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Online Learning Transition Based on Internet and E-Commerce Classroom Learning Management System (LMS) Sudaryono Sudaryono; Alfiah Khoirunisa; Abdullah Dwi Srenggini
CCIT (Creative Communication and Innovative Technology) Journal Vol 14 No 1 (2021): CCIT JOURNAL
Publisher : Universitas Raharja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (495.728 KB) | DOI: 10.33050/ccit.v14i1.1036


In the era of digital information, especially in the field of education, online learning methods are currently developing rapidly in the learning and teaching process. The aim of this project is to provide a uniform and consistent user interface in the new learning management system (LMS) for students and faculties and to promote super users who will assist the faculty in a smooth transition from. The curriculum template is provided in the LMS for online learning processes or called e-Learning and has various training opportunities with super users that are interactive so that online learning will be effective and quality. (57%) report results from faculty feeling competent or very competent (36%) in their ability to use. Canvas ™ LMS after project implementation; There are several survey comments reflecting a positive response to the transition to Canvas ™. This project produces quality, student-centered online learning. Where is in accordance with the standardized template framework.
The Use of Science Technology In Islamic Practices and Rules In The Past Now and The Future Desy Apriani; Alexander Williams; Untung Rahardja; Alfiah Khoirunisa; Sella Avionita
International Journal of Cyber and IT Service Management Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): April
Publisher : International Institute for Advanced Science & Technology (IIAST)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (395.638 KB) | DOI: 10.34306/ijcitsm.v1i1.16


Civilization is a complex structure of society characterized by urban development, social stratification applied by cultural elites, systems symbolic communication (eg, writing systems), and the perceived separation from and domination over the natural environment. Islamic civilization is a civilization that is built on basic Islamic aqidah, aims according to the purposes (maqashid) of sharia, and is realized by imitating the deeds (sunnah) of the Prophet Muhammad, his companions and the signs signs of halal and haram. Islam was at the pinnacle of civilization when the Khilafah system was still upright, despite the ups and downs. Based on Islamic ethics, In the case of virtue seeking new knowledge, it is achieved as a result of moderation of two extreme biases namely, avoiding acquiring new knowledge but remaining in a position of ignorance and playing an important role in pursuing ignorance. Thus, the ethics of Islamic knowledge, which is the application of science and technology science in Islam must be regulated, striving to free humans from these two negative tendencies. The core idea discussed in this paper is the science design used with special reference to Science and Technology. In the history of Islamic thought, this concept is articulated mainly in the background of cognitive psychology theory and Maqashid ash-sharia (a higher goal than Sharia) which is connected to the search for personal and social knowledge. Muslims are now able to pave the way for creating more advanced scientific and technological habits in twenty-first century Muslim societies.
The Use of Science Technology In Islamic Practices and Rules In The Past Now and The Future Desy Apriani; Alexander Williams; Untung Rahardja; Alfiah Khoirunisa; Sella Avionita
International Journal of Cyber and IT Service Management Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): April
Publisher : International Institute for Advanced Science & Technology (IIAST)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (395.638 KB) | DOI: 10.34306/ijcitsm.v1i1.16


Civilization is a complex structure of society characterized by urban development, social stratification applied by cultural elites, systems symbolic communication (eg, writing systems), and the perceived separation from and domination over the natural environment. Islamic civilization is a civilization that is built on basic Islamic aqidah, aims according to the purposes (maqashid) of sharia, and is realized by imitating the deeds (sunnah) of the Prophet Muhammad, his companions and the signs signs of halal and haram. Islam was at the pinnacle of civilization when the Khilafah system was still upright, despite the ups and downs. Based on Islamic ethics, In the case of virtue seeking new knowledge, it is achieved as a result of moderation of two extreme biases namely, avoiding acquiring new knowledge but remaining in a position of ignorance and playing an important role in pursuing ignorance. Thus, the ethics of Islamic knowledge, which is the application of science and technology science in Islam must be regulated, striving to free humans from these two negative tendencies. The core idea discussed in this paper is the science design used with special reference to Science and Technology. In the history of Islamic thought, this concept is articulated mainly in the background of cognitive psychology theory and Maqashid ash-sharia (a higher goal than Sharia) which is connected to the search for personal and social knowledge. Muslims are now able to pave the way for creating more advanced scientific and technological habits in twenty-first century Muslim societies.
Implementation of the YII Framework-Based Job Training Assessment System Dwi Andayani; Nuke Puji Lestari Santoso; Alfiah Khoirunisa; Kelvin Pangaribuan
APTISI Transactions on Management (ATM) Vol 5 No 1 (2021): ATM (APTISI Transactions on Management: January)
Publisher : Pandawan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33050/atm.v5i1.1231


