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Elite : English and Literature Journal Vol 7 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : UIN Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (16.642 KB) | DOI: 10.24252/elite.v7i1a5


This research tries to analyze the processes of sensing found in tourism booklets. Since the research only focuses on the processes of sensing, it is focused on the verbs. The data are collected from two booklets from Latvia’s official tourism website. The method used is descriptive-qualitative. This analysis tries to answer three questions. They are the analyses of the sense processes, the types of sense processes, and the most and least sensing process verbs found from the analyses. From the analyses of the data, the emotive ‘like’ type verbs appear more than the other three sensing type verbs. The least finding is a desiderative verb, the verb wish.
Performa Mesin Pencacah Pelepah Kelapa Sawit dengan Sistem Rotary Yang Fitri Arriyani; Idiar Idiar; Subkhan Subkhan; Shanty Dwi Krishnaningsih
Manutech : Jurnal Teknologi Manufaktur Vol. 13 No. 02 (2021): Manutech: Jurnal Teknologi Manufaktur
Publisher : Politeknik Manufaktur Negeri Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (732 KB) | DOI: 10.33504/manutech.v13i02.187


The utilization of palm frond waste can be processed as animal feed, compost, making briquettes, and basic materials for composite panels. The utilization of palm oil frond waste for various purposes is processed by chopping it into small chunks. The chopping process using a chopping machine makes it easy for farmers and speeds up the chopping time. Several studies have been carried out on the chopping process of palm leaf midribs using different motors and various models of cutting blades, varying motor power, and motor rotation speed in order to obtain the optimal engine capacity. The design method used in the manufacture of the machine is the Pahl Beitz method, namely planning, designing product concepts, designing shapes, and designing details. The parameters observed and measured were the effective capacity of the machine, the rendemen of the chopping, and the length of the chopping results. The trial was carried out three times by chopping the fronds each weighing 5 kg. The test results of machine showed that the average effective capacity of the machine was 244.06 kg / hour so that it was included in the class A category. The average chopping rendemen on the machine was 97% and the average size was count ? 50 mm is 89.5% and has met the requirements of SNI 7580: 2010.
UNJUK KERJA MESIN PENCACAH PELEPAH KELAPA SAWIT DENGAN SISTEM ROTARY Yang Fitri Arriyani; Idiar Idiar; Subkhan Subkhan; Shanty Dwi Krishnaningsih
SINTEK JURNAL: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin Vol 15, No 2 (2021): SINTEK JURNAL
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24853/sintek.15.2.130-135


Pemanfaatan limbah pelepah sawit dapat diolah sebagai pakan ternak, kompos, pembuatan briket, dan bahan dasar panel komposit. Pemanfaatan limbah pelepah kelapa sawit untuk berbagai tujuan tersebut diproses dengan cara mencacahnya menjadi cacahan berukuran kecil. Proses pencacahan dengan menggunakan mesin pencacah memberikan kemudahan bagi petani dan mempercepat waktu pencacahan. Beberapa penelitian telah dilakukan pada proses pencacahan pelepah daun kelapa sawit  dengan menggunakan motor penggerak yang berbeda-beda dan berbagai model pisau potong, daya motor, serta kecepatan putaran motor yang bervariasi dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan kapasitas efektif mesin yang optimal. Metode perancangan yang digunakan dalam pembuatan mesin adalah metode Pahl dan Beitz, yaitu perencanaan, perancangan konsep produk, perancangan bentuk, dan perancangan detail. Parameter yang diamati dan diukur pada mesin adalah kapasitas efektif mesin, rendemen cacahan, dan ukuran panjang hasil cacahan. Uji coba dilakukan sebanyak tiga kali pengulangan dengan mencacah pelepah yang ditimbang masing-masing seberat 5 kg. Hasil uji coba terhadap mesin pencacah pelepah kelapa sawit sistem rotary menunjukkan bahwa kapasitas efektif mesin rata-rata adalah sebesar 244,06 kg/jam sehingga termasuk dalam katergori kelas A. Rendemen cacahan rata-rata pada mesin adalah sebesar 97 % dan ukuran rata-rata cacahan ≤ 50 mm adalah sebesar 89,5 % dan telah memenuhi syarat SNI 7580: 2010.
AKSIOMA: Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika Vol 11, No 4 (2022)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (937.078 KB) | DOI: 10.24127/ajpm.v11i4.6136


