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Tata kelola inovasi pelayanan publik: dimensi kelembagaan, aktor kebijakan dan masyarakat Siti Nur Hapzah; Budi Rianto; M Husni Tamrin
Publisia: Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Publik Vol 5, No 2: Oktober 2020
Publisher : Universitas Merdeka Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26905/pjiap.v5i2.4327


The goal of this research is to identify the innovation governance of 6-in-1 program in services for population affairs at the Autonomous Agency for Population Affairs and Civil Registry of Surabaya City Administration. Innovation of 6-in-1 program is an innovation containing the 6 products of population services (birth, death, moving, arriving, marriage, divorce). This research applies the Innovation Governance Theory from the United Nation, namely Institution, Policy Actor and Community in subsequent management, then elaborated by using the Theory of Cook and Mathews, namely Risk Management and Technology. This research applies “qualitative descriptive method‟ .The technique in determining the informant is classified into 2 (two) sample takings, the purposive sampling and the snowball sampling. Data are collected through observation interview, and documentation. The triangulation technique is used for verification or checking. Output of this research reveals that the innovation management must be supported by various aspects, such as the supporting policy, level of employees‟ compliance, community serving attitude, synergy among the stakeholders, culture, and community participation. However, there are still several things not yet been supportive, namely knowledge of the community, network technology and prevention management
Islamic Perspective on Creative Marine Ecotourism Development Policy in Kalanganyar Village Sedati Sidoarjo M. Husni Tamrin
Falah: Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Vol. 5 No. 2 (2020): AUGUST 2020
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jes.v5i2.13330


This study aims to describe a development policy and supporting factors, and also inhibitors of marine ecotourism in Kalanganyar Village, Kalanganyar Village in Sidoarjo Regency in an Islamic perspective. This study used qualitative method with an interaction model consisting of 3 (three) activities: data reduction, data presentation, and drawing a conclusion. Data collection were obtained from direct observations at the research location and also interviews with the Sidoarjo tourism office and visitors to the marine tourism of Kalanganyar Village. The results of this study indicate that Kalanganyar Village has a variety of tourism potential, although there is still a lack of support from related agencies, such as the existence of infrastructure and service as a tourist destination. However, in broad outline the potential of the Kalanganyar village is superior in Sidoarjo Regency.
Interaction of Policy Actors in Online Learning Implementation Intan Intan Anggraeny; Mas Roro Lilik Ekowanti; M Husni Tamrin
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 8, No 3 (2021): October 2021
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jgpp.v8i3.11715


This study aims to explain and describe the interaction of policy actors in the implementation of online learning. This study uses a qualitative research method with a descriptive case study approach. Data collection techniques in this study are through observation, documentation, and interviews. The instruments in this study were: a) the researcher himself, b) interview guidelines, c) supporting tools in the form of books, pens, and d) related documents. The results showed that actor interaction can occur if there is communication between implementing actors. Communication in the implementation of online learning can be seen in the accuracy or accuracy of communication and consistency of communication regarding online learning information from the principal to the teacher and finally to students and parents. Interaction between actors, namely principals, teachers, students, and parents in the implementation of online learning has not been carried out effectively. This is because the interaction between implementing actors is unresponsive to one party, namely students and parents. Apart from that, giving complicated and difficult assignments by the teacher, which makes it difficult for students and parents to understand, is also a factor in the existence of negligence or delay
Optimalisasi Pemanfaatan Sistem Informasi Desa dalam Pendataan dan Pemantauan Penduduk pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 M. Husni Tamrin; Sri Umiyati; Lunariana Lubis; Wildan Taufik Raharja
Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Vol 7 No 1 (2022): Mei
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21067/jpm.v7i1.6400


This community service aims to assist the village government of Ambeng-ambeng Watangrejo in Duduksampeyan Sub-District, Gresik Regency in registering and monitoring immigrants and conducting independent home isolation as a result of implementing the Widespread Social Restrictions Policy (PSBB) during the COVID-19 pandemic. The village government and the 19th level COVID task force are facing hurdles in collecting data and monitoring the isolated population. So there is a need for an online village information system that can record and monitor the population. The community is served through socialization methods and by assisting village officials and the Covid-19 task force in implementing the village information system. A community service outcome is a village information system that the village government can use to provide services to the community.
ANALISA MANFAAT EKONOMI DAN PERAN LEMBAGA PETANI TAMBAK (Studi Deskriptif di Desa Ambeng-ambeng Watang rejo Kecamatan Duduk Sampeyan Kabupaten Gresik) Winarto; M. Husni Tamrin
Aplikasi Administrasi: Media Analisa Masalah Administrasi Volume 20 Nomor 2
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30649/aamama.v20i2.73


