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Kajian Penggunaan Paclobutrazol terhadap Pertumbuhan Semai Agathis Loranthifolia (The Study of paclobutrazol on the growth of Agathis loranthifolia seedlings) Ombo Satjapradja; L Setyaningsih; Dida Syamsuwida; Ateng Rahmat
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika Vol. 12 No. 1 (2006)
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB University)

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Paclobutrazol is one of hormone which able to inhibit the growth of tree seedling. This kind of hormone is usually used extensively in horticulture in stimulating flowering and enhancing fruiting. The objective of the research was to know the effect of paclobutrazol on the growth of Agathis loranthifolia seedlings during storage under different condition, in order to support seedling supply programs for forest establishment and rehabilitation. There were two factors of the trial i.e.) growth inhibitors (paclobutrazol, NaCl and aquadest) and 2) storage conditions (growth house, heavy shading and light shading). A complete randomized design with two factors and 3replication were used in this trial. The result of the research showed that the treatment of paclobutrazol to the seedlings stored at a green house gave an effect to the height and diameter growth of Agathis loranthifolia seedlings which were lower than those treated by NaCl and aquades. While paclobutrazol treated seedlings stored under light shading, gave higher value of seedling height and diameter than those stored under green house condition and heavy shading. The highest value of seedling survival Agathis loranthifolia achieved by paclobutrazol treated seedlings which were stored at the green house and under light shading. Field testing after 3 months plantation showed that paclobutrazol – treated seedlings and seedlings, stored under light shading gave a highest value of seedling survival (100%) and seedling quality index (0,095).Keywords : paclobutarazol hormone, seedling storage technique, recalcitrant seed, seedling survival,  seedling quality index.
Metode Perlakuan Pendahuluan untuk Penyimpanan Benih Melur pada Suhu Sangat Rendah (Pretreatment Method of Melur Seeds Storing at Extreme Low Temperature) Dida Syamsuwida; Aam Aminah
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika Vol. 14 No. 2 (2008)
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB University)

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Cryopreservation is a method of long term storage in which an extremely low temperature of nitrogen liquid (-196 oC) being used to preserve seeds of recalcitrant characteristics. The study was aimed to determine the standard protocol of vitrivication in melur (Podocarpus neriifolius) seeds storing in various cryoprotectans. The use of sucrose PVS2 and DMSO as a cryoprotectan were employed to protect the regularly-desiccated seeds during preserving in liquid nitrogen for 1 hour. Evaluation was made on the viability by germinating the seeds in green house. Randomized completely design of 3 factors was used in this study. The results revealed that seed moisture content was 53% after being desiccated using vaccuum-desicator for 24 hours and showed more than 85% of germination, in average. Vitrivicated seeds in DMSO for 2 hours performed 66.67% germination. Meanwhile, seeds in sucrose and PVS2 for 1 hour reached of 53.33% and 25.33% of germination, respectively. Preservation in liquid nitrogen for 1 hour did not succeed to keep any treated seeds as there was no germination found during viability testing.
PENGEMBANGAN SUMBER BENIH MINDI (Melia azedarach) UNTUK HUTAN RAKYAT DI JAWA BARAT Prijanto Pamoengkas; Iskandar Z. Siregar; Nurheni Wijayanto; . Yulianti; Dida Syamsuwida
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia Vol. 17 No. 1 (2012): Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

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Melia azedarach is mostly found in community forests in West Java. One of the factors that affect forest productivity is high quality seed, but seed quality is not easily obtained by farmers. The general objective research is to provide good quality seeds of Mindi. Specific objectives are: 1) Determine the potential and the distribution of genetic resources of Mindi); 2) Determine the reproductive system; 3) ) improve  seed technology  to develop the seed viability of mindi, and 4) Build the collaborative management of mindi seed source by farmer. Seven  populations of mindi plantation in the community forests were chosen for this research. The study was conducted over three years (2009-2011). Biophysical condition such as  soil, light, temperature, altitude and humidity affect growth, flowering, fertilization and fruit production of mindi. The flowering cycle was proceeded for 6-7 months. The average value of reproductive success (KR) is 58%. The genetic variation of mindi in community forests in West Java was He = 0.1603-0.1956. The thickness of the seed coat, the high  content of lignin and ABA is create a difficulty in seed germination. Prospective populations to be developed for seed sources were proposed namely Sumedang, Wanayasa and Talegong. 
Fruit and Seed Production of Mahoni (Swietenia macrophylla King) at Various Crown Dimention and Leaf Stomata Condition Kurniawati Purwaka Putri; Agus Astho Pramono; Dida Syamsuwida
Jurnal Perbenihan Tanaman Hutan Vol 6, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Perbenihan Tanaman Hutan
Publisher : Forest Tree Seed Technology Research & Development Center (FTSTRDC)/ Balai Penelitian dan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (202.551 KB) | DOI: 10.20886/bptpth.2018.6.2.133-144