Mathematical literacy merupakan salah satu kemampuan yang muncul dari aktivitas pemecahan masalah matematika seseorang. Dalam kegiatan peningkatan mathematical literacy diperlukan adanya instrumen khusus yang dapat mengeksplor aktivitas mahasiswa dalam merumuskan, menerapkan, dan menafsirkan matematika untuk memecahkan permasalahan dalam konteks di kehidupan sehari-hari. Kurang tersedianya instrumen tes yang mampu mendukung peningkatan mathematical literacy m­­­­ahasiswa menjadi salah satu penyebab rendahnya pencapaian keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi mahasiswa politeknik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyediakan sumber belajar melalui pengembangan soal-soal matematika bilingual (dua bahasa) berbasis mathematical literacy dengan konteks teknik mesin untuk mahasiswa vokasi di abad 21 yang valid, praktis, dan mempunyai efek potensial. Penelitian pengembangan soal ini merupakan penelitian design research tipe development study dengan tahapan preliminary dan formative evaluation. Secara rinci, tahap formative evaluation dibagi lagi menjadi self evaluation, prototyping, dan field test. Analisis data pada penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian berupa seperangkat soal matematika bilingual (dua bahasa) berbasis mathematical literacy dengan konteks teknik mesin untuk mahasiswa politeknik dengan memiliki kriteria valid, praktis dan mempunyai efek potensial. Soal yang dikembangkan sebanyak 23 butir soal yang dinyatakan valid berdasarkan penilaian validator dari aspek konten, konstruk, dan bahasa, kemudian memiliki kriteria praktis berdasarkan uji coba small group dan butir soal tersebut mempunyai efek potensial yang ditinjau dari analisis hasil jawaban siswa dan angket pada saat field test
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Inovasi Teknologi Terapan Vol. 2 No. 01 (2022): Prosiding Seminar Nasional Inovasi Teknologi Terapan
Publisher : Politeknik Manufaktur Negeri Bangka Belitung

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ABSTRACT The reason for conducting this review is to determine the effect of alkalization on the tensile strength and elasticity of composites of bamboo fiber and coconut fiber with a polyester matrix by varying the NaOH with concentrations of 0%, 2%, and 5%. Alkalization is one of the modifications of natural fibers to develop a compatible fiber-matrix. This exploration strategy uses the hand lay-up technique. In the main cycle, bamboo fiber and coconut fiber were treated without alkalization or 0% alkalization and in the next interaction, bamboo and coconut fiber were soaked in water (2% and 5% NaOH) for 2 hours. Then, at that time, each treatment process was formed into a composite according to the standard tensile test of ASTM D638 – II. The volume portion of bamboo fiber is 15%, coconut fiber is 15% and polyester resin is 70%, and the arrangement of bamboo fibers and coconut fibers is arranged horizontally. The matrix used in this study is a polyester resin matrix of type 157 BTQN with 1% MEKPO hardener. The highest concentration from this review showed that bamboo fiber and coconut fiber composites with NaOH variations of 0%, 2% and 5% respectively had tensile strengths of 34.9 MPa, 34.9 MPa and 54.74 MPa. The highest concentration with 5% NaOH produced the highest tensile strength of 54.74 MPa, while the coconut fiber composite without alkalization had the lowest tensile strength of 34.9 MPa.
Pengaruh Media Pendingin Bio Solar Pada Perlakuan Panas Untuk Meningkatkan Kekerasan Roda Gigi Sproket Devri Gusmantoro; Erwansyah Erwansyah; Shanty Dwi Krishnaningsih
Jurnal Inovasi Teknologi Terapan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Inovasi Teknologi Terapan
Publisher : Politeknik Manufaktur Negeri Bangka Belitung

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The sprocket gears is one part of motorcycle that functions as a power transfer transmission. The service of gears can be influenced by several aspect, one of which is the hardness of sprocket gears. The hardness of the sprocket gear material can be increased by various mathod, one of which is heat treatment. This study used an experimental method with the aim of knowing the effect of bio diesel as the main cooling medium on increasing the hardness of non-original sprocket gears. The research process included carburizing and hardening processes on 2 non-original brands at temperature of 910°C and then cooled using bio diesel and water cooling media with a holding time of 30 minute and 60 minutes. The results showed that the heat treatment process could increase the hardness of brand A with a normal hardness of 104 HB resulting in the highest value in the parameter holding time of 60 minute and water cooling medium with a hardness value of 111,6 HB and brand B of normal hardness with a value of 110,8 HB producing the highest value is the holding time parameter of 60 minutes and water cooling medium with a hardness value of 115,9 HB. Based on the result obtained, water cooling medium is higher than bio diesel cooling medium.
DESAIN ALAT ANGKAT UNTUK PEMASANGAN CETAKAN DI MESIN INJEKSI PLASTIK ARBURG 420 C Amanda Renata; Muhammad Fajri Adzan; M Yunus; Shanty Dwi Krishnaningsih
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Inovasi Teknologi Terapan Vol. 2 No. 02 (2022): Prosiding Seminar Nasional Inovasi Teknologi Terapan
Publisher : Politeknik Manufaktur Negeri Bangka Belitung

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In this final project, a lifting device was designed for the installation of molds on the Arburg 420 C plastic injection machine due to the problems with the large dimensions of the molds that could not be installed on the machine. Therefore the purpose of this final project is to create a lifting equipment degin for the installation of a 500mm X 400mm dimension mold that can lift the mold with a maximum weight of 700kg. in this final project, Auto CAD software is used to draw 2D designs and Solidworks to analyze the stress analysis. The method used is VDI 2222 methode. This method is carried out in 4 stages: plan, concept, design, and finish. The result of this final project is a lifting equipment is able to lift the molds with a maximum weight of 700kg. techically the frame of this tool is able to lift the molds with a maximum load of 1 tonne.