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Jurnal Penelitian Humaniora Vol 13, No 1: Februari, 2012
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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The problem statements of this study include: 1) what are the types of criminal cases handled by the police; 2) how do the police handle the cases; and 3); how do the police’s insight of handling them alternatively. In the first year, the study aims to 1) establish the types of criminal cases handled by the police; 2) inventory the ways the police handle them; and (3) describe the police’s insight of a model for handling those alternatively. Hopefully, it can be beneficial for academicians and policy makers. For the academicians, it can be meaningful to contribute to criminal law development, particularly an alternative model for handling criminal cases. For the policy makers, it can be useful to develop a conceptual thinking to make a policy of handling criminal cases oriented to substantive justice.The study is a research of sociological law with qualitative approach. For this, the data included primary and secondary. The data employed a content analysis with legal and theoretical interpretations.Reserch product: In running its juridical responsibility, from January to May, 2011 the Polresta Surakarta has handled a variety of criminal cases. The types of these cases handled by the Polresta in 2011, particularly for five months, consisted of 33 cases. Out of the 2 felony cases were conventional at 25 criminal cases and unconventional (transnational) at 8 criminal cases. In handling the criminal cases, the Polresta Surakarta uses a fixed procedure as a reference to them, as stipulated in the Act of the Criminal Code, operating rule and guidance and technique of the Indonesian Police Administration. In facing the implication of the ADR to handle criminal cases, the Police have actually taken a better action. In the Telegram of the Criminal Investigation Bureau (STR), the Sub-Division of the STR of the Indonesian Police No ST/110/V/2011, dated on May 18, 2001 on the Implication Guidance of the ADR in the Rank of the STR of the Indonesian Police, the STR of the Indonesia Police will apply the ADR to handle criminal cases. Unfortunately, the policy is delayed with the Telegram of the STR of the Indonesian Police No ST/209/IX/2011, dated September 6, 2001 on Delaying the Implication of the ADR in the Rank of the STR of the Indonesian Police.
SILAU’NA TONGKONAN SEBAGAI SEBUAH REALITAS TONDOK Indratno, Imam; Sudaryono, Sudaryono; Setiawan, Bakti; Sugiana, Kawik
ETHOS (Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian) Vol 4 No.1 (Januari 2016) Ethos: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian (Sains & Teknologi)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

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Tongkonan merupakan simbol kebudayaan pada masyarakat Toraja yang dilandasi filosofi dasar Tallu Lolona. Tallu Lolona adalah sebuah spirit yang membentuk relasi hubungan antara manusia dengan Tuhan, manusia dengan manusia dan manusia dengan tumbuhan serta binatang. Penelitian dilakukan dengan paradigma dan pendekatan fenomenologi. Dengan pendekatan fenomenologi, peneliti berusaha untuk mendeskripsikan pengetahuan lokal yang ada di Lembang Sillanan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tongkonan sebagai elemen utama tondok merupakan simbol tingkatan yang ada dalam ruang. Konsep hirarki ruang (silau’na) tongkonan muncul dilandasi oleh realitas bahwa tongkonan tidak bisa hanya dilihat an sich sebagai bentuk fisik tetapi juga merupakan manisfestasi kebudayaan bermasyarakat di Sillanan.
Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat UNSIQ Vol 1 No 2 (2014): Mei
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian, Penerbitan dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP3M) UNSIQ

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32699/ppkm.v1i2.242


Dataran Tinggi Dieng adalah merupakan salah satu wilayah yang memiliki sejarah, budaya, tradisi, serta kondisi alam yang unik dan khas, demikian pula dengan tata permukimannya. Lapangan desa, makam dan jalan terabasan adalah merupakan merupakan elemen permukiman yang selalu ada pada tata permukiman di Dataran Tinggi Dieng. Elemen tersebut menjadi wadah bagi berlangsungnya kehidupan sosial dan budaya masyarakat di Dataran Tinggi Dieng sejak dahulu.Penelitian ini didasari oleh dua pertanyaan; 1) Apakah ada keterhubungan antara makam, lapangan, dan jalan terabasan dalam tata permukiman yang ada di Dataran Tinggi Dieng. 2) Konsep apakah yang membentuk keterhubungan tersebut.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode fenomenologi dengan teknik induktif, data diperoleh dari 10 informan dengan metoda wawancara secara mendalam. Dari 3 buah tema yang ditemukan dicari hubungan substantive yang hasilnya kemudian didialogkan untuk mendapatkan konsep. Hasil penelitian ini merumuskan adanya konsep keterhubungan antara makam, lapangan dengan jalan terabasan dan konsep sakral-profan pada tata permukiman di Dataran Tinggi Dieng.
Jurnal Rekayasa Lingkungan Vol 5, No 3: Jurnal Rekayasa Lingkungan
Publisher : BPPT

