Arnis Puspitha R
Faculty Of Nursing Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar 90245

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Pemberdayaan Keluarga dalam Perawatan Tuberkulosis Arnis Puspitha R; Kadek Ayu Erika; Umniyah Saleh
Media Karya Kesehatan Vol 3, No 1 (2020): Media Karya Kesehatan
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/mkk.v3i1.24040


Kelurahan Paccerakkang memiliki jumlah penderita Tuberkulosis (TB) yang meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Tingginya prevalensi TB diakibatkan kurangnya pengetahuan penderita TB dan keluarga, petugas kesehatan yang terbatas, serta tidak adanya kader kesehatan khusus untuk TB. Selain itu, juga karena kurangnya dukungan psikososial dan motivasi dari keluarga, serta ketidakpatuhan meminum Obat Anti Tuberkulosis (OAT). Tujuan program ini adalah memandirikan keluarga dalam merawat penderita TB. Kegiatan pemberdayaan berupa pendampingan keluarga dalam perawatan penderita tuberkulosis dilakukan selama 6 bulan mulai bulan April-September. Kegiatan ini terdiri dari 3 (tiga) tahap kegiatan, yaitu: Pelatihan keluarga (caregiver), Pendampingan dan pemberdayaan keluarga, serta pengawasan intensif pengobatan penderita TB. Hasil dari program ini adalah aktif dan mandirinya keluarga dalam mendampingi dan merawat penderita TB, berkurangnya angka kesakitan dan kematian akibat penyakit TB, serta meningkatnya status kesehatan masyarakat di kelurahan Paccerakkang Kota Makasar. Hal ini berdampak pada perbaikan tata nilai masyarakat baik dalam aspek pendidikan kesehatan, sosial, maupun kesejahteraan masyarakat. Kata kunci: Kepatuhan  berobat, pemberdayaan keluarga, perawatan TB, tuberculosis.
Pendampingan Posyandu Lanjut Usia Arnis Puspitha R; Nurhaya Nurdin; Umniyah Saleh
Media Karya Kesehatan Vol 2, No 1 (2019): Media Karya Kesehatan
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (578.23 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/mkk.v2i1.19399


Kota Makassar memiliki jumlah lanjut usia (lansia) terbanyak kedua di Sulawesi Selatan yaitu sebanyak 79.581 jiwa. Salah satu kelurahan di kota Makassar yaitu kelurahan Paccerakkang Kecamatan Biringkanaya terdapat  487 jiwa lansia yang tersebar di 8 RW. Sembilanpuluh persen lansia mengalami hipertensi, rheumatoid arthritis, infeksi saluran pernapasan atas, diabetes mellitus, gastritis, dan stroke, penglihatan kabur yang menyebabkan risiko jatuh, tetapi belum mendapat pelayanan kesehatan yang memadai. Selain itu, posyandu lansia di 3 RW masih bergabung dengan Posyandu balita, jumlah kunjungan lansia pun masih sangat rendah, sementara 5 RW lainnya belum memiliki Posyandu lansia. Selain itu jumlah petugas kesehatan sangat terbatas yakni hanya 1 orang. Dengan demikian, pelaksanaannya belum berfungsi optimal, bahkan tidak mampu menyentuh kebutuhan para lansia. Tujuan pendampingan Posyandu ini untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan lansia, baik fisik maupun psikologis, melalui kegiatan Posyandu lansia yang mandiri. Metode kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dalam tiga tahap yaitu pelatihan kader kesehatan lansia, pembentukan kelompok kerja (pokja) lansia, dan pendampingan pelaksanaan Posyandu lansia sistem 5 meja. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah adanya peningkatan pengetahuan yang cukup tentang kesehatannya, dapat mempertahankan kebugaran dan kesehatan fisik serta kesehatan psikologisnya. Posyandu lansia ini berdampak pada peningkatan derajat kesehatan baik fisik maupun psikologis dan usia harapan hidup lansia sehingga dapat mencapai masa tua yang bahagia dan berdaya guna dalam kehidupan keluarga dan masyarakat. Kata kunci: Hidup Sehat, lanjut usia, posyandu.
Budaya Siri’na Pacce terhadap Self Esteem Perempuan dengan HIV/AIDS di Kota Makassar Melalui Pendekatan Transcultural Nursing Brigita Sri Jane; Mutiara Cyesa Prasasti Ngandoh; Dea Nur Shabrina Hidayat; Framita Rahman; Arnis Puspitha R
Jurnal Keperawatan Silampari Vol 5 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Keperawatan Silampari
Publisher : Institut Penelitian Matematika, Komputer, Keperawatan, Pendidikan dan Ekonomi (IPM2KPE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (323.401 KB) | DOI: 10.31539/jks.v5i1.2915


