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Utilization of Soybeans as Bio-Catalyst in Calcite Precipitation Method for Repairing Cracks in Concrete Rahmawan, Rama Zaky; Fauzan, Muhammad; Putra, Heriansyah
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 23, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jtsp.v23i2.31834


Concrete is a material that has high compressive strength. However, concrete has a lower tensile strength than its compressive strength. As a result, the concrete often cracks and allows the entry of harmful substances such as  dan   causing corrosion of the reinforcement. Therefore, the repair method began to shift from the conventional way to the concept of self-healing concrete which involves the deposition of CaCO3. Precipitation can be done by the enzymatically – induced carbonate precipitation (EICP) method through a combination of urease, urea, and CaCl2 into a solution. This research used soybean extract as a substitute for pure urease enzyme. Variations in the concentration of soybean flour used as injection solution were variations in the content of soybean flour 15 g/L because it produced an optimum calcite mass of 2.62 grams. As a result, there was an increase in the compressive strength of BI against BR. In addition, there was a decreased value of permeability and porosity and the number of injections carried out. The increase in compressive strength, decrease in permeability, and decrease in porosity in concrete is due to CaCO3 deposition in the concrete which can cover the pores and cracks in the concrete.
Utilization of Soybeans as Bio-Catalyst in Calcite Precipitation Method for Repairing Cracks in Concrete Rahmawan, Rama Zaky; Fauzan, Muhammad; Putra, Heriansyah
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 23, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jtsp.v23i2.31834


Concrete is a material that has high compressive strength. However, concrete has a lower tensile strength than its compressive strength. As a result, the concrete often cracks and allows the entry of harmful substances such as  dan   causing corrosion of the reinforcement. Therefore, the repair method began to shift from the conventional way to the concept of self-healing concrete which involves the deposition of CaCO3. Precipitation can be done by the enzymatically – induced carbonate precipitation (EICP) method through a combination of urease, urea, and CaCl2 into a solution. This research used soybean extract as a substitute for pure urease enzyme. Variations in the concentration of soybean flour used as injection solution were variations in the content of soybean flour 15 g/L because it produced an optimum calcite mass of 2.62 grams. As a result, there was an increase in the compressive strength of BI against BR. In addition, there was a decreased value of permeability and porosity and the number of injections carried out. The increase in compressive strength, decrease in permeability, and decrease in porosity in concrete is due to CaCO3 deposition in the concrete which can cover the pores and cracks in the concrete.
Peningkatan Efisiensi Biaya Pembangunan Gedung Bertingkat Dengan Aplikasi Building Information Modeling (BIM) 5D Faqih Nadiya Umam; Erizal Erizal; Heriansyah Putra
TERAS JURNAL Vol 12, No 1 (2022): Volume 12 Nomor 1, Maret 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/tj.v12i1.704


