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Investigasi Ketersediaan Air Permukaan Sungai Kapur Solok Selatan Untuk Kebutuhan Air Baku Zufrimar Zufrimar; Edwina Zainal
Jurnal Ilmiah Rekayasa Sipil Vol 17 No 1 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Masyarakat (P3M), Politeknik Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (290.002 KB) | DOI: 10.30630/jirs.17.1.277


South Solok Regency with a population of more than 163,000 people, 62.3% without access to clean water services through the Domestic Water Company (PDAM). The number of PDAM customers has been changed in Solok Selatan Regency in the last five years. Since the water capacity is very limited which means it difficult to increase the number of customers, so it is predicted to be unable to meet the increasing need for clean water. Based on the study of the potential for raw water availability in the South Solok Regency, Sungai Kapur has the potential as a source of raw water. To complete the potential study, it is necessary to know the quantity of raw water by examining hydrological parameters to optimize the planning of water resources potential. The quantity of raw water is assessed by the dependable flow to determine the low flow characteristic. Based on calculations, obtained a reliable discharge of 90% in monthly that can be used as raw water. The raw water source used has a discharge of ± 138.6 l / sec. However, the availability is uneven throughout the month, so a reservoir is needed to guarantee the availability of raw water for residents. In addition, raw water quality is assessed in terms of physical, chemical, and biological aspects. The results of the raw water quality test in the Sungai Kapur are eligible for raw water based on Government Regulations No. 82, 2001
JURNAL REKAYASA Vol 11 No 1 (2021): Jurnal REKAYASA
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan. Universitas Bung Hatta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37037/jrftsp.v11i1.73


Peluang jumlah curah hujan ekstrim tidak mudah untuk diperkirakan, karena setiap wilayah mempunyai spesifik distribusi probabilitas kejadian hujan. Pada studi ini, penulis mengevaluasi distribusi probabilitas normal, log normal, gumbel dan log-pearson III pada daerah aliran sungai Kuranji. Data curah hujan harian pada tiga stasiun penakar yaitu stasiun Batu Busuk, stasiun Bendung Koto Tuo dan stasiun Gunung Nago selama 17 tahun digunakan dalam perhitungan. Pada pengujian keselarasan uji chi-kuadrat dan Smirnov-Kolmogorov didapatkan distribusi probabilitas log-Pearson III dapat diterima untuk wilayah daerah aliran sungai Kuranji, Padang.
Counseling on The Technology of Processing Quail Feces Waste into Biogas in Mungka District, Lima Puluh Kota Regency Trisna Kumala Sari; Syamsi Aini; Edi Nasra; Riga Riga; Edwina Zainal
Pelita Eksakta Vol 4 No 2 (2021): Pelita Eksakta Vol. 4 No. 2
Publisher : Fakultas MIPA Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/pelitaeksakta/vol4-iss2/161


The people of Jorong Padang Koto Tuo, Mungka District, Lima Puluh Kota Regency are increasingly enthusiastic about quail farming. The more developed the livestock business, the more manure is produced. This will certainly become a serious environmental problem, if not immediately followed up. Therefore, it is necessary to take action to treat this manure, including the use of appropriate technology for processing quail manure into biogas and fertilizer. This activity focused on educating the people of Jorong Padang Koto Tuo, Mungka District, Lima Puluh Kota Regency regarding the processing of quail waste into biogas as an alternative energy source that is environmentally friendly and inexpensive, starting from the tools, how the stages of work, what processes occur and the products produced. This activity not only has a good impact on the environment, but the resulting product can be used as a substitute for LPG gas. The people looks enthusiastic in participating in this activity.
Penanaman bambu pada tebing Sungai Batang Guo untuk mitigasi banjir Zufrimar Zufrimar; Edwina Zainal; Risayanti Risayanti; Veronika Veronika
Civil Engineering for Community Development (CECD) Vol 2, No 1 (2023): Edisi April 2023
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36055/cecd.v2i1.19688


