara simultan berperan terhadap fear of travel pada masa pandemi COVID-19 di Indonesia. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian secara parsial menunjukkan bahwa dimensi risiko waktu, risiko sosial psikologi dan risiko kesehatan berperan terhadap fear of travel pada masa pandemi COVID-19 di Indonesia, sedangkan dimensi risiko keuangan tidak berperan terhadap fear of travel pada masa pandemi COVID-19 di Indonesia.
Wisata Super Premium Labuan Bajo: Mengkaji Peran Langsung dan Tidak Langsung Terhadap Visiting Intention Ditinjau dari Destination Image dan Tourist Expectation Lusy Asa Akhrani; Muhammad Azhar
Personifikasi: Jurnal Ilmu Psikologi Vol 12, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (311.572 KB) | DOI: 10.21107/personifikasi.v12i1.8382


The Indonesian government was planning a super premium tour of Labuan Bajo to be realized in 2020. Still, the change in this type of tourism resulted in various changes in travel behaviour. This study aims to examine the direct and indirect role of visiting intentions to Labuan Bajo through the destination image and tourist expectation. This research involved 141 tourists who have been and who have a desire to visit Labuan Bajo. Researchers used three scales of analysis, namely the scale of destination image, traveller expectations and visiting intentions. The analysis of this study uses multiple linear regression. The results showed a direct or indirect role of the destination image toward visiting intentions. There are two direct roles obtained, the first direct role from the destination image to the visiting intention and the other direct role from tourist's expectation towards visiting intentions. In contrast, the indirect role of the destination image generated through the expectation of a traveller toward visiting intention. Other results show that there is a simultaneous role between destination image and tourist expectations of the intention to visit Labuan Bajo.
Measuring Patient Satisfaction from Attitude toward Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Moderated by Patient Religiosity Lusy Asa Akhrani; Yeni Ardyaningrum
Humaniora Vol. 10 No. 2 (2019): Humaniora
Publisher : Bina Nusantara University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21512/humaniora.v10i2.5069


This research aimed to determine whether religiosity was able to be a moderator and strengthen the role of attitudes on CAM (Complementary and Alternative Medicine) as the originator of patient satisfaction in ‘sangkal putung’ treatment. The research applied a quantitative method with accidental sampling technique. The number of research respondents was 90 people aged 18 to 67 years old who visited the ‘sangkal putung’ at least twice and conducted treatment in the last 10 years. The research instrument used was SACAM (Scale for Attitude towards CAM) with the reliability of 0,843, PSQ-18 (Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire-Short Form) with the reliability of 0,859, and the Religiosity Scale was modified and rearranged based on the dimensions of religiosity by Stark & Glock with the reliability of 0,929. The research indicates that religiosity has a significant effect to strengthen the role of attitudes toward CAM as the originator of the treatment satisfaction of ‘sangkal putung’ patients. It means that the higher patient’s religiosity, the higher role of attitude towards CAM as the originator of the treatment satisfaction of ‘sangkal putung’ patients. Around 32,1% of the attitudes role towards cam works as a source of patient satisfaction of ‘sangkal putung’ treatment.
Empowerment Community: Pembentukan Komunitas Peduli Lingkungan Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Kesadaran Bencana & Kesehatan Pada Warga Bantar Kali Di Kampung Payung Kertas, Malang Lusy Asa Akhrani; Ika Herani; Alfrina Hany
Journal of Dedicators Community Vol 5, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Jepara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34001/jdc.v5i2.1419


Payung Kertas Village located at Pandanwangi Village, on the bank of the Bango river. The preliminary research showed that the environmental care behavior of residents of the riverbank area is to be low considering. Many residents choose to throw garbage directly in the river, construction residential houses in the Kali Sari watershed, and several indicator of the lack of environmental awareness of watershed residents. Awareness-raising will be easier to do when activities are started, designed, and carried out by communities with social problems. The aims of this community service is to empower communities to solve social problems. The formation of environmentally conscious communities is carried out through a tiered process by encouraging active citizen involvement. The method used in the fomation rof environmental care communities is carried out with a social intervention approach that utilizes action research. Social change is carried out by emphasizing three stages namely the planning, implementation, and evaluation stages. As a result of this community service, a community caring for the environment was formed with the first movement in the form of sorting waste from inside the house, synergizing with waste transport officers, and periodically monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the environmental care movement.
Kecerdasan Ekologis sebagai Modal Mitigasi Bencana: Studi Krisis Lahan Tani Desa Ranupani Kabupaten Lumajang Intan Rahmawati; Lusy Asa Akhrani
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 5 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Mathla'ul Anwar Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (562.381 KB) | DOI: 10.30653/002.202052.236


ECOLOGICAL INTELLIGENCE AS DISASTER MITIGATION CAPITAL: LAND CRISIS STUDY OF RANUPANI VILLAGE, LUMAJANG REGENCY. Ranupani village which is a village in Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (TNBTS) currently has an ecological problem that needs to be considered, namely the crisis of agricultural land. Environmental awareness is a challenge for Ranupani residents to overcome the difficulties of the land caused by mistakes in planting patterns and inheritance distribution systems. Seeing this challenge, it is necessary to nurture ecological intelligence early on in order to overcome the challenges of living vulnerable to disasters. Research with qualitative considerations tries to discuss more about intelligence. The technique of collecting data using interviews with 30 Ranupani Elementary School students, observation, and literature study. This study shows Ranupani Elementary School students are still discussing ecological issues as a matter of littering and have not yet described the types of ecological problems that can cause disaster. Seeing these results, this study proves the need for early intelligence early in Ranupani Village.