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Pengaruh Keterlibatan Kerja Dan Pengalaman Kerja Terhadap Komitmen Organisasi Pegawai Di Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Bekasi Andri Cahyo Purnomo; Po. Abas Sunarya; Rise Wijoyo Jati
CICES (Cyberpreneurship Innovative and Creative Exact and Social Science) Vol 4 No 2 (2018): CICES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (506.938 KB) | DOI: 10.33050/cices.v4i2.538


Organizational commitment is a person's attachment to the organization. Employees who are committed to the organization will have a strong desire to become members of the organization, the desire to strive according to the wishes of the organization, and have the trust and acceptance of the values and goals of the organization. Organizations will be more effective if their employees have a high commitment. This study aims to determine the effect of (1) job involvement, (2) work experience, (3) organizational commitment in the Bekasi District Education Office. In data analysis, this study uses causal survey method using Path Analysis Technique. This study used a sample of 97 employees in the Bekasi District Education Office who were selected using the Slovin formula. The results reveal that: first, work involvement has a direct positive effect on organizational commitment. This means that the increase in work involvement has resulted in an increase in the commitment of employee organizations at the Secretariat of the Human Resources Development Agency of the Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia. Second, work experience has a direct positive effect on organizational commitment. This means that an increase in work experience has resulted in an increase in the commitment of employee organizations at the Secretariat of the Human Resources Development Agency of the Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia. Third, work involvement has a direct positive effect on work experience. This means that the increase in work involvement has resulted in an increase in work experience for employees at the Ministry of Transportation's Human Resources Development Agency Secretariat. From the results of the study also found that the most influential variables are work involvement on organizational commitment, this can be proven from the results of statistical calculations with a value of r13 = 0.426, p32 = 0.328 the highest compared to the influence of other variables. Follow-up of this study, employees are expected to have high work involvement and attitude of love for their work so that employees will be more sincere and sincere in doing their work. In addition, employees will also have a great sense of responsibility and a sense of ownership of the organization and the whole that will bring the desire of employees to do work beyond what is expected, to do work optimally and maximize themselves to be more useful for the organization.
Rancang Bangun Dashboard Informasi Covid-19 Dengan Metode RAD Andri Cahyo Purnomo; Praditya Aliftiar; Yoga Darmawan
CICES (Cyberpreneurship Innovative and Creative Exact and Social Science) Vol 7 No 2 (2021): CICES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (520.946 KB) | DOI: 10.33050/cices.v7i2.1566


In 2019, a type of virus that is now known as COVID-19 (coronavirus diseases-19) was discovered. The virus found in Wuhan, China is a contagious virus that has claimed many lives. In Indonesia alone, cases of the COVID-19 virus (coronavirus diseases-19) were first confirmed in March 2020. The World Health Organization has determined that the COVID-19 virus (coronavirus diseases-19) is a pandemic on March 9, 2020. This has caused many people who are worried if they want to do activities outside the home. So a system is needed regarding the development of Covid-19, especially in Indonesia, to provide information and knowledge to the public so that it is hoped that it can prevent the transmission of the COVID-19 virus. Based on this background, the author will build an information dashboard that can be accessed by the public anywhere and anytime to see the development of Covid-19. By using the RAD (Rapid Application Development) method, it is hoped that later the system can be quickly built and used. In coding the program the author uses PHP as server-side with API integration from kawalcorona and HTML, CSS, Javascript as client-side. It is hoped that the system created will be used by the public as a reliable and accurate covid-19 information.
Journal Cerita: Creative Education of Research in Information Technology and Artificial Informatics Vol 5 No 1 (2019): JOURNAL CERITA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (749.68 KB) | DOI: 10.33050/cerita.v5i1.216


Association of Indonesian private universities an association representing the aspirations of more than three thousand private universities in Indonesia by committing to develop programs to advance private universities. Although APTISI focuses on activities to promote nationaleducation but APTISI official site utilization has been felt to be less than optimal in supporting APTISI activities. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to optimize a registration process by accessing APTISI official site that has been facilitated by online form and payment midtransto perform member funding transactions which can be done where and anytime as long as connected to internet without limited space and time , so registrants can perform easily and quickly. In this study the authors use several methods of analysis, consisting of SWOT, elicitation, Flowchart, UML, and Hipo. Results obtained from the implementation of this APTISI registration system can be used without the need to login email first, the registrant only needs to complete the stages it will get email notification data after making funding transactions and submit form update data of registrant members will get a confirmation of successful registration and get official email APTISI.
Perancangan Sistem Informasi Monitoring dan Reminder Piutang Pelanggan Berbasis Web Menggunakan Notifikasi E-mail Studi Kasus PT. Bintang Kanguru Andri Cahyo Purnomo; Adinda Rizki Sabila; Erfino Geza Septadinar
Journal Sensi: Strategic of Education in Information System Vol 8 No 2 (2022): Journal Sensi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1059.937 KB) | DOI: 10.33050/sensi.v8i2.2418