Fishery aquaculture activities become the core livelihood in some communities in rural areas. This study describes the value of economic benefits and the role of pond farming institutions in the community that became the needs and daily livelihoods. This research observes how the value of economic benefits and how the role of pond farming institutions in the Village of Ambeng-ambeng Watangrejo Duduk Sampeyan District Gresik.The results of this study conclude that the economic benefit value for the farmers is not profitable and even a loss. The role of farmer groups that have not yet had a good function. Group "Usaha Tani" is still not maximized in performing its role as economic institution of the community in the village Ambeng-ambeng Watangrejo Duduk Sampeyan District Gresik. Three indicators that they can play are the guidance of exchange of goods / barter, the guidance of how to pay, and as the identity of the community. But there are three other indicators that they have not done in their role as economic institutions that is as a guideline to determine food prices, buying and selling guidelines and use labor guidelines.
Aplikasi Administrasi: Media Analisa Masalah Administrasi Volume 21 Nomor 2
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30649/aamama.v21i2.85


This study aims to identify and describe the stakeholders involved in the development of the suramadu region based on their influence (Power) and interests (Interest) in the area of the Suramadu Bridge on the Madura side (KKJSM). The method used in this study is a qualitative research method. With the crane technique data obtained by using direct analysis of research objects, namely the government, the public, the private sector that develops the upper area in the area of the suramadu bridge side of Madura (KKJSM). The results in this study show that the stakeholders involved in the development of the Suramadu village side Madura area (KKJSM) consist of primary, key and secondary stakeholders. BP-BPWS which is given the mandate as the implementing agency - the development agency of the suramadu region must be able to work together with stakeholders in reaching the circle. Meanwhile. Main Stakeholders are Community / Villagers who have less power with high interests such as smooth sales and accessibility for visitors and also benefit from visitors who come in the area of the Suramadu Bridge side of Madura (KKJSM). Stakeholders include BPWS as the development of the Surabaya region - Madura which has high intention and high power which also aims for political interests and project interests.Keywords: Potential of Rural, Marine Ecotourism, Tourist Attractions.
Aplikasi Administrasi: Media Analisa Masalah Administrasi Volume 22 Nomor 2
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30649/aamama.v22i2.105


The study analyzes Triple Helix Partnership in the Japan Internship Program in East Java Manpower and Transmigration Office. There are three actors in apprenticeship programs to Japan, namely academics, business and government. This study aims to describe and analyze who the actors are and how their respective roles in the Triple Helix partnership. The theory uses Widya Fitriana (2015) which states that each actor has their respective roles such as government actors who have the role as regulators, investors, facilitators and advocacy. Business actors have the creative role of entrepreneurship, technology, products, and the driving force of innovation, driving the development of other industrial sectors, contributing to the development of resources. Academic actors have the role of producing research and scientific research, diffusion technology, participating in participatory planning processes and public decision making, providing expert consultation, creating business incubators. It uses descriptive qualitative method. Data collection techniques are obtained through interview, observation, and documentation. The results indicate that government and academy actors have not performed several roles in the apprenticeship program to Japan.
Aplikasi Administrasi: Media Analisa Masalah Administrasi Volume 23 Nomor 2
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30649/aamama.v23i2.120


This research is a collaborative model in the implementation of the community development program of green village in Jagir Wonokromo. The purpose of this study is to describe the Collaborative Model in the implementation of PKBL CSR program between PT Pertamina (Persero) MOR V Surabaya and Jagir Wonokromo Green Village in Surabaya. It applies Agranoff and Mc Guire's theories which propose six collaboration models, namely a) Jurisdiction-Based Model b) Abstinence Model c) Top-Down Model d) Donor-Recipient Model e) Reactive Model f) Contented Model. The study uses descriptive qualitative method and the aim is to find out the collaboration model in the implementation of cooperation between PT Pertamina (Persero) and green village in Jagir Wonokromo for the distribution of environmental assistance. Data collection is obtained through observation, interview, and documentation. The results indicate that the collaboration model in the Green Village environmental assistance distribution is included in the Top-Down Model.
Rebranding Produk Kopi Excelsa Oleh Kelompok Masyarakat KOPI GUNUNG Dengan Packaging Baru dan Digital Marketing Zainal Abidin Achmad; Yenny Wuryandari; Kusuma Wardhani Mas’udah; M. Husni Tamrin
PLAKAT : Jurnal Pelayanan Kepada Masyarakat Vol 4, No 2 (2022): Volume 4, Nomor 2 Desember Tahun 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Mulawarman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/plakat.v4i2.8899