Seed and fruit production are strong related to the process of plant photosynthesis and leaves are the main organ in the photosynthesis process. All leaves characteristics such as morphology (leaf surface area), anatomy (stomata index and density) and physiology greatly influence organic compounds (assimilates) produced from photosynthesis. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of canopy width, stomata index and density, and leaf area on the production of fruit and seed of mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla). The study was carried out on a 21-years-old mahogany seed stand in Forest Research of Parungpanjang. The experimental design used was a completely randomized design with canopy diameter, leaf area, stomata density and stomata index as a treatments. Each treatment consists of 5 (five) classification levels. The result showed that fruit and seed production were affected by canopy diameter of the tree. Leaf area, stomata density and stomata index did not influence the production of produced fruit. 
PERKEMBANGAN BUNGA DAN BUAH BAMBANG LANANG (Michelia champaca) Evayusvita Rustam; Agus Astho Pramono; Dida Syamsuwida
Jurnal Perbenihan Tanaman Hutan Vol 2, No 2 (2014): Jurnal Perbenihan Tanaman Hutan
Publisher : Forest Tree Seed Technology Research & Development Center (FTSTRDC)/ Balai Penelitian dan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (33095.52 KB) | DOI: 10.20886/bptpth.2014.2.2.67-76


Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui tahapan perkembangan bunga dan buah bambang lanang serta keberhasilan terbentuknya buah. Pengamatan terhadap fase-fase pembungaan dan pembuahan serta pengunduhan dilakukan di daerah Bogor Utara (Jawa Barat). Hubungan antara jumlah benih dengan variabel dimensi buah dianalisis dengan korelasi regresi. Hasil pengamatan fase perkembangan bunga buah bambang lanang berlangsung selama 24 hari dimulai dengan munculnya tunas generatif sampai bunga mekar. Perkembangan buah berlangsung selama 60 hari dimulai dari gugurnya mahkota, bonggol putih, bakal buah hingga buah matang. Jumlah benih paling berpengaruh kuat terhadap panjang buah yang dapat dirumuskan dalam persamaan regresi linear log   P= 1200+0,2876 log   JB, dengan R2=46,3%. Persentase bunga menjadibuah sekitar 40,88%.
Jurnal Perbenihan Tanaman Hutan Vol 3, No 1 (2015): Jurnal Perbenihan Tanaman Hutan
Publisher : Forest Tree Seed Technology Research & Development Center (FTSTRDC)/ Balai Penelitian dan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (154.019 KB) | DOI: 10.20886/bptpth.2015.3.1.43-50


Malapari adalah tanaman legume yang berpotensi sebagai sumber bioenergi. Dalam rangka penanamannya diperlukan benih berkualitas secara fisiologis. Tujuan penelitian adalah mendapatkan perlakuan yang tepat untuk meningkatkan daya dan kecepatan berkecambah benih malapari. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan acak Lengkap (RAL) pola faktorial. Perlakuan yang digunakan meliputi penurunan kadar air (kontrol dan kadar air benih diturunkan), perlakuan pendahuluan (perendaman air selama 24 jam, air kelapa selama 3 dan 6 jam) dan kondisi penaburan (bak kecambah terbuka dan tertutup plastik). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa daya berkecambah dan kecepatan berkecambah benih malapari dapat ditingkatkan dengan menurunkan dahulu kadar air benih hingga mecapai 41,80%, dan ditabur pada kondisi bak terbuka. Perlakuan ini menghasilkan nilai daya berkecambah dan kecepatan berkecambah masing-maing 99% dan 4,48%KN/etmal, dengan lama waktu yang diperlukan untuk berkecambah rata-rata selama 13,75 hari.
IDENTIFIKASI DAN TEKNIK PENGENDALIAN HAMA BENIH LAMTORO (Leucaena leucocephala Lam.) Dida Syamsuwida; Tati Suharti
Jurnal Perbenihan Tanaman Hutan Vol 2, No 1 (2014): Jurnal Perbenihan Tanaman Hutan
Publisher : Forest Tree Seed Technology Research & Development Center (FTSTRDC)/ Balai Penelitian dan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/bptpth.2014.2.1.1-8


Serangan hama serangga pada benih lamtoro (Leucaena leucocepahala) merupakan salah satu kendala yang perlu diperhatikan dan ditanggulangi. Penelitian bertujuan melakukan identifikasi hama yang menyerang benih lamtoro dan teknik pengendaliannya selama penyimpanan dengan menggunakan pestisida nabati. Pestisida nabati yang digunakan diantaranya ekstrak jahe, sirsak, suren dan lada. Penyimpanan dilakukan pada ruang kamar, DCS dan kulkas selama 2, 4 dan 6 minggu. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa serangga hama yang menyerang benih lamtoro adalah Acanthocelides sp. (Coleoptera:Bruchidae). Acanthocelides sp. menyebabkan kehilangan viabilitas benih lamtoro hingga 100%. Teknik pengendalian yang efektif menekan pertumbuhan Acanthocelides sp. yaitu pemberian ekstrak jahe atau daun suren yang disimpan di ruang kamar. Tehnik ini dapat mempertahankan daya berkecambah lamtoro hingga 75% .