Abstrak Sebagian besar perusahaan konstruksi di Indonesia saat ini masih menggunakan aplikasi konvensional yang dilakukan secara terpisah. Akibat yang sering ditemukan dari penggunaan aplikasi konvensional terfragmentasi antara lain adanya limbah kontruksi dan keterlambatan informasi yang menyebabkan inefisiensi biaya dan waktu. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan suatu sistem integrasi yang dapat menjawab permasalahan tersebut. Salah satu teknologi yang telah muncul untuk menjawab permasalahan adalah Building Information Modeling (BIM). Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan simulasi pemodelan dan perhitungan untuk mengevaluasi akurasi dan efisiensi biaya penggunaan aplikasi BIM 5D dibandingkan dengan metode konvensional pada pekerjaan besi dan beton. Simulasi proyek dilakukan pada apartment 16 lantai. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan penggunaan aplikasi BIM 5D dapat mengurangi biaya tenaga kerja sebesar Rp171.989.939,00 atau menghemat 6,33%. Nilai efisiensi volume pekerjaan beton fc’30 MPa, beton fc’35 MPa, dan pekerjaan besi tulangan masing-masing sebesar 7,21%, 10,87%, dan 5,98%. Total efisiensi biaya yang didapatkan sebesar Rp406.697.000,00. Biaya tersebut sangat besar dibandingkan biaya investasi aplikasi BIM 5D seharga Rp127.000.000,00. Kata kunci: Aplikasi BIM 5D, Building Information Modeling, Efisiensi Biaya Abstract Most construction companies in Indonesia currently still use conventional applications that are carried out separately. The consequences that are often found from the use of fragmented conventional applications include construction waste and delays in the information that cause cost and time inefficiencies. Therefore, an integrated system is needed to answer these problems. One technology that has emerged to answer these problems is Building Information Modeling (BIM). This research was conducted by modeling simulations and calculations to evaluate the accuracy and cost-efficiency of using the BIM 5D application compared to conventional methods in rebar and concrete work. The project simulation was carried out on a 16-floor apartment. As a result, the use of the BIM 5D application can reduce labor costs by Rp171,989,939.00 or save 6.33%. The efficiency values of fc'30 MPa concrete work, fc'35 MPa concrete, and rebar work are 7.21%, 10.87%, and 5.98%, respectively. The total cost-efficiency obtained is Rp406,697,000.00. This cost is huge compared to the investment cost of the BIM 5D application for Rp127,000,000.00. Keywords: BIM 5D application, Building Information Modeling, Cost Efficiency
Efektivitas Metode Calcite Precipitation Dengan Biocatalyst Bubuk Kedelai Sebagai Metode Biogrouting Untuk Mencegah Likuifaksi Tanah Pasir Akbar Renaldi Loebis; Heriansyah Putra
TERAS JURNAL Vol 12, No 1 (2022): Volume 12 Nomor 1, Maret 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/tj.v12i1.595


Abstrak Likuifaksi merupakan fenomena perubahan konsistensi tanah dari keadaan padat menjadi keadaan cair akibat gempa bumi. Metode calcite precipitation merupakan salah satu metode inovatif untuk mitigasi likuifaksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi efektivitas metode calcite precipitation dengan biocatalyst bubuk kedelai sebagai metode biogrouting pada tanah terlikuifaksi. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel tanah berpotensi likuifaksi dengan variasi gradasi. Pengujian pengendapan kalsit diperlukan untuk menentukan komposisi optimum larutan calcite precipitation. Evaluasi efektivitas pada tanah dilakukan dengan pengujian distribusi kalsit dan penentuan nilai kekuatan tanah berdasarkan kurva hubungan antara kadar kalsit dan nilai UCS. Hasil pengujian pengendapan kalsit didapatkan konsentrasi bubuk kedelai 15 g/L sebagai komposisi optimum larutan calcite precipitation. Nilai kadar kalsit maksimum yang terbentuk di sampel pasir halus, sedang, dan kasar berturut-turut sebesar 4,96; 6,12; dan 1,32 % sehingga mampu menghasilkan nilai prediksi UCS sebesar 132, 172, dan 59 kPa. Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan metode calcite precipitation dengan biocatalyst bubuk kedelai terbukti efektif diaplikasikan pada sampel pasir untuk meningkatkan kekuatan tanah sehingga mampu mencegah terjadinya peristiwa likuifaksi. Kata kunci: bubuk kedelai, gradasi tanah, kalsit, likuifaksi Abstract Liquefaction was a phenomenon of change in soil consistency from a solid state to a liquid state due to the earthquake. Calcite precipitation method may be one of the innovative methods for liquefaction mitigation. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the effectiveness of the calcite precipitation method with soybean powder biocatalyst as a biogrouting method in liquefied soil. This research used potentially liquefied soil samples with various gradations. A precipitation test was needed to determined the optimum composition of the calcite precipitation solution. Evaluation of the effectiveness on soil was carried out by calcite distribution test and determining the value of soil strength based on the correlation curve between calcite contents and UCS values. The result of the precipitation test showed that 15 g/L soybean powder concentration was the optimum composition of the calcite precipitation solution. Maximum calcite content values had formed in fine, medium, and coarse sand sample was 4,96; 6,12; and 1,32 % so that able to produced UCS prediction values of 132, 172, and, 59 kPa.  The results of this research show that calcite precipitation method with soybean powder biocatalyst proved to be effective on sand samples to improved the strength of the soils so can prevented liquefaction. Keywords: calcite, liquefaction, soil gradation, soybean powder 
Inorganically Precipitated Phosphates and Carbonates to Improve Porous Material Properties Debendra Neupane; Hideaki Yasuhara; Heriansyah Putra; Naoki Kinoshita
EPI International Journal of Engineering Vol 1 No 1 (2018): Volume 1 Number 1, February 2018
Publisher : Center of Techonolgy (COT), Engineering Faculty, Hasanuddin University