Coffee is a leading commodity in Jombang Regency. One of these coffee varieties is Excelsa Coffee. The main obstacle for coffee farmers and traders in Sumberjo Village is the processing of excelsa coffee which is quite complicated. The Grant Program for Application of Research Results for the Community (PIHAT) aims to foster community groups KOPI GUNUNG in Sumberjo Village, Wonosalam District, Jombang Regency to have knowledge and skills in coffee plant care and digital marketing. The results of the identification of the problem of Pokmas KOPI GUNUNG as a partner, the PIHAT team provides solutions in the form of a) Increasing knowledge and skills in caring for coffee plants, b) Improving the quality of new labels and packaging, c) Creating Instagram accounts and making marketing support profile videos, and d) Digital marketing training. After partners gain knowledge and skills in caring for coffee plants, knowledge of digital marketing skills, and producing coffee product packaging, the goal of implementing this PIHAT program is to increase sales of coffee products from the KOPI GUNUNG community group with the brand and packaging "Cakra Dewa." In addition to articles in community service journals, PIHAT's outputs are the Profile Video, news, and Instagram accounts. Kopi merupakan komoditas unggulan Kabupaten Jombang. Salah satu varietas kopi tersebut adalah Kopi Excelsa. Kendala utama bagi petani dan pedagang kopi di Desa Sumberjo adalah perawatan kopi excelsa yang cukup rumit. Program Hibah Penerapan Hasil Penelitian Bagi Masyarakat (PIHAT) bertujuan untuk membina kelompok masyarakat KOPI GUNUNG di Desa Sumberjo, Kecamatan Wonosalam, Kabupaten Jombang agar memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam perawatan tanaman kopi dan pemasaran digital. Hasil identifikasi masalah Pokmas KOPI GUNUNG sebagai mitra, maka tim PIHAT memberikan solusi berupa: a) Meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam merawat tanaman kopi, b) Meningkatkan kualitas label dan kemasan baru, c) Membuat akun Instagram dan membuat video profil penunjang pemasaran, dan d) Pelatihan pemasaran digital. Setelah mitra mendapatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam merawat tanaman kopi, pengetahuan keterampilan digital marketing, dan memproduksi kemasan produk kopi, maka sasaran akhir dari pelaksanaan program PIHAT ini adalah meningkatkan penjualan produk kopi dari kelompok masyarakat KOPI GUNUNG dengan brand dan kemasan “Cakra Dewa.” Selain artikel pada jurnal pengabdian kepada masyarakat, luaran PIHAT ini adalah Video Profil, Berita, dan akun Instagram.
Optimalisasi Sistem Pelayanan Rakyat Sidoarjo (SIPRAJA) Menuju Kalanganyar sebagai Desa Digital M. Husni Tamrin; Sri Umiyati; Deasy Arieffiani; Lunariana Lubis; Arie Ambarwati; Zainal Abidin Achmad
JPP IPTEK (Jurnal Pengabdian dan Penerapan IPTEK) Vol 6, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : LPPM ITATS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31284/j.jpp-iptek.2022.v6i2.3612


Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mengoptimalkan pelayanan publik dengan memanfaatkan sistem informasi menuju desa digital. Kebutuhan masyarakat tentang kualitas pelayanan publik yang efektif dan efisien menjadi sebuah keniscayaan. Pemerintah Desa Kalanganyar, Kecamatan Sedati, Kabupaten Sidoarjo sebagai bagian dari Pemerintah Kabupaten Sidoarjo telah menerapkan pelayanan berbasis digital yang dinamakan SIPRAJA (Sistem Pelayanan Rakyat Sidoarjo) sesuai dengan Surat Edaran Bupati Sidoarjo tentang kewajiban bagi seluruh desa untuk memanfaatkan aplikasi tersebut. Akan tetapi, partisipasi dan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang pemanfaatan SIPRAJA masih rendah sehingga aplikasi hanya dimanfaatkan oleh sebagian masyarakat saja. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan ini dibagi menjadi tiga tahapan pelaksanaan, yaitu brainstorming, sosialisasi, dan pendampingan. Hasil dari pelaksanaan pengabdian ini, pemerintah desa memahami tentang pentingnya peningkatan kualitas pelayanan publik. Selanjutnya, pemerintah desa juga berhasil memberikan arahan dan meningkatkan jumlah partisipasi masyarakat dalam pemanfaatan aplikasi SIPRAJA. Dengan demikian, pelayanan publik di Desa Kalanganyar dapat berjalan secara optimal dengan memanfaatkan aplikasi tersebut.