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Desain Alat Pemisah Kopi Pada Conveyor Berbasis PLC Jaya, Kurnianto; Christian, Kevin; Sau, Matius; Tasik Sedan Lobo, Eodia
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sinergitas Multidisiplin Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Vol 7 (2024): Prosiding Join Seminar Nasional Sinergitas Multidisiplin Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknolog
Publisher : Yayasan Pendidikan dan Research Indonesia (YAPRI)

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Abstrak Teknologi canggih telah menggantikan peralatan manual yang membutuhkan banyak tenaga manusia untuk dioperasikan, Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan di bidang industri, masih banyak yang menggunakan jasa tangan manusia untuk menyortir suatu barang. Saat ini banyak dikembangkan alat sortirisasi otomatis menggunakan sensor sebagai alat pemindai dan Conveyor sebagai alat perantara. Conveyor merupakan alat yang digunakan untuk memindahkan satu produk ke tempat lain secara berurutan. Sistem conveyor menggunakan Arduino Uno sebagai microcontroller dan dengan memanfaatkan sensor warna TSC3200 sehingga objek dapat tersortir dengan baik. Dengan adanya alat ini dapat membantu petani kopi pasca kegiatan panen sehingga para petani kopi bisa difokuskan pada kegiatan yang lain. Abstract Advanced technology has replaced manual equipment that requires a lot of human power to operate. Based on observations in the industrial sector, many people still use human hands to sort goods. Currently, many automatic sorting tools have been developed using sensors as scanning tools and conveyors as intermediary tools. A conveyor is a tool used to move one product to another place sequentially. The conveyor system uses Arduino Uno as a microcontroller and utilizes the TSC3200 color sensor so that objects can be sorted properly. With this tool, it can help coffee farmers after harvest activities so that coffee farmers can focus on other activities
Jurnal Mitra Teknik Industri Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): Jurnal Mitra Teknik Industri
Publisher : Universitas Tarumanagara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24912/jmti.v3i2.31993


As we know, every house nowadays definitely has at least one or two air conditioners, so this product definitely has to go through the maintenance stage so that the tools needed must also be adequate, but when we look again carefully at the tools that currently exist There are still some shortcomings, such as when someone wants to clean the AC, there is quite a bit of dew produced by the existing product that splatters, causing the floor to become wet and also the method of use is also quite simple but not optimal because most tools nowadays only use clear cloth and of course when the author wants to carry out an analysis of the product that will be designed, it is natural that it goes through several stages so that the product can sell and is in accordance with the wishes of the current community so that the stages for designing the product must go through various aspects such as using the method used by the author, namely the QFD method so that the product is can be produced according to the target desired by the author. For the product that will be designed, light materials will be used to avoid work accidents for both officers and the air conditioner itself and also to facilitate the mobility of the air conditioner so that the material chosen is polypropylene plastic pellets, where the plastic pellets will go through a molding process so that they will produce The product is in accordance with the author’s wishes, which has been confirmed to be of a reasonable size and the advantages of the product designed can be expected to make it easier for everyone to clean the AC, both in terms of installing the product and using the product.