This study aims to determine the influence of siri'na pacce culture on women's self-esteem with HIV/AIDS and the factors that influence the level of self-esteem of women with HIV/AIDS in the city of Makassar. This research method is mixed-method research using a transcultural nursing approach. The study results found that all respondents still adhere to the siri'na pacce culture in their families. Based on the questionnaire data analysis, most of the respondents had moderate levels of self-esteem in their families. In conclusion, the factors that influence this are the siri'na pacce culture which is still adhered to by the Bugis Makassar community, the level of education, and the moral support obtained from the family so that women living with HIV can live everyday daily lives even though they only reveal their HIV status to their families. Closest. Keywords: HIV/AIDS, Self Esteem, Siri'na Pacce, Transcultural Nursing
Physical Activity Among Obese And Non-Obese School-Aged Children in An Elementary School in Makassar Kadek Ayu Erika; Syahrul Syahrul; Ilkafah Ilkafah; Arnis Puspitha
Journal of Health Science and Prevention Vol. 3 No. 3S (2019): Spesial Issue
Publisher : State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (877.174 KB) | DOI: 10.29080/jhsp.v3i3S.283


The Prevalence of obesity among children in the urban areas is increasing due to less physical activity, high consumption of fast-food, and more time spent on using the gadget. This study aimed to identify physical activity among obese and non-obese children. This descriptive study involved 322 obese and non-obese students from 4th to 6th grade in an elementary school in Makassar. Physical Activity Questionnaire for Older Children (PAQ-C) was used to measure children’s physical activity, while the anthropometrical parameter was measured using a standardized instrument. Children’s body mass index for age z-score (BAZ) was used to classify their nutritional status based on the criteria of Growth Reference for Children from 5 to 19 years old from World Health Organization. Cross-tabulation was used in analyzing the data. Obese and non-obese children in this study were found 53 (16,0%) and 279 (84,0%), respectively. A hundred percent of obese children have low physical activity, while non-obese children have better physical activity. In conclusion, elementary school students in this study have low physical activity, particularly among obese children. Children are rarely spent on their time to do physical activity. There is a need to promote appropriate physical activity among children to prevent and treat obesity among children. Health professionals could provide health education and counseling to children, family and/or schools to manage physical activity among children.
Analysis of Routine Blood Profile as Data Supporting for Nursing Assessment in Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy Treatment at the RSU. Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Yuliana Syam; Prihantono Prihantono; Elly Lilianty Sjattar; Arnis Puspitha
Journal of Health Science and Prevention Vol. 3 No. 3S (2019): Spesial Issue
Publisher : State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (663.453 KB) | DOI: 10.29080/jhsp.v3i3S.301


Chemotherapy is one of the modality therapies given to breast cancer patients to inhibit cancer cell metastases. The side effects of chemotherapy can suppress the hematopoietic system in the bone marrow and progressively affect the patient's prognosis. The aim of study was to analyze routine blood profiles as supporting data in developing nursing care for breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy at the RSU. Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar, Indonesia, from June to September 2018. This research was a descriptive research with descriptive survey method. This research was conducted at the RSU Surgical Polyclinic. Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo. The sampling technique used was Non-Probability Sampling a purposive sampling method. The participants of this study were patients with breast cancer who undergo chemotherapy treatment with a number of samples that meet the inclusion criteria as many as 32 people. of the 17 routine blood components which were assessed as one of the investigations in 32 patients were found to be 4 abnormal components, red blood cells mean ± SD (3.99 10^6/ uL ± 0.51), hemoglobin mean ± SD (11.18 gr/l ± 1.09), hematocrit mean ± SD (34.96% ± 3.96), and mean ± SD monocyte (15,043 10^3/uL ± 8.95). due to metastasis and side effects of chemotherapy treatment decrease red blood cells, hemoglobin, hematocrit, and increase in specific immune response through increase of monocytes indicator that performing phagocytosis.
Physical Exercise and Bone Density Score of Older Adults Having High Risk of Falls Ade Irma Rahayu; Arnis Puspitha; Ahmad Dahlan Syam; Hasriyani Hasriyani
Indonesian Contemporary Nursing Journal Volume 1 No. 1 Agustus 2016
Publisher : Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (465.794 KB) | DOI: 10.20956/icon.v1i1.3368


