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BENTANG : Jurnal Teoritis dan Terapan Bidang Rekayasa Sipil Vol 1 No 2 (2013): BENTANG Jurnal Teoritis dan Terapan Bidang Rekayasa Sipil
Publisher : Universitas Islam 45 Bekasi

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Dalam perencanaan fondasi tiang harus dilakukan dengan teliti dan secermat mungkin. Setiap fondasi harus mampu mendukung beban sampai batas keamanan yang telah ditentukan, termasuk mendukung beban maksimum yang mungkin terjadi. Penelitian dilakukan di Pergudangan PT. Widya Sakti Kusuma, karena penulis bekerja sebagai staf teknik pada di Kawasan Pergudangan tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kapasitas dukung dan penurunan fondasi tiang pancang pada pembangunan Gudang di Kawasan Pergudangan PT. Widya Sakti Kusuma, Pondok Ungu Bekasi. Analisis dilakukan dengan metode statis dan dinamis untuk mengetahui kapasitas dukung tiang pancang dan penurunan yang terjadi. Kapasitas dukung tiang pancang dengan metode statis dihitung berdasarkan data uji laboratorium dan data lapangan (SPT), sedangkan metode dinamis dihitung berdasarkan data lapangan yaitu berat palu, tinggi jatuh palu, penurunan 10 pukulan terakhir. Dimensi tiang pancang yang digunakan berbentuk persegi 0,3m x 0,3m, panjang tiang 9 m dan terdapat 2 tiang pancang dalam satu pile cap (tiang kelompok). Dari perhitungan yang telah dilakukan didapatkan berat total struktur bangunan (Pt) = 49,98ton. Berdasarkan metode statis untuk data laboratorium diperoleh kapasitas ijin tiang (Qa) = 98,21ton. Untuk data lapangan (SPT) diperoleh (Qa) = 113,35ton, sedangkan berdasarkan metode dinamis, dari rumus Modifikasi Engineering News Record (ENR) diperoleh kapasitas ijin tiang (Qa) = 98,21ton. Dari rumus modifikasi Danish diperoleh (Qa) = 97,8ton, berdasarkan data lapangan (SPT) didapatkan kapasitas dukung total kelompok tiang (ΣQu) = 453,4ton sedangkan dari perhitungan laboratorium sendiri diperoleh kapasitas dukung total kelompok tiang (ΣQu) = 204,4ton > berat total struktur bangunan (Pt) = 49,98ton sehingga kapasitas dukung tiang pancang aman mendukung beban struktur. Untuk penurunan pada lapisan tanah lempung, perhitungan penurunan dilakukan dengan metode konsolidasi didapatkan penurunan total sebesar 0,0053m Kata Kunci : pondasi, analisis, tanah, gudang, penurunan, kapasitas dukung.
Literacy Culture of Islamic Education Teachers in Senior High School of Bengkulu City Khoiri, Qolbi; Bustomi, Bustomi
Dinamika Ilmu: Jurnal Pendidikan Dinamika Ilmu Vol 20 No 1, June 2020
Publisher : IAIN Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (759.219 KB) | DOI: 10.21093/di.v20i1.2156


The present article is aimed at revealing and analyzing the literacy culture implemented by Islamic education (PAI) teachers in Bengkulu city. This study explores and analyzes the problem qualitatively. The method used in collecting data is deep observation of 37 SMA(s) in Bengkulu city. In addition, interviews and surveys were also used by distributing questionnaires to representatives of PAI teachers from 37 SMA/SMK when they were invited to attend a workshop on enhancing literacy culture for PAI teachers. After collecting the data, it was analyzed with the Miles and Huberman style flow model, namely data collection, data reduction: the presentation of data in the form of a percentage of indicators of low reading and percentage of written papers made by PAI teachers; and conclusions. The results showed that literacy culture of PAI teachers, in the context of the habit of reading scientific books and writing scientific papers, was a relatively low. This is influenced by the lack of practice and habit of writing scientific papers such as PTK. The use of digital media such as e-book applications, e-learning, and google shcolar for learning is also low. However, teachers always tell students to visit the library to read books when assignments are given. It was followed that the literacy culture of PAI teachers in Bengkulu city is quite good, but the utilization of digital literacy is still low.
Studi Tentang Keberadaan Industri Ikan Asin di Pulau Pasaran Bandar Lampung Bustomi Bustomi; Budiyono Budiyono; Edy Haryono
JPG (Jurnal Penelitian Geografi) Vol 5, No 2 (2017): Jurnal Penelitian Geografi (JPG)
Publisher : JPG (Jurnal Penelitian Geografi)

