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Review Of Agroindustrial Strategic Studies, Researches And Development In Indonesia: The Case Of Oil Palm, Cacao And Gambir E. Gumbira Sa’id
Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian Vol. 19 No. 1 (2009): Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian
Publisher : Department of Agroindustrial Technology, Bogor Agricultural University

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Estate crops agroindustry has been playing very important role in the Indonesian economy, especially in contributing foreign exchanges and competitive image for the country. Recently, Indonesian Government, through the Ministry of National Education, has launched a national strategic research grant for three commodities, namely oil palm, cacao and gambir, due to their contributions as champions of the world. However, some problems are facing the global trade of the above mentioned commodities, so that some technological and managerial breakthroughs have to be found through research and development activities. This article reviews some progress in the development of oil palm, cacao and gambir agroindustries in Indonesia. Keywords: research and development, oil palm, cacao, gambir agroindustries.
Jurnal Manajemen & Agribisnis Vol. 7 No. 1 (2010): Vol. 7 No. 1 Maret 2010
Publisher : School of Business, Bogor Agricultural University (SB-IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1106.241 KB) | DOI: 10.17358/jma.7.1.70-83


This study has two objectives namely (1) To measure the acceptance of Open Source Software, (2) To determine whether OSS quality, OSS availability, personal innovativeness, gender, income, social influence, cultural affinity and type of university influence users using or not using Open Source Software.Data used in this research were primary data. The data collected were data from informatic engineering or computer science students using OSS in Bogor Agricultural University, Bandung Institute of Technology, University of Indonesia, University of Gunadarma, University of Bina Nusantara and University of Budi Luhur. Questionnaire was used to collect the data. Sampling technique was done randomly.The study results show that students accepting OSS were 77,6 % and students not accepting OSS were 22,4 % at the state university groups. Meanwhile, students accepting OSS were 49,9 % and students not accepting OSS were 50,1 % in the private university groups.. External factors directly influencing users for using Open Source Software were personal innovativeness, income and status of university. Moreover,   external factors indirectly influencing users for using or not using Open Source Software were OSS quality, OSS availability, personal innovativeness, gender, cultural affinity and  status of university.
Jurnal Manajemen & Agribisnis Vol. 9 No. 3 (2012): Vol. 9 No. 3, November 2012
Publisher : School of Business, Bogor Agricultural University (SB-IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (943.031 KB) | DOI: 10.17358/jma.9.3.173-182