Forum DAS Kota Padang menemukan adanya kerusakan di lima DAS di Kota Padang. Salah satu kerusakan ada pada DAS Batang Kuranji yang berisi aliran sungai Batang Guo. Sungai Batang Guo merupakan anak sungai Batang Kuranji yang airnya dimanfaatkan sebagai air baku, pembangkit listrik mikro hidro, dan irigasi. Kerusakan disebabkan oleh kerusakan hutan di bagian hulu sehingga mempercepat kerusakan DAS di bagian hilir. Berdasarkan temuan tersebut perlunya edukasi kepada masyarakat tentang konservasi air dengan melestarikan sumber daya air sungai berupa kegiatan menjaga kondisi tebing sungai. Hal ini dilakukan dengan memberdayakan masyarakat sekitar wilayah sungai dalam bentuk penanaman bambu di sepanjang tebing Batang Guo. Beberapa kegiatan yang dilakukan sebelum penanaman adalah kegiatan penyuluhan dan kegiatan pembibitan dan penanaman. Rangkaian kegiatan pemberdayaan yang dilakukan kepada masyarakat wilayah hulu sungai Batang Guo telah menambah pengetahuan penduduk dalam hal budidaya bambu, konservasi air, dan peluang bisnis terhadap keberadaan bambu tersebut. The Padang City River Basin Forum (RB) found damage to five RBs in Padang City. One of the damages was on the Batang Kuranji RB, which contains the Batang Guo River. The Batang Guo River is a tributary of the Batang Kuranji River, whose water is used as raw water, micro-hydro power plants, and irrigation. The damage is caused by damage to the forest in the upstream area, thus accelerating the damage to the RB downstream. Based on these findings, educating the public about water conservation is necessary by conserving river water resources to maintain riverbank conditions. Conservation efforts are carried out by empowering communities around the river by planting bamboo along the Batang Guo cliffs. Some activities carried out before planting were extension and nursery and planting activities. The series of empowerment activities carried out for the people of the upper reaches of the Batang Guo River have increased the knowledge of the residents in terms of bamboo cultivation, water conservation, and business opportunities regarding the existence of this bamboo.
PENDUGAAN DEBIT PUNCAK PADA SUB-DAS KURANJI Edwina Zainal; Zufrimar Zufrimar; Hendri Warman; Nori Yusri
SIGMA TEKNIKA Vol 6, No 1 (2023): SIGMATEKNIKA, VOL. 6, N0. 1, JUNI 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Riau Kepulauan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33373/sigmateknika.v6i1.5048


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan peta sub-DAS Kuranji dengan menganalisa data DEMNAS pada perangkat Arc GIS, mendeskripsikan karakteristik curah hujan dan debit puncak dengan metode Rational pada setiap sub DAS. Hasil penelitian adalah pada DAS Kuranji terdapat 10 (sepuluh) sub DAS Kuranji, yaitu sub DAS Batang Padang Karuah, Batang Padang Janiah Hulu, Batang Padang Janiah, Batang Limau Manis, Batang Kuranji, Batang Sapih, Batang Aie Lareh, Batang Malvinas, Ulak Karang Utara dan Air Tawar. Sub DAS Padang Karuah merupakan sub DAS terluas pada DAS Kuranji, yaitu 47.88 km2, sedangkan sub DAS Malvinas merupakan sub DAS terkecil, yatitu 3.91 km2. Berdasarkan peta hasil penelitian, sungai Batang Balimbing, Batang Lurus dan Batang Maransi melewati Sub BAS Batang Aie Lareh dan memberikan kontribusi debit ekstrem pada kawasan DAS Kuranji tersebut.
Analisis Sifat Fisik Tanah Gambut pada Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit PTPN 4 Ajamu II Perk. Meranti Paham: Analysis of Physical Properties of Peat Soil on Palm Oil Plantation PTPN 4 Ajamu II Meranti Paham Suratni Afrianti; Rian Gordon Sitorus; Edwina Zainal
Perbal: Jurnal Pertanian Berkelanjutan Vol. 11 No. 3 (2023): Perbal: Jurnal Pertanian Berkelanjutan
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30605/perbal.v11i3.2807


