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Jurnal Akademika Vol 17, No 1 (2019): Februari 2019
Publisher : STIE Indonesia Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (267.022 KB) | DOI: 10.51881/jam.v17i1.159


Organizational performance is the principal of subjects of who never used for discussion in the business world or the management of organization. Several factors and variables affecting organizational performance. This study attempts to analyze the contribution employees engagement, of the design to organization citizenship behavior (OCB) and organizational performance. Research methodology used is quantitative explanatory by using 55 respondents who was employees in the field of banking.Analysis of research suggests that there a connection directly or indirectly the contribution of the employees engagement, the design work against organization citizenship behavior ( OCB ) and organization performance. The analysis proved that only the employees engagement and organization citizenship behavior (OCB) that contributes significantly to direct and organizational performance, while the design work never contributes directly against the performance of the organization.Keywords: Employee engagement, Work desain, Organization Citizenship Organization, Organization performance.
JOURNAL OF APPLIED BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Vol 3 No 1 (2019): Journal of Applied Business Administration - Maret 2019
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (426.515 KB) | DOI: 10.30871/jaba.v3i1.1289


Organizational performance / company been an research will is always interesting to talk about in the business world or the management of organization. Several factors and variables affecting the performance of the organization. This study attempts to analyze the individual characteristics, relationship the culture of the organization citizenship behavior (OCB) with performance / organization company. Quantitative research methodology used is explanatory using 35 respondents an employee in the services sector financial Surabaya city consultation. The research suggests that there is a directly or indirectly between individual characteristics, cultural organization, organization citizenship behavior (OCB) with organizational performance. The analysis showed that only cultural organizations and organization citizenship behavior (OCB) giving immediate and significant relationship with, organizational performance while individual characteristics not giving the correlations directly with. organizational performance.
Optimalisasi Sistem Pelayanan Rakyat Sidoarjo (SIPRAJA) Menuju Kalanganyar sebagai Desa Digital M. Husni Tamrin; Sri Umiyati; Deasy Arieffiani; Lunariana Lubis; Arie Ambarwati; Zainal Abidin Achmad
JPP IPTEK (Jurnal Pengabdian dan Penerapan IPTEK) Vol 6, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : LPPM ITATS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31284/j.jpp-iptek.2022.v6i2.3612


Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mengoptimalkan pelayanan publik dengan memanfaatkan sistem informasi menuju desa digital. Kebutuhan masyarakat tentang kualitas pelayanan publik yang efektif dan efisien menjadi sebuah keniscayaan. Pemerintah Desa Kalanganyar, Kecamatan Sedati, Kabupaten Sidoarjo sebagai bagian dari Pemerintah Kabupaten Sidoarjo telah menerapkan pelayanan berbasis digital yang dinamakan SIPRAJA (Sistem Pelayanan Rakyat Sidoarjo) sesuai dengan Surat Edaran Bupati Sidoarjo tentang kewajiban bagi seluruh desa untuk memanfaatkan aplikasi tersebut. Akan tetapi, partisipasi dan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang pemanfaatan SIPRAJA masih rendah sehingga aplikasi hanya dimanfaatkan oleh sebagian masyarakat saja. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan ini dibagi menjadi tiga tahapan pelaksanaan, yaitu brainstorming, sosialisasi, dan pendampingan. Hasil dari pelaksanaan pengabdian ini, pemerintah desa memahami tentang pentingnya peningkatan kualitas pelayanan publik. Selanjutnya, pemerintah desa juga berhasil memberikan arahan dan meningkatkan jumlah partisipasi masyarakat dalam pemanfaatan aplikasi SIPRAJA. Dengan demikian, pelayanan publik di Desa Kalanganyar dapat berjalan secara optimal dengan memanfaatkan aplikasi tersebut.
Analisis Penilaian Kinerja Karyawan Studi pada Waiters Cafe Belly Buddy dengan Metode Behaviorally Anchor Rating Scale (BARS) Rizal Nazarudin A; Herman; Arie Ambarwati
Journal Of Accounting and Business Volume 1 Nomor 2
Publisher : Business Administration Dept. - Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Hang Tuah University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30649/jab.v1i2.106