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Soil erosion is a major factor leading to cause land damage in the upstream region. Therefore, erosion control should be done in the preservation of land resources and the environment can be maintained and the welfare of farmers can be improved. Land Ultisol widespread in many Kalimatan Islands, ultisol soil types other than guilty of fertility, soil types have the property ultisol easy erosion. As a result of coal mining activities carried out by PT KPC lead to peeling layers of top soil to the depth of rock. This stripping has directly changed the soil condition. Ultisol soil physical conditions in Kalimanan (available water capacity, density lumps, texture, structure, pore space and permeability of the soil) are relatively low, so they need to improve theaddition of organic materials, and lime. The process of reclamation of former coal mining PT. KPC has been done very well. The analysis of fertility levels and the amount of potential soil erosion occurs indicates that the post-miningrehabilitation revegetation way to post-mining land with the procedure referred. It can be seen from the parameters of soil fertility and erosion rates of post-mining land have been rehabilitated (56.5614 erosion rates tons/hectare/year) with areas of pristine forests (erosion rates 52.175 tons/hectare/year) were not show significant changes.Keywords: ultisol, rehabilitation, physical soil, erosion
Jurnal Rekayasa Lingkungan Vol 7, No 3: Jurnal Rekayasa Lingkungan
Publisher : BPPT

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Absorption of heavy metals by plants is influenced by soil and plant biology. Heavy metals are absorbed into plant tissues through the root, then enter the food chain cycle. Metal will accumulate in body tissues and can have negative impacts for humans, animals, and plants when exceeding the limit of tolerance. Heavy metal accumulation in plant tissues can directly affect plant growth and production, can indirectly affect human health when consuming food contaminated heavy metals. The research objective was to determine the ability of biological fertilizers containing bacteria Azotobacter sp. and Pseudomonas sp., in absorbing heavy metals (Cu and Pb) contained in landfill waste compost, which is used to fertilize crops corn (baby corn). The research methodologyuses a split plot design arranged in Completely Randomized Design with 3 blocks as replicates. The first factor that serves as the main plot of the biological fertilizer, consisting of two cedars, namely: no biological fertilizers and biological fertilizers. The second factor that functions as a sub plot that is a combination of landfill waste compost with NPK fertilizer, consisting of four treatments, namely: Compost waste landfill: no fertilizer NPK = 1: 0; compost waste landfill: NPK = 2/3 : 1/3; compost waste landfill: fertilizer NPK = 1/3: 2/3Without landfill waste compost: NPK = 0: 1. The results showed that administration of biological fertilizers in combination with compost waste landfill is more dominant for increasing and improving soil physical chemistry, such as increasing soil pH, nutrients nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium and cation exchange capacity (KPK). Biological fertilizer containing bacteria Azotobacter sp. and Pseudomonas sp. may reduce the uptake of heavy metals Cu to below the threshold of 2.526 to 15.79 ppm, the maximum content of Cu ranges between 20-100 ppm. The mean content of Pb in tissues and cobs of corn is above the maximum limit of 29.80 to 42.69 ppm, which is still allowed Pb content between 0.1 to 10 ppm. Means baby corn crop is not safe for consumption.key words: compost from the landfill, heavy metals, biological fertilizer
Jurnal Hidrosfir Indonesia Vol 3, No 1 (2008)
Publisher : Jurnal Hidrosfir Indonesia

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Coastal area is one of the marginal areas that is not suitable for agriculture field. However, bad quality of the area can be improved physically and chemically by adding some organic matters into the soil. Another factor that also plays an important role in improving the quality of sandy soil is weather, which consists of sun radiation, temperature, humidity, soil temperature, wind flow and rain fall. In order to obtain a good quality micro weather in a chili vegetation field, a cover may be placed above the vegetation to create a warm and wet micro weather which will free the vegetation from stress. Another important thing to attain success in productive agriculture is a certainty to get water or irrigation that can be engineered. Through those environmental engineering, an improvement on chili harvesting product has been achieved at Glagah Coast, West Progo, Yogyakarta.
Perencanaan Kota Berbasis Kontradiksi: Relevansi Pemikiran Henri Lefebvre dalam Produksi Ruang Perkotaan Saat Ini Sudaryono, Sudaryono
Journal of Regional and City Planning Vol 19, No 1 (2008)
Publisher : Center for Research and Community Services ITB