Introduction: Decreased Bone Mineral Density (BMD) is considered as a determining factor of injury from falls. Previous study revealed that physical exercise contributes to the changes of fall risk of older adults with leg muscle strength, balance, and BMD as its intervening variable. This study aimed to determine the effect of physical exercise on BMD value among elderly with high risk of fall in Makassar. Method: We used two-group pretest-posttest design. Ten women aged > 60 with high risk of fall were involved using purposive sampling based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. The researchers used exercise guidelines made by Indonesian Ministry of Youth and Sport. BMD was measured on the sole of the feet using Bone Densitometry and interpreted as z-score. Data were processed using SPSS and tested by Paired Sample T-Test and Independent T-Test. Result: Almost half of the elderly had low BMD value that leads to osteopenia. There was no  effect  of  physical  exercise  to  the  BMD  changes  among  elderly (p = 0.675 for experiment group) and significant difference for both groups was p = 0.86. However, mean difference showed that experiment group had higher changes of BMD value compared to control group. Conclusion: Physical exercise has no overall treatment effect on bone mineral density in older women with high risk of fall. It is recommended that a longer period of time of physical exercise. Measured BMD using DXA on hip and lumbar spine is also needed for further studies
The Effect of Active Range of Motion Exercise on Sensory Neuropathy in Diabetes Mellitus Patients Surianti Surianti; Abdul Majid; Arnis Puspitha
Indonesian Contemporary Nursing Journal Volume 1 No. 2 Februari 2017
Publisher : Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (217.204 KB) | DOI: 10.20956/icon.v1i2.3593


Background: Chronic Complication of DM patient that the most founded is neuropatic diabetic. It related to chronic hyperglicemic that can damage vascular and the neuron. In 2010, Prevalence odf chronic complication on DM patient around 22,7% until 54,0%. One of tthe non farmacological therapy is Range of Motion of limb joint movement exercise.. This research aims to know the effect of limb joint exercise actively on sensoric neuropaty DM type 2 with no ulcus. Method: Desain quasy-experimental pre-post test design with purposive sampling technic. Consist of 20 group of intervention and 20 group of control. The Intervention group have to make a ROM exercise and the Control group not make that. All of the group must be observed three times in a week for one month with the using of 10 g monofilamen for protection sensation and Diabetic Neuropathy Symptom (DNS) question for the polineuropaty perifer (PNP) complaint. Wilcoxon Statistik test for dependen test and  Mann-Withney test for the independent tes with significancy (ɑ=0,05). Results: the research result show that there is a difference on mean value of protection sensation intervention group between pre with post test on lright food and left food p=0,0001 and PNP ( p=0,005) make a difference on mean value with post test between two group (p=0,001), but not for the mean value of protection sensation. Conclusion: The conclusion from this reseearch is the ROM exercise actively influenced on PNP form the DM patient type 2 with no ulcus. The ROM exercise should be make on 3-5 times on a week for 8 until 12 weeks and doing it comprehensively so that can make the significant influenced.
Effect of 30 Minutes Walking on Blood Pressure of Elderly in Paccerakkang District of Makassar Andi Nurfadilah Rezky; Nurmiyanti Nur; Rismawati Samad; Arnis Puspitha
Indonesian Contemporary Nursing Journal Volume 3 No. 2 Februari 2019
Publisher : Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (4069.276 KB) | DOI: 10.20956/icon.v3i2.3635


Background: Sports activity affects a person's fitness level. Sports activities in the form of aerobic exercise, resistance or resistance training and flexibility exercises can improve your fitness. The exercise was done with medium intensity 3 times per week and 30 minutes duration. The importance of one's body fitness should get more attention. Especially in improving the quality of physical condition capabilities such as cardiovascular endurance, muscle strength and endurance, body shape. In this case a person can perform maximum exercise on the physical condition. This study aims to find out how the effect of walking 30 minutes to decrease blood pressure in elderly in working area of Health Center of Pacer Balik Kota Makassar. Method: This research is Quasy Experiment with Pre and Post Test Without Control design. The sample of research is 30 respondents. The research instrument is a tool to check uric acid levels and blood pressure measuring devices. Result: Blood pressure of respondent before walking done have mean value 3,40 mmHg and walking done have mean value 2,47 mmHg, Based on hypothesis test which have been done, hence obtained conclusion that walking 30 min influence significantly to pressure drop blood. Based on the calculation that has been done, obtained p-value for the pair of pre-posttest variable for blood pressure is 0.000 while the significance level α = 0.05. Conclusion and Suggestion: Based on hypothesis testing that has been done, hence obtained conclusion that walk 30 minutes influence significantly to decrease blood pressure. By knowing the influence of elderly gymnastics on the decrease of blood pressure in elderly with hypertension, nurses are expected to give and suggest non-pharmacological intervention and walk 3 times a week with 30 minutes duration in minimizing risk of complication of hypertension.
Description of Elderly Mental Status in Work Area Puskesmas Pampang Makassar Ayu Wulandari; Yuliana Syam; Arnis Puspitha
Indonesian Contemporary Nursing Journal Volume 2 No. 2 Februari 2018
Publisher : Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (672.865 KB) | DOI: 10.20956/icon.v2i2.7686