In the world of work, employee performance appraisal has an important role. This relates to decisions that will be taken by the company, related to the performance of its employees. As is the case with Cafe Belly Buddy, which is one of the culinary business ventures in Surabaya, is a company that of course conducts performance appraisals or evaluations for its employees. The method used by the current management of Cafe Belly Buddy is to carry out an evaluation process once every 3 (three) months, and the basis for the assessment has not used a structured method, so it is felt that it is still considered ineffective. This is because there are still many employees who consider formality, assessment is subjective, there are no clear and measurable standards, as well as feedback on employee performance achievements. As a result, employees feel uncomfortable and unmotivated at work. To overcome this, the authors compiled an employee performance assessment based on the method, namely using the Behaviorally Anchor Rating Scale (BARS) method. The Behaviorally Anchor Rating Scale (BARS) method can overcome the problem of evaluating employee performance which tends to be subjective in this case it can be used to meet the company's need for standards and feedback in employee performance appraisals. For this reason, the Behaviorally Anchor Rating Scale (BARS) method will be implemented for the waiters/waitress division which currently requires review and improvement in its performance process. By using this method, it is expected to be able to solve the problem of assessing the performance of waiters at Cafe Belly Buddy, so that finally employees can work comfortably and full of motivation and enthusiasm in carrying out their performance.
Pelaksanaan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dalam Program Mayajuwita di Kota Blitar Fadhila Ayu Ratnasari; Arie Ambarwati
Policy and Maritime Review VOLUME 1 NO 2
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30649/pmr.v1i2.35


This research is motivated by the importance of optimizing the implementation of community empowerment in a program so that it runs in accordance with the policy implementation plans that have been written and compiled. The implementation of the MAYAJUWITA program is regulated by Perwali No. 2 of 2016 concerning the implementing guidelines for community programs towards a tourism city (MAYAJUWITA). This implementation is proven to run with the attention and detailed implementation of the Government as a whole. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation studies. The data processing technique uses data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions/verification. Research Results The implementation of community empowerment in the MAYAJUWITA program in Blitar City was able to run well because the sub-districts and villages of each Blitar City were able to optimize implementing regulations with the budget provided by the APBD PRO RAKYAT
Analisis Penilaian Kinerja Karyawan Studi Pada Waiters Cafe Belly Buddy dengan Metode Behaviorally Anchor Rating Scale Rizal Nazarudin A; Herman; Arie Ambarwati
Journal Of Accounting and Business Volume 2 Nomor 1
Publisher : Business Administration Dept. - Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Hang Tuah University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30649/jab.v2i1.110


In the world of work, employee performance appraisal has an important role. This relates to decisions that will be taken by the company, related to the performance of its employees. As is the case with Cafe Belly Buddy, which is one of the culinary business ventures in Surabaya, is a company that of course conducts performance appraisals or evaluations for its employees. The method used by the current management of Cafe Belly Buddy is to carry out an evaluation process once every 3 (three) months, and the basis for the assessment has not used a structured method, so it is felt that it is still considered ineffective. This is because there are still many employees who consider formality, assessment is subjective, there are no clear and measurable standards, as well as feedback on employee performance achievements. As a result, employees feel uncomfortable and unmotivated at work. To overcome this, the authors compiled an employee performance assessment based on the method, namely using the Behaviorally Anchor Rating Scale (BARS) method. The Behaviorally Anchor Rating Scale (BARS) method can overcome the problem of evaluating employee performance which tends to be subjective in this case it can be used to meet the company's need for standards and feedback in employee performance appraisals. For this reason, the Behaviorally Anchor Rating Scale (BARS) method will be implemented for the waiters/waitress division which currently requires review and improvement in its performance process. By using this method, it is expected to be able to solve the problem of assessing the performance of waiters at Cafe Belly Buddy, so that finally employees can work comfortably and full of motivation and enthusiasm in carrying out their performance.
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Pesisir VOLUME 1 NO 2
Publisher : Universitas Hang Tuah Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30649/jpmp.v1i2.86