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As one of the most influential philosophers of the 19′th century, Henri Lebfebre shows his significant contribution to the recent thinking of urban space. His thinking was built on the basis of his critiques to the development of urban space which according to his view was dominated by he called as “single force”, “single center”, “monocentric strategy”, alias “world market strategy”. Under such mainstream of urban force, the urban spaces then have been produced as “space of consumption” which further leads to the “consumption of space”. This phenomenon was viewd by him as dangerous situation where the city will destroy itself in the future. This paper aims to discuss his main ideas and thinking in terms of (i) spatial justice and the right to the city, (ii) multi dimensional of urbanism, (iii) urban everyday life and space demand, (iv) dialectic of abstract and concrete spaces, (v) metropolization, (vi) space and centrality, (vii) space and global capital, (viii) space of flow, (ix) right to difference of space, and (x) politics and space. Lefebre ends up his critiques with three main proposals: (i) mobilization of difference in a single movement, (ii) bringing-together of dissociated elements, and (iii) unifications of disparate tendencies. The thinking of Lefebvre contributes much to the development of recent concept of urban space. It teaches us that the core problem of urban spaces is laid on its own contradictory space; without knowing this core problem any problem, any solutions to the urban spatial problems will remain in big questions. Lefebvre believes that urban planning is still relevant to be taken as a way of solution to the contradictory spaces. Urban planning should develop a new method of work. it should work on the basis of empirical problems by knowing contradictory situations of urban space, and not to start with normative and theoretical propositions. Urban planning should bring a city to a situaton what he called as “appropriation” and not “domination”
Pilar-Pilar Tata Ruang Lokal: Studi Kasus Parangtritis Sudaryono, Sudaryono
Journal of Regional and City Planning Vol 18, No 2 (2007)
Publisher : Center for Research and Community Services ITB

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After years of experiences, to day we witnesses that the practices of decentralization concept tend to be far away from its main concepts: that is to strengthen hen and develop local values through people involvement in the development process. In the names of local needs, initiatives and power, decentralization today is used as a vehicle for exploiting local resources at all cost. Destruction of traditional and vernacular spaces and territory is one of most tangible fact that we could ¡dent ij5’ as’ the failure of implementation of the decentralization concept. This research aims to explore and develop concepts that could be used as an opposition approach for understanding the recent practices of decentralization. The exploration is focused on what this research called as “ruang lokal/local space and territory “. The research concludes that “local s1ac and territory” should be strengthen through its three pillars: (1) spatial compound (pelapisan spasial), meaning the engagement of space, human activities, and local values, (2) typology and structure of powers, to include: spiritual, cultural, institution, kinship, and economical powers, and (3) the character of local space and territory, which appears as a product of engagement of spatial capital and social capital
Pengaruh Pupuk Hayati Terhadap Akumulasi Timbal dari Kompos Sampah Kota dalam Jaringan Tanaman Padi (Biological Fertilizer Influence On The Accumulation Of Lead From Municipal Solid Waste Compost In Rice Plant Tissue) Sudaryono, Sudaryono; Susanto, Joko Prayitno
JURNAL PANGAN Vol 24, No 1 (2015): PANGAN
Publisher : Perum BULOG

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (785.881 KB) | DOI: 10.33964/jp.v24i1.40


Sebagai tanaman komersial, padi memerlukan pemupukan terutama pupuk organik. Pemanfaatan pupuk kompos dari sampah kota sering mengandung logam berat, seperti Pb, Cu, Zn, dll. Pupuk kompos TPA Leuigajah memiliki kandungan timbal yang tinggi yaitu 215,68 ppm. Pb pada kompos dapat diserap oleh akar padi dan ditranslokasikan ke jaringan lain termasuk gabah. Pemberian pupuk hayati diharapkan mampu mengurangi akumulasi logam Pb pada jaringan tanaman padi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat potensi pupuk hayati Biocon-NP dan inokulasi bakteri dalam menghambat akumulasi Pb di jaringanpadi yang dipupuk dengan kompos sampah kota serta pengaruhnya terhadap produksi padi. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan 7 perlakuan kombinasi antara pemberian pupuk hayati BIOCON-NP, isolat bakteri 11, dan isolat bakteri 39, dan 1 perlakuan kontrol. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan Biocon NP menghasilkan gabah kering panen paling tinggi yaitu 36,41 Kwt/ha, sedang produksi terendah adalah perlakuan Kontrol yaitu 26,38 Kwt/ha. Pb tidak ditemukan pada jaringan tanaman padi yang diberi perlakuan Biocon-NP. Dengan demikian pemberian pupuk hayatiBiocon NP sangat dianjurkan sebagai inokulum karena mampu menghambat akumulasi Pb dalam jaringan tanaman dari pupuk kompos sampah kota yang tercemar Pb, sekaligus dapat meningkatkan produksi padi.As a cash crop, rice requires fertilizers, particularly organic fertilizer for its optimum growth. Compost fertilizer from urban waste often contains heavy metals such as Pb, Cu, Zn, etc. For example, compost fertilizer from Leuwigajah Landfill contains high concentration of lead (Pb), i.e. 215.68 ppm. It is expected that the application of biofertilizer prevents Pb accumulation in rice tissues. This study investigates the potential of biofertilizer Biocon-NP and bacterial inoculations, to block Pb accumulation in rice plants fertilized with urban compost. A Randomized Complete Design with seven combination treatments of Biocon-NP, bacterial isolate 11 and bacterial isolate 39 is used. Control treatment is urban compost alone without Biocon-NP and bacterial inoculation. The results show that application of Biocon NP produces the highest dry grain yield, i.e. 36.41 quintal/ha. Control treatment gives the lowest yield of 26.38 quintal/ha. Pb is not detected in rice tissues of Biocon-NP treatments. These results show the potential of biofertilizer Biocon-NP in blocking Pb accumulation in plant tissues from landfill compost or Pb-polluted soil.  
Jurnal Arsitektur Komposisi Vol 11, No 6 (2017): Jurnal Arsitektur KOMPOSISI
Publisher : Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (826.252 KB) | DOI: 10.24002/jars.v11i6.1354


