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Simultaneous Hydroponic Nutrient Control Automation System Based on Internet of Things Demi Adidrana; Ade Rahmat Iskandar; Ade Nurhayati; - Suyatno; Mohamad Ramdhani; Kharisma Bani Adam; Rizki Ardianto; Cahyantari Ekaputri
JOIV : International Journal on Informatics Visualization Vol 6, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Society of Visual Informatics

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30630/joiv.6.1.865


Hydroponic is one of the solutions of gardening methods using water as a nutrition medium. Usually, maintaining hydroponic plant quality and water nutrients are done manually and require human efforts, such as the degree of acidity or wetness (pH), TDS (Total Dissolved Solids), and nutrient temperature. With the Internet of Things technology, we can automate hydroponic control by measuring the nutrients' TDS, pH, and temperature values and controlling water nutrition by pump nutrition needs for hydroponic plants. This research uses the NFT (Nutrient Film Technique) for the hydroponic system and uses lettuce as the nutrition parameter. The lettuce parameters are pH, TDS, and Water Temperature equal to the sensor we used in the proposed IoT system. The condition has 27 classifications, and we use this classification as a reference in decision-making, using the K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) algorithm to activate the actuator. We improve the simultaneous actuator from previous research with specified intervals and duration to achieve ideal nutritional conditions. The other improvement is that we collect more data and more testing times. The accuracy was 91.2%, with k = 3. From the evaluation results, the accuracy of KNN is quite high and has an advantage, which has better accuracy than the other algorithms and can activate actuator simultaneously. We conclude that the hydroponic nutrient automation system using the Internet of Things method is ready for real planting use with this improvement.
SIMULASI TUNNELING IPV6 OVER IPV4 ade Nurhayati; Septi Ayu Putri
Journal of Informatics and Communication Technology (JICT) Vol 1 No 1 (2019): JICT
Publisher : PPM Institut Teknologi Telkom Telkom Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (629.156 KB) | DOI: 10.52661/j_ict.v1i1.19


Pesatnya perkembangan jaringan internet tidak sebanding dengan ketersediaan alamat IPV4 yang terbatas. Kondisi ini mendorong penggunaan IPV6 perlu diterapkan dan perlu diuji integrasinya dengan IPV4. Melalui simulasi Tunneling IPV6 over IPV4 pada Routing Protokol RIPNG (Routing Information Protocol Next Generation) berdasarkan algoritma distance vector dan OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) menggunakan simulator GNS3 dapat diukur performansi integrasinya. Pada penelitian ini pengukuran parameter dapat dikatakan baik dalam hal Delay, Troughput, dan Packet Loss. Delay mendapatkan nilai 79 ms yaitu nilai kategori delay yang sangat baik (excellent) berdasarkan Sumber : ITU-T H.323 nilai delay < 150 ms. Troughput mendapatkan nilai 27,40 Bytes/s maka bisa dikatakan jaringan bekerja dengan baik, karena menurut standar TIPHON, kategori throughput yang baik berkualitas sedang yaitu nilai throughput yakni antara 25-50 Bytes/s.
Journal of Informatics and Communication Technology (JICT) Vol 1 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : PPM Institut Teknologi Telkom Telkom Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (500.702 KB) | DOI: 10.52661/j_ict.v1i2.41


Menerapkan sistem keamanan dalam jaringan LAN adalah suatu keharusan agar mendapatkan kenyamanan dalam penggunaan, salah satunya adalah keamanan server. Dengan menggunakan snort untuk mendeteksi serangan menuju ICMP, TCP dan UDP secara real time akan dikirim menuju bot telegram yang sudah di integrasikan dengan shell-bot agar bot telegram tidak hanya berguna sebagai notifikasi dari snort tetapi bisa digunakan sebagai pemblok ip saat terdeteksi adanya serangan, maka admin dapat mengetahui apa yang di lakukan attacker di dalam sebuah server. Selain itu menerapkan honeypot dapat berguna untuk mengalihkan attacker menuju server palsu yang sudah di buat menyerupai dengan server asli akan merekam semua tindakan yang di mulai dari cara masuk hingga perubahan yang di lakukan di dalam server palsu tersebut, semua rekaman yang di lakukan honeypot dapat di lihat oleh administrator melalui terminal linux di kippo.log.
Implementasi Virtual Private Network Pada Jaringan Multi Protocol Label Switching Traffic Engineering ade Nurhayati; Risnu Pradana Holiyastuta; Ade Rahmat Iskandar
Journal of Informatics and Communication Technology (JICT) Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Juni
Publisher : PPM Institut Teknologi Telkom Telkom Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (308.61 KB) | DOI: 10.52661/j_ict.v2i1.47