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This research aimed to describe the existence study about the existence of industrial salted fish in the Pulau Pasaran of weight Kota Karang district east Telukbetung of Bandar Lampung city in 2016. The research used descriptive method, with population was 48 respondents. The collection of data in this research used observation, interviews, questionnaire and documentation. The analysis of the data used frequency tables as the basis for the interpretation and description of the data of the research report. The results of the research showed: (1) There were 93,75% of respondents get raw materials easily, (2) There were 77,08% of respondents get capitaleasily, (3) There were 66,67% of respondents get labor easily, (4) All respondents get transportation in land and seaeasily, (5) The numbers of salted fish production were 64,225 ton/month or in the numbers of mean are 1,33 ton/month/enterpreneur, and (6) All of respondents claimed that salted fish marketing went well and always sold out.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji tentang keberadaan industri ikan asin di Pulau Pasaran Kelurahan Kota Karang Kecamatan Telukbetung Timur Kota Bandar Lampung Tahun 2016. Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif, dengan populasi penelitian 48 responden. Pengumpulan data dengan teknik observasi, wawancara, kuesioner dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan tabel persentase sebagai dasar interpretasi dan deskripsi data dalam membuat laporan penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) sebanyak 93,75% responden mudah mendapatkan bahan mentah, (2)sebanyak 77,08% responden mudah mendapatkan modal, (3) sebanyak 66,67% responden mudah mendapatkan tenaga kerja, (4) seluruh responden mudah mendapatkan sarana tranportasi darat dan laut, (5) jumlah produksi ikan asin sebanyak 64,225 ton/bulan atau rata-rata sebanyak 1,33 ton/bulan/pengusaha, dan (6) seluruh responden menyatakan pemasaran ikan asin dan selalu habis terjual.Kata Kunci : bahan mentah, modal, pemasaran, produksi, sarana transportasi, tenaga kerja.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pakar Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pakar 2019 buku II
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25105/pakar.v0i0.4251


This study aims to obtain empirical evidence of the influence ofIndependence of Internal Oversight on the Prevention of Corruption withOrganizational Commitment as a Moderating Variable (study on theSupreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia). The population in this studywere employees of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia. Theresearch sample used purposive sampling, namely in the field ofSupervision and Equipment Bureau of Supreme Court of the Republic ofIndonesia. The primary data collection method used is the questionnairemethod. Data was analyzed using SEM PLS. The results of the studyindicate that the independence of Internal Oversight and OrganizationalCommitment has a positive effect on Prevention of Corruption, althoughOrganizational Commitment cannot strengthen the relationship of theinfluence of Independence of internal supervision on CorruptionPrevention.
Analysis of National Standards of Education in the Disruptive Era (Study of Descriptive Analysis at SMA Negeri 53 Jakarta and SMA Negeri 59 Jakarta) Ujang Cepi Barlian; Fetty Budi Arifani; Bustomi Bustomi; Catur Galuh Ratnagung; Waska Warta
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences Vol 5, No 1 (2022): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute February
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v5i1.3790


Education is a conscious and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere and learning process so that students actively develop their potential to have religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and skills needed by themselves, society, nation and state. National Education Standards in PP 57 of 2021 concerning National Education Standards are the minimum criteria regarding the Education system in all jurisdictions of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. National education standards are the minimum criteria that must be met in the implementation of education. National Education Standards include Content Standards, Process Standards, Graduate Competency Standards, Educators and Education Personnel Standards, Infrastructure Standards, Management Standards, Financing Standards, Assessment Standards. In order to maintain the quality of education, the consistency of the functions and objectives of education, the curriculum, learning process, and managerial as a whole must refer to and be guided by the National Education Standards. The objectives of this research are (1) to analyze the 8 National Standards of the Disruptive Era at SMA Negeri 53 Jakarta and SMA Negeri 59 Jakarta (2) to provide input based on findings regarding the application of the 8 National Education Standards to improve the quality of education and prepare highly competitive graduates. This study uses a qualitative descriptive research design. This type of research is a descriptive analysis study. The data used is primary data. Data collection techniques used are interviews and documentation.