Introduction:mental status of elderly is an emotional or cognitive state in the elderly is shown by the behavior of the stand. Mental health problems are very important for the elderly and often occurs in the elderly. The incidence of mental disorders in the elderly status is very high. paired mental status in elderly pose a variety of problems that can affect physical health, psychological, social and quality of life of the elderly so that the necessary nursing services for the early detection of mental status disorders that occur among the elderly. Method: The study design quantitative descriptive survey method. Samples numbered 97 people were selected using cluster random sampling. Primary data was collected by questionnaire the Mini Mental Status Examination (MMSE). Result:T he study of 97 respondents showed that 55.7% had normal mental status, impaired mental status light there are 29.9% and 14.4% of elderly with impaired mental status severe. Based propporsi elderly who suffer from mental status of the most widely experienced by women (52.4%), greater in very old age (100%), greater in elderly unmarried (100%), greater in elderly are not in school ( 70.6%), greater in elderly with a history of self-employed work (44.7%), and greater in the elderly with a history of rheumatic disease (61.1%). Conclusions: Mental status of elderly in Puskesmas Kota Makassar Pampang mostly normal. Therefore, elderly mental health need to be detected early to avoid the impact of mental disorders in the elderly.
Implementation of Home Care Services by Community Health Centers (Puskesmas) in Makassar City, Indonesia Kusrini Semarwati Kadar; Fitrah Ardillah; Arnis Puspitha; Erfina Erfina
Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia Vol 25, No 1 (2022): March
Publisher : Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.7454/jki.v25i1.1695


Home care services by health professionals, such as doctors, nurses, and other health care professionals, target to provide health care services, including health education, physical examination, or other treatments such as physical therapy or medication. This study aimed to evaluate the implementation of home care (nursing care and home care services) in Makassar City in accordance with government guidelines. A qualitative descriptive study was conducted by interviewing nurses (15 participants) from several community health centers (Puskesmas) in Makassar City, Indonesia who have implemented a home care program for at least a year. Four main themes had emerged, namely, management of home care services, nurses’ roles in home care services, perceived barriers, and community benefits. Despite some barriers, the home care programs delivered by health care professionals including nurses in Puskesmas in Makassar City have been well implemented in accordance with the guidelines. On the basis of the obstacles faced by the nurses, one recommendation is for the government to provide specific guidelines on the types of patients to be included in these services. The government also needs to ensure that the community knows the types of patients’ condition who can avail these services.Abstrak Implementasi Pelayanan Perawatan di Rumah (Home Care) oleh Puskesmas di Kota Makassar, Indonesia. Pelayanan perawatan di rumah (home care) oleh petugas kesehatan seperti dokter, perawat, dan petugas kesehatan lainnya bertujuan untuk memberikan pelayanan kesehatan meliputi pendidikan kesehatan, pengkajian fisik, atau memberikan terapi fisik ataupun pengobatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kesesuaian antara implementasi pelaksanaan pelayanan home care di kota Makassar dengan petunjuk teknis pelaksanaan home care dari pemerintah. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan melakukan wawancara mendalam kepada 15 orang perawat dari beberapa Puskesmas di kota Makassar, Indonesia, yang terlibat dalam kegiatan pelayanan home care minimal selama satu tahun. Terdapat empat tema utama yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini antara lain, pengelolaan home care, peran perawat dalam pelaksanaan home care, hambatan dalam pelaksanaan home care, dan manfaat dari pelaksanaan home care di kota Makassar. Secara umum, pelaksanaan kegiatan home care sudah dilaksanakan sesuai petunjuk teknis dengan baik oleh perawat di Puskesmas kota Makassar walaupun masih ada beberapa hambatan dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan ini. Pemerintah diharapkan membuat petunjuk pelaksanaan (SOP) yang lebih jelas terkait pelaksanaan kegiatan ini atau melakukan pembaharuan regulasi terkait program ini. Kata Kunci: home care, peran perawat, puskesmas