Along with the development of telecommunications technology, we need a network that provides traffic services to send data to distant places quickly but does not forget about security, some solutions are the Multi Protocol Label Switching method, Virtual Private Network, and Traffic Engineering. MPLS VPN TE is a combination of several methods that can be used for this problem. In this research, simulation is carried out using GNS3 software and the results of the analysis are carried out using a Wireshark software. This scenario uses the measurement load using FTP and HTTP. The measurement parameters of QoS are transfer time, throughput, delay, and packet loss ratio. The measurement results show that QoS value for transfer time of 25 MB file is 16.94s, and transfer time for HTTP is 4.2 s. The Throughput of 25 MB file is 1.606MB/s, and throughput for HTTP is 5.6 MB/s. The Delay of 25MB file is 1.22 ms, and delay HTTP is 105.37 ms
Tunneling Pipe Mode Pada Jaringan Multi Protocol Label Switching ade Nurhayati
Journal of Informatics and Communication Technology (JICT) Vol 2 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : PPM Institut Teknologi Telkom Telkom Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (566.342 KB) | DOI: 10.52661/j_ict.v2i2.59


Along with the developing and the increasing of data communication users, service providers are required to always improve the quality of their services. QoS plays an important role since it is a parameter of the quality level of a service. Pipe Tunneling technique is one of the Qos methods that will guarantee a service will have its own priority level. With the help of the MPLS-VPN protocol, addressing of the IP will be much more flexible. In this thesis the simulation was done using GNS3 software while the results of the analysis were carried out using the WireShark software. There are two scenarios done by the author. For MPLS-VPN the author simulates 2 customers between companies 1 and 2 where both companies have centers in Jakarta and branches in Surabaya. And for Tunneling, both companies want their services to be given the highest priority among other services. From this scenario it can be obtained that with the presence of VRF on the network if there is the same network usage there will be no overlaps of IP. A service will have its own priority level according to the needs and requests. The results of the analysis are more focused on QoS, especially delay and throughput. From the results it shows that MPLS-VPN with Tunneling Pipe Mode integration is able to keep good QoS value. This can be seen from the average of the delay and throughput yield for Tunneling Pipe Mode that is equal to 84,51 ms and 67,858 Bytes / s.
MODEL PENGEMBANGAN ISLAMIC MICROFINANCE BERBASIS KOPERASI SYARIAH (Studi Pada Pengrajin Mebeul Di Cipacing Kabupaten Sumedang) Ropi Marlina; Ade Nurhayati
Ekspansi: Jurnal Ekonomi, Keuangan, Perbankan, dan Akuntansi Vol 12 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Ekspansi November 2020
Publisher : Jurusan Akuntansi Politeknik Negeri Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35313/ekspansi.v12i2.2219


Penelitian ini dasarkan pada fenomena masalah yang ada dalam UMKM khususnya industri mebeul. Permasalahan yang dimaksud meliputi, produk, SDM dan permodalan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memperolah sebuah model pengembangan mikrofinance yang bisa berkontribusi pada UMKM. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa koperasi syariah merupakan salah satu lembaga mikrofinance yang bisa diharapkan mampu menjadi solusi dalam mengatasi permasalahan khususnya pemodalan dalam UMKM mebeul di Cipacing. Dengan model akad mudharabah dan musyarakah koperasi syariah bisa dijadikan salah satu bentuk pembiaayan terhadap pelaku UMKM. Selain itu koperasi syariah sebagai wadah juga bisa dijadikan mitra untuk pengembangan UMKM mebel yang ada di daerah Cipacing Jawa Barat. Penelitian ini berimplikasi bahwa keberadaan Koperasi bisa dijadikan alternanif solusi oleh para pelaku UMKM mebel di daerah cipacing terutama dalam hal permodalan dan pemasaran. Keywords : UMKM, Microfinance, Koperasi Syariah.
Eqien - Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Vol 6 No 2 (2019): JURNAL EKONOMI DAN BISNIS “E-QIEN”
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Dr Kh Ez Mutaqien