Permasalahan pelaku usaha umumnya di Kota Probolinggo, khususnya dari komunitas peserta UMKM Permodalan Nasional Madani adalah belum memahami pengelolaan keuangan secara digital dan konsep digital marketing. Metode yang digunakan pada pengabdian ini adalah metode pelatihan sekaligus praktek menggunakan aplikasi yang dibutuhkan untuk pengelolaan keuangan secara digital dan juga pelatihan melakukan konsep digital marketing. Hasil pengabdian merupakan kepahaman akan pentingnya pengelolaan keuangan dan dimudahkannya pengelolaan keuangan secara digital serta peserta secara umum memiliki kemampuan menggunakan aplikasi pengelolaan keuangan secara digital. Hasil berikutnya sebetulnya kemampuan peserta dalam melakukan konsep digital marketing khususnya mendatangkan traffic ke akun media sosial dan akun marketplace mereka, serta membuat akun WA Bisnis untuk komunikasi dan membuat katalog produk.
AKADEMIKA Vol. 17 No. 1 (2019): Februari 2019
Publisher : Pusat Publikasi dan Penerbitan Karya Ilmiah STIE Indonesia Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Organizational performance is the principal of subjects of who never used for discussion in the business world or the management of organization. Several factors and variables affecting organizational performance. This study attempts to analyze the contribution employees engagement, of the design to organization citizenship behavior (OCB) and organizational performance. Research methodology used is quantitative explanatory by using 55 respondents who was employees in the field of banking. Analysis of research suggests that there a connection directly or indirectly the contribution of the employees engagement, the design work against organization citizenship behavior ( OCB ) and organization performance. The analysis proved that only the employees engagement and organization citizenship behavior (OCB) that contributes significantly to direct and organizational performance, while the design work never contributes directly against the performance of the organization.
Identifikasi Pengukuran Indeks Kerentanan Sosial Daerah Rentan Bencana Di Jawa Timur Sudirman Sudirman; Arie Ambarwati; Lunariana Lubis
Jurnal ilmiah Manajemen Publik dan Kebijakan Sosial Vol 6 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Publik dan Kebijakan Sosial
Publisher : Universitas Dr. Soetomo Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25139/jmnegara.v6i2.5125


Letak geografis dan topografi Indonesia yang berada di cincin api menempatkan Indonesia pada risiko tinggi mengalami bencana alam seperti gempa bumi, letusan gunung berapi, tsunami, banjir dan tanah longsor. Bencana selalu mengakibatkan kerugian harta benda dan manusia serta seringkali menyebabkan kehancuran komunitas tertentu. Demografi multietnis di Jawa Timur, provinsi dengan pertumbuhan tinggi terbesar kedua di Indonesia, memungkinkan terjadinya konflik sosial yang dapat mengakibatkan bencana dan kerugian material dan tidak berwujud. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengamati dan menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mengukur nilai indeks kerentanan sosial di daerah rawan bencana di Jawa Timur. Dalam penelitian untuk mengukur faktor indeks kerawanan sosial di daerah rawan bencana di Jawa Timur digunakan metode analisis data statistik deskriptif kuantitatif yang disebut analisis faktor dan analisis skoring. Hasil survei mengungkapkan empat faktor utama yang menentukan tingkat kerentanan sosial lokal di delapan kabupaten/kota. Faktor utama adalah faktor I: komposisi rumah tangga berkebutuhan khusus dan berpendidikan rendah (cacat, rasio usia, pendidikan dasar), faktor II: status sosial (status pekerjaan, tingkat bantuan sosial, status perkawinan), faktor III: Faktor ekonomi. Status dan Pendidikan Menengah (Pendapatan, Pendidikan Menengah, Faktor IV : Pendidikan Tinggi (Perguruan Tinggi dan SMA)) Keempat faktor dominan inilah yang kemudian digunakan untuk menghitung kerawanan sosial regional di delapan kabupaten/kota di Jawa Timur.
International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR) Vol 7, No 3 (2023): IJEBAR, VOL. 07 ISSUE 03, SEPTEMBER 2023
Publisher : LPPM ITB AAS INDONESIA (d.h STIE AAS Surakarta)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29040/ijebar.v7i3.10641


This research is motivated by low job satisfaction. This study aims to determine and analyze whether transformational leadership and organizational culture can increase job satisfaction. The research method used in this research is descriptive method with a quantitative approach. The sample in this study was 100 employees using random sampling techniques. Data collection uses a questionnaire distributed to employees. The instruments used have been tested for validity and reliability. The collected data was analyzed using the classic assumption test and multiple linear regression using Excel and SPSS. The results of this study indicate that 1) Transformational leadership has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction, 2) Organizational culture has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction, and 3) Transformational leadership and organizational culture have a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction. The findings of this study indicate that if companies want to increase job satisfaction, companies must improve transformational leadership and organizational culture.