Abstract: Omah dudur is a typical house of rural community in the region of Urut Sewu, Grabag, Purworejo district. Omah dudur originated from the kingdom of Mataram Yogyakarta as a queen house, joglo-shaped and serves as a main pendapa. In the area of the Urut Sewu, the form of joglo omah dudur is imitated and renamed dudur, transformed into a typical rural dwelling as a pendapa and a family home (sleeping area, family room), but still predicated as queen house. Residents of Urut Sewu believe there is a revelation (soul / spirit) that dwells in the omah dudur and makes it live. Omah dudur in the Urut Sewu area is a traditional Javanese architectural heritage, yet it is still hidden and has not been recorded and recognized in Javanese Traditional architecture science. The condition of omah dudur in the modern era is faced with modernization, its development is stagnant and endangered. This research is part of the exploration of knowledge of omah dudur to become science of architecture. The methods used are naturalistic (Lincoln and Guba, 1985) and Qualitative Inductive Methods of Phenomenology. This research produces the concept of omah dudur as omah ratu kawula, that is omah dudur as omah for queen and kawula and as life artifact. Omah dudur alive because of the soul / spirit that lives in omah dudur. The Life Omah dudur is omah dudur which has dignified and influential to good or bad life of the inhabitants.Keywords: Urut Sewu region, dudur house, joglo, wahyu , living queen-kawula houseAbstrak: Omah dudur merupakan bentuk rumah khas masyarakat pedesaan di wilayah Urut Sewu, kecamatan Grabag, kabupaten Purworejo. Omah dudur berasal dari kerajaan Mataram Yogyakarta sebagai rumah ratu, berbentuk joglo dan berfungsi utama sebagai pendapa. Di wilayah Urut Sewu, bentuk joglo omah dudur ditiru dan diganti nama menjadi dudur, berubah menjadi hunian rakyat pedesaan khas berfungsi sebagai pendapa dan rumah keluarga (ruang tidur, ruang keluarga), namun tetap berpredikat sebagai rumah ratu. Warga Urut Sewu percaya ada wahyu (nyawa/sukma) yang tinggal (menetap) di dalam omah dudur dan menjadikannya hidup. Omah dudur di wilayah Urut Sewu adalah warisan arsitektur tradisional Jawa, namun masih tersembunyi dan belum tercatat dan diakui dalam ilmu pengetahuan arsitektur Tradisional Jawa. Kondisi omah dudur dalam era modern berhadapan dengan modernisasi, perkembangannya stagnan dan terancam punah. Penelitian ini bagian dari eksplorasi mengungkap pengetahuan omah dudur agar menjadi ilmu pengetahuan arsitektur. Metode yang digunakan adalah naturalistik (Lincoln dan Guba, 1985) dan metode Induktif Kualitatif Fenomenolgi . Penelitian ini menghasilkan konsep omah dudur sebagai omah ratu kawula yang hidup, yaitu omah dudur sebagai omah bagi ratu dan kawula dan artefak hidup. Omah dudur hidup karena sukma/nyawa yang hidup dan manggon dalam diri omah dudur. Omah dudur hidup adalah omah dudur yang berwibawa dan berpengaruh terhadap baik buruk kehidupan penghuni.Kata Kunci: Wilayah Urut Sewu, omah dudur, joglo, wahyu , omah ratu-kawula yang hidup.