PT Bintang Kanguru setiap hari melakukan penjualan bahan kepada pelanggan yang memesankepada perusahaan. Sistem monitoring dan reminder piutang pelanggan yang berjalan saat ini masihdilakukan dengan cara konvensional yaitu sistem pendataan piutang pelanggan diolahmenggunakan microsoft excell, setiap ada transaksi penjualan maka bagian purchasing akanmendata penjualan di microsoft excell kemudian memberikan data piutang pelanggan ke bagianaccounting untuk di data. Sistem reminder piutang pelanggan dilakukan dengan cara bagianaccounting membuatkan kontra bon sebagai bukti tagihan piutang pelanggan. Accountingmenginformasikan kepada kurir untuk mengirimkan kontra bon kepada pelanggan H-3 sebelumtanggal jatuh tempo pembayaran. Sistem yang berjalan saat ini masih terdapat kekurangandiantaranya accounting membutuhkan waktu yang lama untuk menginformasikan tagihan piutangkepada pelanggan karena accounting harus menginstruksikan kurir untuk mengantar kontra bonkepada pelanggan sesuai dengan alamat pelanggan, membutuhkan waktu yang lama untuk membuatlaporan piutang pelanggan karena accounting harus merekap pembayaran pelanggan secara satupersatu menggunakan microsoft excell, belum memiliki tempat penyimpanan data karena dokumenpiutang pelanggan disimpan dengan cara mengarsipkan dokumen pada lemari arsip. Untukmengatasi permasalahan yang terjadi saat ini peneliti membuat sistem monitoring dan reminderpiutang pelanggan menggunakan notifikasi email. Sistem dibuat menggunakan bahasa pemogramanPHP dan database MySQL. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode analisis PIECES, metodepengembangan menggunakan SDLC, perancangan sistem menggunakan UML (Unified ModellingLanguage) dan pengujian sistem menggunakan blackbox testing. Penelitian ini menghasilkan sistemmonitoring dan reminder piutang pelanggan menggunakan notifikasi email yang dikirimkan kepadapelanggan sebelum H-3 tanggal jatuh tempo pembayaran.
Al-Fikru : Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Sains Vol 3 No 2 (2022): VOLUME 3 NUMBER 2 (2022) DESEMBER
Publisher : UNZAH Genggong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55210/al-fikru.v3i2.803


This study aims to improve the motivation to learn Civics using active learning method. This research was conducted in class X.5 which amounted to 34 students. The method used in this research is classroom action research method (PTK) which carried out as many as three cycles. In the first cycle directly using the active learning method with the card game model in learning Civics, because it was noticed at the beginning of observation that the study of learning class X.5 is still low, after using the method of active learning student motivation questionnaire as much as 57.64%. In the second cycle of learning motivation has increased, this can be seen from the increase of students' learning motivation, the spirit of competing in a healthy, active in answering questions and asks, cooperation among students and the increase of questionnaire results of student learning motivation in the second cycle as much as 71.76%. Civic learning activities in the third cycle by using the card game model can improve student learning motivation, this can be seen from the result of questionnaire student learning motivation as much as 76.03%. The results of the study increase the learning motivation from the first cycle to the second cycle of 14.12%, from the second cycle to the third cycle increased by 4.27%, so the increase in learning motivation from cycle one to third cycle increased by 18.39%. Based on the results of research that has been done, it can be concluded that the application of active learning method of card game can improve student learning motivation in Civics subjects in class X.5 in Senior High School 1 North Cikarang. Keywords: Active learning Method, Card Game Model, Learning Motivation
Application of RUP (Rational Unified Process) Method in Optimizing Payment Systems and Processing Student Savings Data Po Abas Sunarya; Meri Mayang Sari; Andri Cahyo Purnomo
CCIT Journal Vol 16 No 1 (2023): CCIT JOURNAL
Publisher : Universitas Raharja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1389.518 KB) | DOI: 10.33050/ccit.v16i1.2501