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbedaan beberapa sifat fisik tanah gambut antara tanah yang belum ditanami kelapa sawit, tanah dengan usia tanam tahun 1999, dan tanah dengan usia tanam tahun 2009. Penelitian dilaksanakan di perkebunan PTPN 4 Ajamu II Perkebunan Meranti Paham, Kecamatan Panai Hulu, Kabupaten Labuhan Batu, Provinsi Sumatera Utara pada bulan Maret 2023. Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan metode observasi. Titik pengambilan sampel ditentukan menggunakan metode purposive random sampling. Sampel tanah diambil menggunakan bor belgi dengan kedalaman 20 cm - 40 cm, kemudian dilakukan analisis di laboratorium. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata nilai bulk density tanah yang belum ditanami kelapa sawit adalah 0,15025 g/cm³, yang termasuk dalam kategori kepadatan rendah. Sementara itu, rata-rata nilai bulk density pada tanah dengan usia tanam tahun 2009 adalah 0,17575 g/cm³, juga termasuk dalam kategori kepadatan rendah, dan rata-rata nilai bulk density pada tanah dengan usia tanam tahun 1999 adalah 0,12625 g/cm³, yang juga termasuk dalam kategori kepadatan rendah. Selanjutnya, berdasarkan hasil pengukuran porositas, tanah yang belum ditanami kelapa sawit memiliki nilai porositas sebesar 79,375%, tanah dengan usia tanam tahun 2009 memiliki nilai porositas sebesar 76,5425%, dan tanah dengan usia tanam tahun 1999 memiliki nilai porositas sebesar 74,3%. Penelitian ini juga mengukur partikel density, dengan nilai rata-rata partikel density untuk tanah yang belum ditanami kelapa sawit sebesar 0,7425 g/cm³, nilai rata-rata partikel density untuk tanah dengan usia tanam tahun 2009 sebesar 0,79 g/cm³, dan nilai rata-rata partikel density untuk tanah dengan usia tanam tahun 1999 sebesar 0,517 g/cm³. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat penurunan pada partikel density dan porositas tanah pada perkebunan kelapa sawit. Nilai porositas tanah gambut yang diperoleh termasuk dalam kriteria yang sangat baik. Penelitian ini memberikan pemahaman yang lebih dalam tentang karakteristik lahan dan tanah, yang dapat menjadi dasar untuk pengelolaan yang lebih efektif dan berkelanjutan di perkebunan kelapa sawit. This research aims to analyze the differences in several physical properties of peat soil between unplanted soil, soil with oil palm planting in 1999, and soil with oil palm planting in 2009. The study was conducted in the PTPN 4 Ajamu II Meranti Paham Plantation, Panai Hulu Sub-district, Labuhan Batu Regency, North Sumatra Province on March 2023. The research method used was descriptive research with an observational approach. The sampling points were determined using purposive random sampling method. Soil samples were taken using a belgian auger with a depth of 20 cm - 40 cm, and then analyzed in the laboratory. The analysis results showed that the average bulk density value of unplanted soil was 0.15025 g/cm³, which falls under the category of low density. Meanwhile, the average bulk density value of soil with oil palm planting in 2009 was 0.17575 g/cm³, also falling under the category of low density, and the average bulk density value of soil with oil palm planting in 1999 was 0.12625 g/cm³, also falling under the category of low density. Furthermore, based on the porosity measurements, the unplanted soil had a porosity value of 79.375%, the soil with oil palm planting in 2009 had a porosity value of 76.5425%, and the soil with oil palm planting in 1999 had a porosity value of 74.3%. This research also measured particle density, with an average particle density value of 0.7425 g/cm³ for unplanted soil, 0.79 g/cm³ for soil with oil palm planting in 2009, and 0.517 g/cm³ for soil with oil palm planting in 1999. The results showed a decrease in particle density and soil porosity in the oil palm plantation. The obtained values of peat soil porosity fall within the criteria of excellent quality. This research provides a deeper understanding of land and soil characteristics, which can serve as a basis for more effective and sustainable management in oil palm plantations.