ABSTRACTThe objectives of this study were (1) to analyze the gambir-based-industry development potential in Lima Puluh Kota regencies and to understand the added value received by developing gambir products, (2) to compose the internal and external factors which effects the gambir agroindustry development’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, and (3) to devise a strategies to develop an export oriented strong gambir  processing industry. The analysis were used internal factor evaluation-external factors evaluation matrices which were used to sum up and evaluate the main strength and weakness in certain functions which can also be used as the base to identify strength and weakness conditions, SWOT analysis and quantitative strategic planning matrix. To illustrate the added value of gambir processing, the Hayami method was used. From the analysis, the increases in added values were obtained  from processing gambir into catechine and Tannin. Three kilograms of gambir can produce a 91,67% added value ratio of catechine and a 83,81% added value ratio of  Tannin. Based on the SWOT matrix, four alternative sets of strategies were derived, which are (1) reinvigorating the ATP (agrotechnopark) in an effort to establish technological innovation of processing gambir into various processed products that have assured qualities and addequate ammounts, (2) creating a comfortable policy to regulate permits for domestic and foreign investors to enter, (3) raising the role of regional governments, plantation agencies, academia, financial institutions, and other related institutions in an effort to develop the agroindustry and to increase the added value in Lima Puluh Kota regencies, and (4) forming a gambir Marketing Support Organization (BPPG).Keywords: gambir, IFE and EFE matrix, hayami method, SWOT analysis, QSPM analysisABSTRAKTujuan  penelitian ini adalah (1) menganalisis potensi pengembangan berbasis gambir-industri di Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota dan memahami nilai tambah yang diterima dari mengembangkan produk gambir, (2) menyusun faktor internal dan eksternal yang efek pengembangan industri gambir dan implikasinya terhadap kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang, dan ancaman pengembangan agroindustri gambir, dan 3) menyusun strategi untuk mengembangkan industri pengolahan gambir  kuat berorientasi ekspor studi markets. Analisis yang  digunakan adalah matriks internal factor evaluation-external factors evaluation yang digunakan untuk sum-up dan untuk mengevaluasi kekuatan dan kelemahan utama dalam fungsi tertentu dan juga digunakan sebagai dasar untuk mengidentifikasi kekuatan dan kelemahan kondisi, analisis SWOT, dan quantitative strategic planning matrix. Metode Hayami juga digunakan dalam penelitian ini untuk menggambarkan nilai tambah pengelolahan gambir. Penelitian menghasilkan peningkatan nilai tambah diperoleh dari pengolahan gambir ke catechine dan Tannin. Tiga kilogram gambir dapat menghasilkan 91,67% nilai tambah rasio catechine dan 83,81% ditambahkan nilai rasio Tannin. Strategi yang diperoleh dari matriks SWOT, empat set alternatif strategi yang dibuat, meliputi: (1) reenvigorating ATP (agrotechnopark) dalam upaya untuk membangun inovasi teknologi pengolahan gambir menjadi berbagai produk olahan yang telah meyakinkan kualitas dan addequate ammounts, (2) menciptakan kebijakan nyaman untuk mengatur izin bagi investor untuk masuk yang mencakup investasi domestik dan asing, (3) meningkatkan peran pemerintah daerah, instansi perkebunan, akademisi, Lembaga Keuangan, dan instansi terkait lainnya dalam upaya untuk mengembangkan agroindustri dan untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah dari gambir di Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota, dan (4) membentuk gambir Marketing Support Organisation (BPPG).Kata kunci:  gambir, matriks IFE dan EFE, metode hayami, analisis SWOT, analisis QSPM
Residential solid waste is being a critical problem in many cities in clauding Jakarta.  Cummnity-based management is the most important strategy even when sophiticated treatment such as bio-energy or waste industrial park word be implemented soon, as every waste processing neds separated wastes.  Increasing the participation through community-based manajement is more effective than cange people’sperception and behavior on domestic wastes.  In some cates, to change community behavior in waste se Nonon Saribanon; Endriatmo Soetarto; Surjono H. Sutjahjo; E. Gumbira Sa’id; Sumardjo .
Forum Pasca Sarjana Vol. 32 No. 2 (2009): Forum Pascasarjana
Publisher : Forum Pasca Sarjana

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Residential solid waste is being a critical problem in many cities in clauding Jakarta.  Cummnity-based management is the most important strategy even when sophiticated treatment such as bio-energy or waste industrial park word be implemented soon, as every waste processing neds separated wastes.  Increasing the participation through community-based manajement is more effective than cange people’sperception and behavior on domestic wastes.  In some cates, to change community behavior in waste separition and recycling need more than ten years i.e. at Kampung Banjarsari, but with appropriate support system on sosial planning only took two years i.e. Kampung Rajawati.  The implementation constrain of this progammeis on replication or expandability of the progamme to implemented in another place.  There are also lack of government’s significantefforts to push and to supprots than action.  It’s true that some cummunities develop the some model, but without acceleration and exvandable progamme, the significance of that effort is very poor.  This study tried to ellaborate the model of system based ofnspatial analyses to determine resedential typology and found five resedential types i.e. high, middle-high, middle, middle-lower and lower level of resendential.  Quantitative analyses to determine typology of community participation found four types of cummnity participation i.e. moral-normative, moral-remunerayive, calculative-remuneraive and calculative-coercive.  Qualitative analyses had been ellaborated to determine authority or government policies typology.  Breaking down from these clssification, there strategies could develop, namely community participation strategy, infastructure development strategy and institutional manajement strategy.  Implementation of these models could accomodate the heterogeneity of communities and give positive impact on social acceptability.   Key words: social planning, community management, residential solid wastes