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (258.957 KB) | DOI: 10.34308/eqien.v6i2.93


Business continuity (going concern) is the main purpose of a business entity since the establishment of the business entity is closely related to how management can manage the business both from financial factors and non-financial factors.This research was conducted to find out what things can affect customer satisfaction in a purchase. In this research used two independent variable of service quality (X1) and customer value (X2), while customer satisfaction (Y) as dependent variable. Based on the results of the analysis, found that both independent variables have a significant and positive effect on the dependent variable. Service quality variable has positive effect 0,425 with significance level 0,003. The customer value variable has a positive effect of 0.486 with a significance level of 0.000. Adjusted R Square of the three variables is 23.7 percent, which means that the two independent variables are able to explain the variation in the dependent variable of 23.7 percent with 76.3 percent explained by other variables not used in this study.
Eqien - Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Vol 7 No 1 (2020): JURNAL EKONOMI DAN BISNIS “E-QIEN”
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Dr Kh Ez Mutaqien

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (451.523 KB) | DOI: 10.34308/eqien.v7i1.108


Reduced interest in the use of city public transport services because there are still many public transport facilities that do not attach importance to the convenience of service users and the absence of alternative tariff options for long distance or short distance, so service users choose to use other transportation services that can answer their needs, such as transportation online that already exists in Purwakarta today. In this case the author is very interested in conducting research, with the title "The Influence of Perceptions of Comfort and Price Against Interest in the Use of City Public Transportation Transportation Services in Purwakarta District". The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of perceived comfort and price on the interest in using the City Public Transport Service in Purwakarta Regency. In this study respondents were users of public transportation services in Purwakarta using sampling techniques called Non-Probability Sampling. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method, which is a method that is done by collecting, presenting and analyzing data that gives a clear enough picture of the object under study. This study uses a multiple linear regression analysis model with the help of IBM SPSS 21 program. Hypothesis This study shows that the variables of perceived comfort and price have a positive and significant effect on the interest in using public transportation services in the city of Purwakarta.
Eqien - Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Vol 7 No 2 (2020): JURNAL EKONOMI DAN BISNIS “E-QIEN”
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Dr Kh Ez Mutaqien

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (182.214 KB) | DOI: 10.34308/eqien.v7i2.141


The research with the title of the influence of entrepreneurial spirit and the use of social media on the interest of entrepreneurship in female (case study on STIE Dr. Khez. Muttaqien and STIEB Perdana Mandiri in Purwakarta). The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of entrepreneurial spirit and the use of social media on the interest of entrepreneurship in private college students in Purwakarta. The respondent in this study were private college students in the Purwakarta economic cluster. The number of respondents in this study was determined by 95 respondents using a sampling technique called probability sampling technique. The research method used is descriptive method is a method that is carried out by collecting, presenting and analyzing data so as to provide a fairly clear picture of the object under study. This study uses a multiple linear regression analysis model with the help of IBM SPSS version 22. The results of this study shows that the variable entrepreneurial spirit and the use of social media have a positive and significant effect on the interest in entrepreneurship in female private university students in Purwakarta.
Eqien - Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Vol 8 No 2 (2021): EQIEN - JURNAL EKONOMI DAN BISNIS
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Dr Kh Ez Mutaqien

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (652.796 KB) | DOI: 10.34308/eqien.v8i2.242


Competition in the beauty market are very competitive, business actors in the cosmetic industry are required to carry out various effective marketing strategies so that buying interest in Wardah cosmetics increases. One of them is by utilizing promotions on social media platforms effectively. This study was conducted to determine what factors influence the interest in buying Wardah cosmetics among female students in Purwakarta. In this study, two independent variables were taken, namely visual storytelling marketing and brand trust and buying interest in Wardah cosmetics as the dependent variable. Primary data collection using cluster sampling technique by distributing questionnaires to 98 respondents, with a quantitative research model with descriptive verification method. The data analysis method used in this study is multiple linear regression with the help of IBM SPSS 22 software. Based on the results of research and tests that have been carried out, it shows that partially visual storytelling marketing and brand trust have a positive and significant effect on buying interest in Wardah products. And all independent variables have a simultaneous effect on buying interest with a value of Fcount 50.7 with a significance level of 0.000 <0.05. And the value of R Square shows the results of 0.581 which means that the entire dependent variable has a simultaneous effect of 58.1%