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Inorganically precipitated metal phosphate and metal carbonates may improve the physical and mechanical properties of the porous materials. Two types of porous materials i.e., sand and concrete, are examined. The phosphate and carbonate minerals of calcium and magnesium are appraised. Two series of experiments are conducted. In the first series of experiments, the efficacy of the inorganic grout is examined to improve the mechanical properties of sandy soil. In the second series of experiments, the efficacy of the inorganic phosphate to reduce the permeability of concrete is evaluated. The potential of these combinations is also appraised to reduce the permeability through the concrete cracks. The results exhibit that the reduction of the permeability through the cracks up to 3 orders of magnitude is possible.
Analisis Perubahan Faktor Keamanan Lereng Akibat Hujan Achmad Hafidz; Muhammad Fauzan; Heriansyah Putra; Annisa Daniswara
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan Vol. 4 No. 3: Desember 2019
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (573.622 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jsil.4.3.169-176


Infiltration causes a decrease in soil shear strength parameters. Decrease in soil shear strength parameters can cause landslides. Landslides often occur in Bogor Regency, one of the landslide locations is Puncak, Bogor. Landslides in Puncak, Bogor on 05 February 2018 at 09.20 WIB must have a safety factor 1.07. Changes in safety factors due to rainfall are observed from 03 February 2018 at 05.00 WIB until 05 February 2018 at 09.20 WIB. This research includes testing soil samples, pore water pressure analysis and slope stability analysis. The software used for this analysis is GeoStudio. The analysis results are the changes in safety factor due to rainfall. The safety factor on 03 February 2018 at 05.00 WIB is 1.602. Safety factor until 05 February 2018 at 03.40 WIB are still above 1.25. So, the slopes are still safe. The decline in safety factor continued until 1.070 due to a decrease in cohesion on 05 February 2018 at 09.20 WIB with cohesion on SW-SM soil and SM soil at 4.01 kPa and 9.18 kPa. So, the duration needed to change a safe slope to landslide is only 5 hours 40 minutes. This can occur because of the intensity of the rain on 05 February 2018 at 07.00 WIB and 08.00 WIB are 34.1 mm/hour and 34.9 mm/hour. Key words: cohesion, landslides, rainfall, safety factor
Analisis Kinerja Rencana Bundaran dengan Pendekatan Simulasi Mikro Tri Sudibyo; Erizal Erizal; Purwo Mahardi; Muhammad Fauzan; Heriansyah Putra
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan Vol. 4 No. 3: Desember 2019
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (845.13 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jsil.4.3.177-186


Urban road network typically consists of many intersections which commonly lead to traffic problems. In relatively low traffic, a simple priority intersection will be sufficient and lead no traffic problem without necessarily implement traffic lights, roundabout or others. In an urban area where traffic demands are high, intersections need to be treated with an accurate traffic engineering approach. There are many different approaches to reduce the traffic problem in intersection including traffic light, roundabout, or interchange. Cimahpar Raya street and Indobaso intersections are urban areas in Bogor city with the high demand for transportation and often having a congestion problem in peak hour. The Office of Public Works and Spatial Planning (PUPR) of Bogor city plans to develop and change the Indobaso intersection to be a roundabout, while also increasing the lane width of the approaching roads. This study was conducted to assess the performance changes of the Indobaso intersection improvement by developing a traffic model of the intersection. The planned roundabout and lane width improvement significantly reduce the traffic delays by 90,07%, reduce travel time by 51,76%, improve average speed by 83,77%, and reduce the traffic density by 88,54% compared to the current condition of the intersection which lacks required lane road width and maneuver area.Key words: urban road, intersection, traffic model
Analisis Potensi Kelongsoran pada Ruas Jalan Raya Pangalengan menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis Muhamad Raffi Rahman; Yuli Suharnoto; Heriansyah Putra
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan Vol. 5 No. 2: Agustus 2020
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jsil.5.2.79-90


Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB) claimed the landslide incident on 5 May 2015 in Pangalengan District caused gas pipelines owned by PT. Geothermal Star Energy exploded, 9 people died, 154 displaced and 10 houses buried. Based on the facts, it is necessary to make an effort to reduce the risk of landslides by utilizing satellite imagery. The purpose of this study was to identify potential landslides on the Pangalengan highway and make recommendations mitigation actions for the local government. The method used was using 2 estimation system models made by the Directorate of Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation in 2004 and 2005. The result of the DVMBG 2004 showed the very high classification had a percentage of 97.24% and the DVMBG 2005 result showed the high classification reached 53.26% and the very high classification reached 53.26%. The potential for landslides on the Pangalengan road is 98.37%. Recommended mitigation actions were cutting slopes or making soil retaining walls or drainage channel planning.
Topography changes and thermal distribution at the Kelud crater after the 2014 Plinian eruption Wahyudi Wahyudi; Ari Setiawan; Heriansyah Putra; Herlan Darmawan; Imam Suyanto; Irwan Meilano; Irzaman irzaman; Maria Evita; Mitra Djamal; Moh Yasin; Nina Siti Aminah; Perdinan Perdinan; Retna Apsari; Wahyu Srigutomo; Wiwit Suryanto
Indonesian Journal of Geography Vol 52, No 3 (2020): Indonesian Journal of Geography
Publisher : Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/ijg.51986


Topography of a volcano crater can change due to endogenic processes such as deformation or eruption, or surface processes. Erosion and deposition are surface processes that may occur and gradually change the slope of the inner volcano crater. Here, we investigated erosion and deposition processes that occurred in the Kelud crater after the 2014 plinian eruption. We used high-resolution Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) and orthomosaic images derived by drone photogrammetry that acquired between September 2018 and July 2019. We obtained hundreds of aerial images which were reconstructed to obtain 3D models of Kelud’s crater by using Structure from Motion (SfM) technique. Results show erosions at alluvial fans that dominantly located at the east valleys of Kelud crater. The erosion removed the volcanic materials up to -5 m which transported and deposited close to the vicinity of the Kelud crater. The deposition process causes the increase of the Kelud crater lake up to 3 m. Moreover, we also mapped the thermal distribution of the Kelud crater lake by using low cost thermal camera. Our thermal investigation is able to identify some hotspots at the vicinity of the Kelud crater lake with range temperature of 43.7°C – 55.3°C, while the average apparent temperature of the Kelud crater lake is ~ 29°C. This high temperature area may indicate underwater active fractures that continuously release volcanic gasses which leads to convection heat transfer through Kelud’s water lake.
Pengaruh Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) pada Efektivitas Perbaikan Tanah Gambut dengan Metode Calcite Precipitation Pradyta Galuh Oktafiani; Heriansyah Putra; Sutoyo Sutoyo
Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik Sipil Vol 20, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Infrastruktur Sipil Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (890.094 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j2579-891X.v20i1.9637


The problems that are generally found in land preparation for infrastructure developments are the characteristics of soils that have low bearing capacity, such as peat soils. Calcite precipitation is a soil improvement method that utilizes biochemical reactions with the final product being calcite. Peat soil has different characteristics from other soils, that it has high levels of Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC). The amount of DOC present in peat soil significantly affects the specific gravity, liquid limit, density, and strength of the soil. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate whether DOC in peat soil can affect the effectiveness of the calcite precipitation method. The research was conducted on soil with high organic content (95.35%) and soil with moderate organic content (73,51%). The research was carried out through five stages, namely soil properties, test-tube experiment, soil samples treatment, Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) test, and evaluating the soil pH. The results of this study obtained in the form of high organic content have an additional strength of 76.47%. Medium organic content soil has an additional strength of 137.50. Thus, DOC has an effect on increasing soil strength in the calcite precipitation method.