The current significant progress has been experienced by the publication of Information media, one of which is the scoring system. In measuring the ability of students or students in learning outcomes during the learning process assessment system is very important in an educational institution both high school and college. Universitas Raharja is one of the educational institutions that have implemented the assessment system (PEN +) online, which provides services to the lecturers of the University of Raharja in the input of the value that can be accessed anywhere and Anytime. However, nowadays for the process of the input of the value of work lecture (CTF) that has been run by students is still done manually or not computerized because lecturers still have to come to the campus to fill out a list of student value lists Submitted to the RPU. This is very inefficient, because in the assessment system PEN + lecturers have not been able to input the value of work lecture (KKP) in real time. Therefore, there is a need for development in the Coursework Assessment System (CTF) where the value of the input form is Grade. In this study there were 10 (ten) literature studies on the assessment. Thus there are 2 (two) advantages that the lecturer does not need to come to the campus to fill the form that is then handed over to the RPU and notifications for a list of values that students receive will be faster.
Blockchain-based Land Certificate Management in Indonesia Rosiyati MH Thamrin; Eka Purnama Harahap; Alfiah Khoirunisa; Adam Faturahman; Kenita Zelina
ADI Journal on Recent Innovation Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): March
Publisher : ADI Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34306/ajri.v2i2.339


Indonesia is a densely populated country with a population of 260 million, making Indonesia the fourth most populous country in the world. The continued rapid development of the economy in Indonesia has made land an asset that provides benefits. In Indonesia, land ownership that has the highest legal power is proven by a Certificate of Ownership or in indonesian is called as Sertifikat Hak Milik (SHM). Meanwhile, the land titling process is often complex and lengthy, and because of the processing carried out by government agencies in handling a variety of different documents, some structured people commit fraud. The impact is that the model currently used does not have good governance. This research offers a Blockchain-based solution in providing data harmony and openness, lightening in data access, permanent records management, and most importantly it is a solution that is cheaper and faster. This research offers a step-by-step model of Blockchain selection beginning from the public Blockchain ledger which will continuously incorporate two degrees of Hybrid Blockchain. The smart contract design of the Public Blockchain is provided in detail as well as the use of Ethereum in implementing its prototype system. In the experimental test using the local Ethereum test network directly to show the effectiveness of the system. The results of the analysis show that the model offered can reduce the costs required for processing information, the number of trips required, and result in easy access to important information. With the implementation of Blockchain, efforts to digitize land rights in Indonesia can increase.
Application of Blockchain Technology in Smart Contracts: A Systematic Literature Review Zaleha Fauziah; Haznah Latifah; Xavier Omar; Alfiah Khoirunisa; Shofiyul Millah
Aptisi Transactions On Technopreneurship (ATT) Vol 2 No 2 (2020): September
Publisher : Pandawan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34306/att.v2i2.97


Associated with the current development of the emergence of many technologies that have increased in the world, especially in industry, one of which is the blockchain which is a new technology that is undergoing drastic density, this technology has data that is difficult to manipulate so that the blockchain has data security very trusted, and every record of all the contents of the transaction data can be known from one server to another server so that both parties know each other what the activities are carried out. The recording of transactions in this blockchain technology is connected in one block that is secured directly by a computer network, the blockchain itself has several applications such as Cryptocurrency or can also be called digital currencies, and Smart Contracts. This Smart Contracts is an application owned by blockchain technology that carries out an agreement or digital agreement in the computer program code that is entrusted by both parties stored in the blockchain database, so that it cannot be changed by anyone or the help of other parties, then no longer needed entities that can be trusted in using Smart Contracts. These Smart Contracts help to process the exchange of money, shares and property. Currently there are many industries that use Smart Contracts, such as the business industry that records financial services, the health industry which records data on patient health history, even the insurance and government industries also use Smart Contracts, therefore the existence of Smart Contracts is useful to avoid an intermediary service so that a transaction process will be trtransparent.
Smart Digital Signature Berbasis Blockchain Pada Pendidikan Tinggi Menggunakan Metode SWOT Mohamad Rakhmansyah; Untung Rahardja; Nuke Puji Lestari Santoso; Alfiah Khoirunisa; Adam Faturahman
ADI Bisnis Digital Interdisiplin Jurnal Vol 2 No 1 Juni (2021): ADI Bisnis Digital Interdisiplin
Publisher : ADI Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34306/abdi.v2i1.325


Validasi dokumen merupakan hal yang sangat penting dalam menyangkut keaslian aset digital pemilik. Dimana validasi dokumen saat ini masih bersifat tradisional dengan mengunjungi tempat tersebut. Namun, saat pandemi proses validasi dokumen tidak dilakukan tatap muka karena pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini bertujuan agar penggunaan teknologi tanda tangan digital pintar yang menjamin keamanan dan validitasnya tanpa harus tatap muka. Smart digital signature adalah tanda tangan digital yang terenkripsi dengan RSA-SHA256 berbasis blockchain dengan fitur penyimpanan cloud storage yang memudahkan untuk berbagi dokumen. Metode analisa SWOT untuk mengetahui penggunaan sistem secara keseluruhan dimulai dari strategi, peluang, kekuatan dan kelemahan. Kombinasi SHA-256 dan Teknologi blockchain diterapkan pada Smart Digital Signature untuk menyimpan data dengan keamanan yang tinggi dan terjamin keabsahannya dan terhindar dari pemalsuan. Temuan dari penelitian ini sistem tanda tangan digital memiliki dampak yang signifikan dari pemalsuan, pengesahan dan keamanan dokumen.