Humans continue to innovate in the field of technology, from these innovations it is expected to meet the needs of human life. In educational institutions the role of administration is very important to improve the education system for the better. One of them is in the educational institution of SMKN 5 Tangerang Regency, where the student administration payment system is not optimal. Because the system has not been integrated in the institution. Where the operator will enter and store data in different files, according to the student administration payments made, as well as in making reports. Guardians of students find it difficult to monitor and know when payments are due and the results of student administration payments. So that it has not been able to simplify and accelerate student services related to the information needed by guardians, and the performance of operators. The researcher uses the RUP (Rational Unified Process) development method and to analyze the problem the researcher uses PIECES (Performance, Information, Efficiency, Control, Economy, Service). The system is made using HTML, CSS, Java script, PHP and MySQL languages ​​as the database. The system modeling uses UML (Unified Modeling Language). The results obtained from the research is a payment system and student savings data processing. So that it can help in student services, make it easier to get information for guardians and also the performance of operators in making payments and processing student savings data, as well as in recapitulation and report generation.
JIPKIS : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan dan Keislaman Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): JIPKIS : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan dan Keislaman
Publisher : STAI Darul Qalam Tangerang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (186.665 KB) | DOI: 10.55883/jipkis.v2i1.22


This study aims to determine classroom management in improving the effectiveness of the teaching and learning process. This research is a qualitative type through literature study. Literature study is another term for literature review, literature review, theoretical study, theoretical basis, literature review, and theoretical review. Class management in improving the effectiveness of teaching and learning can be known through an understanding of the concept of class management and the effectiveness of teaching and learning. The concept of class management can be seen in 1) the notion of class management; 2) class management factors; and 3) approach in classroom management. Meanwhile, to find out whether learning has been effective can be seen from a) the notion of effective learning; b) the characteristics of effective learning
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Pemasaran Sebagai Penunjang Keputusan Berbasis Web Era Era Hia; Meri Mayang Sari; Andri Cahyo Purnomo
Journal Cerita: Creative Education of Research in Information Technology and Artificial Informatics Vol 9 No 2 (2023): Journal CERITA : Creative Education of Research in Information Technology and Art

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33050/cerita.v9i2.2881


Perkembangan teknologi informasi yang semakin cepat membuat pola berfikir manusia berubah, dengan proses yang seperti ini diharapkan generasi yang akan datang diharuskan mempunyai keahlian yang lebih baik dibidang teknologi itu sendiri. Kebutuhan akan adanya kemudahan dari segi pemasaran saya rasa penting sekali bagi perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang supplier distributor guna menunjang dari segi akurasi dan kualitas pemasaran itu sendiri. Namun sistem yang berjalan saat ini masih tergolong kurang efisien dalam melayani kebutuhan customer. Hal ini dikarenakan sistem pemasaran produk hanya bisa diakses secara manual dan belum adanya media informasi seputar produk yang ditawarkan, oleh sebab itu dibuatlah suatu perancangan sistem informasi berbasis web yang mengatur pemasaran produk di PT. Citra Karya Mitra Nusantara serta menjadi bahan dalam membuat laporan sistem penunjang keputusan. Dalam perancangan ini menggunakan metode data mining market basket analysis dan Max-Miner sebagai algoritma. Serta menggunakan metode penerapan sistem Waterfall atau sering dinamakan siklus hidup klasik (classic life cycle). Dengan demikian penelitian ini mengacu kepada bagaimana cara agar pemasaran produk dapat di akses dengan mudah, cepat, dan akurat dimanapun dan kapanpun calon customer dapat mengakses tanpa terkendala waktu dan tempat serta menjadi wadah Decision Maker dalam pengambilan keputusan.
Jurnal Review Pendidikan dan Pengajaran (JRPP) Vol. 6 No. 4 (2023): Volume 6 No 4 Tahun 2023
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/jrpp.v6i4.23349


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi dampak implementasi Aplikasi Learning Management System (LMS) pasca pandemi COVID-19 dalam meningkatkan kinerja guru di satuan pendidikan sekolah menengah. Dengan menggunakan metode studi literatur, penelitian ini menganalisis sejumlah literatur terkini yang relevan dengan penerapan LMS dalam konteks pendidikan. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa LMS efektif dalam memperbaiki aksesibilitas pembelajaran, memfasilitasi kolaborasi, dan meningkatkan efisiensi pengajaran. Guru dapat memanfaatkan LMS untuk menyusun materi, memberikan tugas, dan secara real-time memantau progres siswa. Selain itu, implementasi LMS memperkuat manajemen sistem pendidikan dengan menyederhanakan pengelolaan sumber daya manusia dan penjadwalan. Meskipun tantangan seperti kurangnya infrastruktur teknologi dan pelatihan masih ada, penelitian ini memberikan rekomendasi untuk investasi infrastruktur, pelatihan intensif guru, dan dukungan kebijakan yang berkelanjutan. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi penting terhadap pemahaman tentang implementasi LMS dalam konteks pendidikan pasca pandemi. Implikasi praktisnya mencakup peningkatan efisiensi pembelajaran, sementara implikasi teoretisnya memberikan dasar untuk penelitian lebih lanjut dalam teknologi pendidikan dan manajemen pendidikan.